Accessing URL query parameters using javascript in CakePHP - url

CakePHP URL query parameters are not done in a standard fashion e.g. the params are /param1:value1/param2:value2 instead of ?param1=value1&param2=value2
This means that the javascript does not return a value.
There is a getQueryParams JQuery plugin that does what I want using
I have had to modify this to use
var pairs = location.pathname.split('/');
instead of
var pairs ='&');
However this now includes everything except the host in the variable pairs. So I have to check for a ':' to see if it is a parameter.
This works - but is there a better (more Cake like) way of doing it? I don't want to improve on the JQuery plugin (e.g. Regex), I want to find a better way to integrate the plugin with CakePHP.
Upddate: I've removed the rest of the JQuery code as I'm happy with the jquery code, my issue is with fitting it more with cake
Is there some 'Cake like' way of removing the path to your app, the model and the controller from location.pathname so that you end up what you would normally get from

Since you're searching for a particular parameter, you can use a regular expression:
$.getQueryParam = function (param) {
var re = new RegExp(param+':([^\/]+)');
var matches = location.pathname.match(re);
if (matches.length) {
return matches[1];
return undefined;

So it appears there isn't a better way of doing it. Here is the javascript for reference:
// jQuery getQueryParam Plugin 1.0.1 (20100429)
// By John Terenzio | | MIT License
// Modified by ICC to work with cakephp
(function ($) {
// jQuery method, this will work like PHP's $_GET[]
$.getQueryParam = function (param) {
// get the pairs of params fist
// we can't use the javascript '' because the cakephp URL doesn't use standard URL params
// e.g. the params are /param1:value1/param2:value2 instead of ?param1=value1&param2=value2
var pairs = location.pathname.split('/');
// now iterate each pair
for (var i = 0; i < pairs.length; i++) {
// cakephp query params all contain ':'
if (pairs[i].indexOf(':') > 0) {
var params = pairs[i].split(':');
if (params[0] == param) {
// if the param doesn't have a value, like ?photos&videos, then return an empty srting
return params[1] || '';
//otherwise return undefined to signify that the param does not exist
return undefined;


Does elementHandler in jspdf fromHTML support multiple elements?

I am using jspdf to convert an HTML page to PDF using fromHTML(). The HTML page includes multiple images, which I need fromHTML() to ignore in order to generate the PDF.
I want to use the elementHandler to ignore the images. However, I can only get that to work with a single element ID. Here is the way the documentation shows:
var elementHandler = {
'#ignorePDF': function (element, renderer) {
return true;
I have tried to replace the '#ignorePDF' ID reference to a reference with a class that applies to all of the images:
or to include multiple ID's (one for each image):
but neither of those approaches has worked for me. Is there another way to accomplish this?
i figured out both issues. To reference multiple items to ignore, set it up like this:
var elementHandler = {};
elementHandlers["#img1"] = function...
elementHandlers["#img2"] = function...
also best to create a function that you can reuse rather than defining it over and over.
As for the inability to use a variable for the key, that was a dumb javascript error on my part. The variable name can be used like this:
var img1 = "#img1";
elementHandlers[img1] = function...
The # character must be included.
It would be useful if the method were modified to permit a class value to be entered so that a single class could be used to denote all items to be ignored.
You can ignore all objects of the same class (called for example no-print), as follows:
var noprints = document.getElementsByClassName("no-print");
var elementHandler = {};
for (var i=0; i<noprints.length; i++) {
elementHandler['#'+noprints[i].getAttribute('id')] = function (element, renderer) { return true; }

Working with parsed model in Xtend validator

I want to know how I can access the parsed model of my program. I have a validation check written in xtend which accepts a rule A as it parameter. however I want to search the entire parsed tree and make sure that any other reference to this specific instance of A follows certain specifications.
def checkActionBelongsToAssociatedRole(ActionDsc act){
var pRole = act.parentRole
var rs = new ResourceSetImpl()
var resource = rs.getResource(URI.createURI("./model/generated/Protocol.ecore"), true)
if( =={
In the generator file that I have I already get the Resource object as a parameter.
override void doGenerate(Resource resource, IFileSystemAccess fsa) {
//Generate code
How can I do the same thing for my validator. Thank you in advance!
act.eResource() allows to access the resource that contains the action.

MVC Dynamically append img tag from controller

I want to add unknown number of images based on how many is there for specific user; i have used .Append function for div,labels,inputs and its work fine but when i want to append with source its not working !
so how can i do this ?
i have tried this:
` string sc = "$('<img/>', {src=\"~/Content/themes/img2.jpg\" alt=\"\",class:'table-wrapper'}).appendTo(finalDalata);";
return JavaScript(sc)`
finalDalata is my Div name
so whats iam doing wrong ?
Your appendTo code is invalid, it needs a selector, and your image attributes are not formatted properly, so it should be:
string sc = "$('<img/>', { src:'~/Content/themes/img2.jpg', alt:'', class:'table-wrapper'}).appendTo('#finalDalata');"
However, controller should return data and not control (exploits and injections comes to mind), so a better way would be to create an AppendImage function on the View side in javascript:
function AppendImage(attributes)
$('<img/>', attributes).appendTo('#finalDalata');
Note: you should probably sanitize the attributes before to be sure.
Then return a list of attributes only:
var images = new List<dynamic>();
// Do this for each images
images.Add(new { src="~/Content/themes/img2.jpg", alt="", class="table-wrapper"});
return Json(images);
And in the ajax success you can:
success: function (data) {
data.foreach( function (item) {
Solved by TagBuilder
TagBuilder tag = new TagBuilder("img");
tag.Attributes.Add("id", "myImage");
tag.Attributes.Add("src", "/imgs/" + UserName + ".jpg");
tag.Attributes.Add("alt", "my image");
tag.Attributes.Add("class", "imgsClass");
then convert tag to string and pass it back to view

DustJS: Escape input from context

Doing some investigation for using dust.js, and I was wondering is there a way from preventing bad data to be rendered.
Hello {name}! You have {count} new messages
"name": "Mick",
"count": Math.PI
Yields, this result:
Hello Mick! You have 3.141592653589793 new messages
In this example, is there a way to escape the Math.PI, so that we can bail out and not print 3.14..
You, as the developer, have to decide what is 'bad data' and what is an acceptable alternative.
Then you must either transform it in code (eg. the node.js building the page) before it reaches dust.js, or write a helper to render whatever you want with appropriate fallback. For instance, if you want to render integers, and display some custom fallback text otherwise, you might use a helper something like this:
Create an integerOrElse function, and save it in a file, eg.
// this extends dustjs-helpers (which must therefore be in package.json)
var dust = require('dustjs-helpers');
dust.helpers.integerOrElse = function (chunk, ctx, bodies, params) {
// tap function resolves variables in params
var value = dust.helpers.tap(params.value, chunk, ctx),
fallback = dust.helpers.tap(params.fallback, chunk, ctx) || '';
// define a fallback for the fallback :) ----------------^^^^^
// for more brevity, you could do this in one line with a ternary operator
if (!isNaN(value) && parseInt(value) == value) {
return chunk.write(value);
} else {
return chunk.write(fallback);
Then require() it in your app, replacing where you would have called the vanilla dust.js:
var dust = require('./local-dust-helpers');
You can then use it just like a native dust.js directive:
Hello {name}!
You have {#integerOrElse value='{count}' fallback='some' /} new messages

Pass a URL into a Dart app

I have a page with links. These links all end in the same way. For example,,, etc. I want all these links to call the same Dart app and have the app do some processing and then redirect you wherever you need to go (the bananas page vs. the oranges page). This way, I avoid having an actual HTML file for every single fruit. I can instead have a single landing template that gets populated with variable fruit data.
The part I'm hung up on is passing the url into the Dart app so it can do the handling. I understand main() cannot receive arguments, so what's another way?
You can use the route package to handle the URL's for you.
For example:
import 'package:route/client.dart';
final fruitUrl = new UrlPattern(r'/fruit/(\w+)');
main() {
var router = new Router()
..addHandler(fruitUrl, showFruit)
void showFruit(String path) {
var fruit = fruitUrl.parse(req.path)[0];
// Display the page according to the fruit type
If you don't need to handle actual routes, and you just want to handle any query parameters passed of the form ?fruit=apple you don't have to use the routes package and can instead manually parse the URL:
Map params = {};
// If arguments were provided, decode them into params map
if( > 1) {
// Break all arguments into form: fruit=apple
List<String> queryPairs ='&');
for(String queryPair in queryPairs) {
// Add arguments into params map: key=fruit, value=apple
List<String> queryPairList = queryPair.split('=');
params[queryPairList[0]] = queryPairList[1];
// Handle the proper action based on the fruit
switch(params['fruit']) {
case 'apple':
// ...
// ...
case 'orange':
// ...
