What are the alternatives for file upload on ios safari? - ios

I have a mobile web app/site and I would like the users to upload a word document to our site.
As safari on the iPhone is not able to upload files what are the alternatives?
I have seen http://code.google.com/p/iphone-photo-picker/ however this is not photograph.
Is it documented anywhere that the Dropbox API, iCloud API or another API would allow selection a file from a user to copy to our servers?
Alternately is there another way for our iPhone users using safari?

No, iPhone does not offer input type file on it's browser (except for images or videos).
What i do is, have users to send file(s) via email to site and download it programmatically on the server side and assign it to user's account either according to email address or some sort of password in the email.

Investigation has shown that the drop box API for the user so select a via on the webpage using OAuth could be an option in the future.
However the dropbox api documentation at the time of writing says:
Web applications using the Dropbox API are currently not officially
iCloud API is in beta and only available to members of the iOS and Mac Developer Programs so I am unable to review it's possibilities.
Update: I have now found this site: http://filepicker.io that handles uploads from facebook and dropbox.


OAuth2 with cloud services on devices with limited input capabilities

I'm new to the OAuth Authentication process so be gentle:
Goal: To create an embedded application on a device that will integrate with Google Drive, Dropbox, One Drive, Box to retrieve & store documents. This can be easily accomplished with OAuth2 authenticaiton.
Problem: The devices have limited input capabilities (and no browser) that prohibit users from being directly redirected, for them to input username/pass on the device.
Research: I've noticed looking through the documentation for these APIs that Google provides something called OAuth2 For Devices which allows the device to request a "User Code" when they first attempt to use the application on the device. The user can then go to a computer, navigate to a specific URL, and input that code to authorize the device to access their account. This circumvents to need for user input, or a browser at all, on the physical device.
Question: Do Dropbox, Box, OneDrive, or any others allow for this type of functionality, or anything comparable? As far as I can tell Google is the only one supporting this type of workflow.
Recently i've researched the same question and i've found out that while Google Drive Api supports OAuth2 flow for limited devices, it supports a very limited set of scopes. It means that Drive api for limited devices can offer only application data synchronization (files uploaded by app), because it won't find any files created by the user (outside of application, i.e. from web) even in a dedicated application folder. (assuming that user understands that application owns that folder and everything placed there ideally should be accessible by that)
By 2022, i've found the most promising api is from Koofr which doesn't have such limitation for devices and bundles multiple cloud services into one package.
Their documentation doesn't mention support for limited devices, yet it's fully working and can be found in their online HTTP api test suite.

How to send Tweet via your iOS App (NOT Twitter)

In my application I need to generate a link and needs to share on Twitter and Facebook. For Facebook I have used its SDK but for Twitter I am not able to find any such SDK which I can integrate in my app and make it able to Tweet it.
On Twitter site I saw REST API but I think that cannot be used for Tweeting. One more thing, I have integrated the Twitter with the help of Social.framework but in case if user hasn't provided his/her details in iPhone then that code won't work and I think if Twitter App is installed in the iPhone we can just launch the app but I cannot pass Data to be Tweeted.
How would you have handled this situation?
Try using one of these URIs. You need to handle the case where the user does not have the app installed also. For that I believe you will want to launch the browser and send a web intent.

Dropbox, iOS, OAuth, Token embedded in app

Working on an iOS app that will use Dropbox as a server side ( just a place to store documents that the app needs to access). Most work I see around Dropbox API is asking the user to go and login from the iOS app into Dropbox, and then get the user token and save it, But I don;t ant that, I want to have a token stored within the app at all times. How can I achieve that? is that possible or a good practice.

Dropbox chooser with Oauth

I am working on integrating dropbox with iOS application. I want to implement below functionality.
User can share his existing dropbox file with app.
If user modifies any of the files, i should able to fetch the updated file and notify app server.
Also these files are not app related ones. User can share any docs in his dropbox account with app
After going through API, i found that i can use dropbox chooser UI to share files. chooser is generating temporary URL which i can share with my server to extract the file from dropbox.
But to get the modified files, i have to integrate with OAuth permission to run delta query on dropbox account. Here i am struck with two parallel functionalities chooser and OAuth which seems not related to each other. Even while asking OAuth permission also, dropbox taking to web url to grant permission instead of showing already logged in user on iOS.
How do i verify both chooser account and OAuth granted account are same? How will i show dropbox chooser(of OAuth connected) when user wants to add any file to app?
Correct me if i am wrong in understanding dropbox API. Also let me know if i have to provide more details.

Upload public file to dropbox from iOS App without auth

Am writing an iPhone App in which I want to upload a text file from the iOS App to somewhere & I thought of using dropbox for it. I will upload the file to my dropbox ID from the App (i.e. the user won't be required to authenticate with his/her dropbox credentials). Is this possible? Dropbox API (I even tried GDrive API) asks for auth ; how do I give my dropbox credentials through code & upload the file to my dropbox account?
You must need Auth,otherwise in which account the file gets uploaded??
I don't think there is any other means to accomplish this except through OAuth.
Please refer to this framework that enables your app to access files from Dropbox without having to worry about the complexities of implementing a file browser, OAuth, or managing uploads and storage.
