Rails search/checkbox logic - ruby-on-rails

I am trying to create some search function.
I do want users to be able to check checkboxes.
When the form submitted the ID of the companies should be send as params to a given URL.
In my controller i need to create some search action, I just dont know how to params are gonna be.
def search
#companyies = Company.find(find all the companies that match the params)'
How should I create the checkbox loop?
How should I create the search action?

Regarding the use of check boxes, this might be of some help to you.
A Railscast by Ryan Bates

Instead of rolling your own search system, you may have better luck using something like searchlogic that does most of this for you.


Unable to change the parameter from id to a custom variable in Rails

I've been racking my brain trying to figure out something that should be extremely simple, so I'm sure I'm just overlooking something and a fresh set of eyes might be useful since all my code is seemingly blurring together. I'm attempting to create vanity URLS for a site that allows users to create categories and then post relevant stories based on those categories. So, for example, I would like users to access /categories/movies in order to view the movie section. If I set it up to use the category id, /categories/1, it works no problem. For whatever reason, rails keeps trying to use the id parameter to find the category as opposed to the title parameter. I'm using Ruby 2.0.0 and Rails 4.0. I've read that the "find_by" method will become deprecated soon, so if there's a better way to handle this, that'd be great. Here's the relevant code:
Categories Controller
def show
#categories = Category.find_by_title(params[:title])
#category = Category.find_by_title(params[:title])
#posts = Post.where(category: set_category).all
resources :categories
get "/categories/:title" => "categories#show"
Terminal readout when rendering page
Processing by CategoriesController#show as HTML
Parameters: {"id"=>"Movies"}
Just to reiterate, the parameters should read {"title"=>"Movies"} not id. Like I said, I'm sure it's something extremely simple that I've overlooked. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.
I had to implement vanity urls as well and followed this blog post/tutorial
You pretty much create a slug in your model with the vanity-url, so
class Category < ActiveRecord::Base
def slug
title.downcase.gsub(" ", "-")
def to_param
Your show action in your controller would use the find_by_slug method
I think there is a gem that does this as well called friendly_id and here is a railscast but I have not personally used it
Hope this helps

Rails global variable

Im using bootstrap & rails and have a user model and post model..users create posts (collections)..
with bootstrap in the navbar i want the user to be able to click a dropdown which displays the name's of their posts..i did this on one controller with a private method and a before_action but i don't want to do this for all the controllers and it didn't work for the application controller...
is there a better way to do this??
I was doing this
def list
#user = User.find_by_username(params[:id])
#collections = #user.collections
and a
before_action :list
at the top of the controller
What's the most semantic way to accomplish this??
If you could move both to your application controller, then it would be available to any controller. More generally, I'm not sure if this is the best approach to solve your problem.
These tips might also be useful.
Are you using devise? Or some other authentication plugin? If so you're likely going to have a current_user helper. This would allow you to simply do #collections = current_user.collections
To the extent possible, I recommend using more descriptive names for your actions and parameters. def fetch_list_collections might be a better name or instead of passing a param named id, perhaps your param should be named username. These naming conventions become extremely important both for others who might look at your code as well as for yourself if you return to it and are trying to remember what you wrote N months ago.
Your list action is generating a N+1 queries. Meaning that you're hitting the database multiple times when you should do so just once. See the rails guide on this. You might also look at ways to avoid this w/ devise. Devise is pretty well documented and I'll bet there is something in the wiki discussing this.
You may want to consider limiting when you call this action - at a minimum - a post request to an update action? What about before they've logged in? current_user might be nil and you'd have an error attempting to call a collections method on nil.
Take your time learning this stuff. You don't have to learn it all at once, but I thought the above might be helpful.
I got it to work with this in the application controller
before_action :list
def list
#collections = current_user.collections
thanks #arieljuod

How to hide the id pass from controller in rails?

Hi..i have a problem to route the system. I dont want to show the id=1 that pass from view to controller for security issue. So how to hide it? so it will be like this
Based on this post it looks like you might want to explore doing it as a POST. Alternatively you could try the friendly_id gem and go for some sort of obfuscation. A simpler form of that is suggested by this post but again it is more obfuscation than full omission.

Search action in ReSTful rails model

So, I'm quite new to Rails and still working my way through the principles. I suppose like most people, I have started creating that basic CRUD. Okay. Done.
Now I want a new action: search. As it turns out, it is not one of the 7 rest sacred (!) actions (if got it right). While I know I could implement new custom actions and resource it and everything, I read in a few places to try my best to stick to the standard ones as long as possible. Okay. What would be the correct way?
Again a few sources like this guy suggest thinking of my scenarios in therms of nouns, case in which seems I'd need a "search" controller...? It just doesn't convince me that I'd have to create a whole class whereas I'd normally do def search just to keep it ResTful.
What did I get wrong? What would be the common solution here?
REST is a concept, not a religion :-). But the core verbs are GET/POST/PUT/DELETE which map to their associated HTTP verbs. What's in the URL is typically a reflection of this, and (this is more the Rails philosophy) following convention can make everything much easier. The URLs you get with generic rails (e.g. scaffold) are not particularly ideal in several ways, but they work, and you can change them.
So, yeah, for search (assuming it's starting simple, e.g. finding records in a single model, say Product) then you could do a GET with a query string like this
def search
#results = Product.where("name ILIKE ?", params[:query])
Which would result in a URL like /product/search?query="foo" -- nothin' wrong with that.
It depends if your search is against ONE resource or many resources. For example if you have a ProductsController and you want to implement a search feature only for your products, you could create a collection action called "search" (the url would be /products/search)
If your search is for many resources, I'd create a SearchesController with a singleton resource :search in my routes file.
Then again, when you implement search functionality in your application, don't put all the logic in your controller but create models classes to handle your search. You can even create an abstract class to map to your search form and thus avoid using '*_tag' fields to create your search form.
See : https://github.com/slainer68/basic_active_model
If you want to adhere to REST (which is a guideline really, it has pros and cons), then the slideshare you link to is recommending the right way to do things.
So, for example if you have a comments_controller, and you want to be able to search comments, you could create a comments_search_controller. The search form would be at comments_search_controller#new, which would POST to comments_search_controller#create.
Yes, you are creating another class doing it this way, but that's not much different than creating another action in the comments_controller, and it does keep things consistent and separated. You wouldn't need a new CommentSearch model or anything, just that controller, which asks your Comment model for the relevant search results.

Rails user authorization

I am currently building a Rails app, and trying to figure out the best way to authenticate that a user owns whatever data object they are trying to edit.
I already have an authentication system in place (restful-authentication), and I'm using a simple before_filter to make sure a user is logged in before they can reach certain areas of the website.
However, I'm not sure the best way to handle a user trying to edit a specific piece of data - for example lets say users on my site can own Books, and they can edit the properties of the book (title, author, pages, etc), but they should only be able to do this for Books that -they- own.
In my 'edit' method on the books controller I would have a find that only retrieved books owned by the current_user. However, if another user knew the id of the book, they could type in http://website.com/book/7/edit , and the controller would verify that they are logged in, then show the edit page for that book (seems to bypass the controller).
What is the best way to handle this? Is it more of a Rails convention routing issue that I don't understand (being able to go straight to the edit page), or should I be adding in a before_find, before_save, before_update, after_find etc callbacks to my model?
check out the following gems:
and don't miss Ryan's great railscasts on the above
this will give access to anyone who changes the value in the address bar
#book = Book.find(params[:id])
but if you go through the association of the logged on user rails (ActiveRecord) will automatically update the sql query
#book = current_user.books.find(params[:id])
of course this assumes that your books table has a user_id column
You may need an authorization plugin. I had some experience use this plugin a while back. This article also has an overview:
You might also take a look at Declarative Authorization
Hey I have recently done this myself. The easiest way to do this is to have the edit feature display on the page but incase it in a method such as the following:
<%if current_user %>
<% if current_user.id == wishlist.user_id %>
<div id="text3"><%= link_to 'Edit', edit_wishlist_path(#wishlist) %></div><br />
Is this what you were hoping for?
