Passenger (Rails)- way to restart via link? - ruby-on-rails

Has anyone found a decent way to restart Passenger via a link? I need it for an admin so that they can just click a link (with a unique hash for protection) whenever our VPS provider has issues, if necessary.
I've tried having a secure link to a controller that just "touches" the tmp/restart.txt as well as writing to it, to no avail.
Any ideas?

You realize that this would need to be properly protected behind authentication and permission management right? Try using the FileUtils module from Ruby core.
You can use it by calling FileUtils.touch(filename) and its documentation is located here.


Cookies not saving

I'm working on an application in localhost:3000 and I just started working with cookies and can't get them to stay saved after I quit out of chrome. I checked my preferences and they were fine, cookies from other websites like stackoverflow are being retained. I've tried multiple ways of saving the cookies including
cookies.permanent[:guest_user_id] =
and it's not working (create_guest_user is a method for implementing a guest_user, taken from Also, Devise isn't saving anything either when I check remember me at the login page. I even added
Devise::TRUE_VALUES << ["on"]
as was recommended by another post and that didn't work for me either. I'm using rails 3.1.1, formtastic 2.0.2, and devise 1.5.1. I'm running Mac OS 10.6.8 and chrome 15.0.874.121. Thanks for the help.
UPDATE: I even tried changing my hosts file as was recommended here Can I use localhost as the domain when setting an HTTP cookie? and it still isn't working. Am I missing something obvious?
I guess there just isn't a relatively easy way of solving this problem in chrome. I tried out a bunch of solutions from various sources with little success. Not sure why google has this design in chrome as its developer tools are great and I'm reluctant to switch browsers.

How do you remove a Ruby on Rails app from a production server?

I'd like to replace our existing Ruby on Rails application with a new version of the site in PHP, but I'm not sure how to remove the rails app from our shared VPS server.
Is there a way to delete the app via FTP or some way to remove it in Cpanel? The developers set it up to use a custom deployment script. Are there any typical uninstall scripts that might remove it?
Ideally, I'd like to avoid completely re-provisioning the server instance because I don't want to lose our blog database and email accounts.
Sorry for such a dumb noob question, but I'd really be grateful for some advice.
Thanks so much!
If its on linux, it should be at /var/www. Remove the database entries and put the PHP versions there too.

Ruby on Rails offline programming

I am going to be away from the internet for a few weeks and would still like to get a project done. What steps should I take to make sure I have access to the things I need (ruby and ROR) while I will be disconnected?
when offline, the following are hard to get:
rails expert blogs
stackoverflow ;-)
gem install as much as you can
download all the railscasts
keep one or two rails book around
and find a place with internet wifi
and most importantly:
un-plug yourself 2 days before the real offline, that's called staging ;-)
If you use version control, make sure you can work offline. DVCS do this well, I've heard SVN can work offline if you have a local SVN server.
Running the Rails app on localhost will allow you to access it with your browser locally.
Apart from this it would also be nice to have documentation offline too. Download everything you can think of: Rails, Ruby, Shell, libs etc. Or use books.
Make sure you have local copies of any documentation you need ( lets you download the Rails docs)
Make sure you have all the gems/plugins you need
This may not affect you, but it's bitten me before.
If you are using a javascript library such as jQuery, and are linking to Google's Hosted Libraries rather than a local one, you may find jQuery stops working when you are offline.
Download and link to a local copy before you go.
Get your app (in its current state) up and running on your laptop. Then shut off wireless and make sure it still goes. Don't just guess at what gems and things you'll need - make sure you see it actually run. Don't forget things like database engines and queuing servers. Then start guessing about other gems and items you might need.
Make sure that
gem server
will start up a webserver and let you browse the docs for all your installed gems.
Download every Ruby gem. All of them!
You never know when you'll need to extract EXIF data, or something.

How to deploy a Rails app to Dreamhost?

I'm kind of lost, I try to deploy my application on a shared dreamhost server.
Now everything works fine locally. It's my first try at Rails, and I'm not really a programmer or sysadmin, just hacking something together.
On Dreamhost, if I start webrick, it works fine on port 3000, but webricks gets killed pretty quickly, I guess that makes sense.
So what do I have to do to make it run?
I enabled fastcgi support and mod_rails.
Now, how do I get the app constantly running?
I keep reading about having to do things to .htaccess and to dispatch.fcgi.
But I can't find any dispatch file in my rails app (2.3.2).
Do I have to create that one manually? Doesn't really feeld very rails-like to me. I didn't really manage to find out what this dispatch file does, and why it's needed.
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
I looked at the DH Wiki, but couldn't figure it out (
I enabled mod_rails and pointed to the public directory (I had already done that).
I keep getting an error:
Hm, server logs look like there is actually no request, so this might be a problem on dreamhosts end. It's strange I see that the access.log show a new change date, when I try to access the page, but there is no request noted, error.log is empty too.
Dreamhost Support Answer:
The server was up to date, so that wasn't the problem.
They proposed freezing the Gems, which I did (see:
But it didn't help.
I guess I'm giving up, and looking into hosting which is specialized for rails.
Thx for all your help!
Changed to
I got the app working on, passenger on showed me errors, which weren't shown by dreamhost or mongrel. By correcting these errors, I got the app working.
Dreamhost won't let you use webrick if you're using shared hosting. You can either use FastCGI or Passenger to host Rails on shared DH (mongrel is an option if you upgrade to DreamhostPS, but that's obviously more expensive).
For FastCGI, you will need a dispatch.fcgi file (older versions of Rails would generate one when you created a new Rails app, but that stopped around 2.2 if I remember correctly) as well as code in your .htaccess to send requests to the dispatcher. See the Dreamhost Ruby on Rails wiki page for details about setting up FastCGI.
The more preferable option is to set up your application to run on Phusion Passenger (aka mod_rails). It should be pretty simple through your Dreamhost panel, you just need to enable the domain to use mod_rails, and then set the directory for the domain to the public directory of your application. See the Passenger wiki page for more details.

Running Rails and PHP on Dreamhost

Is it possible to run some PHP pages at "" AND also run a rails application at say "" on Dreamhost? Has anyone done this?
Or do I need to run rails apps on separate domains?
In the Dreamhost control panel menu, go to "Manage Domains" under "Domains".
Add the domain as a fully hosted domain, and keep the default settings. PHP is set up on fully hosted domains by default, so you're good to go there.
Go back to the "Manage Domains" panel and set up the subdomain This time, check the box marked "Ruby on Rails Passenger (mod_rails)?" and fill in the form to specify the public folder of your Rails app. For full details on how to set up a Passenger app in DH, you should check out the relevant DH wiki article - the instructions are pretty straightforward.
Best of luck!
You can do it and I have done it. Not to sound like an advertisement, but their control panel makes it simple to do what you want.
