Setting up queues for resque workers with multiple similar jobs - ruby-on-rails

I have a number of different event-driven emails being sent with action mailer (ex. send an email when a user follows you etc.) and I need to move all of this into resque workers. My question is what is the best way to set up these workers? Should I create a separate file for each type of email being sent, or would it make sense to make one file for all emails and put them each in different classes within that file? The latter makes more sense to me, and if I do that, should I assign all of the emails to the same queue or different queues?

This is a very subjective question as it really depends on your volume, setup, etc.
For my main project that handles a bunch of e-mail, I have a single Rails mailer class that handles all my notifications, and in turn, I have a single Resque worker to handle mailing those out, all tied to my :email queue.
You probably wouldn't really need to worry about multiple queues until performance became an issue and you needed to start giving higher priority to certain queues, etc.


Should data being used by ActiveJob (resque) be persisted or put into a ruby object and passed by object id?

I am using Twilio to send/receive texts in a Rails 4.2 app. I am sending in bulk, around 1000 at a time, and receiving sporadically.
Currently when I receive a text I save it to the DB (to, from, body) and then pass that record to an ActiveJob worker to process later. For sending messages I currently persist the Twilio params to another DB and pass that record to a different ActiveJob worker. Since I am often doing it in batches I have two workers. The first outgoing message worker sends a single message. The second one queries the DB and finds all the user who should receive the message, creates a DB record for each message that should be sent, and then passes that record to the first outgoing message worker. So the second one basically just creates a bunch of jobs for the first one to process.
Right now I have the workers destroying the records once they finish processing (both incoming and outgoing). I am worried about not persisting things incase the server, redis, or resque go down but I do not know if this is actually a good design pattern. It was suggested to me just to use a vanilla ruby object and pass it's id to the worker but I am not sure how that effects data reliability. So is it over kill to be creating all these DBs and should I just be creating vanilla ruby objects and passing those object's ids to the workers?
Any and all insight is appreciated,
It seems to me that the approach of sending a minimal amount of data to your jobs is the best approach. Check out the 'Best Practices' section on the sidekiq wiki:
What if your queue backs up and that quote object changes in the meantime? Don't save state to Sidekiq, save simple identifiers. Look up the objects once you actually need them in your perform method.
Also in terms of reliability - you should be worried about your job queue going down. It happens. You either design your system to be fault tolerant of a failure or you find a job queue system that has higher reliability guarantees (but even then no queue system can guarantee 100% message deliverability). Sidekiq pro has better reliability guarantees than sidekiq (non-pro), but if you design your jobs with a little bit of forethought, you can create jobs that can scan your database after a crash and re-queue any jobs that may have been lost.
How much work you spend desinging fault tolerant solutions really just depends how critical it is that your information make it from point A to point B :)

One Delayed_job per email vs. delayed_job for all emails?

As part of my app I am sending out an email to many users daily. Depending on their status they will be sent one of five possible types of emails.
The logic that determines which email the user receives is fairly long.
Should I:
1) Should I create a delayed_job for each email
2) Send the entire logic (50 lines of Ruby) with the send commands into a single job
What are the pros/cons of either approach?
Further to Sabyasachi Ghosh's answer, here are the differences between DelayedJob and Resque:
DelayedJob relies on the DB
Requires ActiveRecord
Uses Ruby Objects (not just references)
Has much deeper queuing functionality (queue depth etc)
Runs much heavier than resque
Resque relies on Redis
Runs independently of ActiveRecord
Is meant to process references (not entire objects)
In answer to your question, I would look at modularity
Rails' is based on the principle of DRY code -- which essentially means you need to be as modular as possible (reusing code wherever you can). This leads to efficiency & simpler development cycles
In light of this, you have to observe your queueing functionality from the perspective of modularity. What does the queuing system actually do?
It queues things
Therefore, you want to include as little code as possible in the queuing system
I would create a redis instance (you can get them on Heroku), and use resque to queue specific information (such as id or email)
This will allow you to use resque to run through the Redis list, sending as many emails as you need
If you have a huge logic i recommed not to put in the delayed job if you need to send a bunch of email. better use resque( or sidekiq( as in the time of sending email it delayed job will lock your database so your performance will be low.
If you have small logic and less number of email just go for delayed job for each email. as it is easy to setup and implement.
I think so you need to send each email via delayed job because if anything happens with your delayed job like if your delayed job get crashed or stopped in that case when system will re execute your job it can cause problems so i suggest you to add each email in delayed job.

Does rails HireFire support Queues?

I have 50 clients. (for example) they have their data partitioned into 50 different schemas in postgresql.
I feel it's a good idea to keep their processing as separate as possible, so I think putting their DJ's into different queues is a good idea, At least grouping them based on their load, into different queues (because I have a limit on the number of workers)
If Client_A has 10 large actions in the queue, Client_B shouldn't have to wait for them to be done, to send an email.
DJ supports queue's based workers. I could be wrong, but I don't see a way to set queues in the hirefire paradigm.
Does anyone know how to setup-hirefire to run on a given queue?
I see more issues coming, but I'll ignore them for now :)

Practical use of delayed background job when dealing with many users

When a background job starts, it's sent to the back of a queue where a worker handles it; a task clears and the other starts. I think I've got this one right except I don't understand the practical side of it in some cases. Sure, if you're a company sending out 15,000 newsletters once a week using a delayed job makes perfect sense. But when you have an application of even 100 users, in which some task is long enough to need background work (like sending/fetching emails that might take a minute) then each user will have to wait in line while another user gets cleared (in case there's a single worker).
This is the part I'm not sure I'm getting right. I'm talking about the same job, but individually for each user. Does that count as a job per user? If I have 100 users, do I need to keep 100 workers for each one's process to not get tied up?
I've tried using delayed_job to simulate that, and indeed when I sign in with a different account I have to wait until another user's email gets sent until mine is. While the plugin is swift and simple to work with, I think it's not the right approach here.
I've also tried using Ajax, but since it's an HTTP request it ties up the browser in loading mode until it gets a response from the server (even with async: true). Not sure if I ruled this one out too quickly, but I was sortof looking for a more elegant server solution.
Is there a way to achieve a background job like this? (I've heard of different, mostly commercial solutions promising little waiting time, but I'm interested in completely eliminating the queue between users). If not, is there a method to make an ajax request without waiting for a response? I realize my questions are both drastically different but both seem like an appropriate solution to this problem.
Resque is a background processing engine that can support multiple queues.
Ways you could use this:
Group your tasks into queues that make sense on their priority. If you need fast response times, use it in a 'foreground' queue. Slow? (like sending/receiving emails) can be in the 'background' queue
Have one queue per user (you will need to have many many workers for this)
This SO question also gives a way to use delayed_jobs with multiple queues/tables
The purpose of delayed_job and other message queues is to asynchronously process jobs outside of your core application. I always use a queue for sending email since I'm relying on an outside application (sometimes a third-party API like gmail) to send them and I can't guarantee available and operating efficiency.
So for your use case, even with very few users, I highly recommend offloading emails to delayed_job. This will speed up your front end (ajax) and will also give you retries upon failure. You could spin up multiple workers to process the queue, but it shouldn't be necessary with your numbers unless your calls to send mail are taking a really long time (more than a couple seconds?).
And yes in most situations I'd create separate jobs for each user even though the message might be identical. The only time I'd process them all together would be if the email application / API has bulk sending and you can reduce the number of calls significantly by sending a large payload in a few calls.

E-mailing users through RoR app

I am at the tail end of building a forum/Q&A community-based application, and I would like to add email notifications. The app has several different entities, including: threads, questions, projects, photos, etc. The goal is that a user can "subscribe" to any number of these entities, queuing an e-mail whenever the entity receives new comments or activity. This functionality is very similar to facebook and forums.
I have looked into ActionMailer (with rake tasks and delayed jobs), MailChimp API (and plugins), and other app mailers (PostageApp and Postmark).
I am leaning against ActionMailer, because of potential issues with memory hogging and server overload. The app will be running on Heroku, but I'm afraid the servers could be easily overwhelmed sending out potentially hundreds of emails every few minutes.
Another complexity is that there will be different types of subscriptions (instant email notification, daily email notification) based on user preference.
What would be the best way to manage email for functionality like this? Any tips/ideas are greatly appreciated!
You can use ActionMailer to send with SendGrid, or Postmark. PostageApp still needs an SMTP server and adds an additional dependency, but it can be nice to have. MailChimp is for newsletters only I believe, so that's probably not much use for you here.
Giving a high level overview here, a few things are important:
Keep mailer logic from cluttering controllers.
Prevent delaying responses to user requests.
Avoid issues with "application overload".
Handle event-based and periodic emails.
To address #1, you will want to use an Observer to decide when to send an event-based email. To account for #2 and #3, you can drop in DelayedJob so that emails are sent in the background. You can use SendGrid with ActionMailer on Heroku pretty easily (especially if you drop in Pony). For #4 you should just create a rake task that handles the business logic of deciding who to email and queues the send jobs as DJ tasks like the Observer would.
And just to be clear, DelayedJob will execute jobs in a separate process. In the case of Heroku, you're actually running each DelayedJob worker in a different Dyno, which is an entirely separate stack/environment (quite probably on a different physical server). There won't be any issues with your app getting overloaded this way, unless of course your database can't keep up with adding jobs (in which case you can use Redis as a DJ store instead). You can easily scale horizontally by adding more DJ workers as needed.
Take a look at SimpleWorker, a cloud-based background processing / worker queue.
It's an add-on for Heroku and is able to scale up and out to handle a set of one-time posts or scheduled emails. (A master job, for example, can be scheduled and then when it comes off schedule to run, it queues up 10s, 100s, 1000s of jobs to run concurrently across a scaled out infrastructure.)
Heroku workers can work fine given they'll run as separate processes but if you have variable load, then you want a service that can scale up and scale down by the jobs -- so you a) don't pay for unused capacity and b) can handle burst traffic and batch output.
(Disclosure: I work for the company.)
