Get watched issues in Redmine via REST API - ruby-on-rails

We're looking to create a tool to help with time management in Redmine. The issue we are currently having is that we want to get a list of issues that are watched by a particular user but can't find an API for it. Does anyone know if this is possible or are we just going to have to try and modify Redmine directly?
SOLUTION: Similar to the solution provided below by dmf85, I found a solution to this problem that worked for me. The Issues API takes a query_id as one of its parameters. What I ended up doing was filtering my issues by Watcher (like dmf85 said) then saving the query. I then used the query_id from that saved custom query in my API call.

At least in Redmine 3.1, there’s an undocumented parameter for the Issues API that allows you to specify a watcher directly: watcher_id. It works just like assigned_to_id, you can pass either a user ID (i.e. watcher_id=23) or the special string me (i.e. watcher_id=me).
An example of URL could be like the following:

Under your issues tab in the interface, click:
add filter
select a watcher in the box
Then, click the atom, csv, or pdf link at the bottom for a link that you can write a program to consume at your discretion.
Does this help?


Search API on Youtube TV

I need to build a system that uses an API that searches for Youtube content, with functionality exactly as described by, but where the results are shown in youtube/tv (i.e. accessible and browsable just using cursor keys, select and back, as used in
Having searched extensively, I cannot find a solution. Does one exist?
If I were to interpret your question broadly, it would be "is there an open source version of that I could repurpose". The answer to that is no. You're going to have to do some heavy lifting yourself.
If you want a starting off point, you could take a look at the JavaScript source for, either just directly from within a browser's development tools or from the SVN repo. That example doesn't give you exactly what you're looking for, but it does illustrate how to detect specific key presses and display YouTube feeds in a "set top box" environment.

UI Dialog to search and add clients to a list

I need to implement a dialog for a web application (ASP.NET/C#) where users can search and select one or more clients from the company's database.
Actually an existing version is already used (see attached image) and I have to replace it with a new version (it comes from an external legacy software and will be dismissed).
The goal is to provide an intuitive and easy to use GUI, still providing the basic functionalities like: search for a client and add it or remove previously inserted.
My idea would be to develop the dialog with jQuery Dialog plugin and using web methods and Ajax/JSON to interact with them for interacting with the server and the DB. I cannot find a good solution yet for the contacts list, since I would avoid using GridViews or tables, if possible, for listing them.
Does anyone knows if further plugins or best patters exist for develop this UI and its functionalities?
I wanted to have the same in my application. After talking to the users i found that such dialog could easily be replaced by an Autocomplete with Multiple select.
See the jqueryUI demopage here.
If this does not fit your needs i would go with two lists <ol> or <ul>, a pagination plugin and perhaps a search plugin. But haven't done this so far.
Thanks for the hint, indeed for the search I also thought to a autocomplete for make the search easier.
My bigger concerns were about the Add and Remove selected Clients in a "modern" fashion.
I found this MultiSelect plugin that works perfectly for my needs (and maybe it could be useful for yours as well).
Not only it let use Multiselect to add/remove entries, but also have some auto-filtering capabilities when searching the entries. I will try to add this to my solution.

Getting autocomplete googleMaps data into a Delphi combobox

I am doing a Delphi transport application interacting with GoogleMaps APi and i would like to propose all "near by" names coming from the autocomplete Google Maps API when i enter the starting adress of the direction.
All of this will be displayed in a TCombobox when would be changed on the OnChange propertie.
Is that possible ??? ever heard of it ???
Thanks a lot
There is a part of the Google Maps API called The Google Places Autocomplete API. You can send requests (in the examples part of the reference page there is also the example with bounds for your purpose) as you will type in your combo box (ideally after some short delay for typos corrections). As the result you can receive either JSON or XML format file. After you parse it, you will get the list of appropriate suggestions.
I'm not sure with the Google Maps API Key; if it's possible to use it in standalone application (and about the limitations) because I haven't implemented static part of the Google Maps yet.
My first thought (assuming an approach which is based on remote controlling the web interface) was: this can be solved using TWebBrowser and friends (IWebBrowser2, IHTMLElement etc.). See my answer on this question to get a feeling for this. You could use Embedded Web Browser from bsalsa for easy access to all the Internet Explorer functionality.
My second thought was: there might be a part in the official API for this. But this I don't know. If there is none then the above approach could be a (work-intensive) workaround.
Yes, it's possible.
I have written a free and open source component that implements the Google Place Autocomplete and Google Place Details API's:

Display twitter feeds

For an event in a couple of weeks I'd like to make an web page/app which display tweets from a specific user, a specific hashtag and all #reply's at the first user in 3 boxes on the screen.
However I've never tried this. I want to use either .NET (C#) or HTML/CSS/JS since I'm proficient in those. Are there any libraries/API's I can use? Or is there an readily available freeware/open-source app I can use?
Have you seen TweetSharp?
Use Twitter's profile and search widgets. Profile for the first box, a search of the hash tag for the second box, and a search of to:username for the third box.
I actually just posted this as an answer to another question:
I just updated a plugin to work with the Twitter 1.1 API. Unfortunately, per Twitter's urging, you will have to perform the actual request from server-side code. However, you can pass the response to the plugin and it will take care of the rest. I don't know what framework you are running, but I have already added sample code for making the request in C#, and will be adding sample code for PHP, shortly.
The plugin makes a call to statuses/user_timeline, but you will likely want to look at statuses/filter or statuses/search, instead. All you will have to do is add your desired parameters (hashtag, replies, etc.) to the server-side code and it should work (with the addition of your security keys and tokens, of course).
Good luck! :)

How to get product information from amazon, just based on the URL?

I just have a link to a product page, at amazon. How do I get all the information (photo, price etc), in my ruby program, just using this link?
Here's the list of supported urls as disclosed by amazon for their oembed, product advertising API would come to picture only after parsing through these URLs and getting the ASINs
I found this library (I'm using Rails)
I'm experimenting with it. Still, I'd require some kind of ID (product id?) to get details of a particular product. For example, consider this link to kindle
In that link, I noticed ASIN, which is B00154JDAI.
Looks like I can use this ID, to get product information (using amazon-ecs). I just need to parse the URL, to get ASIN.
Is there any other way to do it?
No, I am not going to do screen scraping, that is not a good idea anytime.
If you want to do this, the Nokogiri or hpricot libraries both allow HTML parsing and searching. However, this kind of screen-scraping is notoriously unreliable (as it may break any time Amazon decides to reorganize their HTML), so if you're planning to do this sort of thing for any length of time I'd recommend leveraging the Amazon Product Advertising API instead.
In your program: fetch the page and parse HTML. Filter out the required information. There may be some libraries in Ruby (that I am unaware of), which parse HTML.
hpricot seems to do what you want.
You should use the library Ruby/AWS (google for it, my karma is not high enough to allow external links...). It has been written exactly for that.
You might need to use the built-in Search to find the item you're looking for. After that, the API gives access to pictures, links and all usable information.
