Error parsing CSV with FasterCSV gem (MalformedCSVError) - ruby-on-rails

FasterCSV is raising MalformedCSVError (Illegal Quoting) in this line:
|0150|1161623|Medicamentos e genericos "EPP".|1423|PB|
This is the code:
FasterCSV.foreach(path_to_file, :col_sep => '|') do |row|
Any ideas?

There is also an option quote_char which defaults to ", try changing it to something, which you don't expect in your data. You might try nil but I have never tried that.
FasterCSV.foreach(path_to_file, :col_sep => '|', :quote_char => "|") do |row|


Parse binary CSV file in Ruby

This should have been such an easy thing... buy I can't for the life of me figure out how to parse a CSV file that doesn't seem to have a specific encoding.'data', 'mike/test-csv.csv'), 'rb') { |f| }
=> "ID,\x00Q\x00u\x00a\x00n\x00t\x00i\x00t\x00y\n\x006\x00e\x005\x004\x009\x001\x00e\x007\x00-\x007\x00f\x001\x005\x00-\x004\x001\x007\x00d\x00-\x00a\x004\x000\x003\x00-345\x00,\x00\x005\x000\x00.\x000\x000\x000\x000\x000\x000\x000\x000\x00\n"
Here's a gist of it, can't figure out a way to post the specific CSV.
All I get from checking the encoding of the file is that it's in binary format, any thoughts on how I could get it into a normal csv?
Note: This is a downloaded CSV so converting it to another encoding via opening it in excel and exporting (or something like that) is not an option :)
Updating with attempted solution 1:
path = Rails.root.join('data', 'mike/test-csv.csv'), {:headers => true, :encoding => 'utf-8'}).each do |d|
puts d
Result: 6e5491e7-7f15-417d-a403-345,50.00000000
While this is correct, it ONLY works with puts, for example:, {:headers => true, :encoding => 'utf-8'}).map { |row| row }
=> [#<CSV::Row "ID":"\u00006\u0000e\u00005\u00004\u00009\u00001\u0000e\u00007\u0000-\u00007\u0000f\u00001\u00005\u0000-\u00004\u00001\u00007\u0000d\u0000-\u0000a\u00004\u00000\u00003\u0000-345\u0000" "\u0000Q\u0000u\u0000a\u0000n\u0000t\u0000i\u0000t\u0000y":"\u0000\u00005\u00000\u0000.\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u0000">], {:headers => true, :encoding => 'utf-8'}).map(&:to_s)
=> ["\u00006\u0000e\u00005\u00004\u00009\u00001\u0000e\u00007\u0000-\u00007\u0000f\u00001\u00005\u0000-\u00004\u00001\u00007\u0000d\u0000-\u0000a\u00004\u00000\u00003\u0000-345\u0000,\u0000\u00005\u00000\u0000.\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u00000\u0000\n"]
It's unfortunately still not the correct string :(
Final Solution (via #ashmaroli below):
path = Rails.root.join('data', 'mike/test-csv.csv')
csv_text = '', 'r') do |csv|
csv.each_line do |line|
csv_text << line.gsub(/\u0000/, '')
CSV.parse(csv_text, headers:true).map do |row| row end
[#<CSV::Row "ID":"6e5491e7-7f15-417d-a403-345" "Quantity":"50.00000000">]
Github Gist
Download Example CSV File
path = Rails.root.join('data', 'mike/test-csv.csv')
file = "", 'r') do |csv|
csv.each_line do |line|
file << line.gsub(/\u0000/, '')
print file
print file.inspect # same as above just wraps the string in a
# single line with "\n" chars

Csv import error through smartercsv gem

I have this csv structure
When I import the file through smarter_csv gem I get this hash
{:"\"CATEGORY\""=>"\"Red\"", :"\"NAME\""=>"\"John\"", :"\"AGE\""=>"\"34\""}
The code I use is the following
options = {:col_sep => ";",:row_sep => :auto, :quote_char => "\x00"}
SmarterCSV.process(save_folder, options) do |array|
What puzzles me is the \" that is added in each item of the hash. I have used this same method before without issues and I don't understand what is going wrong, but the expected hash should be plan text with no backslash and additional quotes.
As a note, is I don't use the ";quote_char => "\x00"" option I get a malformed csv error.
This works out of the box, but the quote_char you chose was incorrect; it should be '"', which is the default setting.
require 'smarter_csv'
=> "1.2.3"
data = SmarterCSV.process('/tmp/test.csv', {:col_sep => ";"})
=> [{:category=>"Red", :name=>"John", :age=>34}]
# or like this:
data = SmarterCSV.process('/tmp/test.csv', {
:col_sep => ";",:row_sep => :auto, :quote_char => '"'
=> [{:category=>"Red", :name=>"John", :age=>34}]

Rails 4.2 - how to fix ascii code in CSV exporting without gem 'iconv'?

When exporting csv in Rails 4.2 app, there are ascii code in the csv output for Chinese characters (UTF8):
We tried options in send_data without luck:
send_data #payment_requests.to_csv, :type => 'text/csv; charset=utf-8; header=present'
send_data #payment_requests.to_csv.force_encoding("UTF-8")
In model, there is forced encoding utf8:
# encoding: utf-8
But it does not work. There are online posts talking about use gem iconv. However iconv depends on the platform's ruby version. Is there cleaner solution to fix the ascii in Rails 4.2 csv exporting?
If #payment_requests.to_csv includes ASCII text, then you should use encode method:
depending on which internal encoding #payment_requests.to_csv has.
You can try:
for Chinese characters
CSV.generate(options) do |csv|
csv << column_names
all.each do |product|
csv << product.attributes.values_at(*column_names)
end.encode('gb2312', :invalid => :replace, :undef => :replace, :replace => "?")
This is what worked for me:
head = 'EF BB BF'.split(' ').map{|a|a.hex.chr}.join()
csv_str = CSV.generate(csv = head) do |csv|
csv << [ , , , ...]
#elements.each do |element|
csv << [ , , , ...]

Ruby csv import trouble

I tried to import data from csv in my rails app, but something went wrong:
CSV::MalformedCSVError in ArticlesController#index
Unclosed quoted field on line 1.
My csv looks like this:
"Код";"№ по каталогу (артикул)";"Наименование товара";"Ед. изм.";"Цена опт.";"Доп.";"Остатки";"Класс";"Группа";"Бренд";"Блок."
2223;15-562-44;15-562-44 (27-B07-F) VW Polo 95-R ;шт ;37,430;;;Амортизаторы ;Амортизаторы BOGE ;;
10327;24-052-1;24-052-1(46-A27-0) LAND ROVER 84- F ;шт ;68,750;;;Амортизаторы ;Амортизаторы BOGE ;;
10328;24-053-1;24-053-1(46-A28-0) LAND ROVER 84- R ;шт ;68,750;;;Амортизаторы ;Амортизаторы BOGE ;;
Maybe this is because of the first line (which has no ;;)
My code look like this:
def csv_import
require 'csv'
file ="/#{Rails.public_path}/uploads/smallcsv.csv")
#csv = CSV.parse(file)
csv =, "r:ISO-8859-15:UTF-8", {:col_sep => ";", :row_sep => ";;", :headers => :first_row})
file_path = "/#{Rails.public_path}/uploads/smallcsv.csv"
csv.each do |row|
ename = row[2]
eprice = row[5]
eqnt = row[7]
esupp = row[10]
I'm running ruby 1.9+ with fastercsv gem
I figured this out myself using "CSV - Unquoted fields do not allow \r or \n (line 2)".
The problem was with the first line, so :auto helped me.

Illegal quoting on line using FasterCSV in ruby 1.8.7

I am facing "Illegal quoting" error when parse the content from SQL dump and the dump file is in the format of TXT with tab (\t) separator.
require 'rubygems'
require 'faster_csv'
FasterCSV.foreach(excel_file, :quote_char => '"',:col_sep =>'\t', :row_sep =>:auto, :headers => :first_row) do |row|
col= row.to_s.split(/\t/)
if col[3]!="" or !col[3].empty?
#Inser Color
elsif col[3].empty?
color_id= nil
rescue Exception => e
puts e
The program executed and run successfully but there is an invalid data present like
below (#font-face ...) mean execution terminated with error of "Illegal quoting on line 3.
ID Name code comments
1 white 234 good
2 Black 222
3 red 343 #font-face { font-family: "Verdana"; .....}
Can any one suggest me how to skip when invalid data occurs in column ?
Thanks in advance.
I'm not sure if this will solve the error you are seeing, but you need to use double quotes around escaped characters, e.g.:
:col_sep => "\t"
FasterCSV isn't very kind to badly formatted data.
I don't know that there is a solution for this.
However - if your example file doesn't actually contain any quoting using "
then perhaps just use a different quot_char (eg ')
You can use the ASCII code for the NULL character -- \0x00 -- as such:
FasterCSV.foreach(excel_file, :quote_char => '\0x00',:col_sep =>'\t', :row_sep =>:auto, :headers => :first_row) do |row|
You can find a chart of some ASCII chars here:
