IOS: problem with certificate - ios

I used a mac at work where I created .ipa without problems and I tried my app on device.
Now at home (in another mac) when I choose device on my project and I do "build" I have an error:
Code Signing Identity 'iPhone Developer
does not match any valid, non-expired, code-signing certificate in your keychain

I had the same issue. You need to export your certificates and profiles from your mac at work, and import them at home. It is really annoying, you can just download the certificates and profiles to one mac, it wont work if you download then again onto another mac, after having them already used on another machine. If you are having issues exporting and importing profiles, then you can google for some tutorials.

On your mac at work, you've added the code-signing certificate to your keychain. You need to do the same for your mac at home. You can download the certificate from the developer portal, same as you did for your work computer.


Regarding using same distribution provisioning profiles for IOS in two MACs

I have set up a distribution profile for my IOS App. On Mac A, in Xcode this profile can be perfectly imported and used even the right distribution certificate is used. and now I can successfully upload app to app store via MAC A.
I have added distribution certificate in MAC A's keychain and then i exported certificated from it. Later I imported it to MAC B's keychain.
Now on another machine MAC B, if i import the same provisioning profile in XCode, it doesn't recognises distribution certificate.
Can someone throw some light on this whats going on here ?
Based on your information, you have only imported the certificate to Mac B. In order to use that certificate to actually sign a binary, you will need to export the private key from Mac A. You will find it in the Keychain Access app on Mac A. Find the iOS Distribution certificate in the Keychain and you should be able to expand it to see the private key (note that you will not be able to expand the certificate in the Keychain app on Mac B). See this answer for details about how it should look in on a Mac that is setup to allow for code signing.
Once you find the private key, you can export the private key from Mac A by right clicking it and choosing export. Save the .p12 file and then copy that .p12 file to Mac B. Open the file to import it to the Keychain. Once you ahve done that, you should now see the private key under the certificate on Mac B. If you don't, you have the wrong certificate on Mac B and you should delete it and export the certificate from Mac A to import on Mac B.
There are couple of factors which affects your Distribution Provisioning Profile, to find the issue you can check couple of things like
Check in you MacB's Keychain > Certificate section about Distribution certificate is valid which you have installed from MacA?
Does there is any expired certificate from same or different account in your keychain which is situated/placed above your Distribution certificate, because many times XCode fails to validate your desired certificate from Keychain due to some expired certificates entries above your certificate. So if any then please remove it.
Try removing all provisioning profiles, then again install latest one. And finally try quit XCode completely and relaunch it. Many times this steps will solve issues regarding Provisioning profiles.

provisioning profile or entitlement error?

I need to put on my xamarin project the provisioning profile and the certificate...
But I am working with xamarin forms on my windows that is connectected to a physical mac...What happend is: when I need to run my project in a ios I run it through the windows and my mac does that...but for a physical device I need this cert. and prov. profile...
Will it work if I pass my project to my virtual mac and put there the certificate and provisioning profile and then pass it again to my windows? How my project will access the keychain in my windoews for my project? Do i need need to install the certificate in my windows ?? How do this things work? I'm a little confuse...I really need to do that
please, help me if you can
I did all this things and now my certificate works...but this error appears...I tried disabled keychain...but is still in this way...
My error
Installation failed: Your code signing/provisioning profiles are not correctly configured. Probably you have an entitlement not supported by your current provisioning profile, check the iOS Device Log for details (error: 0xe8008016)
My provisioning profile appears normally on my developer account and in my project...its is linked to my certificate as well and my device is registered on apple developer account as well and its linked to my certificate too
I downloaded de provisioning in my mac to...Is there a specific folder where it must to be ?
My IOS Device Log says:
The executable was signed with invalid entitlements
It sounds like you have everything set up correctly do develop on a windows PC and use a physical mac as a build device. I'm guessing you can run the app on a simulator and now need to connect and run it on an actual device.
I'm not sure what you mean by "virtual mac".
You need to follow the steps in this guide to create a certificate and provisioning profile.
I disabled all:
then, it worked...
the problem really was in entitlements
You need to remove the "Entitlements.plist" from your configuration.
Project Option > IOS Bundle Signing > Custom Entitlements (Keep it blank).

iOS Distribution certificate

I am having a problem with Xcode and the iOS Distribution certificate.
When I try to validate an archive, I get the message that there already is a valid distribution certificate but that it is not installed. My signing identity is also installed altho the message says it is not. I have no idea how this is possible since I have published apps to the app store before without any problems.
Anyone who knows how to fix this?
Xcode version 6.4
I solved it by doing this:
Create a NEW production certificate through which
requires you to use Keychain Access to create a new private key on
your computer
In the same developer portal, open your distribution Provisioning
Profile used with this app and select the new production certificate
which you just created. Generate the provision then download it and
run it
Run your app, Archive it, then export the archive.
And viola
This took me days if not weeks to figure out, I hope it helps you.
The problem is the distribution certificate was installed in another mac.
You can:
Export it from that mac and import to your Xcode.
Go to apple developer website, revoke current distribution certificate. Then open Xcode get new distribution certificate for your mac.

iOS provisioning and keychain generation

I'm using Xcode 4.3.1 on Mac OS X 10.7.3 trying to provision to iOS 5.1 phone. First I used the Development Provisioning Assistant to create a provisioning profile. After dragging/installing the profile in Organizer, it says "valid signing identity not found". I continued with the Development Provisioning Assistant, got a new Development Certificate, installed it. But it didn't help. It's still "valid signing identity not found". After reading this topic on google and other people's solutions, I deleted all keys in Keychain Access, walked through the Development Provisioning Assistant again, did everything it said, but still didn't fix the problem. So I thought I needed a fresh start again. I deleted all provisioning profiles, certificates, keys. Then I redid everything, but no use. I also tried "Add to portal" in the Organizer, which only generated 4 certificates but still no keys.
Should I restart my machine? Just kidding.
If you created your provisioning profile BEFORE you created the certificate, it is invalid. You have to go to the profile and press renew. Then redownload it. The profile is created based on the certificate.
I've been there a couple of times where you are right now. So I tried to understan what was going on and documented it here (Understanding iOS Code Signing) (warning: tl;dr).
Its easy to make mistakes while "following" the steps listed on the portal, and understanding it can help you identify what went wrong.
Here's a quick checklist for you before you go reading the whole thing:
Create a developer certificate from your mac.
Create a provisioning profile on the portal, and make sure to include your developer certificate (created in the previous step) in that profile.
Download and install the profile on your mac (must be same that was used in first step). (You can actually use it on other mac if you export the certificate, but lets not go there)
If you are doing this and still face the problem, you should try 'understanding' then :).

How do I add a certificate to keychain access?

I am having the hardest time having a valid setup. Earlier I had requested a certificate in keychain. It then made me download a "CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest" file that I uploaded to my company portal in iOS member center.
They then validated it and I could then download a "developer_identity.cer" that I installed in keychain. I then went to my XCode organizer and did a "Automatic Device Provisioning" and it downloaded profiles that had a warning about "valid signing identity not found".
As a last resort I deleted all the certificates and profiles off my Mac and somewhat have a clean slate since I had multiple profiles earlier which I figured were screwing things up.
I know have on my desktop the "CertificateSigningRequest.certSigningRequest" file and the "developer_identity.cer" only. How do I get this all to work the right way?
Thank You
Double-clicking on the certificate will open it in Keychain Access and import it automatically.
