Asp.Net MVC: requests with too long URLs and error handling -

By checking my elmah log, I see I keep receiving "too long url" requests. The error is:
System.Web.HttpException (0x80004005): The length of the URL for this request exceeds the configured maxUrlLength value.
at System.Web.HttpRequest.ValidateInputIfRequiredByConfig()
at System.Web.HttpApplication.PipelineStepManager.ValidateHelper(HttpContext context)
Here is the kind of requests I receive:
(don't be surprised by the php thing... before being an mvc site, my site was in php and now I need to redirect this kind of old URLs to my new url format, which works well when the url stops at /index.php/blog/post/the_ten_deceptions_of_the_datetimepicker)
What could generate these requests? Does it sound malicious?
I have custom errors setup, so I though such a request would be redirected to my custom error page, but it's not. Instead, people get the typical yellow screen (firebug mentions this is a 400 Bad Request). If you look at the above stack trace, it is very short and the exception seems to be caught very early (Application_BeginRequest is not even called). Is it possible to show my custom error page or can I at least redirect to my homepage when such an exception occurs?
I tried adding a line for error 400 in my web.config:
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly">
<error statusCode="400" redirect="/" />
This redirects to the homepage right, but it adds the complete url in an aspxerrorpath query string value.
Thanks for your help.

A google search helped me find that some other people get this kind of request. Someone answered with:
I am pretty sure it is an automated way of submitting spam. There must
be an error in the configuration because it should not leave such a
juicy trail in the referrer field!
First it tells some script to get an URL, then it instructs to post to
an URL (it is easy to block spam that POSTs directly without getting
The numbers could be relating to what spam message(s) to post (think
of it as indexes in a spam DB).
So, since there are good chances that these requests are not from humans following normal links, I ended up with the following solution. This avoids polluting my elmah log and this serves a blank page to the caller with a 404 code:
public void ErrorLog_Filtering(object sender, ExceptionFilterEventArgs e)
HttpException hExc = e.Exception.GetBaseException() as HttpException;
if (hExc != null)
if (hExc.ErrorCode == unchecked((int)0x80004005))
// Here I do some stuff if the error has to be logged.
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
Exception exc = Server.GetLastError();
HttpException hExc = exc as HttpException;
if (hExc != null)
if (hExc.ErrorCode == unchecked((int)0x80004005))
Uri uri = HttpContext.Current.Request.Url;
Response.StatusCode = 404;
Instead of returning a 404 code, I would have preferred to not send a response (the caller would have a timeout) but is it possible with No idea...


MVC Error Handling with WCF Service

I saw similar post Error Handling with WCF Service and Client Application to my question but I needed more help.
I have a MVC project with the WCF Service. I understand that WCF needs to throw a FaultException. But my question is what is the best way to show the error message created by an error in WCF. I just want to redirect all the errors (possibly all FaultException) to one error page (will be generic) but message will be different.
I also would like to use [HandleError] attribute so that I don't have to implement catching FaultException for all the methods calling the WCF service.
As you know how you can handle WCF exceptions but in my opinion this is better to observe these:
1-This not good idea to show user exactly exception message, this is better to show very understandable message for example "Operation get failed there is may problem with back-end service, try again or notify admin"
2- It's is boring end user to redirect to public error page.
3- This is better show the public prompt to user which tell user that the operation get failed exactly where the user do action not redirect it to another page.
4- At the end If you want to do what you want try these:
//Call your wcf
catch(Exception exp)
//Logging.Log(LoggingMode.Error, "You message , EXP:{0}...", exp.ToString());
Response.Redirect("~/ErrorPages/Oops.aspx?Error=WCfOperationFailed", false);
in your error page page_load:
switch (Request.QueryString["Error"].ToString())
case "WCfOperationFailed":
litError.Text = string.Format("<h2>Error!.</h2><br/><p>{0}.</p>",GetError());
public string GetError()
Exception lastError = Server.GetLastError();
return lastError.ToString();
or you can redirect error message as a QueryString to error page and show it to user in Page_load like:
//in catch block
Response.Redirect("~/ErrorPages/Oops.aspx?Error="+exp.Message, false);
in error page Page_load :
txtError.Text = Request.QueryString["Error"].ToString();
However, you can trap errors that occur anywhere in your application by adding code to the Application_Error handler in the Global.asax file:
void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
Exception exc = Server.GetLastError();
if (exc is HttpUnhandledException)
// Pass the error on to the error page.
Server.Transfer("ErrorPage.aspx?Error="+exc.Message, true);
This link can be helpful there are some examples
Error Handling mvc handle http 400 error

I have an ASP.NET MVC 4 application and I want to redirect all HTTP 400 errors to my custom error page. I was searching an hours to find a solution though HTTP 400 error isn't handled like 404 error. There are many solutions that show how to escape 400(bad request error), i.e. to allow using special characters for example in url. But I wouldn't able to find some solution to catch the exception.
Please help me to catch somehow all HTTP bad requests and redirect them to my error page.
Never redirect users in case of errors, instead return a response body for the failed request. The feature of IIS (and ASP.NET) to redirect to an error page, I believe, is fundamentally wrong, incorrect, and against the HTTP specification (because then the error is being returned for the error page resource itself, not the original request. And if it's a web-browser the user has no way of retrying, because reloading the page will return the error page again, not retrying their original failed request, which is what they want).
A HTTP 400 response must be generated by your application code, it isn't something that will be done automatically. A bad request is typically used when informing non-human agents (i.e. web service clients, not web browsers) that their HTTP request was missing required values or had malformed values.
You can do this in MVC by having a base controller class for all of your controllers like so:
public abstract class BaseController : Controller {
protected ActionResult Http400(String message) {
Response.StatusCode = 400;
return View(message); // you need to define a view file called "Http400.aspx" (or cshtml if you're using Razor) in your application's shared views folder
so in your application logic:
public ActionResult Foobar() {
if( IsBadRequest() ) return Http400("Bad request, try again");
You could do something as simple as adding adding this to your web.config
<customErrors mode="RemoteOnly">
<error statusCode="400" redirect="errorpage.html"/>

How to implement proper HTTP error handling in .NET MVC 2?

I've been struggling all day to implement error handling in my ASP.NET MVC 2 app. I've looked at a variety of techniques, but none work properly. I'm using MVC2 and .NET 4.0 (started the project before MVC3 was released; we'll upgrade after we deliver our initial release).
At this point, I'll be happy to properly handle 404 and 500 errors -- 403 (authorization required) would be great, too, followed by various other specific responses. Right now, I either get all 404s, all 500s, all 302s before the 404, or all 302s before the 500.
Here are my requirements (which should be pretty close to the basic requirements of HTTP):
If a resource is not found, throw a 404, and display a 404-specific page with the requested URL. DO NOT return an intermediate response code like 302. Ideally, keep the requested URL, rather than showing a new URL like /Error/NotFound -- but if the latter displays, be sure we didn't return a redirect response to get it.
If an internal server error occurred, throw a 500, and display a 500-specific error with some indication of what went wrong. Again, don't return an intermediate response code, and ideally don't change the URL.
Here's what I'd consider a 404:
Static file not found: /Content/non-existent-dir/non-existent-file.txt
Controller not found: /non-existent-controller/Foo/666
Controller found, but Action not found: /Home/non-existent-action/666
Controller and action found, but the action can't find the requested object: /Home/Login/non-existent-id
Here's what I'd consider a 500:
Post a bad value: POST /User/New/new-user-name-too-long-for-db-column-constraint
Non-data-related problem, like a Web Service endpoint not responding
Some of these problems need to be identified by specific controllers or models, and then the controllers should throw the appropriate HttpException. The rest should be handled more generically.
For 404 case #2, I tried to use a custom ControllerFactory to throw a 404 if the controller can't be found.
For 404 case #3, I've tried to use a custom base controller to override HandleUnknownAction and throw a 404.
In both cases, I get a 302 before the 404. And, I never get 500 errors; if I modify Web.config to put a typo in my Web Service endpoint, I still get a 302, then a 404 saying the URL (controller/action) which uses the Web Service can't be found.
I also get the requested URL as a(n unwanted) querystring param: /Error/NotFound?aspxerrorpath=/Home/non-existent-action
Both of these techniques came from (How to get normal 404 (Page not found) error pages using ASP.Net MVC), pointed to from
If in Web.config I have <customErrors mode="On" defaultRedirect="~/Error/Unknown" redirectMode="ResponseRedirect" />, I get the appropriate response code, but my Error controller never gets called. Taking out the redirectMode attribute gets me the MVC error views, but with an intervening 302 and a changed URL -- and always the same controller (Unknown = 500; if I change it to NotFound everything looks like a 404).
Here are some of the other things I've read and tried to implement:
.. along with a bunch of StackOverflow posts.
Seems to me this sort of error handling is pretty basic to Web apps, and the MVC framework ought to have defaults that do this out of the box, and let people extend it to work otherwise. Perhaps they'll do it in a future release. In the meantime, can someone give me comprehensive details on how to implement proper HTTP responses?
Here's one technique you could use. Define an ErrorsController which will serve the error pages:
public class ErrorsController : Controller
public ActionResult Http404()
Response.StatusCode = 404;
return Content("404", "text/plain");
public ActionResult Http500()
Response.StatusCode = 500;
return Content("500", "text/plain");
public ActionResult Http403()
Response.StatusCode = 403;
return Content("403", "text/plain");
and then in Global.asax you could subscribe for the Application_Error event where you could log the exception and execute the corresponding action of the ErrorsController:
protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
var app = (MvcApplication)sender;
var context = app.Context;
var ex = app.Server.GetLastError();
var httpException = ex as HttpException;
var routeData = new RouteData();
routeData.Values["controller"] = "errors";
routeData.Values["exception"] = ex;
routeData.Values["action"] = "http500";
if (httpException != null)
switch (httpException.GetHttpCode())
case 404:
routeData.Values["action"] = "http404";
case 403:
routeData.Values["action"] = "http403";
case 500:
routeData.Values["action"] = "http500";
IController controller = new ErrorsController();
controller.Execute(new RequestContext(new HttpContextWrapper(context), routeData));
And now all that's left is to start throwing proper exceptions:
public class HomeController : Controller
public ActionResult Index()
throw new HttpException(404, "NotFound");
For HTTP 404 errors (without redirects) take a look at my blog post on the subject. This might give you some good ideas:
This doesn't answer your question, but it is important to note that HTTP status 500 indicates that something went wrong on the server, so your example:
POST /User/New/new-user-name-too-long-for-db-column-constraint
Is not valid grounds to throw a 500, its a data validation issue and should be handled by MVC data annotations or a jQuery validation framework or etc. Just showing an error message next to the TextBox saying "User Name too long" is much better.
This is a very old question. but I thought It's worth it if I introduce you to a much much cleaner way to handle Http Exceptions that I saw in dear "Jesse Webb's answer".
The solution is to use the httpErrors element of the system.webServer section:
<httpErrors errorMode="Custom" existingResponse="Replace">
<remove statusCode="404" subStatusCode="-1" />
<remove statusCode="500" subStatusCode="-1" />
<error statusCode="404" path="/Error/NotFound" responseMode="ExecuteURL" />
<error statusCode="500" path="/Error" responseMode="ExecuteURL" />
You also can log all exceptions in this way. "Read the "Jesse Webb's answer"".
This really feels much cleaner and also works as well as every other solution (without redirect).
Note: This only works work in IIS 7 and and newer. (Because of the httpErrors element which was recently added.

ASP.NET MVC app custom error pages not displaying in shared hosting environment

I'm having an issue with custom errors on an ASP.NET MVC app I've deployed on my shared host. I've created an ErrorController and added the following code to Global.asax to catch unhandled exceptions, log them, and then transfer control to the ErrorController to display custom errors. This code is taken from here:
protected void Application_Error(object sender, EventArgs e)
Exception ex = Server.GetLastError();
HttpException httpEx = ex as HttpException;
RouteData routeData = new RouteData();
routeData.Values.Add("controller", "Error");
if (httpEx == null)
routeData.Values.Add("action", "Index");
switch (httpEx.GetHttpCode())
case 404:
routeData.Values.Add("action", "HttpError404");
case 500:
routeData.Values.Add("action", "HttpError500");
case 503:
routeData.Values.Add("action", "HttpError503");
routeData.Values.Add("action", "Index");
ExceptionLogger.LogException(ex); // <- This is working. Errors get logged
routeData.Values.Add("error", ex);
IController controller = new ErrorController();
// The next line doesn't seem to be working
controller.Execute(new RequestContext(new HttpContextWrapper(Context), routeData));
Application_Error is definitely firing because the logging works fine, but instead of displaying my custom error pages, I get the Go Daddy generic ones. From the title of the blog post the above code is taken from, I notice that it uses Release Candidate 2 of the MVC framework. Did something change in 1.0 that makes the last line of code not work? As usual it works great on my machine.
Any suggestions will be greatly appreciated.
Edit: Forgot to mention that I've tried all 3 possiblities for the customErrors mode in Web.config (Off, On, and RemoteOnly). Same results regardless of this setting.
Edit 2: And I've also tried it with and without the [HandleError] decoration on the Controller classes.
Update: I've figured out and fixed the 404s. There is a section of the Settings panel in Go Daddy's Hosting Control Center where 404 behavior can be controlled and the default is to show their generic page, and apparently this overrides any Web.config settings. So my custom 404 page is now showing as intended. However, 500s and 503s are still not working. I've got code in the HomeController to grab a static text version of the content if Sql Server throws an exception as follows:
public ActionResult Index()
CcmDataClassesDataContext dc = new CcmDataClassesDataContext();
// This might generate an exception which will be handled in the OnException override
HomeContent hc = dc.HomeContents.GetCurrentContent();
ViewData["bodyId"] = "home";
return View(hc);
protected override void OnException(ExceptionContext filterContext)
// Only concerned here with SqlExceptions so an HTTP 503 message can
// be displayed in the Home View. All others will bubble up to the
// Global.asax.cs and be handled/logged there.
System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException sqlEx =
filterContext.Exception as System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException;
if (sqlEx != null)
// couldn't log exception, continue without crashing
ViewData["bodyId"] = "home";
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
HomeContent hc = ContentHelper.GetStaticContent();
if (hc == null)
// Couldn't get static content. Display friendly message on Home View.
Response.StatusCode = 503;
// Pass the static content to the regular Home View
this.View("Index", hc).ExecuteResult(this.ControllerContext);
Here's the code that attempts to fetch the static content:
public static HomeContent GetStaticContent()
HomeContent hc;
string path = Configuration.CcmConfigSection.Config.Content.PathToStaticContent;
string fileText = File.ReadAllText(path);
string regex = #"^[^#]([^\r\n]*)";
MatchCollection matches = Regex.Matches(fileText, regex, RegexOptions.Multiline);
hc = new HomeContent
ID = Convert.ToInt32(matches[0].Value),
Title = matches[1].Value,
DateAdded = DateTime.Parse(matches[2].Value),
Body = matches[3].Value,
IsCurrent = true
catch (Exception ex)
// couldn't log exception, continue without crashing
hc = null;
return hc;
I've verified that if I change the connection string to generate a SqlException, the code properly logs the error and then grabs and displays the static content. But if I also change the path to the static text file in Web.config to test the 503 version of the Home View, what I get instead is a page with nothing other than "service unavailable". That's it. No custom 503 message with the look and feel of the site.
Does anyone have any suggestions on improvements to the code that might help? Would it help to add different headers to the HttpResponse? Or is Go Daddy heavy-handedly hijacking the 503s?
I've found the solution and it's incredibly simple. Turns out the problem was actually in IIS7. While debugging this issue in Visual Studio I saw a property of the HttpResponse object that I hadn't noticed before:
public bool TrySkipIisCustomErrors { get; set; }
This lead me to my nearest search engine which turned up a great blog post by Rick Strahl and another on as well as this question here on SO. These links explain the gory details much better than I can, but this quote from Rick's post captures it pretty well:
The real confusion here occurs because the error is trapped by
ASP.NET, but then ultimately still handled by IIS which looks at the
500 status code and returns the stock IIS error page.
It also seems this behavior is specific to IIS7 in Integrated mode. From msdn:
When running in Classic mode in IIS 7.0 the TrySkipIisCustomErrors
property default value is true. When running in Integrated mode, the
TrySkipIisCustomErrors property default value is false.
So essentially all I ended up having to do is add Response.TrySkipIisCustomErrors = true; right after any code that sets the Response.StatusCode to 500 or 503 and everything now functions as designed.
I host an ASP.NET MVC site on GoDaddy and also faced issues dealing with custom error pages. What I found, through trial and error, was that GoDaddy intercepts errors at the HTTP level.
For example, any page which returned an HTTP status code of 404 caused GoDaddy's custom error page to take over. Eventually I changed my custom error pages to return 200 status and the 404-related problem went away. My HTML was the same, just the HTTP status needed to change.
I admittedly never tried doing the same with 503 status responses, but it's possible that the same mitigation may work. If you change from returning a 503 status to returning 200 status, does the problem go away?
Note that, if you do this workaround, you'll want to prevent search engines from indexing your error pages, which once then return a 200 status will be indistinguishable (from the search engine's perspective) from a regular page. So make sure to add a META ROBOTS tag to prevent indexing of your error pages, e.g.
The downside of this approach may be that your page might be removed from Google, which is definitely not a good thing!
UPDATE: So, in addition, you can also detect whether the user agent is a crawler or not, and if it's a crawler return a 503 while if it's not a crawler, return a 200. See this blog post for info about how to detect crawlers. Yes, I know that returning different content to crawlers vs. users is an SEO no-no, but I've done this on several sites with no ill effect so far, so I'm not sure how much of a problem that is.
Doing both approaches (META ROBOTS and bot detection) may be your best bet, in case any oddball crawlers slip through the bot detector.

How can send back my own 404 error message in ASP.NET , but as json?

i'm trying to send back a simple error message as Json, with the HTTP code as 404.
So i started out writing my own IExceptionFilter that checks to see the exception. To keep this simple, if the exception throw is of type ResourceNotFoundException then i set the code to 404. Otherwise everything else if 500.
Now, the problem is .. the default IIS7 404 error message is returned :( my code is called .. but it seems to bypass it (later on in the pipeline)...
is there some trick i need to do?
do I need a custom error handling (in the web config) to be turned on or something?
I'm trying to do what twitter does. Their Http Response Code documentation shows / explains some examples how they handle 404's, etc.. and i'm wanting to do that in my MVC app.
Edit 2:
The code i've done is listed here, for anyones reference :)
When you are handling your exception, are you setting ExceptionHandled to true?
Here's a quick example...
HandleException(ActionExecutedContext filterContext)
Exception exception = filterContext.Exception;
//Check if our exception has been handled.
if (filterContext.ExceptionHandled == false)
//Do your exception stuff
filterContext.Result = YourExceptionMessageAsAnActionResult();
//Set it as null.
filterContext.ExceptionHandled = true;
