iPad UISplitViewController view frame - ipad

I wonder how I can change a splitView.view.frame ?
In my app I'm using a tabBarController to display differents splitViews by tab.
But I need to leave an empty space between my tabBar and my splitView to put another view.
I tried to change the splitView.view.frame but It doesn't work... any idea ?

This is from the Split View Controller section of the View Controller Programming Guide for iOS,
"The UISplitViewController class is a container view controller that
manages two panes of information. The first pane has a fixed width of
320 points and a height that matches the visible window height.
The second pane fills the remaining space."
So, I'd say you can't do it. But maybe someone else has a solution for this.
Word of advice, though: don't complicate your interface. Try and think of a better way to achieve what you are thinking of showing in that intermediate view. Maybe place it somewhere else or present it in some other way.


Swift drag two views on VC

If some one please can point me in the right direction.
I have two views in the same view controller and i what that the user can drag up the lower view and make it bigger and the second one smaller.
On the Mac you'd use a split view. To my knowledge iOS's UISplitViewController isn't resizable, but you could try MGSplitViewController or some other open source variant.

iOS UINavigationController-like behaviour in a partial screen area (2016)

(I have read other questions and answers on this topic, but most are very old and do not relate to iOS 9 or 10.)
The app design calls for the top half of the display to always contain the same content. (An image being edited by the user.)
The bottom half of the display needs a UITableView. When a UITableViewCell is tapped, the bottom section needs to transition to a new UIViewController with slide-on animation, similar to how UINavigationController push segues work.
Problem: only the bottom view needs to transition to the new view controller(s), and back again. The upper half of the view hierarchy needs to remain unaffected. For this reason, I can't place everything inside a UINavigationController, and I can't have a UINavigationBar at the top of the screen.
Question: what approach should I take in such a situation, where I need only one UIView hierarchy to transition in push-segue fashion, but not anything else? Thanks.
Edited with Solution
Solution follows, for those following along at home.
Yes, you can actually use a UINavigationController for the bottom half.
If you are using Storyboards, the easiest way to do this is to use a container view for each part of the screen which you then can embed a UIViewController in for the top part and a UINavigationController in for the bottom part. If you are doing this programmatically, just add the view controllers as child view controllers to your app's initial view controller (see this answer for more info) which is essentially what the Storyboard will do for you automatically when using a container view.
As a child view controller, the UINavigationController will act independently from the top UIViewController and should behave as expected.
I recommend the programatic approach for the following reasons:
It helps you understand the inner workings of child/parent view controllers much better which will likely save you a significant amount of debugging time down the line.
It makes adding/removing/swapping child view controllers as simple as a few lines of code. Trying to do this with Storyboards is notoriously hacky and cumbersome.
It's much easier to keep track of changes using GIT (most mid-size/larger companies actually prohibit Storyboards for this very reason)
If you want change in part of the screen you can use container view. For details refer Swift - How to link two view controllers into one container view and switch between them using segmented control?
You can use multiple view in one view controller and can give animation like push or pop to show or hide it.
Second approach is you can use Container View which will give exact effect like navigation stack.

Create view for iPad out of existing views suitable for iPhone

To put it simply, my app has two main views: the first serves to choose some values, the second displays a report. Both are TableView based.
The app looks well on iPhone with any screen size and for any orientation, but since the app’s thought to be universal, I want to get rid of those gaps between elements when the app runs on iPad.
I decided to have the app displaying both views on iPad screen simultaneously as official YouTube app does:
(1) and (2) are the first and the second View controller.
I see it this way:
1) Some initial view controller (additional navigation view controller?) checks idiom (iPhone / iPad) and chooses the next viewController. If idiom is iPhone, the first view controller is pushed.
2) If idiom is iPad, the «new» view controller is pushed. It has two view containers containing the fist view and the second view. Containers have autolayout constraints etc.
1) Is it a right idea in context of Apple app design philosophy? What’s the better way to create iPad view combining existing ‘iPhone’ views?
2) Where to check for device type? Shall I use the second storyboard or something? Maybe there’s a good tutorial for this case, I didn’t find one.
Thanks in advance!
For the 2nd part of your question I think you want to look into
I think you want to look into Size Classes and Auto Layout
You can make a single view but depending on the size / orientation of the device - you can enable/disable certain components of the view.
You can pin views so that in portrait you have your 1st layout and in a landscape you have your 2nd layout.
With regards to your 1st question - you do have the ability to embed a view inside of another view
I'm not sure if this is what you are looking for - but as far as what apple is pushing I believe size classes is what they "suggest". You can do a lot. The only thing is make sure you turn on the assistant editor into storyboard preview mode it will help a lot.

Linking different views to tableview/viewcontroller without using a navigation controller

I apologize in advance for not being able to efficiently describe my problem statement. But, I shall include a link to an image to better describe what I'm looking for. Basically I have a Viewcontroller with a TableView inside it and I have a toolbar on top with three bar button items on it. Now what, I want is to be able to have a functionality whereby the user taps on any of these buttons and we go to different views. Now, I would like a design where if possible I stay on the same screen and render the information in the tableview below depending on which button has been pressed. Visually, I'm trying to go for an effect where the button that is pressed is shown as being depressed and information is rendered and on pressing a different button a different view is rendered. I'm familiar with attaching different view controllers to all the buttons and then segueing into those viewers. However, I would like to know if there's a way in which I can stay on the same view controller and just use sub views. If there is, how can I do this from storyboards? Again,, I apologize for being verbose, my picture should hopefully be able to tell you what I'm trying to do.
The link to what I'm trying to achieve: http://imgur.com/GM5eH
Well, one basic solution is simply to add these other views in your controller. Now that subview is set to hidden on viewDidLoad:. Then just create an action, and show the subView. You can size that view however you want, and play around with the other view as well.
Now, there might be a better way to do this, but that is how I would do it.
EDIT - Concerning Apple's method on Calender
Now, I have never tried anything like this, so this is all theory.
First, you create three classes. Each with it's own custom view. This view should be the size you need it on the other (Main View). You can set the size to freeform in the Interface Builder.
Once you have that done, you head to your main view. That view will have the three buttons. Set an IBAction for each of those that creates an instance of each view and places it on the screen. (I am not sure how to accomplish this, but I am sure there is a way. Take a look here: Objective-c Adding subViews in my controller
You should dealloc each view after you head to another view as well for memory management.

Specific iPad modal view

Okay, I am still learning how to program and things are moving along quite well, but I have a question for the group about something that has been plaguing me:
How do I create a pop view where the background can still be seen? I mean, say my iPad view has 5 buttons on it, and I want a small square to pop up over where that button was, asking the user a question - how would i do that? Can I make a modal view with an invisible background? (I don't want a UIAlert BTW - I know that would solve my problem, but I am trying to learn how to do this with my own view)
Can anyone point me in the right direction?
You say "pop view" which makes me think you're describing a popover. Have you read the iPad Programming Guide, specifically, the section "Creating and Presenting a Popover"? It really is required reading in this case.
Are you showing the popover from a bar button? If so, you'll want to use presentPopoverFromBarButtonItem:permittedArrowDirections:animated:. If not, you'll need to identify a CGRect that represents the button (you can use its bounds), and then use presentPopoverFromRect:inView:permittedArrowDirections:animated:.
You do not want to obscure the button with the popover. When you show the popover using the above methods, the framework will take care of positioning the popover on-screen. Use the UIPopoverArrowDirectionAny for directions whenever possible.
If you actually want to show a modal view, you can create whatever view you want and then display it in such a way that the background is not fully obscured. Just set the modalPresentationStyle of the view controller to something like UIModalPresentationPageSheet.
You should create a custom UIView with the dimensions and content that you want to display. Then, you can place the custom UIView on screen by calling something like:
//where 'self' is the view controller currently visible and 'customView' is
//the view which has the question for the user. Don't forget to set the
//frame property on customView so that it knows the correct place to display.
[self.view addSubview:customView];
Hope this helps. Andrew
