Use objectAtIndex:indexPath.row selection to change a scrollview image - ios

I am developing an iOS app that requires the user to search a list in a secondary view, select an entry in the list, and this then closes the view, and adjusts the mainViewController scrollview image to a specific location.
I have stored the selected entry in a variable, but I can't get the view to close, or figure out how to reset the scrollview using my variable. Any help is welcome.

Where you save the selection, set the mainViewController's content offset.
Then if you displayed your secondary view by [view addSubView:]
Call [secondViewController.view removeFromSuperView];

How are you displaying the view you want to close. If you are using
[self.view addSubview:someView] then you can call [someView removeFromSuperview];. If your problem is that your trying to have the view close its self, you can create a function - (void)closeSomeView in your main viewController that closes the view.
As for adjusting the scrollView you just need to create a CGPoint and do something like this
CGPoint somePoint = CGPointMake(xPosition, yPosition);
[scrollView setContentOffset:somePoint];


Animate a view on key window while dragging another view with UILongPressGestureRecognizer

I have added UILongPressGestureRecognizer to a view, and after long press event, the user can drag the view.
I have added a view on the key window (need the custom view over the navigation and tab bar controllers, that is why need to add it on key window) using below code:
// add the custom view on the key window.
UIWindow *currentWindow = [UIApplication sharedApplication].keyWindow;
[currentWindow addSubview:customView];
Now, when I am dragging the first view beyond the (screenSize/2) point, I want the customView to animate from the right side of the view. I tried the following code to present the view:
// animate the customView view.
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.50f animations:^{
customView.frame = CGRectMake(SCREEN_WIDTH - customViewWidth, 0, customViewWidth, SCREEN_HEIGHT);
} completion:nil];
But the view does not appear neither it animates. I even tried to use the dispatch_async(dispatch_get_main_queue(),{}); but still no success.
Any help will be appreciated.
You should use UIAttachmentBehavior.
It specifies a dynamic connection between two dynamic items, or between a dynamic item and an anchor point. When a dynamic item moves, either by tracking a gesture or via other input, any attached dynamic item also moves—if possible given its other dynamic parameters and boundaries. You can configure an attachment behavior using its length, damping, and frequency properties.

how to show an overlapping view iOS

I have a view with some UI components and a button on it, upon touch of a button I want to show a half view with some textfields on it overlapping the initial view, the initial view should be visible partly , the overlapping view will cover only half screen from bottom. Is this possible ?
I don't have any code as I am unable to figure out what it needs to be done, as we show any view it covers the entire screen.
there are several ways you can do this, here are two:
1) add a popover controller that gets displayed on your button press:
here's some apple documentation on popovers:
2) add the new view as a subview to your UIViewController
in the viewDidLoad function you can do the following to initialize the halfScreenView
GLfloat topOffset = self.view.frame.size.height/2;
UIView halfScreenView = [[UIView alloc] initWithFrame: CGRectMake(0, topOffset , [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.width, [UIScreen mainScreen].bounds.size.height - topOffset)
[self.view addSubview:halfScreenView];
-more logic might be needed if you support Landscape orientation, you can always re-assign the location of the view with halfScreenView.frame.origin and halfScreenView.frame.size
-initially you can have this view be hidden
halfScreenView.hidden = YES;
-when you click the button it will show the overlaying view:
halfScreenView.hidden = NO;
you can also set up your overlaying view in the storyboard if you have one
-drag a UIView into your UIViewController and set it up where you want it to be located
-initialize the view to be hidden by checking the hidden box in the attribute inspector
-add the view as a property to your view
-manage when to show this view with self.halfScreenView.hidden
-this technique allows you to customize what is inside the new view within the storyboard which is nice
-be careful with layers, you don't want your view to show up behind the one you already present. In the storyboard the last thing inserted goes on top. With in the code you can always access/change the views z position with halfScreenView.layer.zPosition (higher z values are on top)
First create a new class subclassing UIViewController called SecondView (or whatever you want), then design the UI the way you want (in its .xib file)
Then go to your main view controller's file and make an IBAction for that button.
In that method, write:
SecondView* second = [[SecondView alloc] initWithFrame:CGRectMake(0, [[UIScreen mainScreen] bounds].size.height/2, height, width);
[self.view addSubview:second.view];
This will add it to the bottom half of the screen. Put your own parameters for its height and width. When you want to dismiss the view, you can do this inside your SecondView class
[self.view removeFromSuperview];
You can deal with the textFields from within the SecondView class and have them communicate with your other view by doing the following in SecondView.h
#property IBOutlet UITextField* textField;
Hope this helps!
Yes, assuming you are using Interface Builder, go ahead and build the overlapping view and hook up all of the IBOutlets and IBActions. Say this view is called myView. Set myView.hidden = YES and myView.enabled = NO. This hides and disables myView so that it isn't even there from the user's perspective. In the appropriate button's IBAction, change the hidden and enabled properties to YES. That will make the view visible and active again.

How to reset or restart root view of UIViewController to its original state?

I am new to iOS Development. I have a very simple UIViewController, with two button in the view. I am allowing users to edit UI components or drag and drop from one place to another. Now I want to implement reset functionality allowing users to reset UI to its original stage discarding all the changes.
As mentioned in several post tried setNeedsDisplay but looks like its not right way to achieve this. What are the my options ?
e.g. In Android world, you can finish current Activity (Equivalent of UIViewController) and relaunch self to achieve original state. Is it possible to do something like it in iOS.
- (IBAction)resetButtonClicked:(id)sender {
// Now I want discard all the changes on the screen
// On some button click or specific action from user.
// Tried calling setNeedsDisplay as pointed in few others answers but somehow
// setNeedsDisplay does not reload my ViewController.
// [self.view setNeedsDisplay];
I have done something similar. What I did was:
1) create local CGRect variables for each frame ui control i.e. CGRect originalFrame1;
2) get the original frame position for each ui control and store them on viewDidLoad i.e. originalFrame1 = _frame1.frame;
3) on the resetButtonClicked set it back to is original position _frame1.frame = originalFrame1;
I can think of two options:
1- Save the positions of your initial state, and when the user clicks the reset button, just put those buttons on their initial states.
2- OR (strange way of doing it), you can initialise the same controller you are in and just present it from itself, that should be somehow close to your android approach. You'll get the same controller on its initial state (If you didn't didn't dismiss the first one, you should)
Hope that helps :)
u can save the positions for all subviews(buttons,label,...) in the main view.
self.view.subview it will return array contain all elements u have it :)
and when u wanna rest your view just get the old position for each subview from the array.
NSArray *arrayOfView = [view subviews];
NSMutableArray *mutableArrayOfView = [[view subviews] mutableCopy];
for (UIImageView *imageView in imageViewArray) //uiimageview or whatever your subview //is you can check by using isKindofClass. `if ([view isKindOfClass:[UIImageView class]])`
//let's set frame for image view before adding to
[myimageView setFrame:imageview.frame];//or something like that
EVery app will have a keyWindow object for which you should assign some viewController to display.
window.rootViewController = [[UIViewController alloc] init];
Lets say your controller's class is CustomViewController
So, in your app delegate,didFinishLaunchingWithOptions, you will write
self.window.rootViewController = [[CustomViewController alloc] init];
And the function invoked when you click reset button be as below,
// reset the view with default
self.view.window.rootViewController = [[CustomViewController alloc] init];
If you follow above code, it won't have any memory leaks because ,when you set rootViewController again ,the old one will be lost and removed from memory.

Xcode 5 - Swipe switch view with constant background

I understand how to implement UISwipeGestureRecognizer, but I do not understand how to use multiple views properly in collaboration with it.
My ultimate goal is to provide a sleek interface where buttons or swiping may be used to change views. I am hoping for a constant background rather than a background image show it is transferring to the exact same image again. I am using storyboarding currently where each view has its own controller, and I would like (if possible) to keep it as close to this format for visual clarity of what is going on.
I have read that subviews may be my best hope for this sort of scenario (keeping them to the right until a swipe is called), but that would break up the current storyboarding structure I am using, and most certainly ruin any visual clarity.
Does anyone have any suggestions?
I did same programmatically, but you can achieve same using storyboard
1. You need base view which will keep same background
2. Add 3 Views (or 2 depending on ur requirement) Left, Middle, Right with transparent backgrounds as follows in viewDidLoad of base view controller
[self addChildViewController:myChildViewController];
[myChildViewController view].frame = CGMakeRect(x,y,width,height);//Left one will have x = -320, y=0 ,Middle x= 0, y= 0, Right x = 32O etc.
/* Add new view to source view */
[self.view addSubview:[myChildViewController view]];
/* Inform 'didMoveToParentViewController' to newly added view controller */
[myChildViewController didMoveToParentViewController:self];
3. In handle Swipe method change frames of view with animation which will make it look like swiping page
//swipe left, get right view in middle
[UIView animateWithDuration:0.2 animations:^{
CGRect frame = rightViewController.view.frame;
frame.origin.x = 0;
frame.origin.y = 0;
rightViewController.view.frame = frame;
CGRect middleViewFrame = middleViewController.view.frame;
middleViewFrame.origin.x = -320;
middleViewController.view.frame = middleViewFrame;
You could use a navigation to do this. If you don't want the navigation bar, you can hide it. You can connect the left swipe gesture recognizer to a segue to the next controller, and connect the right swipe gesture recognizer to an unwind segue (or call popViewControllerAnimated: from its action method). If you want a constant background, then you need to add that to the navigation controller's view (as a background color), and have the child view controller's views be transparent (or partially so). This code in the navigation controller's root view controller will add the background:
- (void)viewDidLoad {
[super viewDidLoad];
self.navigationController.view.backgroundColor = [UIColor colorWithPatternImage:[UIImage imageNamed:#"img.tiff"]];
I know exactly what you're talking about and I'm actually doing the same with my current project.
I accomplished this by using Interface Builder and a single view controller. Basically I placed a UIImageView in the view and set it to the background you wish, then I put a transparent UIScrollView on top of it. Inside that scroll view I put the two views I want to scroll horizontally through.
Don't forget to enable UIScrollView paging. In my case, I had two table views. Starting from the first one, if you swiped from right to left it would scroll to the next table view, and if you swiped left to right it would scroll back to the first.

uitableview with header like instagram user profile

I've been struggling with this for quite a while now.
I have to implement an user profile similar to what Instagram has in their ios app.
When clicking on the first to buttons on that tab bar like thing all the contents downwards from it changes. The tableview that is displayed on the bottom part has dynamic size so they keep account of that also.
I have something implemented where the top part is a UIView with 5 buttons and based on them the bottom part (witch is like a container view) changes content. And these two (top uiview and bottom container view) are part of UIScrollView. But this way I can't get information back in time on the size about the tableview's size that I want to display in the bottom part in order to modify the UIScrollView's size. And I have a feeling this is a flawed way to do it.
I would really appreciate any ideas oh how to implement this king of interaction. Thank you.
I believe it's a headerView on a UITableView or a UICollectionView, depending on which view mode you have selected. When you tap one of the buttons it changes out the UITableView to a UICollectionView or vice versa.
You want to keep track of the current contentOffset for whichever is being displayed (UICollectionView and UITableView are both subclasses of UIScrollView so you will be able to get this from both) and then set the contentOffset on the view you're switching to.
Setup an ivar for the UIView header subclass so you can easily re-use it.
This is what I have. My problem is that I'm mot getting back in useful time the tableview's frame height from the tableview controller to the UserProfileViewController in order to change the latter's scrollview size. I also feel that I'm somehow doing this backwards so any suggestions are more than welcome.
This view has two parts: an upper part and a lower part. The parent view is a scroll view. What I wanted to achieve with this is having a sort of tab bar in the upper part that will controll waht will appear in the lower part.
The upper part has a flip animation when the upper left button is pressed to reveal another view.
The way this is achieved is by having 2 views: a dummy view and the back view. The dummy view has the front view as a child. The front view is the one that containes all the buttons.
The code for this animation is achieved in this way:
- (IBAction)infoButtonPressed:(id)sender
[UIView beginAnimations:nil context:NULL];
[UIView setAnimationDuration:1.0];
[UIView setAnimationTransition:UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromRight forView:self.hoverView cache:YES];
if ([self.headerView superview]) {
[self.headerView removeFromSuperview];
[self.hoverView addSubview:self.backOfHeaderView];
[self.infoButton removeFromSuperview];
[self.backOfHeaderView addSubview:self.infoButton];
} else {
[self.backOfHeaderView removeFromSuperview];
[self.hoverView addSubview:self.headerView];
[self.infoButton removeFromSuperview];
[self.headerView addSubview:self.infoButton];
[UIView commitAnimations];
The lower part is made out of a container view that acts as a place holder.
When a button is pressed a different view controller is displayed in the container view.
Each view controller has a container view of it's own. The specific view of that view controller (tableview) is added to it's container view when the controller is loaded. It also makes sure that if the tableview is already added to the container view it will be removed. All this is done in each specific view controller.
In the view controller of the User Profile view there is an instance of the container view and one of a UIViewController that also acts as a placeholder(named currentViewController from now on). When a specific button is pressed it checks if the an instance of the view controller that we want to display already exists. If not it will make one and will set it's tableview's frame to the bounds of the container view. After that it will remove the currentViewController's view from the superview and the currentViewController itself from the parent viewcontroller to make sure that if there is something assigned to these they will not be there. Then it goes and assigns the desired viewcontroller to the currentViewController. It also assigns the desired viewcontroller's containerView instance to the containerview in the parent viewcontroller (the User Profile viewcontroller). At the end it will add the desired viewcontroller as a child to the main viewcontroller (the User Profile viewcontroller) and desired viewcontroller's view to the containerView of the main viewcontroller.
This is the code for one of the buttons:
//Check if there is an instance of the viewcontroller we want to display. If not make one and set it's tableview frame to the container's view bounds
if(!_userWallViewController) {
self.userWallViewController = [[WallViewController alloc] init];
// self.userWallViewController.activityFeedTableView.frame = self.containerView.bounds;
[self.userWallViewController.containerView addSubview:self.userWallViewController.activityFeedTableView];
//If the currentviewcontroller adn it's view are already added to the hierarchy remove them
[self.currentViewController.view removeFromSuperview];
[self.currentViewController removeFromParentViewController];
//Add the desired viewcontroller to the currentviewcontroller
self.currentViewController = self.userWallViewController;
//Pass the data needed for the desired viewcontroller to it's instances
self.userWallViewController.searchURLString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"event/user/%#/", self.userID];
self.userWallViewController.sendCommentURLString = [NSString stringWithFormat:#"event/message/%#", self.userID];
self.userWallViewController.totalCellHeight = ^(float totalCellHeight){
self.userWallViewController.numberOfCells = ^(float numberOfCells){
NSLog(#"The total number of cells: %f", numberOfCells);
NSLog(#"The total cell height: %f", totalCellHeight);
self.scrollView.contentSize = CGSizeMake(320.0, totalCellHeight + 172.0 + 33.0);
CGRect newFrame = self.userWallViewController.containerView.frame;
newFrame.size.height = totalCellHeight + 33.0;
self.userWallViewController.containerView.frame = newFrame;
NSLog(#"Container view: %f", self.containerView.frame.size.height);
NSLog(#"Scroll view: %f",self.scrollView.contentSize.height );
//Add this containerview to the desired viewcontroller's containerView
self.userWallViewController.containerView = self.containerView;
//Add the needed viewcontroller and view to the parent viewcontroller and the containerview
[self addChildViewController:self.userWallViewController];
[self.containerView addSubview:self.userWallViewController.view];
[self performSelector:#selector(changeScrollView) withObject:self afterDelay:0.5];
[self.userFansViewController.userSimpleTableView removeFromSuperview];
[self.fanOfViewController.userSimpleTableView removeFromSuperview];
[self.userPublishedMovellaListViewController.gridView removeFromSuperview];
[self.userPublishedMovellaListViewController removeFromParentViewController];
self.userPublishedMovellaListViewController = nil;
I know this answer is over a year late, but I wanted to state my hypothesis on it...just incase it might help someone else later. Im implementing a similar view and came to this conclusion. Anyone is welcomed to correct me if I'm wrong.
I think that perhaps the top view is a header view and the two options that seem like a collection view and a table view are both collection views.
Because the layout of collection views can be fine tuned to the most minute details, I think the view that looks like a table view is just a really specifically designed collection view. And when switching between the views, the collection view's data and properties are being swapped and reloaded.
