Sprite position in Corona SDK - lua

I didn't understand some object position concepts in Corona SDK
I have created sprite sheet:
local spriteSheet = sprite.newSpriteSheet("button.png", 138, 64);
local spriteSet = sprite.newSpriteSet(spriteSheet, 1, 2);
local sp = sprite.newSprite( spriteSet );
and it's positions are strange and sprite is out of screen bounds even I set x and y positions to zero
config.lua is:
application =
content =
width = 320,
height = 480,
scale = "letterbox"
I think that problem in "referencePoint"
just say me how to change setReferencePoint of default screen (not image or group ...), just default screen...

Technically you can use a different coordinate system for all your graphics by creating a display group and attach everything to that group, but really it seems like you're asking the wrong question. Rather than trying to change the reference point of the screen, you should be wondering why your sprites aren't positioned correctly.
Please create a new question that focuses on that problem and explains it further, because all you say here is that the positions are "strange". What's that mean?

You can modify your code like below and just check it,it will work:
local spriteSheet = sprite.newSpriteSheetFromData( "button.png",require("button").getSpriteSheetData())
local spriteSet = sprite.newSpriteSet(spriteSheet,1,9);
//button is lua file use button.lua
local sp = sprite.newSprite( spriteSet );
sp.x = display.screenOriginX+138;
sp.y = display.screenOriginY+64;


Creating a boundary around a tiled map

I've created a tiled map composed of multiple sprite nodes that are 367x367. I create this map like so:
for var i = 0; i < Int(multiplier); i++ {
for var j = 0; j < Int(multiplier); j++ {
// Positive
var map = SKSpriteNode(imageNamed: "tiledBackground.png")
var x = CGFloat(i) * map.size.height
var y = CGFloat(j) * map.size.height
map.position = CGPointMake(x, y)
In the above example, the multiplier is 27 and the map size is 10,000x10,000.
This creates the map as expected, however I want this map to have boundaries that the player can't leave. I know how to create the boundaries, but I'm not sure what values to initialize the physics body with.
I've tried this: SKPhysicsBody(rectangleOfSize: map.mapSize) however that produced very erroneous results.
I also tried this: SKPhysicsBody(edgeLoopFromRect: CGRectMake(0, 0, map.mapSize.width, map.mapSize.height)) which built a physics body like it should (I have showPhysics = TRUE), however the physics body seemed to move with the player (I have the player moving and am centering the map on the player). You can see what I mean here: http://gyazo.com/675477d5dd86984b393b10024341188a (It's a bit hard to see, but that green line is the boundary for the physics body. When the tiled map ends (And where it turns grey), the physics body should stop as that's where the player shouldn't be allowed to move any more).
Just leave a comment if you need any more code (I believe I included anything that is relevant).
After messing around with a bit of my code I found a fix was to just add the physicsBody to my map instead of the scene. A rather easy fix, so I'm surprised I didn't think of it sooner.
With this in mind, I've answered my own question and no longer need help.

Background infinite using corona sdk

I'm trying to scroll side a background in corona sdk (infinity background)
I used two images repeated (854x176).
I tried this function:
function mov(self, event)
if self.x < -854 then
self.x = 854
self.x = self.x - self.speed
it's working just fine but the problem that a small white space occurred between repetitions.
Is there a better way to do this?
One way of doing this would be to take advantage of Graphics 2.0 Engine's feature called repeating fills.
Here are the steps:
Set the default texture wrapping mode for x (you could do the same for y too):
display.setDefault("textureWrapX", "mirroredRepeat")
The modes for wrapping are:
"clampToEdge" - (default) clamped fill won't repeat
"repeat" - fill is repeated as if same tiles were placed side by side
"mirroredRepeat" - fill is repeated in a mirrored pattern, each tile being a mirror image of the one next to it
Create a rectangle the size of the background you want to have, eg. full screen
local background = display.newRect(display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY, 320, 480)
Fill your display object with your background image
background.fill = {type = "image", filename = "background.jpg"}
Animate it using whatever method fits your app. Below's just one way:
local function animateBackground()
transition.to(background.fill, {time=5000, x=1, delta=true, onComplete=animateBackground})
Here you simply run transition on x property of background.fill object, delta=true indicating that we're rather using changes in x value, not final ending values (see here).
Play with the values for time, x, set delta to false, play with wrapping modes, just to see what effect it has on animation. You might even accidentally discover some cool effect which you might want to use later...
Check this excellent tutorial by Brent Sorrentino, who goes through more details on fills. Additionally, see sample code in CoronaSDK under Graphics-Premium/PatternFill.
Full code:
display.setDefault("textureWrapX", "mirroredRepeat")
local background = display.newRect(display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY, 320, 480)
background.fill = {type = "image", filename = "background.jpg" }
local function animateBackground()
transition.to( background.fill, { time=5000, x=1, delta=true, onComplete=animateBackground } )

Image displays in top left corner in Corona Simulator

I just started playing with lua / Corona, and have been using the book "Create Mobile Games with Corona." (Silvia Domenech) The first project in the book is to make a simple planet defense game. For this, I am using a multi-screen application (or "scene" as it's called in OS X). The very first step is displaying an image using groups in Corona.
The book has me enter the following code in the main scene group:
local image = display.newImage( "images/iphone_767.png")
group:insert( image )
After adding it to (what I think is) the correct group, the code looks like this:
-- Called when the scene's view does not exist:
function scene:createScene( event )
local group = self.view
local image = display.newImage( "images/iphone_767.png")
group:insert( image )
-- CREATE display objects and add them to 'group' here.
-- Example use-case: Restore 'group' from previously saved state.
For the image, I first tried an image that was 320 x 480. When it rendered on the simulator, it is situated way off to the top left of the simulator. Here is a screenshot of how it renders: http://imgur.com/Kpm0XTd
The config file is set for 320 x 480 px. I'm really at a loss as to what could be causing this since I haven't modified anything outside of what I described. Any ideas?
Set the x and y values of the token to screen center (assuming you want to center it):
image.x = display.contentWidth/2
image.y = display.contentHeight/2
I personally like setting a variable to display.contentWidth and display.contentWidth.
_W = display.contentWidth
_H = display.contentHeight
image.x = _W/2
image.y = _H/2
You could also format it like so:
image.x = _W*.5
image.y = _W*.5
Corona SDK has recently started using a new graphics engine that affects how things are positioned. The display.newImage() used to draw the top left corner at 0, 0, but now it draws the center at 0, 0. Your best bet is to always explicitly set the .x and .y of the image where you want it.
Seems there is simplified way exists now:
image.x = display.contentCenterX
image.y = display.contentCenterY
Or single line:
local image = display.newImage('images/iphone_767.png', display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY)
But now it is seems more conventional pattern is to create centeredGroup first:
-- Create centered group
local centeredGroup = display.newGroup()
centeredGroup.x = display.contentCenterX
centeredGroup.y = display.contentCenterY
-- Add background
local image = display.newImage(centeredGroup, 'images/iphone_767.png', display.contentCenterX, display.contentCenterY)

Creating an image from a sprite sheet using the original images file name

Creating sprite sheets aka texture atlases rather than using many hundres of individual images is recommended everywhere. I have hundreds of images for a word learning game; but there are hundreds of words, no animation sequences. So having generated the data file and sprite sheet, i am looking for an example of how to create an image when needed from the original image file name (as stored in the sprite sheet data (lua code) file (both created with texture packer).
This much seems right:
local sprite = require("sprite")
local CN_70_tiles_corona = require("CN_70_tiles_corona")
local spriteDataCN = CN_70_tiles_corona.getSpriteSheetData()
local spriteSheet = sprite.newSpriteSheetFromData( "CN_70_tiles_corona.png", spriteDataCN )
before creating the sprite sheet, would create my image with something like this:
t1 = display.newImage(cnTiles[tileNO])
where cnTiles[1], for examples, is a value placed in an array from a sqlite table such as "sit_word100.png".
there is now an entry in my generate lua file below the 'getSpritSheetData' function something like this:
name = "sit_word100.png",
spriteColorRect = { x = 0, y = 0, width = 69, height = 69 },
textureRect = { x = 2, y = 2, width = 69, height = 69 },
spriteSourceSize = { width = 69, height = 69 },
spriteTrimmed = false,
textureRotated = false
i can see that ALL my image file names are now stored in the data to provide a way to refer to my image within the sprite sheet, but since i do NOT want to use "sprite sets", i can't find an example of just getting the one image when in eed it.
I want something that allows me to refer to my now spritesheet-ified image using the original image name. is this possible? e.g.
t1 = display.newImage(CN_70_tiles_corona.getSpriteSheetData(name = "sit_word100.png")
The easy way is to create sheets with TexturePacker and use SpriteGrabber to take the sprites your need.
It's an awesome add-on to Corona-SDK which can be found here:

Textured Primitives in XNA with a first person camera

So I have a XNA application set up. The camera is in first person mode, and the user can move around using the keyboard and reposition the camera target with the mouse. I have been able to load 3D models fine, and they appear on screen no problem. Whenever I try to draw any primitive (textured or not), it does not show up anywhere on the screen, no matter how I position the camera.
In Initialize(), I have:
quad = new Quad(Vector3.Zero, Vector3.UnitZ, Vector3.Up, 2, 2);
quadVertexDecl = new VertexDeclaration(this.GraphicsDevice, VertexPositionNormalTexture.VertexElements);
In LoadContent(), I have:
quadTexture = Content.Load<Texture2D>(#"Textures\brickWall");
quadEffect = new BasicEffect(this.GraphicsDevice, null);
quadEffect.AmbientLightColor = new Vector3(0.8f, 0.8f, 0.8f);
quadEffect.LightingEnabled = true;
quadEffect.World = Matrix.Identity;
quadEffect.View = Matrix.CreateLookAt(cameraPosition, cameraTarget, Vector3.Up);
quadEffect.Projection = this.Projection;
quadEffect.TextureEnabled = true;
quadEffect.Texture = quadTexture;
And in Draw() I have:
this.GraphicsDevice.VertexDeclaration = quadVertexDecl;
foreach (EffectPass pass in quadEffect.CurrentTechnique.Passes)
quad.Vertices, 0, 4,
quad.Indexes, 0, 2);
I think I'm doing something wrong in the quadEffect properties, but I'm not quite sure what.
I can't run this code on the computer here at work as I don't have game studio installed. But for reference, check out the 3D audio sample on the creator's club website. They have a "QuadDrawer" in that project which demonstrates how to draw a textured quad in any position in the world. It's a pretty nice solution for what it seems you want to do :-)
