.NET MVC + Dojo (Other Framework) for mini-ERP - asp.net-mvc

We are about to develop a mini-ERP web-app. We need the app to be browser agnostic with rich user interface which should be 'enterprise-ready'!. Something like the latest openERP.
We are planning on using the .NET MVC 3 and Dojo for our project.
So our major queries are:
Are there any Htmlhelpers for Dojo. Any opensource implementation where we can get some idea.
Will the app be slow if we use Dojo? In our previous project we integrated Dojo with PHP and had to make the web-app SPA (single page application). This is because on each request, the declarative markup was processed by dojo. So larger the no. of widgets, longer the processing. We had not tried the Dojo build feature then. Will that make it fast? Or do we have to go with the Single Page Application? What are the pro/cons of SPA?
Note: We are open to using any other competitive JS Framework. Bonus point if we get some ready implementation with .NET MVC (for reference).

I have developed ERP application using ASP.NET MVC 2. It is not so advanced but it gets the job done.
Here are some points concerning its implementation:
It is not SPA
For the UI I have used jQueryUI and jqGrid, which perform very well
AJAX form submission using jQuery Form Plugin

We are using ASP.NET MVC4 in our ERP project. These features are related with the architecture .
JQuery Layout
SlickGrid (a open source grid control with very rich functions and plugins)
JQuery Dialog
WebApi (not WCF)
Dapper (not EntityFramework)
We combine many plugins working together, and one team member is familiar with CSS and DIV layout. There are some challenges if you haven't rich experience with javascript and UI layout. Finally, we have completed the project, it is amazing.


Should I use Telerik Kendo UI Upload or Telerik MVC extensions Upload

I have an ASP.NET MVC web application. In one of views users will select multiple files and attach and upload. I have license for both. I used the Kendo Upload to try it out and it works fine. Then I realized that Kendo UI is geared towards mobile application. In my local environment this upload is working fine but should I use the MVC extensions upload since its specifically for web applications? My intranet application is not used via mobile devices.
KendoUI has a mobile component, but their regular web stuff is for everything. It can completely be used for regular web applications - nothing prohibits you from that.
The Telerik MVC extensions are not longer developed or supported. KendoUI is their replacement.

.net mvc template for events/arrangements with responsive design

I'm trying to find a good template for a event that my company is going to arrange.
The template I'm looking for have to be:
responsive design (focusing on mobile (iOS, Android and WP8)
calendar showing events, (showing only events in the future)
Isn't there any template for events out there?
I've tried:
ASP.NET MVC 4 Bootstrap Layout template
HTML5 MVC4 Razor Responsive web template
Try this: https://wrapbootstrap.com/
I've already tried some templates there and they are very easy to implement. Maybe you'll need a combination of multiple templates.

Which are the basic guidelines for using Delphi IntraWeb with Twitter Bootstrap?

I would like to use the Bootstrap Framework with Delphi's IntraWeb (I'm using XE2)? The idea is to have the server side logic done by Delphi, while using the nice controls that come with BootStrap?
What would be the basic components "Hello World" application for this configuration?
What would be the high-level approach for a more elaborate application, for example one with a Bootstrap nav component that has its tab contents populated by Delphi?
Is combining IntraWeb and Bootstrap an overkill? Would I would be better off with an Indy TIdHTTPServer + Bootstrap?
It does not have to be difficult to implement Boostrap with Intraweb, you just have to add the Js files in the ContentFiles property of the IWForm, you just have to take in mind you have to write the html for each component you use for BootStrap.
In http://www.codegearguru.com in the Movie #63 - Using jQuery Mobile with IntraWeb - CodeRage 6 Replay
They have explained how to develope the Fishfact demo using jQueryMobile, using the TIWTemplateProcessorHTML component and standard IW components, so it should no be difficult to adapt it for bootstrap.
Here is the link: http://codegearguru.com/video/063/jQueryMobileFishFacts.html
Althought, there have been a new component suite since last year implementing JQuery and jQuery mobile, you should take a loo at http://www.cgdevtools.com, I'm using them and let me tell it give you IW app a very nice view. AFAIK they are planning to generate a component suite for Bootstrap.
As far as the web-server is concerned, it should provide the necessary files when the client requests them to run bootstrap client-side: Bootstrap: File Structure
To populate the components (client-side), you'll have to create the server-side logic so it will enter the correct javascript that does so into the HTML of the pages.

Need MVC 3 Grid with AJAX paging/sorting with unobtrusive javascript

I'm fairly new to MVC 3 and and looking for a grid component that allows sorting and paging, but will also use progressive enhancement so provide fully AJAX based sorting and paging.
Ideally I'd like the generated markup to be very clean and customizable with minimal JS embedded on the page
Get a look at http://datatables.net/
There are various nuget packages and codeplex projects developped to easilyintegrate these with asp.net mvc such as this one: http://datatablesmvc.codeplex.com/

ASP.NET MVC Server File Browsers

On my current project we would like to expose some server directories to the client so they can control their own assets/static HTML/CSS etc. The existing web forms project is being replaced by MVC and I am struggling to find an out of the box server file browser with which to expose this functionality.
Here is an example for WebForms: Telerik FileExplorer demo
Can anyone recommend a decent alternative which is designed for the MVC framework? We don't mind paying license fees, however something extensible and preferably open source would be better :)
Look for some jQuery,Ajax based file managers
some links to start with
jQuery File Tree works well for me.
It is read-only and you can set root directory and other options.
It has an ASPX connector included in package.
[Full Disclosure: I work for Telerik.]
Telerik has not yet recreated the RadFileExplorer reusable UI experience for MVC, but we do have a powerful Treeview in our open source Telerik Extensions for ASP.NET MVC. Using the Treeview, you can easily create a server file explorer using techniques similar to those in the RiderDesign article highlighted by Ajay. One advantage of using the Telerik Extensions vs. something like a JavaScript UI plug-in is that you get server and client-side rendering, improving your application's accessibility and behavior in non-JS clients.
You can learn more about using the Treeview in these online examples:
Hope that helps.
