MEF - notify when plugins are loaded / unloaded -

I have a simple asp mvc app which uses MEF, and there is a route which can be accessed by admins to refresh the directory catalog and compose parts, however one thing I am trying to find out how to do is notify some code when a plugin is loaded / unloaded.
The scenario is that when plugins are loaded they register the routes they need, however when they are unloaded I need them to unload their routes, as subsequent refreshes try to re-register the routes and it bombs.
Are there any events which I can hook into from the MEF objects?
The plugin container is something like:
IEnumerable<ISomePluginInterface> Plugins {get; private set;}
Each ISomePluginInterface has something like:
public interface ISomePluginInterface
public void PluginLoaded();
public void PluginUnloaded();

This is similar in theory to this Stackoverflow question and this was my answer. In your case, you have a similar need, you want to fire an event when the plugin is started, and clean up when it is no longer needed.
Using the same concept, you can use the InterceptingCatalog to register routes, but I wouldn't make it an explicit part of the interface definition to do so, instead, you need to look at how your components fit together as a whole, e.g., if the operations for registering routes won't be used for all plugins, what is the purpose of them existing in the interface definition. You could break out the route registration into a separate interface, the IRouteRegistrar, and use intercepting strategies to automatically call the appropriate registration method when the plugin is used for the first time, e.g., I could break out the interface into:
public interface IPlugin
void SomeOperation();
public interface IRouteRegistrar : IDisposable
void RegisterRoutes();
The latter interface does the work of registering routes, and we use the Dispose pattern to ensure that it is cleaned up after it is finished with. Therefore, A sample plugin could resemble:
public class MyPlugin : IPlugin, IRouteRegistrar
public void SomeOperation() { }
public void RegisterRoutes()
// Register routes here...
protected virtual Dispose(bool disposing)
if (disposing)
// Unregister routes here...
void IDisposable.Dispose()
I only export as an IPlugin, but I ensure my plugin also implements the IRouteRegistrar. The way we use that, is with a strategy:
public class RouteRegistrarStrategy : IExportedValueInteceptor
public object Intercept(object value)
var registrar = value as IRouteRegistrar;
if (registrar != null)
return value;
Now, only if the plugin supports that interface will it register routes. This also enables you to apply the route registration interface to other plugins which could be used in a different way. You gain a bit more flexibility. To use that strategy in code, you need to add the MefContrib project to your app, and do a little more wire up:
var catalog = new DirectoryCatalog(".\bin");
var config = new InterceptionConfiguration().AddInterceptor(new RouteRegistrarStrategy());
var interceptingCatalog = new InterceptingCatalog(catalog, configuration);
var container = new CompositionContainer(interceptingCatalog);


How do I setup Windsor container on a console application to inject to external library

I have a console app and web API both referencing the same data layer which is a separate project.
In that data layer, I have a class that requires a repository that we are grabbing from the container when that class is instantiated.
In that class, it has a base class which we are doing the following in the constructor to setup the Repository:
IContainerAccessor containerAccessor = HttpContext.Current.ApplicationInstance as IContainerAccessor;
Repository = containerAccessor.Container.Resolve<IRepository>();
What would be the best way to set this up? This is obviously a problem for our console application as it has no HttpContext.
If I'm correct you want to setup your console app so it can inject classes from the shared data layer.
To do so, you need to create an installer for the console app and tell it to run the installers in the shared library, but to modify the life style from 'PerWebRequest' to 'Singleton' or 'Transient'.
For more information read this article:
Be aware that changing this may cause problems.
I.e.: If multiple components configured as "perWebRequest" require a 'Unit-Of-Work' to be injected, then this uow will be different for all components if you change the life style to transient.
Changing it to Singleton causes the same but opposite problem. Objects that are created now will have the same object for different requests ...
If you are okay with the problems this code should get you starting
public class ConsoleAppInstaller: IWindsorInstaller
public void Install(IWindsorContainer container, IConfigurationStore store)
// 1) make sure we do not use PerWebRequest life style types
var convertWebToTransient = new WebToTransientConvertor();
// 2) call installers on all libraries we use ...
// 3) link internal services ...
container.Register(Classes.FromThisAssembly().Where(c => typeof(Form).IsAssignableFrom(c)).LifestyleTransient());
public static IWindsorContainer Bootstrap()
return new WindsorContainer().Install(FromAssembly.This());
/// <summary>
/// This class allows to intercept installers using PerWebRequest lifestyles and replaces them with Transient life styles.
/// <code>container.Kernel.ComponentModelBuilder.AddContributor(new WebToTransientConvertor())</code>
/// </summary>
public class WebToTransientConvertor : IContributeComponentModelConstruction
public void ProcessModel(IKernel kernel, ComponentModel model)
if (model.LifestyleType == LifestyleType.PerWebRequest)
//model.LifestyleType = LifestyleType.Transient;
model.LifestyleType = LifestyleType.Singleton;

How to implement UnitOfWork with Onion Architecture without introducing dependencies?

I am setting up an asp.Net Mvc 4 app and looking to configure it using the Onion Architecture Pattern.
In the past I have used the Unit of Work Pattern like this
public class UnitOfWork : IUnitOfWork, IDisposable
private IRepository<CallModel> _callRepo;
private IRepository<UserModel> _userRepo;
public IRepository<CallModel> CallRepo
if (_callRepo == null)
_callRepo = new Repository<CallModel>();
return _callRepo;
public IRepository<UserModel> UserRepo
if (_userRepo == null)
_userRepo = new Repository<UserModel>();
return _userRepo;
I would then pass the instance of the UnitOfWork Class to the Controller to do simple CRUD stuff like this.
public class QuestionsController : Controller
private IUnitOfWork _unitOfWork;
public QuestionsController(IUnitOfWork unitOfWork)
_unitOfWork = unitOfWork;
I have seperated the app into three projects.
I have my Interfaces all in the Core project and the implementation of the IRepository interface in the Infrastructure project.
If I put the UnitOfWork Class in the Core Project then since it calls for a new Repository in the Infrastructure project I am creating a dependency from the Core to the Infrastructure.
If I include it in the Infrastructure then the Web project (which has the controllers) will have a dependency on the Infrastructure and the whole Solution ends up looking less like an Onion and more like spaghetti.
I have my Interfaces all in the Core project and the implementation of the IRepository interface in the Infrastructure project. If I put the UnitOfWork Class in the Core Project then since it calls for a new Repository in the Infrastructure project I am creating a dependency from the Core to the Infrastructure.
Hmm, not really. Your unit of work class should have a dependency on IRepository, not the Repository implementation itself. If you are using Dependency Injection, this should not pose a problem, as it should find the right type and provide it at runtime. I'm not sure whether the Onion architecture is even possible without using DI.
See david.s's answer as well, as this is exactly how I set things up--have a project for the sole purpose of wiring up dependencies.
What I do is have another project named DependencyResolution which has references to Core and Infrastructure an where I configure my IoC container. Then I can refence only DependencyResolution from the Web project.
I would do like david.s create project named DependencyResolution but let it referance Web, Core and Infrastructure.
In that project you could do:
[assembly: PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(Start), "Register")]
namespace DependencyResolution
public static class Start
public static void Register()
and to register DI.
namespace DependencyResolution
public static class UnityConfig
public static void Register()
DependencyResolver.SetResolver(new UnityDependencyResolver());
So no referance between Web and infrastructure is needed.
Best regards
For what it's still worth, I have implemented my own library that applies the UnitOfWork-pattern a little differently than I've seen in any code sample before, but I have found it to work very well in practice. In short: I kinda copied the way .NET Transactions work by creating a scope and then enlisting resources in the ambient unitofwork(-manager) where necessary. What basically happens is that when a new message/request is being handled, this code is executed:
public void Handle<TMessage>(TMessage message)
using (var scope = CreateMessageProcessorContextScope())
Now just as with transactions, as soon as the Thread is still inside the scope, an ambient UnitOfWork-controller is present in which all resources that are used and changed during the request can enlist dynamically. They do this by implementing the IUnitOfWork-interface that has two methods:
public interface IUnitOfWork
bool RequiresFlush();
void Flush();
Instances that implement this interface can then enlist themselves as follows:
Typically, a Repository-class will implement this interface, and when it detects it's managed aggregates are changed/added/removed, it can enlist itself (double enlistments are ignored).
In my case, the framework assumes that you are using an IOC-framework that will resolve all message-handlers and repositories for you, so I made enlistment to the ambient unit of work controller easier by letting it inject an instance of the current IUnitOfWorkManager into the constructor where required. This way the dependencies of the unit of work manager and the actual pieces that require to be flushed (repositories, services, etc) are reversed:
internal sealed class OrderRepository : IOrderRepository, IUnitOfWork
private readonly IUnitOfWorkManager _manager;
private readonly Dictionary<Guid, Order> _orders;
public OrderRepository(IUnitOfWorkManager manager)
if (manager == null)
throw new ArgumentNullException("manager");
_manager = manager;
bool IUnitOfWork.RequiresFlush()
return _orders.Values.Any(order => order.HasChanges());
void IUnitOfWork.Flush()
// Flush here...
public void Add(Order order)
_orders.Add(order.Id, order);
As soon as a request has been handled succesfully (no exceptions thrown), scope.Complete() will be called which triggers the controller to check with all enlisted items whether they (still) need to be flushed (by calling RequiresFlush()), and if so, flushes them (by calling Flush()).
All in all, this allows for a very maintainable solution (in my perspective) in which new repositories and other dependencies can be added on the fly without changing any master unitofwork class, just like the TransactionManager doesn't need to know upfront which items may take part in any given Transaction.

Unity Interception using auto wiring

I got Unity interception working using a HadlerAttribute and an instance of ICallHandler. To get it working all I have to do is decorate the class with the [Trace] attribute, and the interceptor works great.
public interface IPersonService
string GetPerson();
However I would like to have interception working for all my methods in a couple of assemblies. So I am using Unity AutoRegistration to set up my container as follows:
private static IUnityContainer BuildUnityContainer()
var container = new UnityContainer();
Include(If.ImplementsITypeName, Then.Register()).
return container;
Works great, except when I attempt to setup global registration as per this post:
I have a UnityContainerExtension configured as follows, where MVC4Unity is my DLL:
public class UnityInterfaceInterceptionRegisterer : UnityContainerExtension
protected override void Initialize()
(new InjectionConstructor("MVC4Unity")).
AddCallHandler(new TraceCallHandler());
base.Context.Registering += new EventHandler<RegisterEventArgs>(this.OnRegister);
private void OnRegister(object sender, RegisterEventArgs e)
IUnityContainer container = sender as IUnityContainer;
if (e != null && e.TypeFrom != null && e.TypeFrom.IsInterface)
.SetInterceptorFor(e.TypeFrom, e.Name, new InterfaceInterceptor());
Unfortunately it is always throwing a StackOverflowException (!) when it goes into the OnRegister method.
The question then is, has anyone implemented assembly or even namespace wide interception using Unity, and was this the way to go?
It seems that no matter what I add in the AddMatchingRule line below, that the OnRegister handler is invoked for all included assemblies as well! ( for example even the Microsoft.* namespace assemblies!)
// see what other types of matchings rules there are!
(new InjectionConstructor("MVC4Unity.*")).
AddCallHandler(new TraceCallHandler());
base.Context.Registering += new EventHandler<RegisterEventArgs>(this.OnRegister);
I'm late with my answer, but maybe someone will find this useful.
If I understood the problem correctly you need to apply one matching rule to multiple assemblies. For these kind of tasks you can use AssemblyMatchingRule (MSDN).
new InjectionConstructor(
new InjectionParameter("YourAssemblyName")))
new ContainerControlledLifetimeManager(),
new InjectionConstructor(), new InjectionProperty("Order", 1));
In your last code snippet i think you need to remove dot asterisk in the end of namespace in order to add MVC4Unity namespace to your NamespaceMatchingRule.
For additional information please check this link - Policy Injection MSDN

Remove a default pipeline contributor

What is the preferred way to remove a default pipeline contributor (OpenRasta 2.0.3)?
I haven't found a lot on that on the net, but one way seems to be writing a custom DependencyRegistrar, i.e. deriving from DefaultDependencyRegistrar and then e.g. overriding AddDefaultContributors(). Apart from that I doubt that it's the best way to remove just a single pipeline contributor, it seems to need additional per-host (ASP vs. InMemory) work, whereas I would consider messing with pipeline handlers to be a host-agnostic affair.
But even if I'd go this route, this guy here seems to have tried it without success:
I tried similar things, but so far couldn't make my custom registrar replace the default.
So what's the simplest and best way to remove a default pipeline contributor, preferable in a host agnostic way? Is there a working example somewhere?
No, you just need to derive from the registrar and use the protected members that are available to imperatively remove the types you don't want auto-registered.
The registrar needs to be registered in your container before you provide it to OpenRasta, otherwise the type has been resolved already.
Answering myself with working code snippets as they might be helpful to others.
So it looks like removing default pipeline contributors cannot be done
in a host agnostic way (although I don't see why OpenRasta could not
be modified to allow for easy deletion of handlers in the future).
The 2 classes that need to be written are in fact independent of the
host(s) used:
public class MyDependencyRegistrar : DefaultDependencyRegistrar
protected override void AddDefaultContributors()
// If we remove the only contributor for the 'well-known'
// IHandlerSelection stage, like done above, we need to add
// another one implements IHandlerSelection, otherwise
// we'll run into errors (and what's the point of a pipeline
// without a handler selector anyway?). So let's do that here:
In order to make that Registrar available, we need to create an accessor
like the following, which then needs to be set in the various hosts:
public class MyDependencyResolverAccessor : IDependencyResolverAccessor
InternalDependencyResolver resolver;
public IDependencyResolver Resolver
if (resolver == null)
resolver = new InternalDependencyResolver();
resolver.AddDependency<IDependencyRegistrar, MyDependencyRegistrar>();
return resolver;
For Asp.Net, this seems to work for me:
public class Global : System.Web.HttpApplication
void Application_Start(object sender, EventArgs e)
OpenRastaModule.Host.DependencyResolverAccessor =
new MyDependencyResolverAccessor();
For InMemoryHost, which I use for integration testing and in-process access
of my handlers, I haven't found a way around copying the whole class
InMemoryHost and modifying it to my needs. In fact, we don't need
MyDependencyResolverAccessor in this case, as InMemoryHost implements
IDependencyResolverAccessor already. So here's how it could look like. Only the
last line was actually added to the existing code in InMemoryHost:
public class TwinMemoryHost : IHost, IDependencyResolverAccessor, IDisposable
readonly IConfigurationSource _configuration;
bool _isDisposed;
public TwinMemoryHost(IConfigurationSource configuration)
_configuration = configuration;
Resolver = new InternalDependencyResolver();
Resolver.AddDependency<IDependencyRegistrar, MyDependencyRegistrar>();

Handling dependencies with IoC that change within a single function call

We are trying to figure out how to setup Dependency Injection for situations where service classes can have different dependencies based on how they are used. In our specific case, we have a web app where 95% of the time the connection string is the same for the entire Request (this is a web application), but sometimes it can change.
For example, we might have 2 classes with the following dependencies (simplified version - service actually has 4 dependencies):
public LoginService (IUserRepository userRep)
public UserRepository (IContext dbContext)
In our IoC container, most of our dependencies are auto-wired except the Context for which I have something like this (not actual code, it's from memory ... this is StructureMap):
For 95% of our web application, this works perfectly. However, we have some admin-type functions that must operate across thousands of databases (one per client). Basically, we'd want to do this:
public CreateUserList(IList<string> connStrings)
foreach (connString in connStrings)
//first create dependency graph using new connection string
//then call service method on new database
My question is: How do we create that new dependency graph for each time through the loop, while maintaining something that can easily be tested?
To defer the creation of an object until runtime, you can use a factory:
public interface ILoginServiceFactory
ILoginService CreateLoginService(string connectionString);
public void CreateUserList(IList<string> connStrings)
foreach(connString in connStrings)
var loginService = _loginServiceFactory.CreateLoginService(connString);
Within the loop, do:
where "connectionString" is the name of a string constructor parameter on the concrete implementation of ILoginService.
So most UserRepository methods use a single connection string obtained from session, but several methods need to operate against a list of connection strings?
You can solve this problem by promoting the connection string dependency from IContext to the repository and adding two additional dependencies - a context factory and a list of all the possible connections strings the repository might need to do its work:
public UserRepository(IContextFactory contextFactory,
string defaultConnectionString,
List<string> allConnectionStrings)
Then each of its methods can build as many IContext instances as they need:
// In UserRepository
public CreateUserList() {
foreach (string connString in allConnectionStrings) {
IContext context = contextFactory.CreateInstance(connString);
// Build the rest of the dependency graph, etc.
public LoginUser() {
IContext context = contextFactory.CreateInstance(defaultConnectionString);
// Build the rest of the dependency graph, etc.
We ended up just creating a concrete context and injecting that, then changing creating a wrapper class that changed the context's connection string. Seemed to work fine.
