, callbacks and observers - ruby-on-rails

Let us say that we have the model Champ, with the following attributes, all with default values of nil: winner, lose, coach, awesome, should_watch.
Let's assume that two separate operations are performed: (1) a new record is created and (2) c.the_winner is called on a instance of Champ.
Based on my mock code, and the observer on the model, what values are saved to the DB for these two scenarios? What I am trying to understand is the principles of how callbacks work within the context of operation, and if and when the operation has to be called more than once to commit the changes.
class Champ
def the_winner
self.winner = 'me'
def the_loser
self.loser = 'you'
def the_coach = 'Lt Wiggles'
def awesome_game(awesome_or_not=false)
self.awesome = awesome_or_not
def should_watch_it(should=false)
self.should_watch = should
class ChampObserver
def after_update(c)
def after_create(c)
def before_create(c)
c.should_watch_it(true) if c.awesome_game

With your example, if you called champ.winner on a new and unmodified instance of Champ, the instance of Champ would be committed to the DB and would look like this in the database:
winner: 'me'
awesome: true
should_watch: true
loser: nil
coach: nil
The after_create callback would be called if it is a new record, and if not, the after_update callback would (this is why loser would be nil if the instance was new). However, because they just call a setter method on the instance, they will only update the instance and will not commit more changes to the DB.
You could use update_attribute in your observer or model methods to commit the change, but unless you actually need to have the record in the database and then update it, it's wasteful. In this example, if you wanted those callbacks to actually set loser and coach in the database, it'd be more efficient to use before_save and before_create.
The Rails guides site has a good overview of callbacks here, if you haven't read it already.


Rails before_destroy callback db changes always rolled back

I'm trying to prevent deletion of models from the db and pretty much follow this guide (see Exercise Your Paranoia with before_destroy) from a Rails 4 book.
I have a simple model:
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
before_destroy do
update_attribute(:deleted_at, Time.current)
and in the controller:
def destroy
#user = User.find(params[:id])
# #user.update!(deleted_at: # if I do it here it works
#user.destroy # if I also comment this line...
render :show
The callback gets called and the attribute gets set, but then the database transaction always gets rolled back. It I leave out the returning of false the model gets deleted because the execution of delete is not halted.
As you can see in the comments I can get it to work but what I really want to do is use a Service Object and put the logic out of the controller.
if your callback returns false the transaction will always be rollbacked.
For what you want you should not call to the destroy method on your arel object.
Instead, make your own method like soft_destroy or something like that and update your attribute.
And to prevent others from calling the destroy method on your arel object, just add a callback raising and exception for instance.
Your model is just an object. If you really want to change the concept of destroy, change it:
def destroy
condition ? alt_action : super

Using Rails model to update to change one boolean value based on another

I'm trying to make a pet rails app. My pet model includes two boolean values, hungry and feed_me. Right now, hungry and feed_me can both be set in the view, but I'm trying to set up the model so that if feed_me is true, hungry will automatically be changed to false. No matter what I do, however, feed_me never resets hungry. This is what I have in the model now:
attr_accessor :feed_me
before_save :feed
def feed
#feed_me = Creature.find(params[:feed_me])
if #feed_me==true
I'm new to Rails, but my understanding is that model should have access to the params hash, so I'm confused about why I can't use it to reset values.
You're on the right track using model callbacks, however models don't have access to the param hash - its available to controllers.
The model already knows the value of it's own attributes, so you don't need to get them from params. The controller I imagine is updating feed_me.
Also you shouldn't need to declare feed_me as an attr_accessor assuming it is backed by a database column.
You can change before_save to:
def feed
if self.feed_me
self.hungry = false
In your controller, I imagine you'd do something like:
def update
pet = Pet.find(params[:id])
pet.feed_me = params[:feed_me]
redirect_to pet_path(pet)
flash[:notice] = 'Error saving pet'
render :edit

why does klass.create(donor) always create a new donor while donors_controller#create does not

When I go to my donors_controller#create from a form in my view, it will update a record if it matches on ID or the collection of columns in my find_by_*
But if I call that create from a different controller, it always creates new records.
My donors_controller has a create method with:
def create
# need to find donor by id if given, else use find_or_create_by_blahblahblah
unless #donor = Donor.find_by_id(params[:donor][:id])
#donor = Donor.find_or_initialize_by_company_and_prefix1_and_first_name1_and_last_name1_and_address1(params[:donor])
if #donor.new_record?
My other controller has :
class_name = 'Donor'
klass = ActiveRecord.const_get(class_name)
... code to populate myarray with appropriate values
I am pretty sure myarray is populated with the necessary params since it creates valid records with everything in the right place. I can even run the same record through more than once and it creates duplicate (except for the of course) records.
What am I doing wrong here?
I noticed I could do this in my other controller and it works, but why can't I call the create from the donors_controller and have it work without always creating a new record?
#mydonor = klass.find_or_initialize_by_company_and_prefix1_and_first_name1_and_last_name1_and_address1(myarray)
your question is very unclear and hard to follow, so i'm not sure my answer will match your needs. It seems you're confusing a controller#create method with a model#create method.
On the model : it is a class method
create, as its name implies, instantiates a new object of the Donor class and calls save on it:
#donor = Donor.create
# is the same thing as
#donor =
Active Record uses new_record? to determine if it should perform an insert or an update on the db when you call save on an instanciated record. So with create it will always be an insert since the record is inevitably new ; but if you call save on a record retrieved from the database, it will be updated.
On a controller : it is an instance method
... but does not directly manages persistence, that's the role of the model. It is an action for this controller ; it is called create for the sake of RESTful naming conventions. create is called on a controller instance when a POST request is routed to it ; its purpose is to manage that request, which often (but not always) means to create records using the appropriate model, using or YourModelName.create.
so it is absolutely possible (but not advisable) to do:
class DonorsController < ApplicationController
def create
# only works well if params[:donor][:id] is nil,
# will raise an error if a record with the
# same id exists in the database
#donor = Donor.create(params[:donor])
as it is generally needed to perform several operations before saving your record, and to check if save is successful, the process is broken down :
class DonorsController < ApplicationController
def create
#donor =[:donor])
# perform operations on #donor (instance of Donor class)
if # save returns true if successfully performed, false either
# all is fine
# #donor could not be saved

Existing Rails model without fetching it from the database

Does anyone know if its possible to create a model instance and apply the ID and any other attributes without having to load it from the database? I tried doing this, but the associations are not fetched from the database :( Any ideas?
What I want to accomplish is simply this:
Fetch an existing record from the database.
Store as "hashed" output of the record into redis or some other memory store.
Next time when that record is fetched, fetch the cached store first and if it is not found then goto step 1.
If there is a cache hit, then load all the cached attributes into that model and make that model instance behave as if it were a model fetched from the database with a finite set of columns.
This is where I am stuck, what I've been doing is creating a object and setting each of the params manually. This works, but it treats the instantiated model object as a new record. There has got to be an intermediate subroutine in ActiveRecord that does the attribute setting.
I solved the problem by doing the following.
Create a new model class which extends the model class that I want to have cached into memory.
Set the table_name of the new class to the same one as the parent class.
Create a new initialize method, call the super method in it, and then allow a parameter of that method to allow for a hash variable containing all the properties of the parent class.
Overload the method new_record? and set that to false so that the associations work.
Here's my code:
class Session < User
self.table_name = 'users'
METHODS = [:id, :username] # all the columns that you wish to have in the memory hash
METHODS.each do |method|
attr_accessor method
def initialize(data)
if data.is_a?(User)
user = data
data = {}
METHODS.each do |key|
data[key] = user.send(key)
data = JSON.parse(data)
data.each do |key,value|
key = key.to_s
def new_record?
The memcached gem will allow you to shove arbitrary Ruby objects into it. This should all get handled for you transparently, if you're using it.
Otherwise, take a look at ActiveRecord::Base#instantiate to see how it's done normally. You're going to have to trace through a bunch of rails stack, but that's what you get for attempting such hackery!

rails, activerecord callbacks not saving

I have a model with a callback that runs after_update:
after_update :set_state
def set_state
if self.valid?
self.state = 'complete'
self.state = 'in_progress'
But it doesn't actually save those values, why not? Regardless of if the model is valid or not it won't even write anything, even if i remove the if self.valid? condition, I can't seem to save the state.
Um, this might sound dumb, do I need to run save on it?
Actually, I can't run save there because it results in an infinite loop. [sighs]
after_update is run after update, so also after save. You can use update_attribute to save this value, or just call save (I'm not sure if there don't be any recurence). Eventualy you can assign it in before_update (list of availble options is here). On the other side invalid object will not be saved anyway, so why you want to assign here the state?
Judging by the fact that the examples in ActiveRecord documentation do things like this:
def before_save(record)
record.credit_card_number = encrypt(record.credit_card_number)
def after_save(record)
record.credit_card_number = decrypt(record.credit_card_number)
you do need to save the record yourself.
after_update works on the object in memory not on the record in the table. To update attributes in the DB do the following
after_update :set_state
def set_state
if self.valid?
self.update_attribute('state', 'complete')
self.update_attribute('state', 'in_progress')
