Ecommerce Subscription for Rails - ruby-on-rails

Have seen some conversations revolving around this, but hoping for some current input as to perhaps the best libs and services available for Rails developers at the moment who are implementing a subscription membership based website.
I'm interested in any libs or frameworks with which you may be familiar through GitHub or elsewhere as well as what service has given you the best experience so far for clients and your own sanity? I'm leaning towards paypal and perhaps also including Google Checkout, however there are certainly a lot of other options.
I'd like for it to be clean and to appear as integrated into the website as possible while carrying the trust of a larger service provider such as PayPal and Google.
Additionally, these are mostly micro payments at around $1.00 USD. Sometimes purchases go up to $15 to $30.
EDIT: Since initial post I've found SaaS Rails Kit ( Has anyone had experience with this vs Recurly? Doing some research as per the first answer, it appears Recurly is the superior option at this point for our model, however this Rails Kit may be an even better option if it has met some very positive experiences in comparison with other options.

The one I prefer: Chargify (soon to be available on heroku)
Another I know but haven't used: Recurly (soon on heroku too)


Create my own commenting/Q&A system on Ruby on Rails, or just use Disqus or Intense Debate?

My site requires authentication, so it has membership. I wonder if I should create my own comment system for user to discuss/comment on an article, or should just use third-party comment system like Disqus or Intense Debate, which requires seperate account (Twitter, Facebook, etc.).
In fact, it would be good if there is a guide to create my own comment system or Q&A system for users to discuss a particular article on my website. If you know of any, please lemme know.
I recently am working on a project where I had to weigh the same things. I eventually decided to roll my own comments.
Namely the advantage of rolling your own is that you have full control on how they work. I needed a moderation system/queue that I needed to work a specific way, for one. Second, someday I will be looking to integrate a 'community reputation' system, so that was another plus for rolling my own. Such things I don't want to leave to a third party solution outside of my control and the third parties don't always have such a flexible API to modify.
On the other hand, Disqus (or similar third party commenting systems) may be up your alley if your needs are more simple. For one, it's easy to get up and running and may be all you may really need. Accounts for it work across anything using Disqus, and that may win convenience points for your users who are sick and tired of having to sign up for a million accounts for a million websites. Disqus also has built in tools (for spam, trolls, etc) and that is also convenient.
If you go with rolling your own solution with user accounts, you can integrate things like Facebook/Twitter/etc login to make the registration process easier. But overall, like I said, depends on how fancy or complex you need the whole thing to be.
Should you roll your own, a good start is a recent Railscasts episode on the Ancestry gem, it should give you a good start on building threaded comments.
Something in the middle :) Use the acts_as_commentable plugin :

How can I bill within an application

I've been programming for years, and I've also done a few professional programming projects. I recently had a friend ask about creating an e-commerce site, but I had to turn her down because I had never worked on a web application that can bill. I also might need to write a subscription-based web service in the future. My question is, how do I even get started with billing? I've never found a guide about this, and I barely know how bank accounts work since I don't manage my own one (I have an excuse for this since I'm only 16).
I don't know if the answer is language dependent, but if it is the languages I'm interested in are Python, C/C++, and Java.
There are lots of ways to go about setting up e-commerce sites;
If you don't have any experience whatsoever, and don't want to get into anything "complicated", i would suggest going with a customizable web "storefront" hosted by someone else, pre-integrated with credit card processing, etc. There are tons of options for these online. Just search google for "web storefront". Yahoo! even has such a service:
Going beyond that, It's pretty easy to integrate with someone like PayPal. They have all sorts of options from the most basic (use a link to send someone to their site with query string parameters to let paypal know what the user wanted to buy):
Beyond that level, you will need to signup for a merchant account, or other similar sort of service, like the one offered by (who I like):
There are components you can buy for most major web development platforms like .NET, JSP, etc. Perfect example is dotnetcart. These components provide out-of-the-box, easy-to-setup integrations with major CC processing companies, as well as out-of-the-box shopping cart implementations:
Finally, most merchant services / payment gateways provide web services for direct integration.
PS.) Never ever ever store CC numbers ; )
I would look at paypal's api to get started. You might not want to stick with them but it is a good starting place to learn about dealing with credit card clearing houses and such.
Here ya go.
You'll typically interface with a 3rd-party for doing banking transactions. One that I've work with in the past is Authorize.Net but there's plenty out there (PayPal is another fairly popular one with a decent API).
Basically, the best approach is to do as little as possible and let the 3rd party handle all the "hard" stuff (such as security, managing credit card details and so on).

Recommended Rails plugins for software as a service app

I am investigating potential Rails plugins or Gems to help develop a SAAS type app. Specifically I am looking for help in two areas:
Restricting access to certain areas of the app based on the account's plan. For example, a bronze account allows access to some functionality, upgrading to silver unlocks access to new features and functionality. Basically, just controlling what accounts have access to what controllers.
Managing subscriptions, invoicing and taking payments. This app will be charging on an annual or quarterly basis, there's a 30 day free trial with no payment details needed up front, and I think the intention is to use PayPal Website Payments Pro (although that is not set in stone).
Given the above, can anyone recommend any Gems or plugins? I have had a look at the SAAS Railskit and I am not opposed to spending a bit of money. However, I'd certainly want to hear good things from people who have used it first, and also how easy it is to pick appart the Railskit and apply it to my own application (as I am not starting from scratch here - needs to integrate with Authlogic too).
Thanks in advance for your help.
Bruno Bornsztein offers a Rails engine that implements a SaaS site. Look for striped_rails on GitHub.
You might want to look at the open source example application for a Rails Membership/Subscription/SaaS Site from the RailsApps project. It comes with a tutorial that explains the implementation in great detail. It does what you describe using Devise for authentication and Stripe for billing.
My SaaS Rails Kit does integrate well with pre-existing apps... many of my customers do that. And the testimonials at the site are real. :) Plus there are many other similar testimonials that I haven't published -- a lot of good things have been said about it. :)
While there are quite a few different gems out there which do different things different ways, I would definitely suggest that you start with these:
activemerchant — I would use this for payment processing. It is honestly the best (and most extensible) gem out there, and its especially well-tested for PayPal usage, although I'd look elsewhere for SaaS billing because PayPal is utter crap.
declarative_authorization — This is probably the most extensible plugin for authorization, which allows different users with different roles to do different things. For instance, you can build roles for each plan.
You should also take a look at the following Railscasts:
"Declarative Authorization" -
"Authorization with CanCan" -
"PayPal Express Checkout" -
"Integrating Active Merchant" -
Hope this helps!
You would also need subdomain routes, for restricting your user into its own subdomain.

Recommendation on development framework for a browser based online product catalogue?

I have to develop a online product catalog which will eventually developed into a simple online ordering system, I have never developed a web application before. Please recommend an application framework which might be a good choice for this kind of apps.
Is Ruby on Rails a good choice?
Definitely Ruby on Rails a Good Canditate for developing online e-commerce application , There are many e-commerce application developed in Ruby on Rails , which are successfully running .
Open source e-commerce application spree
Shopify CMS for online store .
Agile web development book has explained the working of rails with an example how to develop a product catalog , which will be more helpful for you.
Many plugins and gems available for payment gateway like the Payment gem .
What more you could need to develop an online store .If your resources are less and the development time should be speedy then rails a good candidate for your requirement.
Finally its your interest and skills set and choose the platform which suits your requirement :)
Hope this helps !
Rails is as a good choice as any other web framework can be.
Here are a few links to help you getting started with it.
The Guides
The Screencasts
The Agile Web Development with Rails book
And for your online ordering feature, you could look at Active Merchant.
Is it necessary to develop it yourself?
There are a number of great drop in solutions for a catalog/shop application. Some offer both the source code for customized deployment, others offer a package including hosting, setup and maintenance. In addition to what's already been mentioned, here are a few more e-commerce solutions that are ready to do.
Keep your hosting solution in mind when deciding how to proceed. A lot more hosts offer PHP than rails.
PHP Based ZenCart (Both)
Django Based Satchmo (Source only)
Rails Shopify (Hosted only)
Do you really want to reinvent the wheel?
If you've never written a web application before do NOT start with something that involves billing. That's a good way to end up in a lot of trouble. Billing is hard to get right, and if you get it wrong you can end up facing huge fines or even in court. In most cases, you have to comply with PCI DSS security standards, and if you fail to do so and information is lost or stolen, you're likely looking at $500,000 in fines.
If you absolutely must do e-commerce, outsource it to PayPal or Google Checkout so that your risk is limited mainly to charging people the wrong amount by accident.
That warning out of the way, Rails is a good place to start if you've never done web development before. It has it's problems, but they'll go unnoticed until you've been working with it for at least two or three years. i.e., they're fairly minor, and are likely to annoy only a very experienced developer with significant project requirements.
Full disclosure: Google is my employer, so obviously I think you should opt for the Google Checkout option.

Rails for ecommerce site

I was planning on using RoR for an upcoming e-commerce site but keep reading
comments that give the impression that this framework is not yet fit for this type of a commercial application.
What is the state of it? May it be used for large scale online stores etc?
Is compatibility and the frequently changing framework an issue to worry about?
Late answer... but I feel I should share some of the latest stuff available.
Is compatibility and the frequently
changing framework an issue to worry
No. But it sounds like you are a beginner with Rails -- anyone starting a big e-commerce project should consider sticking with a framework they are already comfortable with.
If you definitely want a Rails app and your site is primarily an e-commerce shopping site, I recommend you look at Spree (
If your site is primarily a web application with a small purchasing component, consider using ActiveMerchant directly to hack together your own simple shopping page.
If you are making a primarily e-commerce shopping site, you would do well to at least consider non-Rails solutions. There are so many options for standalone web stores, shopping carts linked to CMS apps like WordPress and Drupal, third-party services for a fee (e.g., Shopify for shops, Chargify for subscription services) and many of them can be customized with minimal coding.
Rails is up to the task, but if you aren't already a "Rails guy" there's no particular reason to choose it for a new e-commerce app.
yes, rails can do it quite well. check out active merchant site, as well as shopify, which is a rails site specifically for ecommerce. as far as changes to the framework, i've found them pretty easy to keep up with on our applications.
Agree with other's posts about activemerchant. That combined with someone like Braintree as the gateway (who are programmer oriented) make it pretty simple to do.
It depends on what features you want in your system.
Chris mentioned some tools for payment processing and order / cart management.
If you want something for a 'large scale online store' then I'm not sure there is anything yet. Specifically when I worked with ATG Dynamo Commerce Server, there was a massive amount of effort invested in their pricing, discount and promotion elements.
Very late to answer but try out
Disclaimer: I wrote it, but it is more developer friendly and starts you off with a lot of best practices baked in. Good luck
