How to find device location in blackberry - blackberry

I have to find current user location in map view.How can i do that in black berry.Is it possible to find current location using GPS and show it on BlackBerry in India.Please provide some help.How can i achieve.
Thank You

Here is a tutorial on how to obtain GPS coordinates.
Once, you obtain the coordinates, you can open the maps application and display the location on a map.


Custom Map using ibeacon technology swift

i have started working on an application where i will be using ibeacons to fetch the distance and show the distance between your iphone device and beacons around the iphone device. i gone through lots of stuff about beacons and some SDK which i can use to make an application like Estimote, Eddystone, ibeacons .
Only part i am not able to understand where i want to add an custom map in it . how i can achieve that . so that it can link to beacons and show the location of the beacon in a map format .
this question might be naive but i am stuck and unable to understand . any help would be appreciated
thank you in advance
There are a number of map SDKs you can use on iOS including Apple's MapKit and Google Maps for iOS. You can also simply draw your own map as a SVG image (a vector scalable format allow you to zoom in and out without losing resolution.) You can then record in your app the latitude and longitude of the beacon, and when detected, center the map to that latitude and longitude perhaps with a blue dot at the center.

Compute Heading iOS mapkit

I am working on functionality where I need to animate car driving on the map which is similar to what Uber has for customer application.
Current approach: I receive latest driver's coordinate from the api after particular polling interval, I use latest lat long and last known lat long to calculate directions using MKDirection. Currently I am able to animate car on this polyline received via directions api but I am not sure how to calculate heading to rotate car in a particular directions.
Note: Client's requirement is to use apple's native maps and api available and not to use Google Maps api.
Any insights on computing heading will be helpful.
Have you looked at this answer?
This should outline how to calculate a heading from two GPS coordinates.

How to get Notify when destination is reached in Google maps iOS

Im using Google maps API To draw Route between two Points.
Here my destination location is fixed, Origin which is driver location is variable as the driver moves on. Now I want to get notify when driver reached destination. How can i do this.
Thank you..
In CLLocation didUpdateLocation delegate, check the distance(airial distance) between current location and your destination location. If the distance is very less(say 5 to 7 meters) you can say that the user has reached its destination. Hope it helps.

Adjust RMMarker to user's current location automatically in oflline maps using MBTiles

Can i adjust RMMarker to user's current location using MBTiles without tapping on map? Is there any method or API to achieve this in mapbox without WiFi/3G? I just wanted to move RMMarker along with user just like in google maps.
You will probably want to use -[RMMapView setUserTrackingMode:], which uses Core Location and can operate with just the GPS even when offline (though with less accuracy).
Use setLocation:location method we get Latitude longitude while moving using Cellular data. The marker follows the location.

iOS google map sdk user location image

1.It possible to change user location image in IOS google map sdk?
If yes, I must use accelerometer or something other way?
2.Can I change the radius of my location?
I think the answers are no and no.
As far as I can see from the official documentation, there seems to be no way to change the default user location dot. There is an open issue about it. You could hide the user location and draw your own annotation with an overlay of your own choice.
As for changing the radius, you can't do that either. That radius depends on the precision of the GPS signal, but you could draw your own overlays and hide the user location as stated above. However, I really don't see why you would do that.
