SIFT is not finding any features in reference image in OpenCV - opencv

I have an image of the target logo that I am trying to use to find target logos in other images. I am currently running two different detection algorithms to help me detect any logos on the image. The first detection I use is Histogram based in which I search the image for a general area on screen where the colors are very similar. From there I run SIFT to further get the object that I am looking for. This works on most logos however the Target logo that I have isn't even picking up and keypoints in the logo.
I was wondering if there was anything I could do to help locate some keypoints in the image. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
Below is the image that isn't being picked up by SIFT:
Thanks in advance.
I tired using Julien's idea for template matching based and different scales and rotations of the model, but still got little results. I have included an image that I am trying to test against.

There is no keypoint in your image...
Why ?
Because there is no keypoint in a uniform color plane (why would there be ? as it is uniform nothing is an highlight)
Because everything is symmetric in your image, it wouldn't really help to have keypoints, according to certain feature extractor they would have the same feature vectors
Because there's no corner or high gradient in cross directions which would result in keypoints fro many feature detectors
What you could try is a template matching method if you are searching for this logo without big changes (rotation, translation, noise etc) a simple correlation is the easiiiiest.
If you want to go further, one of my idea, that I have never implemented but which could be funny : would be to have sets of this image that you scale, rotate, warp, desaturate, increase noise with functions and then apply template matching with this set of images you got from your former template...
Well this idea comes from SIFT and Wavelet transform, where we use sort of functions that we change in some ways (rotation, noise, frequency etc...) in order to give robustness to our transform against these basic changes that occur in any image that you want to "inspect".
That could be an idea for you !
Here is an image summarizing my idea, you rotate and scale your template, actually it creates a new rotated/scaled template that you can try to match, it will increase robustness (even if it can be very long if you choose a lot of parameters to change). Well i'm not saying that's an algorithm, but it could be a funny and very basic idea to try...

There is another reason that this logo is problematic for feature matching. Most features work pretty bad with artificial images that doesn't have any smoothness. All the derivatives are exactly 1 pixel size and features detector rely on derivatives. You have to smooth the image a bit. Ofcorse for this specific logo it will not help due to high symmetry. You can use hough transform to detect circles inside circles. It would give you better results in comparison with template matching.

I think you can try using MSER features-
See an example:


OpenCV Matching Exposure across images

I was wondering if its possible to match the exposure across a set of images.
For example, lets say you have 5 images that were taken at different angles. Images 1-3,5 are taken with the same exposure whilst the 4th image have a slightly darker exposure. When I then try to combine these into a cylindrical panorama using (seamFinder with: gc_color, surf detection, MULTI_BAND blending,Wave correction, etc.) the result turns out with a big shadow in the middle due to the darkness from image 4.
I've also tried using exposureCompensator without luck.
Since I'm taking the pictures in iOS, I maybe could increase exposure manually when needed? But this doesn't seem optimal..
Have anyone else dealt with this problem?
This method is probably overkill (and not just a little) but the current state-of-the-art method for ensuring color consistency between different images is presented in this article from HaCohen et al.
Their algorithm can correct a wide range of errors in image sets. I have implemented and tested it on datasets with large errors and it performs very well.
But, once again, I suppose this is way overkill for panorama stitching.
Sunreef has provided a very good paper, but it does seem overkill because of the complexity of a possible implementation.
What you want to do is to equalize the exposure not on the entire images, but on the overlapping zones. If the histograms of the overlapped zones match, it is a good indicator that the images have similar brightness and exposure conditions. Since you are doing more than 1 stitch, you may require a global equalization in order to make all the images look similar, and then only equalize them using either a weighted equalization on the overlapped region or a quadratic optimiser (which is again overkill if you are not a professional photographer). OpenCV has a simple implmentation of a simple equalization compensation algorithm.
The detail::ExposureCompensator class of OpenCV (sample implementation of such a stitiching is here) would be ideal for you to use.
Just create a compensator (try the 2 different types of compensation: GAIN and GAIN_BLOCKS)
Feed the images into the compensator, based on where their top-left cornes lie (in the stitched image) along with a mask (which can be either completely white or white only in the overlapped region).
Apply compensation on each individual image and iteratively check the results.
I don't know any way to do this in iOS, just OpenCV.

Logo detection/recognition in natural images

Given a logo image as a reference image, how to detect/recognize it in a cluttered natural image?
The logo may be quite small in the image, it can appear in clothes, hats, shoes, background wall etc. I have tried SIFT feature for matching without any other preprocessing, and the result is good for cases in which the size of the logo in images is big and the logo is clear. However, it fails for some cases where the scene is quite cluttered and the proportion of the logo size is quite small compared with the whole image. It seems that SIFT feature is sensitive to perspective distortions.
Anyone know some better features or ideas for logo detection/recognition in natural images? For example, training a classifier to locate candidate regions first, and then apply directly SIFT matching for further recognition. However, training a model needs many data, especially it needs manually annotating logo regions in images, and it needs re-training (needs to collect and annotate new image) if I want to apply it for new logos.
So, any suggestions for this? Detailed workflow/code/reference will be highly appreciated, thanks!
There are many algorithms from shape matching to haar classifiers. The best algorithm very depend on kind of logo.
If you want to continue with feature registration, i recommend:
For detection of small logos, use tiles. Split whole image to smaller (overlapping) tiles and perform usual detection. It will use "locality" of searched features.
Try ASIFT for affine invariant detection.
Use many template images for reference feature extraction, with different lightning , different background images (black, white, gray)

Which method in OpenCV to use for matching logos on white background?

I'm trying to find out which company logos are similar. My images are all the same size with white background. To compare images, I used the ORB matcher, which seemed promising at the time. But logos have very sharp edges, and I think the matcher gets confounded by that geometry, so it matches features that are essentially not the same. If comparing two same images, the features are matched correctly, so it's not a coding problem.
Here's an image of wrongly matched pairs for illustration.
Should i proceed with template matching? Or would sometning like this:
Video Input with OpenCV and similarity measurement
be better?
Or maybe I should just subdivide images in grids of histograms, and run K-means on resulting vectors?
Thanks for your kind answers!
Adding geometrical verification would help a lot.
You can use findHomography, it will work, but if you want better results you'll need to compute a more restricted transformation (such as translation + scale)

how to recognize an same image with different size ?

We as human, could recognize these two images as same image :
In computer, it will be easy to recognize these two image if they are in the same size, so we have to make Preprocessing stage or step before recognize it, like scaling, but if we look deeply to scaling process, we will know that it's not an efficient way.
Now, could you help me to find some way to convert images into objects that doesn't deal with size or pixel location, to be input for recognition method ?
Thanks advance.
I have several ideas:
Let the image have several color thresholds. This way you get large
areas of the same color. The shapes of those areas can be traced with
curves which are math. If you do this for the larger and the smaller
one and see if the curves match.
Try to define key spots in the area. I don't know for sure how
this works but you can look up face detection algoritms. In such
an algoritm there is a math equation for how a face should look.
If you define enough object in such algorithms you can define
multiple objects in the images to see if the object match on the
same spots.
And you could see if the predator algorithm can accept images
of multiple size. If so your problem is solved.
It looks like you assume that human's brain recognize image in computationally effective way, which is rather not true. this algorithm is so complicated that we did not find it. It also takes a large part of your brain to deal with visual data.
When it comes to software there are some scale(or affine) invariant algorithms. One of such algorithms is LeNet 5 neural network.

square detection, image processing

I am looking for an efficient way to detect the small boxes around the numbers (see images)?
I already tried to use hough transformation with no success. Any ideas? I need some hints! I am using opencv...
For inspiration, you can have a look at the
Matlab video sudoku solver demo and explanation
Sudoku Grab, an Iphone App, whose author explains the computer vision part on his blog
Alternatively, if you are always hunting for the same grid you could deploy something like this:
Make a perfect artificial template of the grid and detect or save all coordinates from all corners.
In the target image, do the same thing, for example with Harris points. Be creative, you might also be able to use the distinct triangles that can be found in your images.
Using the coordinates from the template and the found harris points, determine the affine transformation x = Ax' between the template and the target image. That transformation can then be used to map the template grid onto the target image. At the very least this will give you some prior information to help guide further segmentation.
The gist of the idea and examples of the estimation of affine matrix A can be found on the site of Zissermans book Multiple View Geometry in Computer Vision and Peter Kovesi
I'd start by trying to detect the rectangular boundary of the overall sheet, then applying a perspective transform to make it truly rectangular. Crop that portion of the image out. If possible, then try to make the alternating white and grey sub-rectangles have an equal background brightness - maybe try adaptive histogram equalization.
Then the Hough transform might perform better. Alternatively, you could then take an approach that's broadly similar to this demonstration by Robert Bemis on MATLAB Central (it's analysing a DNA microarray image rather than Lotto cards, but it's essentially finding bounding boxes of items arranged in a grid). At a high level, the approach is to calculate the autocorrelation along columns and rows of pixels to detect the periodicity of the items in the grid, and use that to impose a bounding box on each item.
Sorry the above advice is mostly MATLAB-based; I'm afraid I'm not an opencv user, but hopefully it will give you some ideas at least.
