Rails validate association only when loaded - ruby-on-rails

I have an activity model which has_many participants and I'd like to ensure that a participant always exists when updating an activity and its participants. I have the following method in my activity model which does the trick:
def must_have_participant
if self.participants.size == 0 || self.participants.size == self.participants.to_ary.find_all{ |p| p.marked_for_destruction? }.count
self.errors[:base] << I18n.t(:msg_activity_must_have_participant)
The problem is that the participants are lazy loaded if I'm simply updating the activity on its own which I'd like to avoid. I've tried the following alternative, however, loaded? returns false when removing all participants using the :_destroy flag.
def must_have_participant
if self.new_record? || self.participants.loaded?
if self.participants.size == 0 || self.participants.size == self.participants.to_ary.find_all{ |p| p.marked_for_destruction? }.count
self.errors[:base] << I18n.t(:msg_activity_must_have_participant)
Is there an alternative to loaded? that I can use to know whether the participants are going to be updated?

I did something like this in a recent validation that I created. I searched for the original record and checked the original value against the new value. No guarantees my code will work for you but here is my code for your application:
orig_rec = self.find(id)
if participant_ids.size != orig_rec.participant_ids.size
Note that I checked the size of participant_ids instead of fetching all the participant records and checking the size of them. That should be more efficient.
I don't know if there is some kind of built in function to do this or not in ruby, I'll be curious to see what someone who is more rails specific may suggest.

For reference I've amended the method like so:
def must_have_participant
if self.new_record? || self.association(:participants).loaded?
if self.participants.size == 0 || self.participants.size == self.participants.select{ |p| p.marked_for_destruction? }.size
self.errors[:base] << I18n.t(:msg_must_have_participant)


Refactoring a large method with many conditions - Ruby

I have this method:
def unassigned_workers?(users)
assigned_users = []
unassigned_users = []
users.each do |user|
if user.designated_to_assignment?(self)
assigned_users << user
unassigned_users << user
if unassigned_users.count > 0
It's in my Assignment model. The assignment model has many Users, and basically what this method is trying to do is check if the user is designated to the assignment based on another relationship I have setup. It checks if the user is assigned and pushes it on the correct array. Does anybody know how I can refactor this to be smaller and more readable?
How about using any?
assigned_users not necessarily required.
def unassigned_workers?(users)
users.any? { |user| !user.designated_to_assignment?(self) }
not sure why you have assigned_users at all
def unassigned_workers?(users)
users.reject { |user| user.designated_to_assignment?(self) }.count > 0
reject removes elements from a collection that match a predicate.
Moreover passing a self in a model as an argument is a code smell, maybe the dependencies are reversed

Rails Check If Record Is First

I am iterating through a list of records. I need to check that if a record is first do XYZ and if not do ABC. Unfortunately I cant do this:
user = User.first
user = User.find(:id)
Solution posted below
1. Make method to grab next and previous records
def next
[Model].where("id > ?", id).first
def prev
[Model].where("id < ?", id).last
2. Make method to check if record is first
def first?(record)
[Model].first == record
3. check if record is first
records.each do |record|
if record.first?(record)
record.update_attributes(attr: record.attr + record.attr)
prev_rec = [Model].find(record.id).prev
record.update_attributes(attr: prev_rec.attr + record.attr )
returns true or false
One improvement i would make sure that [Model].first is persistent so that it doesn't make a call to the database each time the loop is run.

Is there a more ruby way of doing this

Ok so i have this helper
def current_company_title
(Company.find_by_id(params["company_id"]).name rescue nil) || (#companies.first.name rescue nil) current_user.company.name
Basically what I am achieving with this is the following ...
If the param["company_id"] exists then try to get the company and if not then
if #companies exists grab the first company name and if not then get the current users company name
This works but the rescues seem like a hack...any idea on another way to achieve this
Indeed rescue is kind of a hack, id' probably split it up into two methods and then use try to fetch the name if available: http://api.rubyonrails.org/classes/Object.html#method-i-try
def current_company
#current_company ||= Company.find_by_id(params[:company_id]) || #companies.try(:first) || current_user.try(:company)
def current_company_name
find and its derivates are meant to be used when you're sure-ish you'll have a positive result, and only in some cases (row was deleted, etc) errors. That's why it raises an exception. In your case, you're assuming it's gonna fail, so a regular where, which would return nil if no rows was found, would do better, and remove the first rescue
#companies.first.name rescue nil
could be replaced by
I'll let you check the api for more on the topic of try. It's not regular ruby, it's a Rails addition.
Less "magic", simple code, simple to read:
def current_company_title
company = Company.where(id: params["company_id"]).presence
company ||= #companies.try(:first)
company ||= current_user.company
Ps. Not a big fan of Rails' try method, but it solves the problem.
def current_company_title
if params["company_id"]
return Company.find_by_id(params["company_id"]).name
elsif #companies
return #companies.first.name
return current_user.company.name
The rescues are a hack, and will obscure other errors if they occur.
Try this:
(Company.find_by_id(params["company_id"].name if Company.exists?(params["company_id"]) ||
(#companies.first.name if #companies && #companies.first) ||
then you can extract each of the bracketed conditions to their own methods to make it more readable, and easier to tweak the conditions:
company_name_from_id(params["company_id"]) || name_from_first_in_collection(#companies) || current_user_company_name
def company_name_from_id(company_id)
company.name if company
def name_from_first_in_collection(companies)
companies.first.name if companies && companies.first
def current_user_company_name
current_user.company.name if current_user.company

Clarifying a custom Rails 3.0 Validation with methods

I've created a custom validator in Rails 3.0 which validates whether a combination of columns is unique within a table. The entire code of the validation is:
class UniqueInProjectValidator < ActiveModel::EachValidator
def validate_each(object, attribute, value)
unless object.class.where("project_id = ? AND #{attribute} = ?", object.project_id, value).empty?
if object.new_record?
object.errors[attribute] << (options[:message] || "must be unique in each project")
orig_rec = object.class.find(object.id)
if value != orig_rec.method(attribute).call || object.project_id != orig_rec.project_id
object.errors[attribute] << (options[:message] || "must be unique in each project")
Note that it is not easy to recognize what the if statements do, so I was hoping to be able to replace the unless conditional with a def attribute_and_project_exist? method and the second if statement with a def attribute_or_project_changed? method. However when creating those methods, the arguments from validates_each do not pass because of encapsulation.
Now the question: Is there a way to somehow cleanly allow those variables to be accessed by my two newly created methods as one can do with column names in a model, or am I stuck with the options of either passing each argument again or leaving the hard to read conditional statements?
Thanks in advance!
I suppose you could clean it up a bit with one variable, one lambda, and one "return as soon as possible":
def validate_each(object, attribute, value)
# If there is no duplication then bail out right away as
# there is nothing to check. This reduces your nesting by
# one level. Using a variable here helps to make your
# intention clear.
attribute_and_project_exists = object.class.where("project_id = ? AND #{attribute} = ?", object.project_id, value).empty?
return unless attribute_and_project_exists
# This lambda wraps up your second chunk of ugly if-ness and saves
# you from computing the result unless you have to.
attribute_or_project_changed = lambda do
orig_rec = object.class.find(object.id)
value != orig_rec.method(attribute).call || object.project_id != orig_rec.project_id
# Note that || short-circuits so the lambda will only be
# called if you have an existing record.
if object.new_record? || attribute_or_project_changed.call
object.errors[attribute] << (options[:message] || "must be unique in each project")
I don't know how much better that is than your original but the logic and control flow is a lot clearer to me due to the nicer chunking.

Rails Associations - Callback Sequence/Magic

Taking following association declaration as an example:
class Post
has_many :comments
Just by declaring the has_many :comments, ActiveRecord adds several methods of which I am particularly interested in comments which returns array of comments. I browsed through the code and following seems to be the callback sequence:
def has_many(association_id, options = {}, &extension)
reflection = create_has_many_reflection(association_id, options, &extension)
add_association_callbacks(reflection.name, reflection.options)
if options[:through]
collection_accessor_methods(reflection, HasManyThroughAssociation)
collection_accessor_methods(reflection, HasManyAssociation)
def collection_accessor_methods(reflection, association_proxy_class, writer = true)
collection_reader_method(reflection, association_proxy_class)
if writer
define_method("#{reflection.name}=") do |new_value|
# Loads proxy class instance (defined in collection_reader_method) if not already loaded
association = send(reflection.name)
define_method("#{reflection.name.to_s.singularize}_ids=") do |new_value|
ids = (new_value || []).reject { |nid| nid.blank? }
send("#{reflection.name}=", reflection.class_name.constantize.find(ids))
def collection_reader_method(reflection, association_proxy_class)
define_method(reflection.name) do |*params|
force_reload = params.first unless params.empty?
association = association_instance_get(reflection.name)
unless association
association = association_proxy_class.new(self, reflection)
association_instance_set(reflection.name, association)
association.reload if force_reload
define_method("#{reflection.name.to_s.singularize}_ids") do
if send(reflection.name).loaded? || reflection.options[:finder_sql]
send(reflection.name).all(:select => "#{reflection.quoted_table_name}.#{reflection.klass.primary_key}").map(&:id)
In this sequence of callbacks, where exactly is the actual SQL being executed for retrieving the comments when I do #post.comments ?
You need to dig deeper into the definition of HasManyAssociation.
colletion_reader_method defines a method called comments on your Post class. When the comments method is called, it ensures there's a proxy object of class HasManyAssociation stored away (you'll need to dig into the association_instance_set method to see where exactly it stores it), it then returns this proxy object.
I presume the SQL comes in when you call a method on the proxy, for example, calling each, all or accessing an index with [].
Here you are: a standard AR query getting all the ids of the associated objects
send(reflection.name).all(:select => "#{reflection.quoted_table_name}.#{reflection.klass.primary_key}").map(&:id)
but sure Activerecord is messy... a re-implementation (better without eval) of has_many maybe can be useful for you:
def has_many(children)
send(:define_method, children){ eval(children.to_s.singularize.capitalize).all( :conditions => { self.class.name.downcase => name }) }
In the association reader the line
association = association_proxy_class.new(self, reflection)
in the end will be responsible for executing the find, when the instance variable is "asked" for and "sees" that #loaded is false.
I am not 100% sure I understand what you are looking for.
The sql generation is not in one place in AR. Some of the database specific things are in the database "connection_adapters".
If you are looking for the way how the records are found in the database, look at the methods "construct_finder_sql" and "add_joins" in the ActiveRecord::Base module.
def construct_finder_sql(options)
scope = scope(:find)
sql = "SELECT #{options[:select] || (scope && scope[:select]) || default_select(options[:joins] || (scope && scope[:joins]))} "
sql << "FROM #{(scope && scope[:from]) || options[:from] || quoted_table_name} "
add_joins!(sql, options[:joins], scope)
def add_joins!(sql, joins, scope = :auto)
scope = scope(:find) if :auto == scope
merged_joins = scope && scope[:joins] && joins ? merge_joins(scope[:joins], joins) : (joins || scope && scope[:joins])
case merged_joins
when Symbol, Hash, Array
if array_of_strings?(merged_joins)
sql << merged_joins.join(' ') + " "
join_dependency = ActiveRecord::Associations::ClassMethods::InnerJoinDependency.new(self, merged_joins, nil)
sql << " #{join_dependency.join_associations.collect { |assoc| assoc.association_join }.join} "
when String
sql << " #{merged_joins} "
I hope this helps!
