XCode: Organizer does not show crash reports anymore - ios

there is just shortly some popup telling "symbolicating crash_XYZ",
but when it disappears, the list in "Device Logs"-tab of the XCode organizer
is empty again.
How to get the list of crashes back?
Reboot (iPhone),
Re-Sync (iTunes) did not help

if your organizer, choose “Devices” on top.
Below, in the left sidebar, you have the “Library” section and the “Devices” section.
In the Library, you should see “devices logs” where you will find all the logs (including crash logs) of all the devices you connected to your mac.
In the Devices, you can click on a device to see its specific logs.

I'm having the same problem, this is what I did: It's a kludge but you can copy crash logs from Settings.app under General > About > Diagnostics & Usage and paste into an email to yourself.


TestFlight crash log not showing in Xcode?

Ok. I am on the latest version of Xcode, macOs, everything is updated. I just uploaded a new build to TestFlight and all of a sudden no crash reports are showing up in Organizer.
I know we had a crash because my tester showed me his phone - I had him go to Privacy settings and turn on the "share Analytics with developers" option, just as Apple says in their documentation.
This is what I see, despite multiple crashes from one of my testers and after waiting over 9 hrs for it too come through:
The odd thing is my last build generated full crash reports, which was great. I just retired that build, but the new build is not generating reports.
This is my scheme settings if that changes anything, I am new to test flight crash testing:
What am I doing wrong here?
I found that for me, the crash logs were not showing up in Xcode. However, if I completely exit Xcode and then re-open it the crash logs appeared. Not sure why this is. So to see my crash logs I had to:
Fully exit Xcode (Quit Xcode from the Xcode menu)
Reopen your project in Xcode
Go to Window > Organizer
Select the Crashes tab
You should now be able to select your appropriate build number from the drop down menu
Your crashes should now show up.
Keep in mind there may be a slight delay between when Apple receives it and when they show up in Xcode.

Forcing crash symbolication in crashes organizer and Xcode 7

Currently, my crash organizer looks as follows.
I have not really worked with crash logs before, but to me the crashes do not look symbolicated. I am unable to find where the app has crashed and for what reason. In addition, when I open the stack trace in the project, nothing is highlighted and I cannot tell and which line it crashed in the file. My question is: is there a way to symbolicate all these crashes from within the organizer, or must it be done through terminal?
What you're seeing is that the SDK classes like UITableView are symbolicated, but classes from your "YLSA" app are not. Both should be symbolicated automatically, but in my experience one or the other (or both) often do not symbolicate. I've been developing for iOS for five years and this has been a persistent problem through all the different Xcode versions.
I'm seeing the same problem as you in Xcode 7, but I was able to symbolicate my logs with this workaround:
In the list of crash logs, right-click the desired log and select Show in Finder. This will show you a package containing one or more .crash files and some metadata.
Navigate through the package until you find a crash log. You will see that the same info has or hasn't been symbolicated here.
In Xcode, open the Devices window and select a connected device, then click the View Device Logs button.
Drag the crash log in step 2 from the Finder into the list of logs for this device.
When I do this, I never see the log I added appear in the list, but if I click the headings once or twice to re-sort the list, then I see it.
After a moment, the crash log will become completely symbolicated.
If you already have a lot of logs in your list, you can compare the date, iOS version and hardware model as you view the log in the Finder to the logs in Xcode to make sure you're viewing the same log. Then look at the line that says "Triggered by Thread" to get the thread number that crashed, then scroll down to that thread to see the code that triggered the crash.
This worked for me today with Xcode 7. I hope it helps you!
When you submit apps through Xcode, an option will appear to include debug symbols. Next time you submit an app version, be sure to select that; if you did not, that might explain the problem you're seeing. Unfortunately there's no way to retroactively do that for app versions already submitted, so you'll have to wait until you're ready to submit the next version to see if that was the problem.

Issue importing iOS crash report into Xcode 6.1

I am trying to find an issue from an Apple generated crash report
I have the dSYM and the .app files in the Xcode Organizer, but can´t import the .crash to resymbolicate it using Xcode
The issue is that the "Import" and "Re-Symbolicate" buttons are absent in the "Devices View" and in the "View Device Logs" in Xcode 6.1
I have checked the Xcode release noted, but could´t find a reference to this.
I am missing something here?... thx....
I am using xcode 6.1.1, so I'm not sure if this was the case in 6.1...
Instead of a "Re-Symbolicate" button, you now need to view the log in the devices window and Control-click on the log name in the list of logs. This gives you a popup window that lets you delete, export, or re-symbolicate the log.
Unfortunately, though I found the "Re-Symbolicate" menu option, choosing it seems to have no effect and silently fails on the crash log I'm trying to figure out.
Did you try right clicking on the crash rows in device logs?

How can I delete iOS crash reporter logs off the device?

I'm getting this message in my logs.
"Not saving crash log because we have reached the limit for logs to store on disk. Sync or otherwise clear logs from /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter to save new log
I assume this refers to the device as I have deleted the crashreports in XCode.
How can I delete iOS crash reporter logs off the device?
Disconnect your device and close Xcode.
On your dev machine you should look in:
Move all reports to the Trash and then sync your device with iTunes. That should remove the logs from the device.
The directory /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter is the one in your iOS device, instead of your Mac OS X/Windows computer. The directory ~/Library/Logs/CrashReporter/MobileDevice mentioned by another answer, could be simply removed by using Xcode Devices (shortcut in Xcode: command+shift+2)
So if your want to remove iOS device crashlogs, you need to get into that dir. If you jailbreaked your iOS device, you could ssh to your iOS device with default password alpine (if you did not change it)
ssh root#x.x.x.x
x.x.x.x is the IP address of your iOS device.
after you sshed to your iOS device, Now you could remove all files/directories in it to free some space:
cd /var/mobile/Library/Logs/CrashReporter
rm -rf *
Syncing your device through iTunes will remove the logs from your device.
To delete crash logs on iOS device.
In Xcode, Devices window, with device selected, click View Device Logs button.
A modal window pops up listing all logs in left pane, and selected log contents in right pane.
Click top log item in left pane.
Scroll to bottom of log list.
Shift-Click on log item at bottom of list. All log items will be selected.
Press Delete key.
Confirmation dialog box appears.
Confirm deletion in dialog box.

Xcode Organizer: Can't Remove Device

Using Xcode 3.2.5. I recently connected a coworkers iPhone to my mac to try to install a test build for him to test. After that, I cannot remove his device from my Xcode Organizer. Removing the device will remove it from the device list, but a few minutes later it comes right back without me doing anything.
From another question I found this plist file, and tried manually removing the corresponding entry from it. This doesn't work either. When the device comes back in the Xcode Organizer, it is also re-populated in this plist file:
The entry is under XCKnownRemoteComputers
This is more than just me nit-picking. Sometimes Xcode Organizer will also pop up a warning message when the device is automatically added back. The warning message says "Could not connect to the device." It's a modal dialog box, so I have to click OK in order to continue using the Organizer.
Perhaps you have device logs in the special sub-folder where XCode keeps them:
Xcode may be having trouble deleting them.
You might also try repairing permissions on your Mac with the Disk Utility.
