Is it possible to have an ipad simulator for windows? - ipad

I am developing an application for iPad but in reality i don't have the iPad.So is their any way to perform this task on windows platform without having the iPad.Is it possible to have an ipad simulator for windows?
Your help will surely appreciated.
Thanks in advance!
Arvind Thakur

I did this for a project. It's a pain, but it can be done with VMWare, you just emulate Snow Leopard or whatever Mac OS (which you will have to purchase, luckily they are very cheap compared to Windows.) Then from VMWare you run can run XCode, which has a very nice iPad simulator which, while not a perfect simulator, certainly gave me no problems.

Short answer: No.
Long answer: Ok, there are things like hackintoshs, however I don't think it's worth the while.
Seriously, if you're planning to release an app for iPad, you should have tested it on an actual iPad prior to release. While the iPad Simulator is good, there still are differences - if your app runs on the simulator, that does not necessarily mean it will run on the device.
I think I remember that testing on an actual device prior to release is even required in the iOS Developer Terms of Use somewhere.
You'll find nicely priced 16 GB 1st Gen Units at an auction platform of your choice.

You can use Safari on Windows to simulate much of the iPad web environment if you're building a web-app, however building a true iPad application will require using Xcode on the Mac.


Is there any way to test iOS apps on React Native without a MacBook?

I was running my app on MacBook iOS Emulator but it's an old one and it doesn't work well, so I was curious is there any way to test it on cloud like test 30 devices same time, I know you can run MacOS on VMWare or VirtualBox but it performs worse lol.
There is no good solution, all workaround are just not worth, compromises performance, makes development impossible,
get an old mac mini

How can I run my hybrid mobile app in debug/development mode on an iPhone?

TL;DR: I can run our app in development mode through VS2015 with remote debugging on the iPhone 5c that I have, but I cannot do the same on the iPhone 4s.
I'm having some difficulty getting a Cordova powered hybrid app to deploy on one particular device in my development environment... However I'm unsure if this is something I'm doing wrong or if there's some compatibility issue here. Posting a question here in the hopes that someone can help me work out what's going on.
Just for some background: The app in question was created using Intel XDK, then ported across to Visual Studio 2015 when Intel recently removed some of XDK's "Debug" functionality. A few things needed to be adapted, but the project does still include some of Intel's JS code as it was in the original project.
My environment includes:
Windows 10 Pro (primary desktop)
Apple Mac Mini with OSX "El Capitan" 10.11.6 (on the network as a build server)
iPhone 5c with iOS 8.3
iPhone 4s with iOS 9.0.2
While configuring this environment, I followed the instructions here. The remotebuild agent is configured to use http only to keep it simple, since this is all contained within a corporate network anyway.
After this I could run our app on the iPhone 5c without any problems, but trying to run it on the iPhone 4s gives an error in VS2015 stating:
Failed to deploy iOS remote for <project_path>\bld\ios\Debug\buildInfo.json to
Error from http get [object Object]: Error: socket hang up
Note: There are no errors in the remotebuild console output on the Mac and VS builds the project correctly, but then fails to deploy it.
I've also tried multiple Provisioning Profiles on both devices, installed using iTunes, Xcode or Apple Configurator 2; but thanks to the provisioning profiles not showing up on devices with iOS 8 or newer, I can't even verify that they're installed at all.
Both of these devices can install and run the previous version of this app (available in app stores), but I need to be able to inspect the DOM in real-time, because even though they have the same screen size, the responsive break points are behaving differently.
So, before I pull out what little hair I do have left, please could somebody help me work out what the hell is going on here?? I've been fighting with this for over a week now and I feel like I'm going round in circles.
After all this backwards and forwards with the iPhone 4s, it turns out the device itself was actually faulty. Somehow this had translated to having a version of iOS that was not installed correctly, which resulted in software issues for apps running on the device.
This was not immediately apparent to us because of the unfortunate lack of devices we had access to for testing, but since I managed to get my hands on an iPad Mini with 9.3.5 and an iPhone 6 with 10.2.1, we've managed to verify our app's compatibility with the newer OS versions.
Anyways, in closing I just wanted to say a massive thank you for all the suggestions and ideas I got in the question comments (especially #Gandhi, sorry about the bounty story, I still feel like you deserve that just for being so helpful).
Despite the fact that my particular issue was not something that could be resolved here on SO, I have still learned a great deal during this process and I am so very grateful.
Even the answer is already posted by the Questioner himself, I m still posting mine for the benefit of others.
When a build deploys fine on one device running on iOS 8 and not on the one running on iOS 9, it could either be problem with iOS version due to the security changes or it could be the device compatibility problem.
In such case, the quick way to narrow down the problem is to test the build on other device with the same version (iOS 9). But unfortunately in #Zalithka's case he dint had device to test. But if someone encounters such problem, try out in different devices to narrow down the problem quickly and nail it.

How to set up development environment for a particular version of ios

I work for a company that offers software solutions to the care industry. I have written an Android app that the care worker use to provide home care.
I've been asked to replicate the same app on the iOS platform. They have ordered a mini Mac 2.6Ghz Core i7 16GB ram machine to come next week. I know the Hardware is suitable for writing for the latest iPhone but what if carers have an iPhone 4, which alot will.
How do i set up my development environment to ensure the app works on earlier phones?
I've looked at the latest Stanford Uni tutorials(2013/2014) and they differ from the 2010 tutorials, this makes me think the later code will not run on iPhone 4 say.
Thanks in advance
iOS applications can run on previous devices. In Xcode you can see that in the storyboards it allows you to use a single storyboard for all versions of the iPhone. The only difference is the screen size: so you have work with screen constraints to adjust to different sizes.
It should not be an issue if people have an iPhone 4.

Using iOS Simulator to emulate iPad 1

One of my customers is experiencing terrible slow downs only on the iPad 1 device. Is there any way of getting the iOS Simulator to emulate the performance/hardware of the original iPad?
I would rather not have to go out and buy an iPad one as iOS 6 won't support it this autumn.
The app runs fine on the iPad 2 and 3. I have tested using the allocations and activity instruments.
Any ideas? Thanks again. The OS is 5.1.1 and the App was compiled with XCode 4.4.1.
As far as I know, the simulator is what it says, a simulator, and as such will run as fast as it can on whichever computer you're using. You'll probably need to put delaying code into your run loops to simulate the slowness of the iPad 1, but maybe your client needs to be aware that the iPad 1 is much slower than the newer models - there are certainly some (particularly graphic intensive) operations which will struggle - you may find you need to adapt the user experience according the the device being used (Apple don't encourage this - they prefer you to check the iOS version - but there are several questions on SO which could help you here).

Blackberry Development (Test Devices)

I'm planning to create an app for blackberry. The Android and iPhone Versions are almost done. Next on the list is the blackberry one.
So my question is: how good are the simulators? Do I need a real device to test? Which one would you recommend?
It is unlikely you'll be able to create a bugless app without a real device. However totally ignoring simulators would also be a mistake. Simulators are quite good, because they allow to test a substantial part of features on a wide range of device models/OS versions. It would be quite expensive to have a dozen of real devices. :)
Usual points to bear in mind while working on simulators:
real devices are slower in times.
simulators do not support permissions (simulators act as if permissions are always granted regardless of what you actually see).
real device may not support the same type of network transport that your simulator has (TCP, WIFI, BES).
big wireless providers (e.g. Verizon) usually install a slightly customized version of BB OS on their devices, and sometimes it results in a different behaviour (or even bugs).
I've had fairly good luck with the simulators. I've been using the Storm, and I have a real curve. I have a colleague with a real storm so I run everything by him as well.
There have only been 2 times that having a real device has helped me. 1. Making sure I had my install files correct. Since Eclipse just copies them out to the simulator it took me 2 attempts on a real device.
and 2. When testing creating & using a database on the sim card. I got about 95% there on the simulator, and the other 5% was really just verification.
That said, which one depends on what version you're writing for. Storm and some curves are 5.0 (and can be upgraded to 6.0) The Torch is only 6.0
Blackberry simulators are really good
They are exact replicas of the devices
I have worked with storm and also the torch devices
I have faced problems during the connections to the internet
and while using the SD cards (SQLite databases)
Getting images from the SD Card which is not possible from the simulator
If you are developing an application which needs the basic UI components and the native blackberry components, simulators are fine
But if you are really developing something out of the box device is a must
It would be more better if an app can be tested in the device before rolling out
Try your luck
Thank you.
The Blackberry simulators are fine. I believe they are built using the same code as actual devices, so they are pretty much identical to real devices. The only thing that makes a difference is the software that they run.
The simulators will provide you with almost all the same functionality with the exception of things like GPS. I believe I've used an image from an SD card before using the simulator as well...
As far as I know, simulators are set at a specific OS version, whereas in the real world there are tons of different OS versions being used (minor revisions). There have been cases where a feature has worked on the simulator but once it was built and launched on the device, the device shows something different. So if you want to get your app tested, you should test on your TARGET device and OS on simulator and real device.
