I'm mixing 2 arrays and want to sort them by their created_at attribute:
#current_user_statuses = current_user.statuses
#friends_statuses = current_user.friends.collect { |f| f.statuses }
#statuses = #current_user_statuses + #friends_statuses
#statuses.flatten!.sort!{ |a,b| b.created_at <=> a.created_at }
The #current_user_statuses and #friends_statuses each sort correctly, but combined they sort incorrectly, with the #friends_statuses always showing up on top sorted by their created_at attribute and the #current_user_statuses on the bottom sorted by their created_at attribute.
This is the view:
<% #statuses.each do |d| %>
<%= d.content %>
<% end %>
(current_user.statuses + current_user.friends.collect(&:statuses)) \
You can not daisy chain the flatten! method like that. flatten! returns nil if no changes were made to the array. When you sort nil nothing will happen.
You need to separate them:
#statuses.sort! { ... }
Here's how I'd do it:
Set up the classes:
class User
class Status
attr_reader :statuses, :created_at
def initialize(stats)
#statuses = stats
#created_at = Time.now
attr_reader :statuses, :friends
def initialize(stats=[], friends=[])
#statuses = Status.new(stats)
#friends = friends
Define some instances, with some time gaps just for fun:
friend2 = User.new(%w[yellow 2])
sleep 1
friend1 = User.new(%w[orange 1])
sleep 2
current_user = User.new(%w[green 1], [friend1, friend2])
Here's how I'd do it differently; Get the statuses in created_at order:
statuses = [
Which looks like:
require 'pp'
pp statuses
# >> [#<User::Status:0x0000010086bd60
# >> #created_at=2011-07-02 10:49:49 -0700,
# >> #statuses=["yellow", "2"]>,
# >> #<User::Status:0x0000010086bc48
# >> #created_at=2011-07-02 10:49:50 -0700,
# >> #statuses=["orange", "1"]>,
# >> #<User::Status:0x0000010086bb30
# >> #created_at=2011-07-02 10:49:52 -0700,
# >> #statuses=["green", "1"]>]
I'm just building a temporary containing array to hold the current_user's status, plus the status of all the friends, then flattening it.
The (&:statuses) and (&:created_at) parameters are Rails short-hand for the statuses method of the instance, or created_at method of the instance.
#statuses = (#current_user_statuses + #friends_statuses).sort_by(&:created_at)
I know there are several solutions posted for your question. But all of these solutions can kill your system when the number of statuses grow in size. For this dataset, you have to perform the sorting and pagination in the database layer and NOT in the Ruby layer
Approach 1: Simple and concise
Status.find_all_by_user_id([id, friend_ids].compact, :order => :created_at)
Approach 2: Long and efficient
class User
def all_statuses
#all_statuses ||=Status.all( :joins => "JOIN (
SELECT friend_id AS user_id
FROM friendships
WHERE user_id = #{self.id}
) AS friends ON statuses.user_id = friends.user_id OR
statuses.user_id = {self.id}",
:order => :created_at
Now you can get the sorted statuses in single query:
PPS: If this is my code I would further optimize the SQL. Refer to this answer for some more details.
I have query like this:
query = Link.select('url, max(created_at) as created_at, count(*) as url_count').group(:url).order('url_count desc, created_at asc')
Sample results of query.results.first:
2.2.0 :002 > query.first
=> #<Link id: nil, url: "http://1", created_at: "2015-03-10 16:43:54">
Why there is no url_count here, even though I know it is.
2.2.0 :003 > query.first.url_count
=> 17
The count is there all along but the model to_s method does not know about it.
The to_s method which is used when your console logs the result from query.first is defined somewhere in activerecord and it uses the attributes defined for the model in the database. Since your attribute is only defined for this particular instance of Link not for the model Link.
I found this quite interesting. Below is a description of how the message displayed in your console is constructed. It starts out in the gem active_attr with these 3 methods displayed below:
def inspect
attribute_descriptions = attributes.sort.map { |key, value| "#{key}: #{value.inspect}" }.join(", ")
separator = " " unless attribute_descriptions.empty?
# ...
def attributes
attributes_map { |name| send name }
# ...
def attributes_map
Hash[ self.class.attribute_names.map { |name| [name, yield(name)] } ]
the method attributes_names is defined in the gem activerecord
def attribute_names
#attribute_names ||= if !abstract_class? && table_exists?
# ...
def column_names
#column_names ||= #connection.columns(#table_name).collect { |c| c.name }
And that is why your count does not show up.
If you really want it to show up in your console you could override the inspect method and add it there.
Probably been working on this too long, sloppy design, or both. My issue is I have a model I wish to initialize. The object has like 52 attributes, but I'm only setting a certain ~25 depending on which object I've just scanned. When I scan an object I get the columns and match them up with a hash_map I've created.
Example Hash Map
This just matches the scanned text to their respective attribute name.
hash_map = {"Pizza."=>"pizza_pie","PastaBowl"=>"pasta_bowl","tacos"=>"hard_shell_taco","IceCream"=>"ice_cream","PopTarts"=>"pop_tart"}
What I want to do
menu = RestaurantMenu.new(pizza_pie => var1, pasta_bowl => var2, ...)
My only problem is in my code at the moment I have this...
t.rows.each do |r|
for i in 0..r.length-1
#hash_map[t.combined_columns[i]] => r.[i]
puts "#{hash_map["#{t.combined_columns[i]}"]} => #{r[i]}"
the puts line displays what I want, but unsure how to get that in my app properly.
Here is several ways to fix this:
hash_map = {"Pizza."=>"pizza_pie","PastaBowl"=>"pasta_bowl","tacos"=>"hard_shell_taco","IceCream"=>"ice_cream","PopTarts"=>"pop_tart"}
attributes.each do |attribute, element|
message.send((attribute + '=').to_sym, hash_map[element])
or like this:
class Example
attr_reader :Pizza, :PastaBowl #...
def initialize args
args.each do |k, v|
instance_variable_set("##{k}", v) unless v.nil?
for more details click here
I ended up doing the following method:
attributes = Hash[]
attributes["restaurant"] = tmp_basic_info.name
attributes["menu_item"] = tmp_basic_info.item_name
t.rows.each do |r|
for i in 0..r.length-1
attributes["other"] = t.other_information
attributes[hash_map[t.combined_columns[i]] = r[i]
row = ImportMenuItem.new(attributes)
Here's a query:
#projects = #user.projects.includes(:company => :workers)
In my view, I want to order a list of these projects by the tags that belong to the company.
So, projects belonging to the company's urgent tag come first, then elevated, then all others.
I think one way to do this is to define #companies, then define:
#urgent = #companies.tagged_with('urgent')
#elevated = #companies.tagged_with('elevated')
#others = #companies.tagged_with('urgent', 'elevated', :exclude => true)
# view:
#urgent.each do |u| ... end
#elevated.each do |e| ... end
#others.each do |o| ... end
1. How do I get #companies in the first place?
How can you collect all the companies together when the first query is the one I showed at the top? #companies = #projects.collect{|p| p.company} produces a non-searchable array.
2. Is there a more elegant way of displaying the projects than doing three loops?
I dont think you can do this without using 2 queries.
#projects = #user.projects.includes(:company => :workers)
#companies = Company.find(#projects.collect(&:id))
As for rendering the tags, you could do:
ordered_tags = ['urgent', 'elevated']
ordered_tags.each do |tag|
#companies.tagged_with(tag).each do |company|
#companies.tagged_with(*ordered_tags, :exclude => true).each do |company|
As you can see in the current code below, I am finding the duplicate based on the attribute recordable_id. What I need to do is find the duplicate based on four matching attributes: user_id, recordable_type, hero_type, recordable_id. How must I modify the code?
heroes = User.heroes
for hero in heroes
hero_statuses = hero.hero_statuses
seen = []
hero_statuses.sort! {|a,b| a.created_at <=> b.created_at } # sort by created_at
hero_statuses.each do |hero_status|
if seen.map(&:recordable_id).include? hero_status.recordable_id # check if the id has been seen already
seen << hero_status # if not, add it to the seen array
Try this:
HeroStatus.all(:group => "user_id, recordable_type, hero_type, recordable_id",
:having => "count(*) > 1").each do |status|
Edit 2
To revoke the all the latest duplicate entries do the following:
HeroStatus.all(:joins => "(
SELECT user_id, recordable_type, hero_type,
recordable_id, MIN(created_at) AS created_at
FROM hero_statuses
GROUP BY user_id, recordable_type, hero_type, recordable_id
) AS A ON A.user_id = hero_statuses.user_id AND
A.recordable_type = hero_statuses.recordable_type AND
A.hero_type = hero_statuses.hero_type AND
A.recordable_id = hero_statuses.recordable_id AND
A.created_at < hero_statuses.created_
").each do |status|
Using straight Ruby (not the SQL server):
heroes = User.heroes
for hero in heroes
hero_statuses = hero.hero_statuses
seen = {}
hero_statuses.each do |status|
key = [status.user_id, status.recordable_type, status.hero_type, status.recordable_id]
if seen.has_key?(key)
seen[key] = status # if not, add it to the seen array
remaining = seen.values
For lookups, always use Hash (or Set, but here I thought it would be nice to keep the statuses that have been kept)
Note: I used sort_by!, but that's new to 1.9.2, so use sort_by (or require "backports")
I think in something like this:
def self.obj_list(opts = {:include => [] , :exclude => []})
# Returns an array with all objects with roles applied
# +:exclude+:: (array,string) optional object type to exclude from list
# +:include+:: (array,string) optional object type to include in list
# Example:
# Role.obj_list(:include => ["Device", "User"])
# Role.obj_list(:exclude => ["User"])
inc = opts[:include].to_a
exc = opts[:exclude].to_a
objs = []
if inc.empty?
self.all.each do |r|
unless r.authorizable_type.nil?
objs << r.authorizable_type.constantize.find(r.authorizable_id) unless exc.include?(r.authorizable_type)
self.all.each do |r|
unless r.authorizable_type.nil?
objs << r.authorizable_type.constantize.find(r.authorizable_id) if inc.include?(r.authorizable_type)
You can use where clauses to do the include/exclude stuff in SQL:
( inc.empty?
? where.not( :authorizable_type => exc )
: where( :authorizable_type => inc )
By using authorizable you will get Rails's own handling of polymorphic associations, which will ensure that only actual objects are returned, so there's no need to check for nil
I don't know, maybe you want to link the object and subject?
If is this, here are a tutorial for that: https://github.com/be9/acl9/wiki/tutorial:-linking-object-and-subject-with-hmt