Web Application for testing post requests - post

Is there a web application for testing post requests? What I imagine it'd be like is you would visit the site and then it would redirect you to a unique URL. You could then send a post request to the URL which would display the request after it was received.

Alternative from Microsoft: WFetch
POST request instruction

This looks like it would be more along the lines of what you're looking for:

Rest Client is a Firefox Add On that I have used in the past as an Http Post/Get testing tool.

The "net" tab in the Firebug plugin for Firefox will show you the contents of all requests including POSTs. You can also intercept and modify them with TamperData.
Fiddler will do the same for Internet Explorer and other windows programs. Wireshark will also show this information.

There are multiple approaches. If you want to do automated browser-based testing, you could use Selenium/Java or Windmill/Python. Alternatively, if you want to perform white-box testing, you can write scripts that make a http post request to the web application (e.g. using httplib if you are using Python), obtains the response and verifies that the response is as expected.

RequestBin allows you to create a temporary URL and view the last twenty requests.

With PutsReq you can test requests and simulate responses using JavaScript.


What is the advantage of using a GET http method to update values as opposed to POST http method?

I was reading up on how to create a telegram bot and I see that to set a web hook you use the GET http method. I assume that your link will be stored somewhere on telegram servers.
So now my question is:
Why not use the POST http method? What is the advantage of this design of using GET http method in this case rather than POST http method for something that pushes data?
Bot API supports GET and POST HTTP methods both. It's up to you what to use. (See this or this). I think it makes the API easy and fast to get started with.
For the sake of simplicity one might choose a simple GET request to set a webhook - Put together a Url with some parameters and call it in a web browser, done! Webhook is now set.
Still it is possible to do the same with a POST request (and you can argue it is the preferred way to do so). But it would need tools like Postman, CURL or some browser extensions.

How do I view a request coming into my Postman mock server?

My website is making post requests to Postman's mock server. I want to be able to see my request to make sure that it is coming across in the way that I expect. I have tried attaching a monitor but that doesn't show me the request anywhere that I am able to find.
Where in the Postman Windows client can I see a request coming in to my Postman mock server?
I contacted Postman support and they say currently what I want to do is not possible. See this link for information: Postman Support Twitter Response
They did say however that if I wanted to just see the request that I am sending that I can use Postman Echo to see what kind of request I am sending.
It is now possible to view logs for requests made to and responses sent from your Postman mock server.
Mock Call Logs - https://blog.postman.com/introducing-postman-mock-call-logs/
You can see request to your mock end points buy doing the following.
Open postman, in the left most menu/column select mock servers
2)Click on Mock Servers and in the second left most column you should see your mock servers
3)Click on the one you want and in the middle screed you should see the logs
enter image description here
Its very easy, this functionality was added way back in 2020.
Just click on the Mock Server and you should be able to see the logs on the right side.
Isn't interceptor a good decision for it?

Can a rails application identify when a request is from curl?

A rails application can use the request object to access user agent and more data about the request.
How to detect browser type and its version
But with curl, a developer can set the header data and more. How to use curl to get a GET request exactly same as using Chrome?
Can a rails application accurately detect when a request is sent by a software like curl versus a browser?
No. cURL can simulate any HTTP request with the correct configuration. There is no way to tell the difference between Chrome and cURL from an HTTP request alone.
If you're trying to make it harder to scrape data from your server, you'll want to use other methods (rate-limiting, authentication, etc.). But there is no perfect solution to prevent a determined scraper.

Change HTTP POST request to GET request for mobile client app

We have existed API like
each time, the activiation_code will be different, then server will create a token for this call and return it, usually each call will have different activiation_code which return different token.
Since this API need server to create something so it is designed as POST.
Can we design this API as HTTP GET ?
What is the pro and cons ?
You could design the API to support GET requests, but I would not recommend this. If your API is accessible via a website, a user could accidentally activate an account multiple times since the URL will be stored in the browser's history. Additionally, web crawlers could potentially supply values to your API through the URL if you support GET requests.
POST requests are much better because the information is included in the body of the request, not the URL. Thus, it is much less likely that something will go wrong accidentally.

How to get response headers and time using capybara-webkit

How to get response of seperate ajax requests in a web page using capybara-webkit?
Is there any particular method available to capture response time of each request?
Am using capybara with rspec.
For eg: i have 3 Ajax requests in a web page. I need to get separate response time of each request and the response time of entire web page.
Generally it's not possible since webserver is running in the different process but you could create a custom rack middle-ware and dump all responses to the separate log file. For the beginning you could implement technique described here: https://gist.github.com/2975611 and for dumping headers you could use some code snippets from http://rack.rubyforge.org/doc/Rack/ContentLength.html
