Access JVM properties from command line - jmx

I have some JBoss 5.1.0 instances running on JDK1.6 on RHEL5. I would like to access heap/permgen/etc information from their VMs.
The JBoss configuration has not explicitly enabled JMX on the JVM for remote access with JConsole/JVisualVM.
I can access JBoss-related information through Twiddle, and, if I had a GUI on this machine, I would be able to access this information by running JConsole/JVisualVM (JDK 1.6 allows the connection of these clients after the app has been started, even without the options).
Is there a way to access this information without restarting these VMs?
The ways I can envisage doing it are:
Using Twiddle to access this information through JBoss' JMX console - if this is possible, what should I be passing in to find the information?
Using a command line client to connect to the running JDK in the same way that JConsole can. I am aware of cmdline-jmxclient but I don't know if it is capable of this.

The solution is to use jstat:
jstat -gccapacity -t 4994 5s
This line prints out the Garbage Collector capacity information, plus a timestamp for process 4994 every 5 seconds.
You need to be the correct user to gain access to the VM, so for me the above command had to be run sudo -u jboss jstat ....
There's lots more information on the documentation page.


How do I setup an Oracle Dynamo Admin Server?

I am confused by Oracle documentation on how to setup the (ATG) Web Commerce available on the edelivery website.
I would like to get to the step where I have properly set up the admin console.
Running the bin files on a server seems not work for various reasons:
either installation finishes but nothing is working
the installation endlessly asks for arbitrary input.
Also, I want to know if it is possible to setup the server in docker and/or an Amazon Linux EC2 instance.
There are quite a number of steps involved in getting the ATG Admin Server up and running. These start with installing a JDK, Application Server and provisioning a database. Once you have gone through the Installer (which you downloaded from the edelivery site) you need to go through a basic setup process using the CIM tool. The installation process (for ATG 11.3.1) is documented here, while the steps to setup a basic application is documented here.
Working through the steps in the CIM tool, you will end up with a deployable .ear file that you can copy to your application server. Once your application server is started, you will be able to access the Dynamo Admin server.
As of version 11.3.1 ATG is officially supported on Docker. Considering that you compile your own .ear file and it can be deployed to an Application Server (such as Weblogic), Docker support won't necessarily provide you with an ATG Image. It will simply allow you to run your compiled artefact on a Docker container. You are more likely wanting to get hold of a Weblogic Docker Image and deploy your ATG artefact there.

Teradata & Continuous Integration

Status quo:
We are developing a project at the client side. There's an existing Teradata appliance on the DEV side and one on the production side.
On the DEV side there is more than one supplier and every supplier has its own sub-database. The DBAs are not granted with direct permissions but call macros to create users and databases, grant rights etc. But no SYSDBA permissions on Teradata.
On the PRD side these macros don't exist. Every statement has to be run as is and has to be run automatically (packaged via RPM).
Therefore it is currently impossible to do a complete packaging and integration testing.
We have a Jenkins running which is doing several other tasks. The system is virtual, we're root and we already have an established packaging process.
What we need/ideas: an image of a plain Teradata database we can connect to (remote is ok) and run our DDL scripts.
The idea is to start some kind of image (Docker, VMWare, VirtualBox) which provides a small Teradata installation, we run our DDLs and throw the result away at the end.
Best case would be Docker in this case, but I'm open for ideas. Is there some kind of trial Teradata (v15) which can be used in this case?
I have looked into this (as I need to do the same) and here is what I have found:
You can actually run the VMWare image in Virtualbox (which is what I will be doing).
Once I have the image running I tarred and dumped out the file system at root (/) and I was able to startup docker.
However Teradata Express has also got a RAID1 setup (I think) which are the two vmdks PDISK0 and PDISK1 (SCSI sdb and sbc). I couldn't find a way to replicate this in docker (without spending more time and my time is up on this) so for now I think running in docker is not an option but if someone more familar with docker could find a way to virtualize the RAID1 I am happy to be corrected.

aws memory high usage

Recently I configured my instance into a micro environment in EC2 with glassfish and mysql in windows..
I deployed my war and i was able to access my site through http.
I changed my application and redeployed the war and it also worked.
When I was about to redeploy the war for 4th or 5th time, the application got deployed, I saw the message in the log file. But I was unable to access the site through http.
Then I tried the command "asadmin list-applications" and I got the following message.
Error occurred during initialization of VM
Could not reserve enough space for object heap
After that I was not able to connect to my instance through RDP and I had to reboot, I was able to access it again after that. I started the servers again (glassfish mysql), but no luck.
I noticed that the memory usage is around 90% or more. CPU isage is low.
now I can not access my site through http. what shall i do ?
Thanks in advance !
Honestly, there are a couple issues working against you here:
1) Windows requires FAR more RAM than Ubuntu to run at a minimum decent level.
2) GlassFish has a much larger footprint than Tomcat or Jetty.
Is there any particular reason you need Windows? Like is there a specific need that your server run some executables for file processing or something like that outside the JVM? Most would agree that Linux (Ubuntu or other) will give you much better results in performance and stability to run an App Server like GlassFish in any environment.

Windows Service doesn't start automatically

I have a windows service written in .Net 3.5 set to be automatically start, but it wouldn't start when system reboots.
As I understand, it may be caused by my service's dependency aren't started when the services tries to start. I don't know what my service depends on. I tried the workaround by adding windows print spooler as one of my service's dependencies, since print spooler is one of the services start quite late during the boot-up. Well, the work around doesn't work neither.
I'm using windows server 2003 r2. so the "delayed automatically restart" option is not available to me. and I can't use windows server 2008 just for this.
I'm out of ideas at the moment. Any suggestion would be appreciated.
A few suggestions to try out:
Check the system even logs
Add logging to your service, e.g. to system event log or use log4net
Strip the service down to a single message in the start-up or create a new stripped-down minimal service with as little dependencies as possible. See whether this starts
Check under which account your service is running and whether this account has the permission to "Run As A Service"

How to monitor and maintain my grails application in live/production environment?

It is the first time I have ever launched live a website (with Grails web framework under Amazon EC2 platform and Cloud Foundry) and I realized quickly that I am not ready for monitoring and maintening correctly my application in production mode (fortunately the website is accessible to a very limited number of users) .
The issues I have faced so far are:
Cannot change my views. I need to redeploy my application
I have no monitoring. I don't know who is connected, when do they sign in / sign out...
Redploying my application (upload WAR + deploy) takes at least 30 minutes.
I don't know how to restart my Tomcat server without a redeploy through Cloud Foundry !
So, my question is very simple:
What tools (including grails plugins) and methods can you recommend me for taking me out from my current blindness?
I am not sure how much this will help, however I use the JavaMelody Grails Plugin( I use it to see if the site is being used before I pull down the service.
Hope that helps.
I tried Cloud Foundry in it's early days and found it a little rough. Sounds like that's still the case with 30+ minute deploys and the inability to restart your tomcat server. Half of your problems could be solved if you just created your own EC2 instance, installed tomcat and managed your own deployments. That'll let you bounce tomcat through shell access:
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 restart
and redeploy your app
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6/stop
cp my.war /to/tomcat/dir
sudo /etc/init.d/tomcat6 start
or else you could do it through the tomcat admin console, but I find it to be flaky.
Regarding monitoring, there are a couple of ways you can do that. The easiest is to add CloudWatch monitoring to your system. That'll give you more insight into the performance of the application.
For more detailed monitoring regarding who's connecting to your app, I'd suggest looking at Google Analytics or Mint. If you need to get beyond that (with per user monitoring), you'll likely have to roll your own logging/tracking for what meets your needs. There are also other paid packages out there along the lines of Google Analytics and Mint that you can integrate with, but what fits your needs best, I can't say.
For actual monitoring of deployed system you can also use Hiperic HQ. It's a monitoring solution from Spring Source, who also are owners of Grails Framework.
It can manage, at your case:
tomcat server
btw redeploying app with changes is ok. it's a very bad practice to modify running app, on the production server.
I don't know if JMX and JConsole can help, but that might be a good way to see what the status of JMX-enabled POJOs is. Spring makes this easy to do.
Yes, you need to re-deploy your app when you change stuff in it, there's no way around that.
Deploy/re-deploy time has been cut significantly recently if using the grails plugin (btw, what version of the plugin do you use?) In some cases the upload time is as short as 15 seconds. Add 2-3 minutes for Amazon to spin up the instances and the deploy time is still pretty manageable. For re-deploy the instances don't have to be started, so it's even less than that.
To restart Tomcat login into your CloudFoundry account, click on the Deployment details, click on the instance that's running your Tomcat, and there will be a button "Restart service" that will do just that - restart Tomcat service.
You don't have to start your own EC2 instances in order to get a shell access. Copy the public DNS name of the instance from DeploymentDetails, and SSH into it using the private key you entered when registering for Cloudfoundry. Example:
ssh -i /path/to/gsg-keypair.pem root#your_instance_DNS_name
