Any way to internationalize BIRT reports without property files - localization

BIRT supports l10n an i18n using simple property files. I'm running reports from Jboss and
my rptdesign files are stored in database. When creating design I'm providing InputStream
design = engine.openReportDesign(designStream);
I think there is no way to do the same with localization property files. This separation is quite inconvenient. I'm wondering if there is any way to handle localization without property files? For example from database. Or it would be great to store localization map in .rptdesign file.


read write file properties with PropertyHandler Shell Extension

I'm trying to create PropertyHandler shell extension.
What's the best way for embedding properties like (Title,Author,.....) to use the same file in multi computers or devices?
StgCreateStorageEx ? way or there is other ways to do it?
because StgCreateStorageEx dealing with NTFS files only and i'm not sure if the file hold these properties with it if i open it in other device with same PropertyHandler
Is there any way to save properties inside the my file ?
The StgCreateStorageEx function creates a new storage object using the IStorage interface. This allows storing multiple data objects within a single binary file, see for example So, technically, you can save almost anything in this file including embedded properties.
I don't think that this is limited to NTFS: The old Microsoft Office .doc format (and many other Microsoft products) use this storage format and work also with FAT32.
If you want to use this binary file format is a completely different question. As you did not provide any information about the content and format of your file, I cannot recommend anything. One alternative would be to store the content of your file in an xml file. Properties like Title and Author then could be added easily.

How to localize ActiveReport 7.0 XML PageReports rdlx

We have a huge number of Page Reports created using ActiveReport (*.rdlx files)
We use them from our ASP.NET MVC web appolication.
All captions and other stuff were initially created on English
Now we need to add a multilanguage support there so, somehow we need all existing texts be inserted in resource file and so we can then add translations
Is there a way to achive this task quickly, without going to each report field and manually extracting it into resource file?
Documentation says that once you change Language property, resource files will be created, but seems it is not working for XML reports, or there shouldbe a trick
For the reports designed with Code-behind, resource files are created pretty much the same as if you will create a Windows form... but I fail to find out how to do this for XML reports.
Page Reports support a localization; however it doesn't do so with a resource file.
This is mentioned off-hand in a single sentence on the page about Localization with ActiveReports 7.
Setting up a localized value in a Page Report is done the same was as you do in a Section Report. Simply change the report's Language property and then set new textbox values. At report runtime the appropriate value for the textbox will get used.
As I mentioned above, this doesn't generate a separate .resx file; instead if you inspect the resulting .rdlx you'll find a custom dd:LocalizationResources element is created that specifies the language setting and the new values for report elements.
The Localize property you are referring to in the documentation and in the code-behind reports are for the code-based "Section Layout" Reports but won't work for XML-based "Page Layout" reports (if you look at the generated code for the report, you'll see that the designer is just generating a bunch of code to localize the report).
Since code-behind reports support custom code or you can add references to another DLL you can write a simple function to localize captions. There is a good example of localizing this for .rdl reports here, you can use exactly the same approach with the ActiveReports' .rdlx files.
During that initial configuration of the report to be localizable you'll either have to manually change each static string to a Code.LocalizedValue call or maybe you could write a simple script to find each //Textbox/Value elements and replace it with a similar call. A simple script with a combination of xpath and regex could do help you automate the initial configuration of the report. To localize something other than a Textbox Value in the report (e.g. report parameter, labels/bookmarks), you'll need to replace the text of a different element than the Textbox Value but the concept is the same.
Of course, I am assuming you are localizing the static strings in your report. If you want to localize the values from the database then you'll have to do that differently (comment if you need help and I'll explain).

Resource(resx) Custom helper

I'm a first time poster long time listener and I would really be interested in reading about some of your localization architectures and, eventually, to get feedback on our approach (as follows).
I would like some advice on an approach we're thinking of using with resource files. We are using MVC 3.0 and have a website project and a resource project. In the resource project we have a structure which mimics the same structure as the website e.g. controller -> view -> file.
We reference the resx files in the views by importing the resource namespace on the top of the view/control e.g. <%# Import Namespace="MyAppResources.Resources.Website.Home" %> and then reference the resx value we need by using <%= Index.SomeText %> where index is the name of the resource file.
What we were thinking of doing and would love some advice is instead of using this approach is to divide the resource resx structure into website areas and use a helper e.g. LocalizationHelper.GetValue("Home", "SomeText") where "Home" is the name of the resource file and "SomeText" is a value in that resx file. The reason we would do this is not to have to keep compiling the resource project for every small copy change we make (as we may need a quick fix for our deployed environment) and also it will probably be the most commonly used helper in the website project so this would keep things short and consistent. The Localization helper would also store the values in a cached dictionary so if a value is used more than once it would retrieve it from the cache.
Does anyone know of a better approach or improvements we have not thought of?
I would recommend using a database to store the localized values instead of a RESX file.
Using a database would prevent you from needing to make any code/file deployments to update your application. Furthermore, you could build a GUI interface for modifying the localized values (which is a great feature for the site administrators/editors).

Localizing HTML files / Parallel file editing

Due to timing constrains, I have developed a web application where a lot of language-specific strings have been directly hard-coded to large HTML/Javascript static files. Due to poor coding, code and content have not been properly separated.
To achieve quick and dirty localization, I am looking for some kind of text editor that would allow to "tag" the local elements of a file and turn them into "custom fields". These fields could then be stored in some resource file and translated independently from the shared structure, to generate multiple localized versions of the file.
I realize that I could do this myself through a "simple" templating mechanism, for instance by keeping a shared root file containing fields like {%welcome_message%} and a csv file for field translations, and then generate localized files.
But is there a text editor that could do this in a fast, user-friendly way ? For instance where we could see/modify the custom field values (as well as the root parts) directly when editing a file ?
What would be great for instance, would a a text editor feature/plugin allowing some kind of parallel file editing by distinguishing "root" and "localized" parts in a set of files.
(Note : currently I am using diff/merge tools to achieve this kind of results, but it will become increasingly cumbersome as we add more languages).
I think this could help you in parallel file editing

Dynamic localization files blackberry

Here's the scenario I have. I'm working on a multi-lang application but the available languages are dynamic and returned by an API from the server. After selecting a language I should download the localization file that contains the key/value pairs to use it in my application.
My question is, does the BlackBerry localization system allow such behavior? I mean can the key/value localization files be added to the application dynamically or they have to be bundled in my COD?
If that scenario doesn't work, I would appreciate suggestions on how to do this.
The default resource files used to localize an application must be bundled with the application.
Instead you could use Locale.getDefaultForSystem() to return the current locale in use and based on that load the correct language from your remote source.
