achartengine x-axis labels shift compared to values - achartengine

I noticed that the Xlabels of my Timechart are out of sync with the X-
values. The points should be right above the labels. On the left side
it OK, but it shifts towards the right. I don't know how to solve this
What i get:
How it should be like:
I tried a line chart or converted the date to a double but that had no
Any help would be be nice.
regards, Christian
This is some of my code:
XYMultipleSeriesRenderer renderer = buildRenderer(colors, styles);
renderer.setZoomEnabled(false, false);
renderer.setMargins(new int[] { 10, 65, 18, 10 });
int length = renderer.getSeriesRendererCount();
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) {
XYSeriesRenderer seriesRenderer = (XYSeriesRenderer) renderer
seriesRenderer.setLineWidth(4.0f); // dikte van lijn
MinMax minMax = determineMinMax(targetSteps, samples);
setChartSettings(renderer, context.getString(R.string.graph_title),
context.getString(R.string.graph_y_axis), minMax.minX,
minMax.maxX, minY, maxY, Color.WHITE,
renderer.setPanEnabled(false, false);
// set the data
String[] titles = new String[] {
context.getString(R.string.graph_legend_actual) };
XYMultipleSeriesDataset dataSet = buildDateDataset(titles,
TimeChart chart = new TimeChart(dataSet, renderer);
GraphicalView gview = new GraphicalView(context, chart);

Change to:

The solution to this was added recently. Just call:


Highcharts: plotbands in gauge charts

I'm using plotbands in a gauge chart to represent angle ranges. But I'm facing a problem with the plotband angles when the "from" value is higher than the "to" value.
As you can see, the plotband is set as from: 270, to: 45 but it really is rendered as if it was set as from: 45, to: 270. That renders exactly the oposite angle range that I need.
The only way that I can find to do that is setting two plotbands, one from 270 to 360 and another one from 0 to 45, but that seems very unconvenient.
Is there any easy way to achieve what I'm trying to do?
As I have mentioned in my comment, I think that you should be able to override getPlotBand method in your code for enabling plotBands with bigger from value than to value:
(function(H) {
H.wrap(H.Axis.prototype, 'init', function(proceed, chart, userOptions) {
this.getPlotBandPath = function(from, to, options) {
var center =,
startAngleRad = this.startAngleRad,
pick = H.pick,
map =,
pInt = H.pInt,
fullRadius = center[2] / 2,
radii = [
pick(options.outerRadius, '100%'),
pick(options.thickness, 10)
offset = Math.min(this.offset, 0),
percentRegex = /%$/,
isCircular = this.isCircular, // X axis in a polar chart
// Polygonal plot bands
if (this.options.gridLineInterpolation === 'polygon') {
ret = this.getPlotLinePath(from).concat(this.getPlotLinePath(to, true));
// Circular grid bands
} else {
// Keep within bounds
from = Math.max(from, this.min);
to = Math.min(to, this.max);
// Plot bands on Y axis (radial axis) - inner and outer radius depend on to and from
if (!isCircular) {
radii[0] = this.translate(from);
radii[1] = this.translate(to);
// Convert percentages to pixel values
radii = map(radii, function(radius) {
if (percentRegex.test(radius)) {
radius = (pInt(radius, 10) * fullRadius) / 100;
return radius;
// Handle full circle
if (options.shape === 'circle' || !isCircular) {
start = -Math.PI / 2;
end = Math.PI * 1.5;
open = true;
} else {
start = startAngleRad + this.translate(from);
end = startAngleRad + this.translate(to);
radii[0] -= offset; // #5283
radii[2] -= offset; // #5283
ret = this.chart.renderer.symbols.arc(
this.left + center[0], + center[1],
radii[0], {
start: start, // Math is for reversed yAxis (#3606)
end: end,
innerR: pick(radii[1], radii[0] - radii[2]),
open: open
return ret;
}, chart, userOptions);
Live example:

Word wrap in generated PDF (using jsPDF)?

what I'm doing is using jsPDF to create a PDF of the graph I generated. However, I am not sure how to wrap the title (added by using the text() function). The length of the title will vary from graph to graph. Currently, my titles are running off the page. Any help would be appreciated!
This is the code i have so far:
var doc = new jsPDF();
doc.text(15, 15, reportTitle);
doc.addImage(outputURL, 'JPEG', 15, 40, 180, 100);;
Nothing to keep the reportTitle from running off the page
Okay I've solved this. I used the jsPDF function, splitTextToSize(text, maxlen, options). This function returns an array of strings. Fortunately, the jsPDF text() function, which is used to write to the document, accepts both strings and arrays of strings.
var splitTitle = doc.splitTextToSize(reportTitle, 180);
doc.text(15, 20, splitTitle);
You can just use the optional argument maxWidth from the text function.
doc.text(15, 15, reportTitle, { maxWidth: 40 });
That will split the text once it reaches the maxWidth and start on the next line.
Auto-paging and text wrap issue in JSPDF can achieve with following code
var splitTitle = doc.splitTextToSize($('#textarea').val(), 270);
var pageHeight = doc.internal.pageSize.height;
var y = 7;
for (var i = 0; i < splitTitle.length; i++) {
if (y > 280) {
y = 10;
doc.text(15, y, splitTitle[i]);
y = y + 7;
To wrap long string of text to page use this code:
var line = 25 // Line height to start text at
var lineHeight = 5
var leftMargin = 20
var wrapWidth = 180
var longString = 'Long text string goes here'
var splitText = doc.splitTextToSize(longString, wrapWidth)
for (var i = 0, length = splitText.length; i < length; i++) {
// loop thru each line and increase
doc.text(splitText[i], leftMargin, line)
line = lineHeight + line
If you need to dynamically add new lines you want to access the array returned by doc.splitTextToSize and then add more vertical space as you go through each line:
var y = 0, lengthOfPage = 500, text = [a bunch of text elements];
//looping thru each text item
for(var i = 0, textlength = text.length ; i < textlength ; i++) {
var splitTitle = doc.splitTextToSize(text[i], lengthOfPage);
//loop thru each line and output while increasing the vertical space
for(var c = 0, stlength = splitTitle.length ; c < stlength ; c++){
doc.text(y, 20, splitTitle[c]);
y = y + 10;
Working Helper function
Here's a complete helper function based on the answers by #KB1788 and #user3749946:
It includes line wrap, page wrap, and some styling control:
(Gist available here)
function addWrappedText({text, textWidth, doc, fontSize = 10, fontType = 'normal', lineSpacing = 7, xPosition = 10, initialYPosition = 10, pageWrapInitialYPosition = 10}) {
var textLines = doc.splitTextToSize(text, textWidth); // Split the text into lines
var pageHeight = doc.internal.pageSize.height; // Get page height, well use this for auto-paging
var cursorY = initialYPosition;
textLines.forEach(lineText => {
if (cursorY > pageHeight) { // Auto-paging
cursorY = pageWrapInitialYPosition;
doc.text(xPosition, cursorY, lineText);
cursorY += lineSpacing;
// All values are jsPDF global units (default unit type is `px`)
const doc = new jsPDF();
text: "'Twas brillig, and the slithy toves...", // Put a really long string here
textWidth: 220,
// Optional
fontSize: '12',
fontType: 'normal',
lineSpacing: 7, // Space between lines
xPosition: 10, // Text offset from left of document
initialYPosition: 30, // Initial offset from top of document; set based on prior objects in document
pageWrapInitialYPosition: 10 // Initial offset from top of document when page-wrapping
When we use linebreak in jsPDF we get an error stating b.match is not defined, to solve this error just unminify the js and replace b.match with String(b).match and u will get this error twice just replace both and then we get c.split is not defined just do the same in this case replace it with String(c).match and we are done. Now you can see line breaks in you pdf. Thank you

Highcharts - Keep Zero Centered on Y-Axis with Negative Values

I have an area chart with negative values. Nothing insanely different from the example they give, but there's one twist: I'd like to keep zero centered on the Y axis.
I know this can be achieved by setting the yAxis.max to some value n and yAxis.min to −n, with n representing the absolute value of either the peak of the chart or the trough, whichever is larger (as in this fiddle). However, my data is dynamic, so I don't know ahead of time what n needs to be.
I'm relatively new to Highcharts, so it's possible I'm missing a way to do this through configuration and let Highcharts take care of it for me, but it's looking like I'll need to use Javascript to manually adjust the y axis myself when the page loads, and as new data comes in.
Is there an easy, configuration-driven way to keep zero centered on the Y axis?
I ended up finding a way to do this through configuration after digging even further into the Highcharts API. Each axis has a configuration option called tickPositioner for which you provide a function which returns an array. This array contains the exact values where you want ticks to appear on the axis. Here is my new tickPositioner configuration, which places five ticks on my Y axis, with zero neatly in the middle and the max at both extremes :
yAxis: {
tickPositioner: function () {
var maxDeviation = Math.ceil(Math.max(Math.abs(this.dataMax), Math.abs(this.dataMin)));
var halfMaxDeviation = Math.ceil(maxDeviation / 2);
return [-maxDeviation, -halfMaxDeviation, 0, halfMaxDeviation, maxDeviation];
I know this is an old post, but thought I would post my solution anyway (which is inspired from the one macserv suggested above in the accepted answer) as it may help others who are looking for a similar solution:
tickPositioner: function (min, max) {
var maxDeviation = Math.ceil(Math.max(Math.abs(this.dataMax), Math.abs(this.dataMin)));
return this.getLinearTickPositions(this.tickInterval, -maxDeviation, maxDeviation);
You can do this with the getExtremes and setExtremes methods
var ext = chart.yAxis[0].getExtremes();
Here is my solution. The nice thing about this is that you can maintain the tickInterval.
tickPositioner(min, max) {
let { tickPositions, tickInterval } = this;
tickPositions =, (tickPos) => Math.abs(tickPos));
tickPositions = tickPositions.sort((a, b) => (b - a));
const maxTickPosition = _.first(tickPositions);
let minTickPosition = maxTickPosition * -1;
let newTickPositions = [];
while (minTickPosition <= maxTickPosition) {
minTickPosition += tickInterval;
return newTickPositions;
Just in case someone is searching,
One option more. I ended up in a similar situation. Follows my solution:
tickPositioner: function () {
var dataMin,
dataMax = this.dataMax;
var positivePositions = [], negativePositions = [];
if(this.dataMin<0) dataMin = this.dataMin*-1;
if(this.dataMax<0) dataMax = this.dataMax*-1;
for (var i = 0; i <= (dataMin)+10; i+=10) {
for (var i = 0; i <= (dataMax)+10; i+=10) {
return negativePositions.concat(positivePositions);
It is an old question but recently I have had the same problem, and here is my solution which might be generalized:
function setAxisTicks(axis, tickCount) {
// first you calc the max from the data, then multiply with 1.1 or 1.2
// which can expand the max a little, in order to leave some space from the bottom/top to the max value.
// toPrecision decide the significant number.
let maxDeviation = (Math.max(Math.abs(axis.dataMax), Math.abs(axis.dataMin)) * AXIS_MAX_EXPAND_RATE).toPrecision(TICK_PRECISION);
// in case it is not a whole number
let wholeMaxDeviation = maxDeviation * 10 ** TICK_PRECISION;
// halfCount will be the tick counts on each side of 0
let halfCount = Math.floor(tickCount / 2);
// look for the nearest larger number which can mod the halfCount
while (wholeMaxDeviation % halfCount != 0) {
// calc the unit tick amount, remember to divide by the precision
let unitTick = (wholeMaxDeviation / halfCount) / 10 ** TICK_PRECISION;
// finally get all ticks
let tickPositions = [];
for (let i = -halfCount; i <= halfCount; i++) {
// there are problems with the precision when multiply a float, make sure no anything like 1.6666666667 in your result
let tick = parseFloat((unitTick * i).toFixed(TICK_PRECISION));
return tickPositions;
So in your chart axis tickPositioner you may add :
tickPositioner: function () {
return setAxisTicks(this, 7);

XNA Vertex Buffer is drawing very wrongly

I'm new to using the vertex buffer in XNA. In my project I construct one using a very large amount of vertices. I have been drawing the primitives heretofore with DrawUserIndexedPrimitives(), but I have grown out of that and need more efficiency, so I am trying to figure out the basics of buffers.
I think I've successfully implemented a buffer (and have been very satisfied with the performance improvements), except that all the faces look wrong. Here's how the primitives looked without the buffer: (the intended look), and here's how they look without:
Here's my code for loading a vertex buffer and index buffer:
private void RefreshVertexBuffer()
List<VertexPositionNormalTexture> vertices = new List<VertexPositionNormalTexture>();
List<int> indices = new List<int>();
//rebuild the vertex list and index list
foreach(var entry in blocks)
Block block = entry.Value;
for (int q = 0; q < block.Quads.Count; q++)
int offset = vertices.Count;
foreach (Triangle tri in block.Quads[q].Triangles)
indices.Add(tri.Indices[0] + offset);
indices.Add(tri.Indices[1] + offset);
indices.Add(tri.Indices[2] + offset);
vertexBuffer = new DynamicVertexBuffer(graphics, typeof(VertexPositionNormalTexture), vertices.Count, BufferUsage.None);
indexBuffer = new DynamicIndexBuffer(graphics, IndexElementSize.ThirtyTwoBits, indices.Count, BufferUsage.None);
vertexBuffer.SetData<VertexPositionNormalTexture>(vertices.ToArray(), 0, vertices.Count);
indexBuffer.SetData<int>(indices.ToArray(), 0, indices.Count);
and here is the draw call for plain rendering:
public void Render(Planet planet, Camera camera)
effect.View = camera.View;
effect.Projection = camera.Projection;
effect.World = planet.World;
foreach (KeyValuePair<Vector3, Block> entry in planet.Geometry.Blocks)
int blockID = planet.BlockMap.Blocks[entry.Value.U][entry.Value.V][entry.Value.W];
if (blockID == 1)
effect.Texture = dirt;
else if (blockID == 2)
effect.Texture = rock;
foreach (Quad quad in entry.Value.Quads)
foreach (Triangle tri in quad.Triangles)
quad.Corners, 0, quad.Corners.Length, tri.Indices, 0, 1);
...and for the vertex buffer rendering:
public void RenderFromBuffer(Planet planet, Camera camera)
effect.View = camera.View;
effect.Projection = camera.Projection;
effect.World = planet.World;
graphics.Indices = planet.Geometry.IndexBuffer;
graphics.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, planet.Geometry.VertexBuffer.VertexCount, 0, planet.Geometry.IndexBuffer.IndexCount / 6);
My indices may be off? Or is this due to some quirks with how the graphics device acts with a buffer vs. user indexed?
Edit: It may also have something to do with the way I stitch triangle indices. When I built this project with DrawUserIndexedPrimitives, I ran into some issues similar to this where triangles facing a certain direction would draw on the wrong 'side' (or, the wrong face would be culled). So I came up with this solution:
Triangle[] tris;
//create the triangles for the quad
tris = new Triangle[2]{
new Triangle( //the bottom triangle
new int[3] {
0, //the bottom left corner
1, //the bottom right corner
2 //the top left corner
new Triangle( //the top triangle
new int[3] {
1, //the bottom right corner
3, //the top right corner
2 //the top left corner
tris = new Triangle[2]{
new Triangle(
new int[3] {
2, //the top left corner
new Triangle(
new int[3] {
The problem is that the triangles are being culled. So you have two options to fix this:
You can change the order of the triangle indices.
foreach (Triangle tri in block.Quads[q].Triangles)
indices.Add(tri.Indices[1] + offset);
indices.Add(tri.Indices[0] + offset);
indices.Add(tri.Indices[2] + offset);
You can change your RasterizerState...
Default rasterizer state is RasterizerState.CullClockwise...
You can change it to RasterizerState.CullCounterClockwise
this line has a bug:
graphics.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, planet.Geometry.VertexBuffer.VertexCount, 0, planet.Geometry.IndexBuffer.IndexCount / 6)
should be:
graphics.DrawIndexedPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, 0, planet.Geometry.VertexBuffer.VertexCount, 0, planet.Geometry.IndexBuffer.IndexCount / 3)

Microsoft charts: transparency

I want a chart with transparent background, and therefore PNG seems a good choice. But when I set transparent background, the quality of the axis labels falls dramatically. How do I fix this? See the following code. As it stands, the chart has a transparent background, as I want, but the text quality is atrocious. If I comment out the two "Color.Transparent" settings, then the text quality is nice, but the background is not transparent.
How do I get transparency and nice text?
public static void Main(string[] args)
Chart c = new Chart();
c.TextAntiAliasingQuality = TextAntiAliasingQuality.High;
Series s = new Series("Series1");
s.ChartType = SeriesChartType.Line;
s.Color = Color.Black;
ChartArea chartArea = new ChartArea("ChartArea1");
chartArea.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(255, 255, 255);
chartArea.BackSecondaryColor = Color.FromArgb(220, 220, 220);
chartArea.BackGradientStyle = GradientStyle.TopBottom;
chartArea.AxisX.LineColor = Color.Gray;
chartArea.AxisX.LineWidth = 2;
chartArea.AxisX.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid;
chartArea.AxisY.LineColor = Color.Gray;
chartArea.AxisY.LineWidth = 2;
chartArea.AxisY.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Solid;
chartArea.AxisX.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.LightGray;
chartArea.AxisX.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash;
chartArea.AxisY.MajorGrid.LineColor = Color.LightGray;
chartArea.AxisY.MajorGrid.LineDashStyle = ChartDashStyle.Dash;
c.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
chartArea.BackColor = Color.Transparent;
double[] x = new double[] { 1999, 2005 };
double[] y = new double[] { 3210, 13456 };
Axis ay = chartArea.AxisY;
ay.Maximum = 13456;
ay.Minimum = 3210;
Axis ax = chartArea.AxisX;
ax.Maximum = 2005;
ax.Minimum = 1999;
for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
double xvalue = x[i];
double yvalue = y[i];
s.Points.AddXY(xvalue, yvalue);
// Save chart-image to disk:
c.SaveImage("chartimage.png", ChartImageFormat.Png);
Set chart's AntiAliasing to AntiAliasingStyles.Graphics to disable the antialiasing on text.
Taken from this thread.
Maybe this help you
in your .aspx file where your chart code is, look for the asp:ChartArea tag. then add BackColor = "Transparent".
<asp:ChartArea Name="ChartArea1" BackColor="Transparent"
Hope this help.
chart.TextAntiAliasingQuality = TextAntiAliasingQuality.SystemDefault;
I read this from here:
