XNA/C#: Entity Factories and typeof(T) performance - xna

In our game (targeted at mobile) we have a few different entity types and I'm writing a factory/repository to handle instantiation of new entities. Each concrete entity type has its own factory implementation and these factories are managed by an EntityRepository.
I'd like to implement the repository as such:
private Dictionary <System.Type, IEntityFactory<IEntity>> factoryDict;
public T CreateEntity<T> (params) where T : IEntity
return factoryDict[typeof(T)].CreateEntity() as T;
usage example
var enemy = repo.CreateEntity<Enemy>();
but I am concerned about performance, specifically related to the typeof(T) operation in the above. It is my understanding that the compiler would not be able to determine T's type and it will have to be determined at runtime via reflection, is this correct? One alternative is:
private Dictionary <System.Type, IEntityFactory> factoryDict;
public IEntity CreateEntity (System.Type type, params)
return factoryDict[type].CreateEntity();
which will be used as
var enemy = (Enemy)repo.CreateEntity(typeof(Enemy), params);
in this case whenever typeof() is called, the type is on hand and can be determined by the compiler (right?) and performance should be better. Will there be a noteable difference? any other considerations? I know I can also just have a method such as CreateEnemy in the repository (we only have a few entity types) which would be faster but I would prefer to keep the repository as entity-unaware as possible.
I know that this may most likely not be a bottleneck, my concern is just that it is such a waste to use up time on reflecting when there is a slightly less sugared alternative available. And I think it's an interesting question :)
I did some benchmarking which proved quite interesting (and which seem to confirm my initial suspicions).
Using the performance measurement tool I found at
(which runs a test method several times and displays metrics such as average time etc) I conducted a basic test, testing:
private static T GenFunc<T>() where T : class
return dict[typeof(T)] as T;
private static Object ParamFunc(System.Type type)
var d = dict[type];
return d;
called as
str = GenFunc<string>();
str = (String)ParamFunc(typeof(String));
respectively. Paramfunc shows a remarkable improvement in performance (executes on average in 60-70% the time it takes GenFunc) but the test is quite rudimentary and I might be missing a few things. Specifically how the casting is performed in the generic function.
An interesting aside is that there is little (neglible) performance gained by 'caching' the type in a variable and passing it to ParamFunc vs using typeof() every time.

Generics in C# don't use or need reflection.
Internally types are passed around as RuntimeTypeHandle values. And the typeof operator maps to Type.GetTypeFromHandle (MSDN). Without looking at Rotor or Mono to check, I would expect GetTypeFromHandle to be O(1) and very fast (eg: an array lookup).
So in the generic (<T>) case you're essentially passing a RuntimeTypeHandle into your method and calling GetTypeFromHandle in your method. In your non-generic case you're calling GetTypeFromHandle first and then passing the resultant Type into your method. Performance should be near identical - and massively outweighed by other factors, like any places you're allocating memory (eg: if you're using the params keyword).
But it's a factory method anyway. Surely it won't be called more than a couple of times per second? Is it even worth optimising?

You always hear how slow reflection is, but in C#, there is actually fast reflection and slow reflection. typeof is fast-reflection - it has basically the overhead of method call, which is nearly infinitesimal.
I would bet a steak and lobster dinner that this isn't going to be a performance bottleneck in your application, so it's not even worth your (or our) time in trying to optimize it. It's been said a million times before, but it's worth saying again: "Premature optimization is the root of all evil."
So, finish writing the application, then profile to determine where your bottlenecks are. If this turns out to be one of them, then and only then spend time optimizing it. And let me know where you'd like to have dinner.
Also, my comment above is worth repeating, so you don't spend any more time reinventing the wheel: Any decent IoC container (such as AutoFac) can [create factory methods] automatically. If you use one of those, there is no need to write your own repository, or to write your own CreateEntity() methods, or even to call the CreateEntity() method yourself - the library does all of this for you.


Overhead of Object Expressions when used with inline function

I loved the idea used in the accepted answer here. My understanding of it is that it is an elegant way of using an interface as a method parameter without having to implement the interface. SRTP is used for duck typing to adopt a type (excuse the OO term, happy to learn the FP one) to the interface:
let inline namedModel< ^T when ^T : (member Name : string)> (model:^T)=
{ new INamed with
member x.Name =
(^T : (member Name : string) model) }
What confuses me in the code above which I took from the accepted answer is the runtime behaviour of the inlined method.
It appears to me that this method will create and return a new implementation of the INamed every single time it is called. As I asked in the comments in the linked question, would not this lead to a lot of pressure on the garbage collector if namedModel method was called many times?
I'm really keen to use this approach but I cannot dare go ahead with lest my understanding of its memory consumption is correct.
Yes, it will create a new object on every call.
But keep in mind the first rule of optimization: first measure, then optimize. Are you sure that creating an object on every call would be prohibitively expensive in your case? Have you measured?
Another thing to keep in mind is that in normal code you are constantly creating and discarding objects, often without even thinking of it. The .NET garbage collector is specifically designed to handle this.

Dependency injection: Is it ok to instatiate a concrete object from a concrete factory

I am fairly new to Dependency Injection, and I wrote a great little app that worked exactly like Mark Seemann told me it would and the world was great. I even added some extra complexity to it just to see if I could handle that using DI. And I could, happy days.
Then I took it to a real world application and spent a long time scratching my head. Mark tells me that I am not allowed to use the 'new' keyword to instantiate objects, and I should instead let the IoC do this for me.
However, say that I have a repository and I want it to be able to return me a list of things, thusly:
public interface IThingRepository
public IEnumerable<IThing> GetThings();
Surely at least one implementation of this interface will have to instantiate some Thing's? And it doesn't seem so bad being allowing ThingRepository to new up some Things as they are related anyway.
I could instead pass round a POCO instead, but at some point I'm going to have to convert the POCO in to a business object, which would require me to new something up.
This situation seems to occur every time I want a number of things which is not knowable in the Composition Root (ie we only find out this information later - for example when querying the database).
Does anyone know what the best practice is in these kinds of situations?
In addition to Steven's answer, I think it is ok for a specific factory to new up it's specific matching-implementation that it was created for.
Also, check this answer, specifically the comments, which say something about new-ing up instances.
public interface IContext {
T GetById<T>(int id);
public interface IContextFactory {
IContext Create();
public class EntityContext : DbContext, IContext {
public T GetById<T>(int id) {
var entity = ...; // Retrieve from db
return entity;
public class EntityContextFactory : IContextFactory {
public IContext Create() {
// I think this is ok, since the factory was specifically created
// to return the matching implementation of IContext.
return new EntityContext();
Mark tells me that I am not allowed to use the 'new' keyword to instantiate objects
That's not what Mark Seemann tells you, or what he means. You must make the clear separation between services (controlled by your composition root) at one side and primitives, entities, DTOs, view models and messages on the other side. Services are injectables and all other types are newables. You should only prevent using new on service types. It would be silly to prevent newing up strings for instance.
Since in your example the service is a repository, it seems reasonable to assume that the repository returns domain objects. Domain objects are newables and there's no reason not to new them manually.
Thanks for the answers everybody, they led me to the following conclusions.
Mark makes a distinction between stable and unstable dependencies in the book I am reading ( "Dependency injection in .NET"). Stable dependencies (eg Strings) can be created at will. Unstable dependencies should be moved behind a seam / interface.
A dependency is anything that is in a different assembly from the one that we are writing.
An unstable dependency is any of the following
It requires a run time environment to be set up such as a database, web server, maybe even the file system (otherwise it won't be extensible or testable, and it means we couldn't do late binding if we wanted to)
It doesn't exist yet (otherwise we can't do parallel development)
It requires something that isn't installed on all machines (otherwise it can cause test difficulties)
It contains non deterministic behaviour (otherwise impossible to test well)
So this is all well and good.
However, I often hide things behind seams within the same assembly. I find this extremely helpful for testing. For example if I am doing a complex calculation it is impossible to test the entire calculation well in one go. If I split the calculation up into lots of smaller classes and hide these behind seams, then I can easily inject any arbirtary intermediate results into a calculating class.
So, having had a good old think about it, these are my conclusions:
It is always OK to create a stable dependency
You should never create unstable dependencies directly
It can be useful to use seams within an assembly, particularly to break up big classes and make them more easily testable.
And in answer to my original question, it is ok to instatiate a concrete object from a concrete factory.

F# Instance Methods... should they return a new instance instead of altering the current object?

The problem is whether an instance method should in anyway alter the object that contains the method or should it return a new instance? I'm new to F# and the concept of full mmutability that is suggested for F#.
Just using psuedo code for now unless I need to be more specific.
First thought is just add the message to the message list on the object:
class Something
Second is to construct a new list that joins the old list and the new message. Then I would create a new instance altogther and send back.
class Something
newMessageList = _messages.Join(message)
return new Something(newMessageList)
Am I overthinking immutability?
In my opinion, the answer depends on your requirements. The immutable style is probably more idiomatic, and would be a sensible default. However, one nice thing about F# is that you can choose what to do based on your needs; there's nothing inherently wrong with code that uses mutation. Here are some things to consider:
Sometimes the mutable approach leads to better performance, particularly when used in a single-threaded context (but make sure to measure realistic scenarios to be sure!)
Sometimes the immutable approach lends itself better to use in multi-threaded scenarios
Sometimes you want to interface with libraries that are easier to use with imperitave code (e.g. an API taking a System.Action<_>).
Are you working on a team? If so, are they experienced C# developers? Experienced F# developers? What kind of code would they find easiest to read (perhaps the mutable style)? What kind of code will you find easiest to maintain (probably the immutable style)?
Are you just doing this as an exercise? Then practicing the immutable style may be worthwhile.
Stepping back even further, there are a few other points to consider:
Do you really even need an instance method? Often, using a let-bound function in a module is more idiomatic.
Do you really even need a new nominal type for what you're doing? If it's just a thin wrapper around a list, you might consider just using lists directly.
As you are doing "class based" programming which is one of the way (rather unfortunate) to do object oriented programming, you would be doing in place state modification rather than returning a new state (as that's what would be expected when you are doing OO).
In case you really want to go towards immutability then I would suggest you need to use more FP concepts like Modules, Functions (not methods which have you have in class based programming), recursive data types etc.
My answer is way too general and the appropriate answer lies in the fact that how this class of your will fit in the big picture of your application design.

ViewBag vs ViewData performance difference in MVC?

I know that ViewData and ViewBag both use the same backing data and that neither are as good as using strongly typed models in most cases. However when choosing between the two is the dynamic nature of ViewBag slower than using ViewData?
Okay - my initial answer basically said 'no' - time for a bit of a u-turn.
It should be 'no' in a perfect dynamic world - but upon closer inspection it would appear that there will either be no difference (accounting for JIT magic) or it might be ever-so-slightly slower, although not enough to warrant not using it (I certainly am).
In theory if properly implemented, the ViewBag would ultimately outperform the use of the ViewData dictionary because the binding of the expressions (e.g. ViewBag.Foo) is very well cached across the different CallSites that the compiler will generate (reflect a method that does a read or write to the ViewBag and you'll see what I mean).
The caching layers of the DLR are well documented (if a little difficult to understand once you get in depth) but basically the runtime does its best to 'remember' where a given value instance is once its bound it - for example via a Set or Get statement.
BUT The caching, its use and effectiveness, is entirely dependent upon the underlying implementations of classes/interfaces such as DynamicObject, IDynamicMetaObjectProvider etc; as well as the end-result of the Get/Set expression binding.
In the case of the MVC internal DynamicViewDataDictionary class - it ultimately ends up binding to this:
public override bool TryGetMember(GetMemberBinder binder, out object result)
result = this.ViewData[binder.Name];
return true;
For var a = ViewBag.Foo
public override bool TrySetMember(SetMemberBinder binder, object value)
this.ViewData[binder.Name] = value;
return true;
For ViewBag.Foo = Bar;
In other words - the statements are effectively being rewritten to wrappers around the dictionary indexer.
Because of that, there's certainly no way it could be faster than doing it yourself.
Were ViewData to feed off of ViewBag, instead of the other way around, and had ViewBag then been implemented with even something like ExpandoObject, then it might be a different story - as the dynamic implementation of ExpandoObject is much more intelligent and the caching rules it employs allow for some pretty cool runtime optimisations.
In Conclusion
(thanks to Shawn McLean for suggesting one was needed!)
ViewBag will be slower than ViewData; but probably not enough to warrant concern.
I haven't done any test but my gut feel is that in real world scenarios the difference is just negligible. You will probably access it a few times on each page and a few CPU cycles won't make any difference. One can find bigger performance improvements in other places.

A pragmatic view on private vs public

I've always wondered on the topic of public, protected and private properties. My memory can easily recall times when I had to hack somebody's code, and having the hacked-upon class variables declared as private was always upsetting.
Also, there were (more) times I've written a class myself, and had never recognized any potential gain of privatizing the property. I should note here that using public vars is not in my habit: I adhere to the principles of OOP by utilizing getters and setters.
So, what's the whole point in these restrictions?
The use of private and public is called Encapsulation. It is the simple insight that a software package (class or module) needs an inside and an outside.
The outside (public) is your contract with the rest of the world. You should try to keep it simple, coherent, obvious, foolproof and, very important, stable.
If you are interested in good software design the rule simply is: make all data private, and make methods only public when they need to be.
The principle for hiding the data is that the sum of all fields in a class define the objects state. For a well written class, each object should be responsible for keeping a valid state. If part of the state is public, the class can never give such guarantees.
A small example, suppose we have:
class MyDate
public int y, m, d;
public void AdvanceDays(int n) { ... } // complicated month/year overflow
// other utility methods
You cannot prevent a user of the class to ignore AdvanceDays() and simply do:
date.d = date.d + 1; // next day
But if you make y, m, d private and test all your MyDate methods, you can guarantee that there will only be valid dates in the system.
The whole point is to use private and protected to prevent exposing internal details of your class, so that other classes only have access to the public "interfaces" provided by your class. This can be worthwhile if done properly.
I agree that private can be a real pain, especially if you are extending classes from a library. Awhile back I had to extend various classes from the Piccolo.NET framework and it was refreshing that they had declared everything I needed as protected instead of private, so I was able to extend everything I needed without having to copy their code and/or modify the library. An important take-away lesson from that is if you are writing code for a library or other "re-usable" component, that you really should think twice before declaring anything private.
The keyword private shouldn't be used to privatize a property that you want to expose, but to protect the internal code of your class. I found them very helpful because they help you to define the portions of your code that must be hidden from those that can be accessible to everyone.
One example that comes to my mind is when you need to do some sort of adjustment or checking before setting/getting the value of a private member. Therefore you'd create a public setter/getter with some logic (check if something is null or any other calculations) instead of accessing the private variable directly and always having to handle that logic in your code. It helps with code contracts and what is expected.
Another example is helper functions. You might break down some of your bigger logic into smaller functions, but that doesn't mean you want to everyone to see and use these helper functions, you only want them to access your main API functions.
In other words, you want to hide some of the internals in your code from the interface.
See some videos on APIs, such as this Google talk.
Having recently had the extreme luxury of being able to design and implement an object system from scratch, I took the policy of forcing all variables to be (equivalent to) protected. My goal was to encourage users to always treat the variables as part of the implementation and not the specification. OTOH, I also left in hooks to allow code to break this restriction as there remain reasons to not follow it (e.g., the object serialization engine cannot follow the rules).
Note that my classes did not need to enforce security; the language had other mechanisms for that.
In my opinion the most important reason for use private members is hiding implementation, so that it can changed in the future without changing descendants.
Some languages - Smalltalk, for instance - don't have visibility modifiers at all.
In Smalltalk's case, all instance variables are always private and all methods are always public. A developer indicates that a method's "private" - something that might change, or a helper method that doesn't make much sense on its own - by putting the method in the "private" protocol.
Users of a class can then see that they should think twice about sending a message marked private to that class, but still have the freedom to make use of the method.
(Note: "properties" in Smalltalk are simply getter and setter methods.)
I personally rarely make use of protected members. I usually favor composition, the decorator pattern or the strategy pattern. There are very few cases in which I trust a subclass(ing programmer) to handle protected variables correctly. Sometimes I have protected methods to explicitly offer an interface specifically for subclasses, but these cases are actually rare.
Most of the time I have an absract base class with only public pure virtuals (talking C++ now), and implementing classes implement these. Sometimes they add some special initialization methods or other specific features, but the rest is private.
First of all 'properties' could refer to different things in different languages. For example, in Java you would be meaning instance variables, whilst C# has a distinction between the two.
I'm going to assume you mean instance variables since you mention getters/setters.
The reason as others have mentioned is Encapsulation. And what does Encapsulation buy us?
When things have to change (and they usually do), we are much less likely to break the build by properly encapsulating properties.
For example we may decide to make a change like:
int getFoo()
return foo;
int getFoo()
return bar + baz;
If we had not encapsulated 'foo' to begin with, then we'd have much more code to change. (than this one line)
Another reason to encapsulate a property, is to provide a way of bullet-proofing our code:
void setFoo(int val)
if(foo < 0)
throw MyException(); // or silently ignore
foo = val;
This is also handy as we can set a breakpoint in the mutator, so that we can break whenever something tries to modify our data.
If our property was public, then we could not do any of this!
