Asynchronous Asp.Net MVC controller methods? -

I will build an MVC 3 web page.
View: The view (web page) invoke about five Ajax(jQuery) calls against the methods, which return JsonResult, in a controller and render the results on the web page.
Control: The controller methods read a SQL Server 2008 database using EF4. Two of the SQL statements may take half a minute to execute depending on the server load.
I wish the users can at least see the contents returned from the quick controller/database calls as soon as possible. The page will not have a lot of users (maybe up to 15). Will the long run controller method calls block others if they are not asynchronous? Or is it irrelevant as long as the thread pool is big enough to handle the peak requests of the users?

From the user's view, loading the initial web page is synchronous, i.e. he has to wait until the server delivers the page. The Ajax requests however look asynchronous to him because he can already see part of the page.
From the server's view, everything is synchronous. There is an HTTP request that needs to be processed and the answer is either HTML, JSON or whatever. The client will wait until it receives the answer. And several requests can be processed in parallel.
So unless you implement some special locking (either on the web server or in the database) that blocks some of the requests, nothing will be blocked.
The proposed approach seems just fine to me.
There's one thing I forgot: ASP.NET contains a locking mechanism to synchronize access to the session data that can get into the way if you have several concurrent requests from the same user. Have a look at the SessionState attribute for a way to work around that problem.
Update 2:
And for an asynchronous behavior from the user's point of view, there's no need to use the AsyncController class. They where built for something else, which is not relevant in your case since only have 15 users.

Will the long run controller method calls block others if they are not asynchronous?
The first important thing to note is that all those controller actions should not have write access to the Session. If they write to the session whether they are sync or async they will always execute sequentially and never in parallel. That's due to the fact that ASP.NET Session is not thread safe and if multiple requests from the same session arrive they will be queued. If you are only reading from the Session it is OK.
Now, the slow controller actions will not block the fast controller actions. No matter whether they are synchronous or not. For long controller actions it could make sense to make them asynchronous only if you are using the asynchronous ADO.NET methods to access the database and thus benefit from the I/O Completion Ports. They allow you to not consume any threads during I/O operations such as database access. If you use standard blocking calls to the database you get no benefit from async actions.
I would recommend you the following article for getting deeper understanding of when asynchronous actions could be beneficial.


Can I Use Async to Perform Fire-and-Forget NHibernate Saves in an ASP.NET MVC Application?

I have an ASP.NET MVC application that uses NHibernate to persist data into a SQL Server database.
There are cases where I want to save an entry into a database (initially triggered by a call into an action method on a controller) but there's no need to block the caller.
Is it "safe" to try to implement a fire-and-forget mechanism into the database that will put the database call into a Task and then invoke it on the background so control can return immediately to the caller? (OR accomplish the same thing with BackgroundWorker or the "async/await" keywords) I need a solution where NHibernate will not get tripped up by ASP.NET trying to clean up its ISession, which is per-request. I'm using Autofac for lifetime management on the session. I assume that the database operation would have a slightly longer lifetime than the web request itself, and I'm not sure how smoothly that would work.
It is not safe to do this; I have a blog post on the subject. The problem is that when you have no requests in progress, it is possible that your entire AppDomain can be torn down. Also, consider what would happen if the database insert failed for some reason? If you return early, then there's no way to notify the client of an error.
A reliable solution must store the data in some kind of persistent place before returning success to the caller. This can be directly in the database, or in a queue of some kind (to be later processed by an independent worker).

Is there any advantage on using async method of httpclient

I'm working on an MVC 4 application. I've a controller where I make calls to some REST service using the HttpClient class. The controller is a normal controller and the actions are not described with async keyword. Do I get any gain of using PostAsync method of HttpClient class in this case? It's not a fire and forget call and I need the result returned from the service. The ASP.NET thread is going to be blocked anyway till it get the result and so is there advantage?
You don't have any advantage in that case. You have to be either all the way async or all the way synchronous.
The single exception I can think of is when you have a singe synchronous MVC action starting off dozens of async, concurrent requests. In that case you burn one thread to coordinate dozens of others. That would be acceptable.
Side note: Async doesn't apply to most server apps, but in your case it seems like you could benefit from an all-async style solution because you are making a potentially long-running HTTP request. So you might switch to all-async for this one particular MVC action.

Design considerations for heavy loaded MVC + Web API application and asynchronous message bus

I'm planning to build a quite large application (large in term of concurrent user / number of request, not in term of features).
Basically, I'll have a service somewhere, that is waiting for commands execute them, and acknowledge the completion later. This service will use a service bus to communicate, making the execution eventual, before a acknowledge message is issued.
The consumers of this service can be any kind of application (WPF, SL, ...) but my main (and first) client will be an MVC application + WebApi (.Net 4.5) or MVC only (.Net 4.0) with ajax controller actions.
The web application will be relying on Ajax call to keep a user friendly responsive application.
I'm quite new to such full blown async architecture, and I'm having some questions to avoid future headache :
my web api calls can take some amount of times. How should I design properly the api to support long running operations (some kind of async?). I've read about the new async keyword, but for the sake of knowledge, I'd like to understand what's behind.
My calls to the service will consist is publishing a message and wait for the ack message. If I wrap this in a single method, how should I write this method? Should I "block" until the ack is received (I suppose I shouldn't)? Should I return a Task object and let the consumer decide?
I'm also wondering if SignalR can help me. With signalR, I think I can use a real "fire and forget" command issuing, and route up to the client to ack message.
Am I completely out of subject, and should I take another approach?
In term of implementation details / framework, I think I'll use :
Rabbitmq as messaging system
Masstransit to abstract the messaging system
asp.MVC 4 to build the UI
Webapi to isolate command issuing out of UI controllers, and to allow other kind of client to issue commands
my web api calls can take some amount of times.
How should I design properly the api to support long
running operations (some kind of async?).
I'm not 100% sure where you're going. You ask questions about Async but also mention message queuing, by throwing in RabbitMQ and MassTransit. Message queuing is asynchronous by default.
You also mention executing commands. If you're referring to CQRS, you seperate commands and queries. But what I'm not 100% about is what you're referring to when mentioning "long running processes".
When you query data, the data should already be present. Preferably in a way that is needed for the question at hand.
When you query data, no long-running-process should be started
When you execute commands, a long-running-processes can be started. But that's why you should use message queuing. Specify a task to start the long running process, create a message for it, throw it onto the queue, forget about it altogether. Some other process in the background will pick it up.
When the command is executed, the long-running-process can be started.
When the command is executed, a database can be updated with data
This data can be used by the API if someone requests data
When using this model, it doesn't matter that the long-running-process might take up to 10 minutes to complete. I won't go into detail on actually having a single thread take up to 10 minutes to complete, including locks on database, but I hope you get the point. Your API will be free almost instantly after throwing a message onto the queue. No need for Async there.
My calls to the service will consist is publishing a message and wait for the ack message.
I don't get this. The .NET Framework and your queuing platform take care of this for you. Why would you wait on an ack?
In MassTransit
Bus.Instance.Publish(new YourMessage{Text = "Hi"});
In NServiceBus
Bus.Publish(new YourMessage{Text = "Hi"});
I'm also wondering if SignalR can help me.
I should think so! Because of the asynchronous nature of messaging, the user has to 'wait' for updates. If you can provide this data by 'pushing' updates via SignalR to the user, all the better.
Am I completely out of subject, and should I take another approach?
Perhaps, I'm still not sure where you're going.
Perhaps read up on the following resources.
my web api calls can take some amount of times. How should I design
properly the api to support long running operations (some kind of
async?). I've read about the new async keyword, but for the sake of
knowledge, I'd like to understand what's behind.
Regarding Async, I saw this link being recommended on another question on stackoverflow:
It says that when a request is made to an ASP .NET application, a thread is assigned to process the request from a limited thread pool.
An asynchronous controller action releases the thread back to the thread pool so that it is ready to accept addtitional requests. Within the action the operation which needs to be executed asynchronously is assigned to a callback controller action.
The asynchronous controller action is named using Async as the suffix and the callback action has a Completed suffix.
public void NewsAsync(string city) {}
public ActionResult NewsCompleted(string[] headlines) {}
Regarding when to use Async:
In general, use asynchronous pipelines when the following conditions
are true:
The operations are network-bound or I/O-bound instead of CPU-bound.
Testing shows that the blocking operations are a bottleneck in site performance and that IIS can service more requests by using
asynchronous action methods for these blocking calls.
Parallelism is more important than simplicity of code.
You want to provide a mechanism that lets users cancel a long-running request.
I think developing your service using ASP .NET MVC with Web API and using Async controllers where needed would be a good approach to developing a highly available web service.
Using a message based service framework like ServiceStack looks good too:
Additional resources: // also shows setup of performance tests

Grails - Servlet 3.0 Asynchronous Request Processing

I discovered today Servlet 3.0 asynchronous facility. I have read about it and think I understood the concept.
I was wondering: would that make any difference on "standard" controller's actions, or should it be saved for the use of web services, or extensive computational processes ?
In other words, is it a bad idea to use it on all one's controller's actions, without considering the computational time of the actions method beforehand?
If it is, could you explained to me why ?
Thank you in advance.
No, this would be a bad idea.
On a controller action, you get a request and you want to serve a response as soon as possible. You can use the asynchronous only for thing that can be delayed.
If a user is requesting a page on your website, you can't respond with empty page, then do a push back to update his page. I would use this feature only for AJAX requests and even not for all of them. You have to decide what makes sense to run be run asynchronously and what not.
You should read the Grails documentation for Asynchronous Request Handling
In general for controller actions that execute quickly there is little benefit in handling requests asynchronously. However, for long running controller actions it is extremely beneficial.
The reason being that with an asynchronous / non-blocking response, the one thread == one request == one response relationship is broken. The container can keep a client response open and active, and at the same time return the thread back to the container to deal with another request, improving scalability.
Hopefully this should be clear enough, but please ask if something is not clear.

Authenticated user and multiple requests (IIS7 MVC3)

This is one of those questions that maybe should go so serverfault, but then maybe there is a code-level solution.
Anyway, here is the question. I have a regular MVC3 application which requires user login to access (uses the Authorize tag on most of the actions). I also have a Silverlight object within the application that makes HTTP GET calls to a controller action which returns an image (in fact this is a map tile). This particular controller action has no authorize tag, and is therefore public.
The Silverlight component runs slow or just blocks, because the MVC application can apparently process only ONE request at a time, as confirmed by firebug. This means that the map tiles can be served only one after the other. Moreover, regular (non-map-related) requests are enqueued too, and everything times out after a while.
So to make a test, I setup another website with the same document root, and I instructed the Silverlight component to read tiles from there. Now tiles ARE requested concurrently and it runs smoothly.
So, is there any way to resolve this situation and use one site only?
If you are using Session on the server action that would explain why requests are queued. Because the Session is not thread safe ASP.NET serializes all requests from the same session and executes them sequentially.
