Relating Machine learning Techniques to solve optimization Problem - machine-learning

Consider an optimization problem of some dimension n, Given some linear set of equations(inequalities) or constraints on the inputs which form a convex region, finding the maximum\minimum value of some expression which is some linear combination of inputs(or dimensions).
For larger dimension, these optimization problems take much time to give the exact answer.
So, can we use machine learning techniques, to get some approximate solution in lesser time.
if we can use machine learning techniques in this context, How the Training set should be??

Do you mean "How big should the training set be?" If so, then that is very much a "how long is a piece of string" question. It needs to be large enough for the algorithm being used, and to represent the data that is being modeled.

This doesn't strike me as being especially focused on machine learning, as is typically meant by the term anyway. It's just a straightforward constrained optimization problem. You say that it takes too long to find solutions now, but you don't mention how you're trying to solve the problem.
The simplex algorithm is designed for this sort of problem, but it's exponential in the worst case. Is that what you're trying that's taking too long? If so, there are tons of metaheuristics that might perform well. Tabu search, simulated annealing, evolutionary algorithms, variable depth search, even simple multistart hill climbers. I would probably try something along those lines before I tried anything exotic.


How to deal with ill-conditioned neural networks?

When dealing with ill-conditioned neural networks, is the current state of the art to use an adaptive learning rate, some very sophisticated algorithm to deal with the problem, or to eliminate the ill conditioning by preprocessing/scaling of the data?
The problem can be illustrated with the simplest of scenarios: one input and one output where the function to be learned is y=x/1000, so a single weight whose value needs to be 0.001. One data point (0,0). It turns out to matter a great deal, if you are using gradient descent, whether the second data point is (1000,1) or (1,0.001).
Theoretical discussion of the problem, with expanded examples.
Example in TensorFlow
Of course, straight gradient descent is not the only available algorithm. Other possibilities are discussed at here - however, as that article observes, the alternative algorithms it lists that are good at handling ill condition, are not so good when it comes time to handle a large number of weights.
Are new algorithms available? Yes, but these aren't clearly advertised as solutions for this problem, are perhaps intended to solve a different set of problems; swapping in Adagrad in place of GradientDescent does prevent overshoot, but still converges very slowly.
At one time, there were some efforts to develop heuristics to adaptively tweak the learning rate, but then instead of being just a number, the learning rate hyperparameter is a function, much harder to get right.
So these days, is the state of the art to use a more sophisticated algorithm to deal with ill condition, or to just preprocess/scale the data to avoid the problem in the first place?

TensorFlow - GradientDescentOptimizer - are we actually finding global optimum?

I was playing with tensorflow for quite a while, and I have more of a theoretical question. In general, when we train a network we usually use GradientDescentOptimizer (probably its variations like adagrad or adam) to minimize the loss function. In general it looks like we are trying to adjust weights and biases so that we get the global minimum of this loss function. But the issue is that I assume that this function has an extremely complicated look if you plot it, with lots of local optimums. What I wonder is how can we be sure that Gradient Descent finds global optimum and that we are not getting instantly stuck in some local optimum instead which is far away from global optimum?
I recollect that for example when you are performing clustering in sklearn it usually runs clustering algorithm several times with random initialization of cluster centers, and by doing this we ensure that we are not getting stuck with not optimal result. But we are not doing something like this while training ANNs in tensorflow - we start with some random weights and just travel along the slope of the function.
So, any insight into this? Why we can be more or less sure that the results of training via gradient descent are close to global minimum once the loss stops to decrease significantly?
Just to clarify, why I am wondering about this matter is that if we can't be sure that we get at least close to global minimum we can't easily judge which of 2 different models is actually better. Because we could run experiment, get some model evaluation which shows that model is not good... But actually it just stuck in local minimum shortly after training started. While other model which seemed for us to be better was just more lucky to start training from a better starting point and didn't stuck in local minimum fast. Moreover, this issue means that we can't even be sure that we get maximum from the network architecture we currently could be testing. For example, it could have really good global minimum but it is hard to find it and we mostly get stuck with poor solutions at local minimums, which would be far away from global optimum and never see the full potential of network at hand.
Gradient descent, by its nature, is looking at the function locally (local gradient). Hence, there is absolutely no guarantee that it will be the global minima. In fact, it probably will not be unless the function is convex. This is also the reason GD like methods are sensitive to initial position you start from. Having said that, there was a recent paper which said that in high-dimensional solution spaces, the number of maximas/minimas are not as many as previously thought.
Finding global minimas in high dimensional space in a reasonable way seems very much an unsolved problem. However, you might wanna focus more on saddle points rather than minimas. See this post for example:
High level description for saddle point problem
A more detailed paper is here (
Your intuition is quite right. Complex models such as neural networks are typically applied to problems with high dimensional input, where the error surface has a very complex landscape.
Neural networks are not guaranteed to find the global optimum and getting stuck in local minima is a problem where a lot of research has been focussed. If you’re interested in finding out more about this, it would be good to look at techniques such as online learning and momentum, which have traditionally been used to avoid the problem of local minima. However, these techniques in themselves bring further difficulties e.g. integrating online learning is not possible for some optimisation techniques and the addition of a momentum hyper-parameter to the backpropagation algorithm brings further difficulties in training.
A really good video for visualising the influence of momentum (and how it overcomes local minma) during backpropagation can be found here.
Added after question edit - see comments
It’s the aforementioned nature of the problems neural networks are applied to that means we often can’t find a globally optimal solution, because (in the general case) traversing the entire search space for the optimal solution would be intractable using classical computing technology (quantum computers could change this for some problems). As such neural networks are trained to achieve what is hopefully a ‘good’ local optimum.
If you're interested in reading more detailed information about the techniques employed to find good local optima (i.e. something that approximates a global solution) a good paper to read might be this
No. Gradient descent method helps to find out the local minima. In case if global minima and local minima are same then only we get the actual result i.e. global minima.

Recommended local search optimization algorithm for control domain

Background: I am trying to find a list of floating point parameters for a low level controller that will lead to balance of a robot while it is walking.
Question: Can anybody recommend me any local search algorithms that will perform well for the domain I just described? The main criteria for me is the speed of convergence to the right solution.
Any help will be greatly appreciated!
P.S. Also, I conducted some research and found out that "Evolutianry
Strategy" algorithms are a good fit for continuous state space. However, I am not entirely sure, if they will fit well my particular problem.
More info: I am trying to optimize 8 parameters (although it is possible for me to reduce the number of parameters to 4). I do have a simulator and a criteria for me is speed in number of trials because simulation resets are costly (take 10-15 seconds on average).
One of the best local search algorithms for low number of dimensions (up to about 10 or so) is the Nelder-Mead simplex method. By the way, it is used as the default optimizer in MATLAB's fminsearch function. I personally used this method for finding parameters of some textbook 2nd or 3rd degree dynamic system (though very simple one).
Other option are the already mentioned evolutionary strategies. Currently the best one is the Covariance Matrix Adaption ES, or CMA-ES. There are variations to this algorithm, e.g. BI-POP CMA-ES etc. that are probably better than the vanilla version.
You just have to try what works best for you.
In addition to evolutionary algorithm, I recommend you also check reinforcement learning.
The right method depends a lot on the details of your problem. How many parameters? Do you have a simulator? Do you work in simulation only, or also with real hardware? Speed is in number of trials, or CPU time?

What should I look for in the analysis of the attached signals?

I'm looking to analyze and compare the following `signals':
(Edit: better renderings here: oscillations good and here: oscillations bad)
What you see are plots of neuron activations from a type of artificial neural network plotted against time. Each line in the plot is a neuron's activation over time which can have a value between -1 and 1.
In the first plot, the activities are stable and consistent while the second exemplifies more chaotic activity (for want of a better term)-- some kind of destructive interference seems to occur ever so often..
Anyhow, I would like to do some kind of 'clever' analysis but since signal analysis is really not my strong point, thought I'd ask for some advice here...
EDIT: Let me clarify a bit. Ultimately, I would like to characterize the data. This could for example involve the pinpointing of correlations between the individual signals contained in each plot. I would like to measure 'regularity' or data invariance: in the above examples, the upper plot is more regular than the lower plot. I guess therefore I could compute the variance of each signal and take that as a measure; but I was wondering if some more comprehensive signal-processing technique could be better suited (I'm not sure). In fact I'm not even sure if signal-processing is what I really want now that I think about it. Perhaps some kind of wavelet or ft analysis...
For those interested, I am working on the computational modelling of worm locomotion.
You should consult some good books on nonlinear time series analysis. For instane, a measure for the regularity of your signal could be the Lyapunov spectrum. Another possibility would entropy. If you are interested in the correlation between signal, you could use transfer-entropy or granger causality, or for neurons it would be good to have a look at some measure for phase synchronization. The bayesian stuff could also be worth trying.
But – most important – firstly you need a proper question about what you really want to know. Once you've got that it is far more easy to pick the right tool.
And one final hint. Look for tools outside the engineering community. Their tools are mostly linear, but you are dealing with a highly nonlinear system. Wavelets, FFT and stuff are useful if you don't know anything about your signal and you want to have another perspective on it, but they are not suited for your kind of problem.

Best approach to what I think is a machine learning problem [closed]

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Closed 4 years ago.
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I am wanting some expert guidance here on what the best approach is for me to solve a problem. I have investigated some machine learning, neural networks, and stuff like that. I've investigated weka, some sort of baesian solution.. R.. several different things. I'm not sure how to really proceed, though. Here's my problem.
I have, or will have, a large collection of events.. eventually around 100,000 or so. Each event consists of several (30-50) independent variables, and 1 dependent variable that I care about. Some independent variables are more important than others in determining the dependent variable's value. And, these events are time relevant. Things that occur today are more important than events that occurred 10 years ago.
I'd like to be able to feed some sort of learning engine an event, and have it predict the dependent variable. Then, knowing the real answer for the dependent variable for this event (and all the events that have come along before), I'd like for that to train subsequent guesses.
Once I have an idea of what programming direction to go, I can do the research and figure out how to turn my idea into code. But my background is in parallel programming and not stuff like this, so I'd love to have some suggestions and guidance on this.
Edit: Here's a bit more detail about the problem that I'm trying to solve: It's a pricing problem. Let's say that I'm wanting to predict prices for a random comic book. Price is the only thing I care about. But there are lots of independent variables one could come up with. Is it a Superman comic, or a Hello Kitty comic. How old is it? What's the condition? etc etc. After training for a while, I want to be able to give it information about a comic book I might be considering, and have it give me a reasonable expected value for the comic book. OK. So comic books might be a bogus example. But you get the general idea. So far, from the answers, I'm doing some research on Support vector machines and Naive Bayes. Thanks for all of your help so far.
Sounds like you're a candidate for Support Vector Machines.
Go get libsvm. Read "A practical guide to SVM classification", which they distribute, and is short.
Basically, you're going to take your events, and format them like:
dv1 1:iv1_1 2:iv1_2 3:iv1_3 4:iv1_4 ...
dv2 1:iv2_1 2:iv2_2 3:iv2_3 4:iv2_4 ...
run it through their svm-scale utility, and then use their script to search for appropriate kernel parameters. The learning algorithm should be able to figure out differing importance of variables, though you might be able to weight things as well. If you think time will be useful, just add time as another independent variable (feature) for the training algorithm to use.
If libsvm can't quite get the accuracy you'd like, consider stepping up to SVMlight. Only ever so slightly harder to deal with, and a lot more options.
Bishop's Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning is probably the first textbook to look to for details on what libsvm and SVMlight are actually doing with your data.
If you have some classified data - a bunch of sample problems paired with their correct answers -, start by training some simple algorithms like K-Nearest-Neighbor and Perceptron and seeing if anything meaningful comes out of it. Don't bother trying to solve it optimally until you know if you can solve it simply or at all.
If you don't have any classified data, or not very much of it, start researching unsupervised learning algorithms.
It sounds like any kind of classifier should work for this problem: find the best class (your dependent variable) for an instance (your events). A simple starting point might be Naive Bayes classification.
This is definitely a machine learning problem. Weka is an excellent choice if you know Java and want a nice GPL lib where all you have to do is select the classifier and write some glue. R is probably not going to cut it for that many instances (events, as you termed it) because it's pretty slow. Furthermore, in R you still need to find or write machine learning libs, though this should be easy given that it's a statistical language.
If you believe that your features (independent variables) are conditionally independent (meaning, independent given the dependent variable), naive Bayes is the perfect classifier, as it is fast, interpretable, accurate and easy to implement. However, with 100,000 instances and only 30-50 features you can likely implement a fairly complex classification scheme that captures a lot of the dependency structure in your data. Your best bet would probably be a support vector machine (SMO in Weka) or a random forest (Yes, it's a silly name, but it helped random forest catch on.) If you want the advantage of easy interpretability of your classifier even at the expense of some accuracy, maybe a straight up J48 decision tree would work. I'd recommend against neural nets, as they're really slow and don't usually work any better in practice than SVMs and random forest.
The book Programming Collective Intelligence has a worked example with source code of a price predictor for laptops which would probably be a good starting point for you.
SVM's are often the best classifier available. It all depends on your problem and your data. For some problems other machine learning algorithms might be better. I have seen problems that neural networks (specifically recurrent neural networks) were better at solving. There is no right answer to this question since it is highly situationally dependent but I agree with dsimcha and Jay that SVM's are the right place to start.
I believe your problem is a regression problem, not a classification problem. The main difference: In classification we are trying to learn the value of a discrete variable, while in regression we are trying to learn the value of a continuous one. The techniques involved may be similar, but the details are different. Linear Regression is what most people try first. There are lots of other regression techniques, if linear regression doesn't do the trick.
You mentioned that you have 30-50 independent variables, and some are more important that the rest. So, assuming that you have historical data (or what we called a training set), you can use PCA (Principal Componenta Analysis) or other dimensionality reduction methods to reduce the number of independent variables. This step is of course optional. Depending on situations, you may get better results by keeping every variables, but add a weight to each one of them based on relevant they are. Here, PCA can help you to compute how "relevant" the variable is.
You also mentioned that events that are occured more recently should be more important. If that's the case, you can weight the recent event higher and the older event lower. Note that the importance of the event doesn't have to grow linearly accoding to time. It may makes more sense if it grow exponentially, so you can play with the numbers here. Or, if you are not lacking of training data, perhaps you can considered dropping off data that are too old.
Like Yuval F said, this does look more like a regression problem rather than a classification problem. Therefore, you can try SVR (Support Vector Regression), which is regression version of SVM (Support Vector Machine).
some other stuff you can try are:
Play around with how you scale the value range of your independent variables. Say, usually [-1...1] or [0...1]. But you can try other ranges to see if they help. Sometimes they do. Most of the time they don't.
If you suspect that there are "hidden" feature vector with a lower dimension, say N << 30 and it's non-linear in nature, you will need non-linear dimensionality reduction. You can read up on kernel PCA or more recently, manifold sculpting.
What you described is a classic classification problem. And in my opinion, why code fresh algorithms at all when you have a tool like Weka around. If I were you, I would run through a list of supervised learning algorithms (I don't completely understand whey people are suggesting unsupervised learning first when this is so clearly a classification problem) using 10-fold (or k-fold) cross validation, which is the default in Weka if I remember, and see what results you get! I would try:
-Neural Nets
-Decision Trees (this one worked really well for me when I was doing a similar problem)
-Boosting with Decision trees/stumps
-Anything else!
Weka makes things so easy and you really can get some useful information. I just took a machine learning class and I did exactly what you're trying to do with the algorithms above, so I know where you're at. For me the boosting with decision stumps worked amazingly well. (BTW, boosting is actually a meta-algorithm and can be applied to most supervised learning algs to usually enhance their results.)
A nice thing aobut using Decision Trees (if you use the ID3 or similar variety) is that it chooses the attributes to split on in order of how well they differientiate the data - in other words, which attributes determine the classification the quickest basically. So you can check out the tree after running the algorithm and see what attribute of a comic book most strongly determines the price - it should be the root of the tree.
Edit: I think Yuval is right, I wasn't paying attention to the problem of discretizing your price value for the classification. However, I don't know if regression is available in Weka, and you can still pretty easily apply classification techniques to this problem. You need to make classes of price values, as in, a number of ranges of prices for the comics, so that you can have a discrete number (like 1 through 10) that represents the price of the comic. Then you can easily run classification it.
