Open new pages also in TWebBrowser - delphi

I have created an app with a twebBrowser in it. Problem is when i click on some link, in say gmail, it opens in a new window of my default browser( which is IE). how do i make it work like firefox or chrome etc. which opens the clicked links in their windows. The url's should open in the TWebBrowser's window. Must i create a new Form at runtime with TWebBrowser in it at runtime for that? Code not needed as such, ideas will do
Thanks in Advance.
P.S. My org blocks Gmail, Facebook etc. , However through my TWebBrowser, i can open them. Can my QA ppl see that in their log? My guess will be no, since then they would block it. What is your comment on this

TWebBrowser has an OnNewWindow2 event. Assuming the form holding the TWebBrowser is named Form1 and the web-control itself is named WebBrowser1, write a handler like this:
procedure TForm1.WebBrowser1NewWindow2(ASender: TObject; var ppDisp: IDispatch; var Cancel: WordBool);
var NF: TForm1;
NF := TForm1.Create(Application);
NF.Visible := True;
ppDisp := NF.WebBrowser1.DefaultInterface;
This will create a new window, with a new TWebBrowser when the "click" is supposed to lead to a new window.


CHM file not displaying correctly when Delphi VCL style active

My Delphi application includes a help file that the user can call from anywhere in the application (well... that is, for all the parts I've written so far...)
It also includes the ability for the user to switch from the regular style to another VCL style from a list.
When no style is applied, the help file displays normally like this :
But as soon as a VCL style is active, the Help file does not display correctly anymore, like this :
Is this due to the way I declare the HelpFile on main Form creation like this (path being a global variable pointing to the main exe folder):
Application.HelpFile := path+'Help\D.R.A.M.A. 2.0 Help.chm';
or is this a known problem that can not be solved ?
SIDE NOTE : the help is called on helpContext should that be important to mention and the HtmlHelpViewer is added to the uses clause.
This answer was taken from and I've confirmed works very well.
Drop a TApplicationEvents component onto the applications main form.
Implement the OnHelp event of that component as this:
function TfmMain.ApplicationEvents1Help(Command: Word; Data: NativeInt; var CallHelp: Boolean): Boolean;
Result := ShellExecute(0,'open','hh.exe',
PWideChar('-mapid '+IntToStr(Data)
+' ms-its:'+Application.HelpFile),
nil,SW_SHOW) = 32;
CallHelp := false;
On the main form, implement the CloseHelpWnd method as this:
procedure TfmMain.CloseHelpWnd;
HlpWind: HWND;
HelpTitle = 'Your help file title';
HlpWind := FindWindow('HH Parent',HelpTitle);
if HlpWind <> 0 then PostMessage(HlpWind,WM_Close,0,0);
You would replace 'Your help file title' with the title of your help file. This is the window caption title when you open the help file directly.
In the FormDestroy event for the main form, include a call to
So far we've not seen any issues with the above method, and because we are running the help file in a separate process, it is not affected by the VCL Styles problems evident in Delphi 10.2 Tokyo.
NOTE: It does not have to be the applications main form, but it must be a form that is created before the help system is needed and remains instantiated while the application is running. In our case, we did it on a common resources form and then all programs we rebuilt with the new form had the help problem resolved.
NOTE: You still need to set the Application.HelpFile property as normal, but you don't need to include the HtmlHelpViewer unit in the Uses clause.

i am using chromium in delphi,but i find i cannot create a new chromium tab

I am using delphichromiumembedded plugin by which to instead TWebbrowser in my project, and there is a problem that I cannot create a new tab when i click on the pagesheetwindow which is using TChrometabs or tpagecontrol.thanks.
Code like this:
procedure TMainForm.ChromeTabs1ButtonAddClick(Sender: TObject;
var Handled: Boolean);
chrm: TChromium;
chrm.Align := alClient;
chrm.Parent := TWinControl(CurrentTab1);
chrm.DefaultUrl := 'about:blank';
When a user clicks the "add" button, you're not supposed to create an entirely new TChromeTabs component. You already have one of those. You don't even need to create a new tab since the component does that for you by default. If you want to create a new tab manually, then set Handled := True to disable the default behavior, and then call Sender.Tabs.Add. It returns a reference to the new tab object. This is demonstrated in the sample application included with the component; look in the ChromeTabs1ButtonAddClick method. Once you have that tab-object reference, you can manipulate it however you want, such as by putting a browser control on it.

twebbrowser download in popupwindow

Looking to get my delphi app to log into a website, navigate to a page, and automatically download certain files, the solution at How do I keep an embedded browser from prompting where to save a downloaded file?, helped a great deal with the file download.
The final problem is the last step on navigating opens in a popup window, there are plenty of solutions out there to capture popup windows by implementing TWebBrowser.NewWindow2 but none of these events seem to work with the above code, something to do with how twebbrowser.invokeevent in the above code works maybe?
If I use invokeveent and the dispID of 273(newwindow3) to call a function I can twebbwowser.navigate() a second webbrowser to the url of the popupwindow.
My problem is the popup window has basicly one line of javascript "document.print(parent.parent.opener.thefunction())" the second twebbrowser has no reference to its parent so this fails.
I can see two possible solutions, get the TWebBrowser.NewWindow2 or 3 to trigger, fix the code sample bellow, LVarArray[0] {const IDispatch}, is null for some reason.
procedure TWebBrowser.InvokeEvent(ADispID: TDispID; var AParams: TDispParams);
// DispID 250 is the BeforeNavigate2 dispinterface and to the FFileSource here
// is stored the URL parameter (for cases, when the IDownloadManager::Download
// won't redirect the URL and pass empty string to the pszRedir)
ArgCount : Integer;
LVarArray : Array of OleVariant;
LIndex : Integer;
ArgCount := AParams.cArgs;
SetLength(LVarArray, ArgCount);
for LIndex := Low(LVarArray) to High(LVarArray) do
LVarArray[High(LVarArray)-LIndex] := OleVariant(TDispParams(AParams).rgvarg^[LIndex]);
case ADispID of
250: FFileSource := OleVariant(AParams.rgvarg^[5]);
273: DoNewWindow3(Self,
LVarArray[0] {const IDispatch},
WordBool((TVarData(LVarArray[1]).VPointer)^) {var WordBool},
LVarArray[2] {const OleVariant},
LVarArray[3] {const OleVariant},
LVarArray[4] {const OleVariant});
I'm not going to answer your question directly because I think you've asked the wrong question. You are trying to download files over the internet without any GUI being shown to the user. As such, an embedded browser is simply the wrong solution.
Rather than trying to suppress popup dialogs, use a tool that never shows popup dialogs. What I believe you should be doing is downloading the files using direct HTTP download. There are many different ways to achieve that. For example, an extremely convenient method, available out of the box with Delphi, is to use Indy. I believe that the component you need is TIdHttp.

A way to redirect keypresses from TWebBrowser to the ParentForm

First question. Help format it, if needed, please.
I have a TWebBrowser in the main form that is used to behave like it was a printer.
So I load some HTML text in it as user do some commands in the real printer...
I want the user to be able to click and select text from the WebBrowser.
When the user clicks in the WebBrowser some of the shortcuts registered from the actions don't work anymore. For example, there is an action with shortcut F7. If the user clicks in the WebBrowser and presses F7, it does not invoke my shortcut.
I know that this is by design of the WebBrowser.
So, I thought: I want to send every key combination back to the form.
The question is: How?
If it was another control, I could use a perform(WM_KeyDown,...) in the OnKeyDown event.
Alternatives or suggestions would be appreciated too. I am very tired these past 2 days, so I could be missing something.
Derivate TWebBrowser with an implementation of IDocHostUIHandler or use the famous EmbeddedWB
Implement the interface with an event OnTranslateAccelerator called in TranslateAccelerator
Set the event on your brwoser instance
Detect your key(s) like this:
function TBrowserPageIE.DoTranslateAccelerator(const lpMsg: PMSG; const pguidCmdGroup: PGUID; const nCmdID: DWORD): HRESULT;
result := S_FALSE;
if lpMsg.message = WM_KEYDOWN then begin
if lpMsg.wParam = VK_F7 then begin
// do something here...
result := S_OK;
An option that I tested and worked is to trap the key_code on HTML/javascript and then send that to the form using changing the document title. I will let it here hoping that help someone...
You will need add the javascript to trap the keys in the Header of the HTML page like this:
<script = ''javascript''>
function keypresed() {
var tecla=window.event.keyCode;
document.title = "Command"+tecla;
Then in Webbrowser you use the onTitleChangeEvent to use the key.
if Copy(Text,0,7) = 'Command' then
//get the key...
s:= Copy(Text,8,Length(Text));
// if before the webbrowser get the focus edit1 was the focused control, you will need remove that focus first...
//perform keydown
keybd_event(StrToInt(s), 1,0,0)
Well, this can be used to perform any other custom command. :)

Detect TWebBrowser refresh event in Delphi 2009

I am using a TWebBrowser component which I use to load XML documents into which are linked to a XSL file.
I have a default page I display when no XML document is loaded. However, if the user deletes the XML file whilst it is open in the browser and then refreshes I get the standard resource could not be found error. What I would like to do instead is if the page cannot be loaded, check that the file exists, and if it doesn't just load the default page again.
I have tried using the OnNavigateError and OnBeforeNavigate2 events however they does not seem to trigger on a refresh.
Any idea's?
There is an onRefresh event which is exposed by the TWebBrowser replacement TEmbeddedWB. This version also exposes many other features which are otherwise hidden by the TWebBrowser component.
This is a bit of a cludge but it works in my tests, using the standard TWebBrowser component.
What I did was override the F5 key in the form's OnKeyUp event. By setting the form's KeyPreview property to True, you can call your own refresh. Seeing as the TWebBrowser.Refresh method doesn't appear to call any of the navigation events (as you said in your question), I call the TWebBrowser.Navigate event myself, which does fire the events.
You need to store the URL, which I imagine you're already doing. But if not, then in the BeforeNavigate2 event, you are given the URL as a parameter. So store this in a variable or on-screen control. Then, when F5 is pressed (or the Refresh button if you have put one on screen), simpy navigate to that URL again. The OnBeforeNavigate2, OnNavigateComplete2 and OnDocumentComplete events are all fired again, allowing you the opportunity to perform your test and put your placeholder page up instead of IEs default error page.
procedure TForm1.WebBrowser1BeforeNavigate2(Sender: TObject;
const pDisp: IDispatch; var URL, Flags, TargetFrameName, PostData,
Headers: OleVariant; var Cancel: WordBool);
Edit1.Text := URL;
procedure TForm1.FormKeyUp(Sender: TObject; var Key: Word;
Shift: TShiftState);
if (Key = VK_F5) then
