Dividing text article to smaller parts with paging in Ruby on Rails - ruby-on-rails

This time I've got problem with dividing text article into smaller parts. I don't need to figure out "automatic" algorithm based on words counting or something. All I need is something similar to function which is build-in Wordpress WYSIWYG editor (special breaking page tag).
I thought out only one solution so far. I don't want to divide specific article inside my database. I just want to place some tag inside article and divide it to array in show method.
Sample code:
#art = Article.find(:id)
if #art.value.contains?('<breaker>')
#parts = art.value.split('<breaker'>)
session[:current_part] = params[:current_part] ? params[:current_part] : #parts.first
<%=h #parts[session[:current_part]] %>
How it sounds for you? It makes any sense? Cant wait for some advices.

It may be better to use an HTML comment so it does not affect the validation of the page.
In your Rails views, in the templates that show text before the breaker, you can split your content like what you have in the example code. I would perform this in a Rails helper module so it can be reused.
To view the full article, your helper method will return the full content if the parameter "more" is passed. The code may look something like this:
# controller
def show
#article = 'Before the break<!--more-->After the break'
# app/helpers/application_helper.rb
def show_more(article)
params[:more] ? article : article.split('<!--more-->').first
# show.html.erb
<%= show_more(#article) %>
It is generally good practice to keep the application logic in the model and helper files, and keep your controllers as simple as possible.


where in rails to put common text used by lots of files?

We have lots of templates that use a common paragraph of text (the description of our company services). The paragraph is currently duplicated among 10 different view templates.
Where should I create a variable like 'company_services_description' that I can use in all the different templates (to DRY it up).
Would defining it in application_controller.rb be the way to go?
Or perhaps would config/application.rb would be the right spot?
It depends how long the text it. I would suggest either storing the text in a partial and using it in your templates as follows:
<%= render "shared/company_services_description_partial" %>
or using an application helper method that you can call wherever you need it.
module ApplicationHelper
def company_services_description
"This is our company services description"

Embedded Ruby not being read when calling html_safe

I'm developing a simple app that teaches people english. The app is based on 5 modules of 34 classes each - 170 total. Each class has its own html page.
Since i dont want to create a view for each class, i scaffolded an Aula model ("class" in portuguese) and saved the html of each class in the model's DB, so i could use only the standard Show view paths to show the classes using their individual id's.
Controller code:
def show
#aula = set_aula
These HTML pages are being stored in the database as strings and then being outputted on the Show view using the html_safe method.
#show view code:
<%= #aula.aula.html_safe %>
#"aula" is the DB attribute with the html of each class
It rendered the HTML with no problems, and i got what i wanted. But since i'm creating a rails app, i decided to use embedded Ruby code like <%= link_to %> and <% image_tag %> mixed with the HTML of the classes to create links and show images, and the problem is that these links are being outputted as strings as well, just like any other line, instead of being read and executed as actual Ruby code.
I've been doing a lot of research, but so far I can't find exactly how to make the ERB code be read properly.
Maybe I need to save the HTML in the DB using another data type, or I need to use another method to render the HTML.
First, I'll answer your question, then make a suggestion that you think very carefully before using this approach.
The answer in the post https://stackoverflow.com/a/14351129/483133 shows how to render ERB directly from stored HTML text. Modifying this, here is some code you could use:
def show_html
html = #aula.aula
template = ERB.new(html)
# Run this from your controller action, for example, with
def show
#aula = set_aula
# inside your view show.erb.html
<%= show_html %>
I would strongly recommend against finding a solution that allows Ruby code stored in the database to be run. If the pages are able to be written in any way by end users, rather than trusted software developers, then you have opened a huge security hole. Any Ruby code could be run on your server.
I would suggest you consider using a client-side rendering solution (such as Handlebars: http://handlebarsjs.com/ ), which allows for basic rendering of data dynamically in HTML, while not allowing code to be run on your server.

Rails: form generation based on conditions

I've got a form to build a Document. That form needs adjusting depending on what type of Document a user has chosen. At this point I've got a deferring kind of method in new.html.erb that goes like this:
<%= render 'form_'+#template.label.downcase.parameterize.underscore %>
Which works fine but it's kinda difficult to manage though because when new types of documents are added I need to create actual HTML files and upload them.
Is there a better way to manage this kind of form generation? A view with hundreds of if statements in it feels cumbersome too.
You can push it to document_helper or decorator like :
module DocumentHelper
def form_render
return 'form_#{type}'

Allows user to edit pages that contain variables [duplicate]

This question already has an answer here:
How to render a string as an erb file?
(1 answer)
Closed 9 years ago.
I have some editable pages that are stored as text in my database. These pages will be called in my view like...
<%= Page.find_by_name("New Registration").content %>
Page.content is of type 'text' (not string). A portion of the text that contains variables would look like...
You have successfully registered for New Student Orientation on #{<%= #registration.orientation.class_date %>} at...
If course when I call this content in the view, I just get the text, not the model values. How can I make these pages access the model values? I also tried adding #{} around the text without success.
This seems to be a duplicate of Rails: storing erb templates in database
Given that, this should do the trick for you, or at least be close enough to get you started:
<%= sanitize ERB.new(Page.find_by_name("New Registration").content).run %>
Additionally, you can remove the sanitize if content is not user-supplied (this is primarily a security concern).
I've done something exactly like this using HAML processing:
= sanitize Haml::Engine.new(article.content).render
For reference, here's the appropriate ERB documentation: http://ruby-doc.org/stdlib-2.0.0/libdoc/erb/rdoc/ERB.html
OK, after much wailing and gnashing of teeth here is the the solution I cam up with. First I am using mustache. This is much safer than storing erb in the templates and prevents malicious injection of sql into your app. I simply added 'mustache' to my gemfile rather than mustache-rails as it seems to be more up to date. I then created a simple Page model with two attributes: :name and :content. I am using the page model to store the raw mustache code.
Here are the relevant files...
In my controller I call...
def create
#registration = Registration.new(params[:registration])
respond_to do |format|
if #registration.save
if #registration.orientation != nil
format.html { render "scheduling_text.html.erb" }
Then my view looks like...
<%= Mustache.render(Page.find_by_name("New Registration").content, {:registration => #registration }).html_safe %>
<%= link_to 'Back', orientations_path %>
Then in my page model I have something like...
You have successfully registered for New Student Orientation on {{ registration.orientation.class_date }} at {{ registration.orientation.class_time}}. Please arrive 10 minutes prior to your scheduled Orientation. Remember, you must attend this Orientation session before you may register for classes. ...
Using a page model with scaffolding like this works well because it gives you the new, update, and create actions that will allow users to edit content. Note, they can easily mess up your ruby variables, so thats the downside. Just let your users know to not munk with anything that is between {{}}.
Hope this helps someone else out.

Rails: Would this go in a helper?

I've currently got this in my view file:
<%= "<em>(#{package.to_company})</em>" unless package.to_company.blank? %>
Is my understanding correct that I should move that to a helper?
def package_company(package)
"<em>(#{package.to_company})</em>" unless package.to_company.blank?
I ask because I've got a few dozen unless statements in this specific view based on if a user submits specific data or not. Seemed overkill to create a few dozen helper methods for just single unless statements.
Create this helper if you'are going to re-use this exact chunk of code many times (and stay DRY)… if you're going to use it once, you don't need an helper…
