CPP Builder and Ado Filter - ado

I am using C++Builder 2010. I am filtering an ADOTable, in Edit1 OnChange I have:
ADOTable1->Filter = "firstname like %" + Edit1->Text + "%";
It reports an error when typing in a space, ) and = sign
What is the proper way to type the filter?

I think you need single quotes before and after the string you are passing to the Filter property.
// QuotedStr example
ADOTable1->Filter = "firstname like '%" + QuotedStr(Edit1->Text) + "%'";
// StringReplace example
System::String temp;
temp = StringReplace(Edit1->Text, "'", "''", TReplaceFlags() << rfReplaceAll);
ADOTable1->Filter = "firstname like '%" + temp + "%'";
The documentation does not mention the LIKE operator, but another website I found suggests this is possible.

I don't have C++ Builder but the below code works on Delphi that is very similar to C++ Builder:
ADOTable1.filter := 'firstName LIKE '+ QuotedStr('%'+Trim(Edit1.Text)+'%') ;


Iterating multiple reasoned literals from the same property

The title may be a bit confusing but basically this is the problem: I am using Jena and a Pellet reasoner to produce property literals from a resource called Patient_Doug. The triple looks like this:
Patient_Doug-> hasSuggestion-> Literal inferred suggestion.
The problem is that the Protege Pellet reasoner comes up with three suggestions for Doug, because Doug is in a pretty bad way in hospital. The Protege reasoner suggests that Doug needs a Hi-Lo bed, an RF ID band and a bed closer to the nurse's station. Unfortunatly, in Jena, I can only get Hi-lo bed to print. Only one of 3 literals.
Here is some of the code.
OntModel model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( PelletReasonerFactory.THE_SPEC );
String ns = "http://altervista.org/owl/unit.owl#";
String inputFile = "c:\\jena\\acuity.owl";
InputStream in = FileManager.get().open(inputFile);
if (in == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("File: " + inputFile + " not found");
//inf and reasoner wont run unless i use hp libraries!
//asserted data properties
Individual ind = model.getIndividual(ns+"Patient_Doug");
OntProperty abcValue = model.getOntProperty("http://example.org/hasABCValue");
//inferred data properties
OntProperty suggestion = model.getOntProperty(ns+"hasSuggestion");
//print asserted data properties
System.out.println("Properties for patient "+ind.getLocalName().toString());
System.out.println( abcValue.getLocalName()+"= "+ind.getPropertyValue(abcValue).asLiteral().getInt());
//print inferenced data properties
StmtIterator it = ind.listProperties(suggestion);
//this iterator only prints one suggestion in an infinite loop
while (it.hasNext()) {
System.out.println("A posible suggestion= "+ind.getPropertyValue(suggestion).asLiteral().getString());
The code works fine but the iterator at the end only prints only one subggestion in an infinite loop.
I would be grateful for any suggestions.
This code works to iterate and print the many inferred hasSuggestions. The hasSuggestion SWRL rules are in the OWL ontology
OntModel model = ModelFactory.createOntologyModel( PelletReasonerFactory.THE_SPEC );
String ns = "http://altervista.org/owl/unit.owl#";
String inputFile = "c:\\jena\\acuity.owl";
InputStream in = FileManager.get().open(inputFile);
if (in == null) {
throw new IllegalArgumentException("File: " + inputFile + " not found");
//inf and reasoner wont run unless i use hp libraries!
//asserted data properties
Individual ind = model.getIndividual(ns+"Patient_Doug");
OntProperty abcValue = model.getOntProperty("http://example.org/hasABCValue");
//inferred data properties
OntProperty suggestion = model.getOntProperty(ns+"hasSuggestion");
//print asserted data properties
System.out.println("Properties for patient "+ind.getLocalName().toString());
System.out.println( abcValue.getLocalName()+"= "+ind.getPropertyValue(abcValue).asLiteral().getInt());
for (StmtIterator j = ind.listProperties(suggestion); j.hasNext(); ) {
Statement s = j.next();
//System.out.println( " " + s.getPredicate().getLocalName() + " -> " );
System.out.println( "A possible suggestion... " + s.getLiteral().getLexicalForm());

How do I parse a string at compile time in Nimrod?

Going through the second part of Nimrod's tutorial I've reached the part were macros are explained. The documentation says they run at compile time, so I thought I could do some parsing of strings to create myself a domain specific language. However, there are no examples of how to do this, the debug macro example doesn't display how one deals with a string parameter.
I want to convert code like:
…into something which by hand I would write like:
var height: float = 132.4
var weight: float = 75.0
var age: int = 25
Obviously this example is not very useful, but I want to look at something simple (multiline/comma splitting, then transformation) which could help me implement something more complex.
My issue here is how does the macro obtain the input string, parse it (at compile time!), and what kind of code can run at compile time (is it just a subset of a languaje? can I use macros/code from other imported modules)?
EDIT: Based on the answer here's a possible code solution to the question:
import macros, strutils
# Helper proc, macro inline lambdas don't seem to compile.
proc cleaner(x: var string) = x = x.strip()
macro declare(s: string): stmt =
# First split all the input into separate lines.
rawLines = split(s.strVal, {char(0x0A), char(0x0D)})
buf = ""
for rawLine in rawLines:
# Split the input line into three columns, stripped, and parse.
var chunks = split(rawLine, ',')
map(chunks, cleaner)
if chunks.len != 3:
error("Declare macro syntax is 3 comma separated values:\n" &
"Got: '" & rawLine & "'")
# Add the statement, preppending a block if the buffer is empty.
if buf.len < 1: buf = "var\n"
buf &= " " & chunks[0] & ": "
# Parse the input type, which is an abbreviation.
case chunks[1]
of "i": buf &= "int = "
of "f": buf &= "float = "
else: error("Unexpected type '" & chunks[1] & "'")
buf &= chunks[2] & "\n"
# Finally, check if we did add any variable!
if buf.len > 0:
result = parseStmt(buf)
error("Didn't find any input values!")
x, i, 314
y, f, 3.14
echo x
echo y
Macros can, by and large, utilize all pure Nimrod code that a procedure in the same place could see, too. E.g., you can import strutils or peg to parse your string, then construct output from that. Example:
import macros, strutils
macro declare(s: string): stmt =
var parts = split(s.strVal, {' ', ','})
if len(parts) != 3:
error("declare macro requires three parts")
result = parseStmt("var $1: $2 = $3" % parts)
declare("x, int, 314")
echo x
"Calling" a macro will basically evaluate it at compile time as though it were a procedure (with the caveat that the macro arguments will actually be ASTs, hence the need to use s.strVal above instead of s), then insert the AST that it returns at the position of the macro call.
The macro code is evaluated by the compiler's internal virtual machine.

Grails How to make address show in two line?

I've a student form which there's location inside the form, when I run the app and show the form it'll look like this
Location : Jl Excel Road Ring No.36 SINGAPORE, 10110
But I want to make the location in two line like this
Location : Jl Excel Road Ring No.36
here's the gsp
<td><g:message code="location.label"/></td>
and this is the service in def show
def loc = Location.findByTidAndDeleteFlag(params.tid, "N")
if(loc != null){
studentInstance.location = loc.address1 + " " + loc.city + ", " + loc.zipCode
studentInstance.location = ""
Use the br tag
studentInstance.location = loc.address1 + "<br/> " + loc.city + ", " + loc.zipCode
Then you can render directly the HTML unescaped like this:
The default codec is probably HTML in your configuration.
Check the value of grails.views.default.codec
For more information read this:
I believe that starting from Grails 2.3.x the default views codec is HTML with XML escaping in order to prevent XSS attacks.
This is a bad approach but you can try
studentInstance.location = loc.address1 + "<br> " + loc.city + ", " + loc.zipCode
Generally, I would have each of the element of address available in view so that the styling is flexible in view than in controller, something raw would look like:
<td><g:message code="location.label"/></td>
<td>${model.address1} <br> ${model.city}, ${model.zipCode}</td>

Convert part of string to URL when displayed

I browsed around for a solution and I am sure it's a simple question but still not sure how to do that. So, I have a string that contains many words and some times it has links in it. For example:
I like the website http://somesitehere.com/somepage.html and I suggest you try it too.
I want to display the string in my view and have all links automatically converted to URLs.
Even StackOverflow gets it.
#Hunter is right.
In addition i found complete implementation in C#: http://weblogs.asp.net/farazshahkhan/archive/2008/08/09/regex-to-find-url-within-text-and-make-them-as-link.aspx.
In case original link goes down
VB.Net implementation
Protected Function MakeLink(ByVal txt As String) As String
Dim regx As New Regex("http://([\w+?\.\w+])+([a-zA-Z0-9\~\!\#\#\$\%\^\&\*\(\)_\-\=\+\\\/\?\.\:\;\'\,]*)?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase)
Dim mactches As MatchCollection = regx.Matches(txt)
For Each match As Match In mactches
txt = txt.Replace(match.Value, "<a href='" & match.Value & "'>" & match.Value & "</a>")
Return txt
End Function
C#.Net implementation
protected string MakeLink(string txt)
Regex regx = new Regex("http://([\\w+?\\.\\w+])+([a-zA-Z0-9\\~\\!\\#\\#\\$\\%\\^\\&\\*\\(\\)_\\-\\=\\+\\\\\\/\\?\\.\\:\\;\\'\\,]*)?", RegexOptions.IgnoreCase);
MatchCollection mactches = regx.Matches(txt);
foreach (Match match in mactches) {
txt = txt.Replace(match.Value, "<a href='" + match.Value + "'>" + match.Value + "</a>");
return txt;
One way to do that would be to do a Regular Expression match on a chunk of text and replace that url string with an anchor tag.
Another regex that can be used with KvanTTT answer, and has the added benefit of accepting https urls
.net string representation:

Use string format in razor view to concat javascript variables

How can I write
var releaseName = $('#SelectedReleaseId option:selected').text()
var templateName = $('#SelectedTemplateId option:selected').text()
$("#TestplanName").text(releaseName + '-' + templateName + '-' + '#Model.UserId' + '-' + '#Model.CreatedAt');
$("#TestplanName").text( '#string.Format("{0}-{1}-{2}-{3}",releaseName,templateName,#Model.UserId,#Model.CreatedAt)');
The releaseName and templateName are unknown...
You can't.
You're trying to mix client-side variables – which only exist in Javascript on the client – with server-side code.
Instead, you can use a Javascript equivalent of string.Format.
