Entity Framework - Disconnexted Behavior in nTier - entity-framework-4

I am new to EF but I will try my best to describe the scenario. I have 3 tables in My DB namely RecommendationTopic, Recommendation and Question. Each RecommendationTopic can have multiple Recommendations and each Recommendation may have multiple questions. Assume that I already have predefined questions in my Question table.
I have one service that returns me list of questions like below:
public List<Question> FetchQuestions(int categoryID)
using (Entities context = new Entities())
questions = context.Questions.Where(i => i.ID >= 0).ToList();
I have another service which is used to create RecommendationTopic and Recommendation whose code is something like below:
public void ManageRecommendation(RecommendationTopic recommendationTopic)
using (Entities context = new Entities())
context.AddObject("RecommendationTopics", recommendationTopic);
My client code looks like below:
List<Question> questions;
using (QuestionServiceClient client = new QuestionServiceClient())
questions = client.FetchQuestions();
using (RecommendationServiceClient client = new RecommendationServiceClient())
RecommendationTopic rTopic = new RecommendationTopic();
rTopic.CategoryID = 3;
rTopic.Name = "Topic From Client";
Recommendation rCom = new Recommendation();
rCom.Text = "Dont!";
rCom.RecommendationTopic = rTopic;
rCom.ConditionText = "Some condition";
Since the client makes 2 separate service calls, the context would be different for both the calls. When I try to run this and check the EF profiler, it not only generates query to insert into RecommendationTopic and Recommendation but also Question table!
I am sure this is caused due to different context for both the calls as when I execute a similar code within a single context, it works as it's supposed to work.
Question is, how do I make it work in a disconnected scenario?
My client could be Silverlight client where I need to fill a Question drop down with a separate call and save Recommendation topic in a separate call. For this reason I am using self tracking entities as well.
Any input appreciated!

If you are using STEs (self tracking entities) your ManageRecommendation should look like:
public void ManageRecommendation(RecommendationTopic recommendationTopic)
using (Entities context = new Entities())
Calling AddObject skips self tracking behavior of your entity. If you are not using STEs you must iterate through all questions and change their state to Unchanged:
public void ManageRecommendation(RecommendationTopic recommendationTopic)
using (Entities context = new Entities())
foreach (var question in recommendationTopic.Questions)
context.ObjectStateManager.ChangeObjectState(recommendationTopic, EntityState.Unchanged);


Adding record duplicates other object using entity framework

I am trying to add a new record in an MVC controller method using Entity framework.
When i just used "InsertOrUpdate" the audittype got duplicated. Based on the answer from Entity Framework adding record with a related object i hoped to fix it pretty qiock. This is the code I have right now:
if (ModelState.IsValid)
Audit newAudit = Factory.GetNew();
newAudit.Name = model.Name;
newAudit.Deadline = model.Deadline;
newAudit.AuditType = auditTypeRepository.Find(model.SelectedAuditTypeId);
return RedirectToAction(MVC.Audits.Details(newAudit.Id));
public override void InsertOrUpdate(Qdsa.WebApplications.AuditMaster.Data.Audit model)
if (model.Id == default(int))
// New entity
// Existing entity
model.ModifiedOn = DateTime.Now;
context.Entry(model).State = EntityState.Modified;
//If I leave out the code below the AuditType will be duplicated
if (model.AuditType != null)
context.Entry<AuditType>(model.AuditType).State = EntityState.Unchanged;
public virtual void Save()
So i thought I fixed the problem. However, AuditType has Child objects too. And now these childobjects get duplicated.
What is the right way to add entities with child objects which already exists?
Because the AuditType is required I can't save it without first and then update it. any suggestions?
Both the AuditRepostory and the AuditTypeRepository inherit from BaseRepository which has the context as:
protected DBContext context = new DBContext ();
public virtual T Find(int id)
return All.SingleOrDefault(s => s.Id == id);
I can imagine two reasons for the problem:
Either auditTypeRepository.Find performs a no tracking query (with .AsNoTracking())
Or you are using a context instance per repository, so that Repository and auditTypeRepository are working with two different contexts which will indeed result in a duplication of the AuditType because you don't attach it to the the context that corresponds with Repository (except in the line with your comment).
If the latter is the case you should rethink your design and inject a single context instance into all repositories instead of creating it inside of the repositories.
I think the problem is from here:
newAudit.AuditType = auditTypeRepository.Find(model.SelectedAuditTypeId);
Change that like this:
newAudit.AuditTypeId = model.SelectedAuditTypeId;

How do I gracefully reattach an Entity Framework 5 POCO structure and save it?

I am making an MVC4 web application using Entity Framework 5 (Database-first with generated POCOs) for data access.
In the app, the user goes through several screens, creating or editing a document (called a 'case study'). When they arrive at the final screen, their document exists as a CaseStudy POCO in memory, and everything is great until it is time to save this structure to the database.
To store the document, I have defined several database tables, which in turn map to EF POCOs used by the business layer, which is then consumed by the MVC controllers. As such, short-lived DbContexts are used to retrieve POCOs and store them in session between requests.
As a result, the save screen must save the contents of this POCO that has navigational properties to existing table data (Category, Layout, and Sections tables), and also added or updated data (CaseStudySections and the CaseStudy itself). So all of the POCOs are either new, or the context used to retrieve them has long been disposed. In other words, they are all 'detached'.
What is unusual about this post is that I already have a working solution in hand. The problem is that it is bulky, brittle, and inelegant. I am posting the code below. Note the iteration through sub-collections, the explicit adds and attaches, having to get an entry object and mark individual properties as modified just so they will be updated, and the awful song and dance at the end to get the AdditionalMaterials collection synced up. If this is what is required to deal with detached POCOs in EF5 I will be disappointed.
Am I missing something here? Is this consistent with best practices? Is there a more graceful and/or concise way to attach a structure of POCOs and insert/update?
The code to save a case study:
public void SaveCaseStudy(CaseStudy caseStudy)
foreach (var s in caseStudy.CaseStudySections)
if (s.CreatedByRefId == default(Guid))
s.CreatedByRefId = this.UserRefId;
s.CreatedTime = DateTime.Now;
var entry = this.Entities.Entry(s);
entry.Property(e => e.TextData).IsModified = true;
entry.Property(e => e.BinaryData).IsModified = true;
s.LastModifiedByRefId = this.UserRefId;
s.LastModifiedTime = DateTime.Now;
foreach (var m in caseStudy.AdditionalMaterials)
if (m.CreatedByRefId == default(Guid))
m.CreatedByRefId = this.UserRefId;
m.CreatedTime = DateTime.Now;
m.LastModifiedByRefId = this.UserRefId;
m.LastModifiedByTime = DateTime.Now;
if (caseStudy.CreatedByRefId != default(Guid))
var entry = this.Entities.Entry(caseStudy);
entry.Property(e => e.CaseStudyName).IsModified = true;
entry.Property(e => e.CaseStudyTitle).IsModified = true;
caseStudy.CreatedByRefId = this.UserRefId;
caseStudy.CreatedTime = DateTime.Now;
caseStudy.LastModifiedByRefId = this.UserRefId;
caseStudy.LastModifiedTime = DateTime.Now;
if (caseStudy.CaseStudyStatus != (int)CaseStudyStatus.Personalized)
caseStudy.CaseStudyStatus = (int)CaseStudyStatus.PendingApproval;
caseStudy.ApprovedByRefId = null;
caseStudy.ApprovedTime = null;
var existingAdditionalMaterialRefIds = caseStudy.AdditionalMaterials
.Select(m => m.AdditionalMaterialRefId)
var additionalMaterialsToRemove = this.Entities.AdditionalMaterials
.Where(m =>
m.CaseStudyRefId == caseStudy.CaseStudyRefId &&
foreach (var additionalMaterialToRemove in additionalMaterialsToRemove)
In general it is what you have to do. You must tell EF about each change you want to perform when attaching detached object graph. I don't say that your code cannot be simplified but you will still have to deal with every entity and setting its state if you want it to be added or modified.
Here is little bit older but still valid answer about the topic - in short nothing has changes since I wrote it, only new DbContext API was created which still sits on top of the old API. The best description of this topic I have seen so far is in book Programming Entity Framework: DbContext.
How about just doing:
db.Entry(caseStudy).State = EntityState.Modified;
That will save all changes in your model to the db.

Correct way to pass Entity objects between layers?

I am just learning the Entity Framework and have made some good progress on incorporating it with my layered code structure. I have 2 visual layers, a business layer and a data access layer.
My problem is in passing entity object between layers. This code sample does not work:
// BLL
public static void Test1()
List<User> users = (from u in GetActiveUsers()
where u.ID == 1
select u).ToList<User>();
// Do something with users
// DAL
public static IQueryable<User> GetActiveUsers()
using (var context = new CSEntities())
return from u in context.Users
where u.Employee.FirstName == "Tom"
select u;
I get the error message The ObjectContext instance has been disposed and can no longer be used for operations that require a connection.
If I remove the using from the GetActiveUsers method, it works fine.
I know this is dangerous practice as the GC can dispose of the context at any given time and screw up my BLL.
So, what is the correct way to pass information between layers? Do I need to pass the context around as well?
Because you are returning IQueryable from your DAL, you cannot use the using statement.
The query is deferred until to are firing the query - .ToList in your BLL.
By that time, the context is disposed.
Think carefully about using IQueryable, as it is risky practice without knowing all the details.
Since you are still learning EF, i would keep it simple:
// BLL
public static void Test1()
List<User> users = GetActiveUsers();
var singleUser = users.SingleOrDefault(u => u.ID == 1);
// Do something with users
// DAL
public static ICollection<User> GetActiveUsers()
using (var context = new CSEntities())
var users = from u in context.Users
where u.Employee.FirstName == "Tom"
select u;
return users.ToList();
If you want to get a single user, create another method:
// DAL
public static User GetSingleActiveUser(int userId)
using (var context = new CSEntities())
var users = from u in context.Users
where u.Employee.UserId == userId
select u;
return users.SingleOrDefault();

Merge an Object that wen outside the datacontext

I have the following question:
It is easy to insert an oBject in database with a form.
Just create an object
link it to the fields in your from.
Post back to controller,
create a new datacontext and do datacontext.InsertOnSubmit(object)
public static void AddPage(string lang, Page page)
using (var db = new CardReaderDataContext())
page.Lang = lang;
page.URL = UrlHelper.CreateValidSeoUrl(page.Name, "-");
But if you want to update an object, it is a tedious job.
You do the same flow,
you get the object,
link it to your form,
post it, but THEN !!!
because it went outside your datacontext, you have to reload the object from the datacontext,
transfer all the variables and save it,
this is a little complex explained so I give an example:
To update an object that you modified in a form:
public static void Update(Page page)
using (var db = new CardReaderDataContext())
var _page = db.Pages.Where(p => p.Guid == page.Guid).Single();
_page.ModificationDate = DateTime.Now;
_page.Title = page.Title;
_page.Description = page.Description;
_page.Content = page.Content;
_page.Keywords = page.Keywords;
_page.Name = page.Name;
_page.WTLang = page.WTLang;
_page.WTSKU = page.WTSKU;
_page.WTTi = page.WTTi;
_page.WTUri = page.WTUri;
_page.URL = UrlHelper.CreateValidSeoUrl(page.Name, "-");
// _page.Order = GetMaxOrderByMenuGuid(page.MenuGuid);
I don't know if it is clear, if it isn't comment me, I will edit
I think you're looking for DataContext.Attach, but you can only use that with linqtosql objects that have been serialised/deserialised.
Have a read of the answer to this question -
"It's also not a good idea to even
attempt to fetch the old version. By
doing that you are in effect turning
off optimistic concurrency, so unless
you intended that this is a bad
approach. What you need to do is
round trip both the original state and
the current state of the object."

Linq to SQL update not working using Repository pattern

I am using asp.net mvc for an application. I've taken some guidance from Rob Conery's series on the MVC storefront. I am using a very similar data access pattern to the one that he used in the storefront.
However, I have added a small difference to the pattern. Each class I have created in my model has a property called IsNew. The intention on this is to allow me to specify whether I should be inserting or updating in the database.
Here's some code:
In my controller:
OrderService orderService = new OrderService();
Order dbOrder = orderService.GetOrder(ID);
if (ModelState.IsValid)
dbOrder.SomeField1 = "Whatever1";
dbOrder.SomeField2 = "Whatever2";
dbOrder.DateModified = DateTime.Now;
dbOrder.IsNew = false;
And then in the SQLOrderRepository:
public void SaveOrder(Order order)
ORDER dbOrder = new ORDER();
dbOrder.O_ID = order.ID;
dbOrder.O_SomeField1 = order.SomeField1;
dbOrder.O_SomeField2 = order.SomeField2;
dbOrder.O_DateCreated = order.DateCreated;
dbOrder.O_DateModified = order.DateModified;
if (order.IsNew)
If I change the controller code so that the dbOrder.IsNew = true; then the code works, and the values are inserted correctly.
However, if I set the dbOrder.IsNew = false; then nothing happens...there are no errors - it just doesn't update the order.
I am using DebuggerWriter here: http://www.u2u.info/Blogs/Kris/Lists/Posts/Post.aspx?ID=11 to trace the SQL that is being generated, and as expected, when the IsNew value is true, the Insert SQL is generated and executed properly. However, when IsNew is set to false, there appears to be no SQL generated, so nothing is executed.
I've verified that the issue here (LINQ not updating on .SubmitChanges()) is not the problem.
Any help is appreciated.
In your SaveOrder method you are always creating a new ORDER object. You need to change this so that if order.IsNew is false, it retrieves the existing one from the DB and updates it instead.
public void SaveOrder(Order order)
ORDER dbOrder;
if (order.IsNew)
dbOrder = new ORDER();
dbOrder.O_ID = order.ID;
dbOrder = (from o in db.ORDERS where o.O_ID == order.ID select o).Single();
dbOrder.O_SomeField1 = order.SomeField1;
dbOrder.O_SomeField2 = order.SomeField2;
dbOrder.O_DateCreated = order.DateCreated;
dbOrder.O_DateModified = order.DateModified;
if (order.IsNew)
I think you have the problem that your entity is detached from your context.
You should try to attach your entity back to your context if you want to update. The downside of LINQtoSQL is that for the re-attachment you'll need the original state of the object when it was detached...
Another solution is to re-get your entity from the context and copy all the data from your entity in the parameter. This will do until you'll have more complex entities.
What tvanfosson said.
I would just like to add that I use logic where if Id equals default(0 or Empty if using guids), then I assume it is new. Otherwise if I have the id passed in, then I go get the existing object and update it.
