iOS Programing, making phone calls - ios

Is it possible to make a call from my app without accessing the standart phone application?
The problem is that if I make a call, my app goes to the background, and I really do not need that. I need it to be always active even if I am calling.

No there is no way to do that, you can only make calls via de tel URL sheme.

You can use tel://123456789, but this will display a confirmation before opening the phone app.
There are a few apps, however, that open the phone app and make a call directly without displaying a confirmation (like Dialvetica).
To answer your question, no, you can not make calls directly from your app, unless you create your own version of Skype (the whole network, not just the app), and you probably don't have the time, money and resources to do that.


iOS application with CallKit - access last call

I am newbie in ios app development. I want to create application for ios with the following functionality. When the phone is receiving incoming call (no matter if the number is in the contact list or not) I want when the call is over and the phone's owner opens my application to see he's last call's number there.
Is that possible? I've read about CallKit API but I am still not sure if this can help me. Is it possible phone's owner to give such permissions to my app so it can access this information?

Calling a number on the iPhone

[[UIApplication sharedApplication]
openURL:[NSURL URLWithString:#"tel: 14165551212"]];
calls a phone number on the iPhone.
What other things can we do, though? I'm trying to make a simple app that has a list of phone numbers. It dials the first one in that list, and re-dials if it is engaged. Is this possible?
You can certainly open a link in Safari. It should also be possible to go to the Mail app and create an email. I heard that you can also go to the Messages app.
And, I don't think that what you described is possible. Your app can't do much from the background. And I'm pretty sure that it can't control/monitor any other apps(including Phone), so it will not be possible to re-dial it.
Hope it helps
What you are describing is partially possible starting with iOS 4.0 and even better with iOS 5. You may initiate dialling a number from your app with telprompt URL schema and when iOS finishes with the call it will open your app again, see Stackoverflow answer
What is problematic is getting the result of the call: whether it was successful or engaged, etc. You may want to have a look at CTCallCenter class reference.

Calling a telephone number to download Android/iPhone app

Color App for Android and iPhone can be downloaded by calling a certain number (call **COLOR (**26567)). How exactly it works? I'm interested in both the way it redirects the user on the UI level as well as the technology used.
I understand that "**" is some kind of special prefix used it US - can it be done without this prefix (i.e. by calling an typical cellphone/stationary number)?.
I am posting this question here because I believe it is related to programming. I also cannot check it as I live outside US.
The answer below is from the Developers website:
I guess the computer-based answering machine records your number when you call it, and then sends out a text message with a direct link to the app. Quite simple and elegant solution.
How do I get Color?
The easiest way is to call *COLOR (*26567) from your device. You will instantly receive a text message with a link to download the app from the Apple App store or Android Market.

Handling call events in windows phone

I just want to know whether has anyone tried to handle incoming calls through the application. Like, rejecting call if it matches a blacklist, answer, hold etc through the application.?
This is a question similar to this one. And from those answers I learn that is not possible to block/reject a phone call as this would interfere with the normal functionality of the phone. The App Certification requirements clearly state that this is not allowed. In short, even if you would succeed on doing this, your app wouldn't make it through validation to the MarketPlace.

On blackberry : making a phonecall within an app on user action without J2ME?

Is there a way of making a phonecall within an application using Browser application development ? (for example using a link with a protocol similar to '' but that would make phonecalls instead of sending mails.)
If not, is it possible to make phonecalls using the Rapid application development ?
If this an app hosted in a browser, Blackberry respects WAP conventions for encoding a phone number.
Here's an example snipppit for displaying a number that is callable via a Blackberry device:
<a href='wtai://wp/mc;5551231367' title='Call'>555.123.1367</a>
I've been using this approch for some time now and it works for me. When the user clicks the link, a dialog from the OS pops up and asks if you would like to call this number.
Additional Information
I also recommend checking out Blackberry's additional resources on development. Since the current browser is still in the stone age compared to iPhone/Android it's worth seeing what's possible.
