Handling latency while synchronizing client-side timers using Juggernaut - ruby-on-rails

I need to implement a draft application for a fantasy sports website. Each users will have 1m30 to choose a player on its team and if that time has elapsed it will be selected automatically. Our planned implementation will use Juggernaut to push the turn changes to each user participating in the draft. But I'm still not sure about how to handle latency.
The main issue here is if a user got a higher latency than the others, he will receive the turn changes a little bit later and his timer won't be synchronized. Say someone receive a turn change after choosing a player himself while on his side he think he still got 2 seconds left, how can we handle that case? Is it better to try to measure each user latency and adjust the client-side timer to minimize that issue? If so, how could we implement that?

This is a tricky issue, but there are some good solutions out there. Look into what time.gov does, and how it does it; essentially, as I understand it, they use Java to perform multiple repeated requests to the server, to attempt to get an idea of the latency involved in the communication, then they generate a measure of latency that they use to skew the returned time data. You could use the same process for your application, with even more accuracy; keeping track of what the latency is and how it varies over time lets you make some statistical inferences about how reliable your latency numbers are, etc. It can be a bit complex, but it can definitely allow you to smooth out your performance. My understanding is that this is what most MMOs do as well, to manage lag.


How well do erlang timer scales

I have a timer project requirement in my web server. Some effects done by clients operations at the server needs to be reset after sometime the had occurred. To do this, I intend to use erlang:start_timer/3 function to send a reset message to a process that does the resetting for each effects. This is ok with few client's operations coming in. The question is, does erlang timer scales very well as the number of current effects to time for reset increases?
Don't guess, don't ask, try it and measure. Nobody know your use case and requirements better than you. Is it for profit? Then you are paid for it. Is it as a hobby, then be used to it. It is an integral part of your job.

Establishing synchronized music streaming across devices

I am attempting to stream audio files from a server to iOS devices and play them completely synchronized. For example on my phone I might be 20 secs into a song and then my friend next to me should also be 20 secs into the song as well. I know this is not an easy problem to solve, but I am attempting to do so.
I can currently get them within one second of each other by calculating the difference in time between the devices and then have them sync up, however that is not good enough because the human ear can detect a major difference in a second and this is over WIFI.
My next approach is going to be to unicast the one file from the server and then have the all devices pick it up directly from the server and then implement some type of buffer system similar to netflix so that network connectivity would be a limiting factor. http://www.wowza.com/ is what I would use to help with that.
I know this can be done, because http://lysn.in/ is does it with their app and I want to be able to do something similar.
Any other recommendations after I try my unicast option?
Would implementing firebase help solve a lot of the heavy lifting problems?
(1) In answer to ONE of your questions (the final one):
Firebase is not "realtime" in "that sense" -- PubNub is probably (almost certainly) the fastest "realtime" messaging for and between apps/browser/etc.
But they don't mean real-time in the sense of real-time, say, as race game engineers mean it or indeed in your use-case.
So firebase is not relevant to you here and won't help.
(2) Regarding your second general question: "how to synchronise time on two or more devices, given that we have communications delays."
Now, this is a really well-travelled problem in computer science.
It would be pointless outlining it here, because it is fully explained here http://www.ntp.org/ntpfaq/NTP-s-algo.htm if you click on "How is time synchronised"?
So in fact, to get a good time base on both machines, you should use that! Have both machines really accurately set a time to NTP using the existing (perfected for decades) NTP synchronisation.
(So for example https://stackoverflow.com/a/6744978/294884 )
In fact are you doing this?
It's possible that doing that will solve all your problems; then just agree to start at a certain exact time.
Hope it helps!
I would recommend against using the data movement to synchronize the playback. This should be straightforward to do with a buffer and a periodic "sync" signal that is sent at a period of < 1/2 the buffer size. Worst case this should generate a small blip on devices that get ahead or behind relative to the sync signal.

How can I determine the quality of a connection in iOS?

I'm familiar with using Reachability to determine the type of internet connection (if any) being used on an iOS device. Unfortunately that's not a decent indicator of connection quality. Wifi with low signal strength is pretty sketchy and 3G with anything less than 3 bars is a disaster (not to mention networks that only allow EDGE connections).
How can I determine the quality of my connection so I can help my users decide if they should be downloading larger files on their current connection?
A pragmatic approach would be to download one moderately large-sized file hosted on a reliable, worldwide CDN, at the start of your application. You know the filesize beforehand, you just have to measure the time it takes, make a simple computation and then you've got your estimate of the quality of the connection.
For example, jQuery UI source code, unminified, gzipped weighs roughly 90kB. Downloading it from http://ajax.googleapis.com/ajax/libs/jqueryui/1.8.14/jquery-ui.js takes 327ms here on my Mac. So one can assume I have at least a decent connection that can handle approximately 300kB/s (and in fact, it can handle much more).
The trick is to find the good balance between the original file size and the latency of the network, as the full download speed is never reached on a small file like this. On the other hand, downloading 1MB right after launching your application will surely penalize most of your users, even if it will allow you to measure more precisely the speed of the connection.
Cyrille's answer is a good pragmatic answer, but is not really in the end a great solution in the mobile context for these reasons:
It involves doing a test "at the start of your application" by which I assume he means when your app launches. But your app may execute for a long while, may go background and then back into the foreground, and all the while the user is changing network contexts with changes in underlying network performance - so that initial test result may bear no relationship to the "current" performance of the network connection.
For the reason he rightly points out, that it is "penalizing" your user by making them download a test file over what may already be constrained network conditions.
You also suggest in your original post that you want your user to decide if they should download based on information you present to them. But I would suggest that this is not a good way to approach interacting with mobile users - that you should not be asking them to make complicated decisions. If absolutely necessary, only ask if they want to download the file if you think it may present a problem, but keep it that simple - "Do you want to download XYZ file (100 MB)?" I personally would even avoid even that.
Instead of downloading a test file, the better solution is to monitor and adapt. Measure the performance of the connection as you go along, keep track of the "freshness" of that information you have about how well the connection is performing, and only present your user with a decision to make if based on the on-going performance of the connection it seems necessary.
EDIT: For example, if you determine a patience threshold that in your opinion represents tolerable download performance, keep track of each download that the user does in order to determine if that threshold is being reached. That way, instead of clogging up the users connection with test downloads, you're using the real world activity as the determining factor for "quality of the connection", which is ultimately about the end-user experience of the quality of the connection. If you decide to provide the user with the ability to cancel downloads, then you have an excellent "input" about the user's actual patience threshold, and can adapt your functionality to that situation, by subsequently giving them the choice before they start the download. If you've flipped into this type of "confirmation" mode, but then find that files are starting to download faster, you could dynamically exit the confirmation mode.
Rob's answer is very good, but for a more specific implementation start with (https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/samplecode/SimplePing/Introduction/Intro.html#//apple_ref/doc/uid/DTS10000716)Apple's Simple Ping example source code
Target the domain for the server that you want to monitor connection quality to. Use the ping library to "ping" it on a regular basis (say 1 or 10 seconds depending upon your UI needs). Measure how long it takes to get a response to your ping (or if it never returns) to develop an estimate of the connection quality to communicate to your user.

I'm making a multiplayer game and I need to verify that players aren't speed hacking

For security reasons I have a feeling that that testing should be done server side. Nonetheless, that would be rather taxing on the server, right? Given the gear and buffs a player is wearing they will have a higher movement speed, so each time they move I would need to calculate that new constant and see if their movement is legitimate (using TCP so don't need to worry about lost, unordered packets). I realize I could instead just save the last movement speed and only recalculate it if they've changed something affecting their speed, but even then that's another check.
Another idea I had is that the server randomly picks data that the client is sending it and verifies it and gives each client a trust rating. A low enough trust rating would mean every message from the client would be inspected and all of their actions would be logged in a more verbose manner. I would then know they're hacking by inspecting the logs and could ban/suspend them as well as undo any benefits they may have spread around through hacking.
Any advice is appreciated, thank you.
Edit: I just realized there's also the case where a hacker could send tiny movements (within the capability of their regular speed) in a very high succession. Each individual movement alone would be legite, but the cumulative effect would be speed hacking. What are some ways around this?
The standard way to deal with this problem is to have the server calculate all movement. The only thing that the clients should send to the server are commands, e.g. "move left" and the server should then calculate how fast the player moves etc., then finally send the updated position back to the client.
If you leave any calculation at all on the client, the chances are that sooner or later someone will find a way to cheat.
[...] testing should be done server side. Nonetheless, that would be rather taxing on the server, right?
Nope. This is the way to do it. It's the only way to do it. All talk of checking trust or whatever is inherently flawed, one way or another.
If you're letting the player send positions:
Check where someone claims they are.
Compare that to where they were a short while ago. Allow a tiny bit of deviation to account for network lag.
If they're moving too quickly, reposition them somewhere more reasonable. Small errors may be due to long periods of lag, so clients should use interpolation to smooth out these corrections.
If they're moving far too quickly, disconnect them. And check for bugs in your code.
Don't forget to handle legitimate traversals over long distance, eg. teleports.
The way around this is that all action is done on the server. Never trust any information that comes from the client. If anybody actually plays your game, somebody will reverse-engineer the communication to the server and figure out how to take advantage of it.
You can't assign a random trust rating, because cautious cheaters will cheat only when they really need to. That gives them a considerable advantage with a low chance of being spotted cheating.
And, yes, this means you can't get by with a low-grade server, but there's really no other method of preventing client-side cheating.
If you are developing in a language that has access to Windows API function calls, I have found from my own studies in speed hacking, that you can easily identify a speed hacker by calling two functions and comparing results.
Both functions will return the number of seconds since the system started. However, TimeGetTime is much more accurate than GetTickCount, whereas TimeGetTime is accurate up to ~1ms vs. GetTickCount, which is accurate at around ~50ms
Even though there is a small lag between these two functions, if you turn on a speed hacking application (pick your poison), you should see a very large difference between the two result sets, sometimes even up to a couple of seconds. The difference is very noticable.
Write a simple application that returns the GetTickCount and TimeGetTime results, without the speed hacking application running, and leave it running. Compare the results and display the difference -- you should see a very small difference between the two. Then, with your application still running, turn on the speed hacking application and you will see the very large difference in the two result sets.
The trick is figuring out what threshold will constitue suspicious activity.

What's the reasonable time for generating web page?

I'm working on web app (Rails 3 based). And I really don't like the time it takes to generate the page - depending on the displayed data it takes up to 2.5 and even 4 seconds.
So I just was wondering what is the average reasonable time for generating page in your apps. Saying you check the generation time, e.g. it's 750ms and think "Ok, that should be fine even without caching". Or when you see 1.5sec you think "Oh my God, the user won't wait so long and leave the site"
There's a huge amount of research data regarding the time from query to rendering and user's experience. I'd recommend reading this useit.com article. After all Google integrated page speed in its results for a reason ;)
The 3 response-time limits are the
same today as when I wrote about them
in 1993 (based on 40-year-old research
by human factors pioneers):
0.1 seconds gives the feeling of instantaneous response — that is, the
outcome feels like it was caused by
the user, not the computer. This level
of responsiveness is essential to
support the feeling of direct
manipulation (direct manipulation is
one of the key GUI techniques to
increase user engagement and control —
for more about it, see our Principles
of Interface Design seminar).
1 second keeps the user's flow of thought seamless. Users can sense a
delay, and thus know the computer is
generating the outcome, but they still
feel in control of the overall
experience and that they're moving
freely rather than waiting on the
computer. This degree of
responsiveness is needed for good
10 seconds keeps the user's attention. From 1–10 seconds, users
definitely feel at the mercy of the
computer and wish it was faster, but
they can handle it. After 10 seconds,
they start thinking about other
things, making it harder to get their
brains back on track once the computer
finally does respond.
A 10-second delay will often make
users leave a site immediately. And
even if they stay, it's harder for
them to understand what's going on,
making it less likely that they'll
succeed in any difficult tasks.
As a rule of thumb, think that you always should aim for a balance of optimization time vs time gained. Don't spend days optimizing the hell out of one routine when your images aren't compressed correctly, or your scripts/css not combined. Yes, faster is better, but a 90% gain in generating the page by setting up a smart cache beats a 10% gain after one week tweaking the algorithm.
Also don't look too much into the first-render-time when the framework has to load everything, but use stress-testing, cached or not, to simulate various situations.
Now, some data; some of the latest sites i worked on used DotNetNuke, a huge open-source CMS, and Asp.Net MVC where you nearer to the metal. Average page time with average db queries was 600-700 milliseconds for DotNetNuke. For Asp.net MVC, it's 70-100 milliseconds... Users really like the second one :)
There's no 'right' answer to this - the faster the better. Personally I normally aim for < 200ms, although I know from experience that it can be quite difficult to achieve this in Rails on anything but simple apps. Try and figure out where your bottlenecks are and cache what you can.
Edit: There seems to be some confusion between page generation time and page render time. Obviously a quick page render is the goal, and on most sites doing things like reducing HTTP requests, gzipping CSS/JS are where you can get most of your quick wins. But if the page itself can take 4-5 seconds to generate, then you're probably right that your app is where you should start.
It depends on whether nothing is displayed for 2.5-4 seconds, or that the user already sees (a part of) the page from the start, and it finishes loading completely after 2.5-4 seconds. In that case the user doesn't experience a 2.5-4 second load. Take the http://www.nytimes.com/ website; I see most of it right away, but according to the Web Inspector it takes 1.94 seconds for it to be loaded completely.
And keep in mind that the speed will also depend on the browser, computer, internet connection. What's fast for you might be slower for others.
Measure your apdex score and see how it is performing. That will give you a rough indiciation. From there, you can decide how you want to increase performance.
It also depends on what your site is; an system application for a business or software as a service (SaaS)? If it's a system application, the users are forced to use it to performance can be negotiated. If it is a SaaS, then the higher your apdex score, the more chance you have of losing your user's interest.
There are a few gems out there that measure performance and report on what your apdex is.
Here's a little more info: http://apdex.org/blog/?p=630
My personal rule - no page should take more than 0.05 seconds, or you are in troubles.
As long as you write proper code, you don't need to spend much time on optimization to stay under 0.05.
If you stick to giant frameworks, then you are out of luck.
