Passing data over views - ios

I have a navigation based view and the data entered in a view that is lower down in the hierarchy is then to be shown in a table-view in the root-view. How do I pass data entered in a subview to a superview??

There is several ways to do that.
You can create a singleton class which provide data to your UIViewControllers: Creating a Singleton Instance
Or you can use UINavigationControllerDelegate Protocol which include method called before and after UIViewController push.


Navigate to UIViewController from a UIView

My app header is currently a full width, 65pt height UIView which I then use as a generic header for all pages.
class AppHeader: UIView {
Then, in my Main.storyboard I have a UIViewController with a View from the object library which has its class specified as AppHeader.
My AppHeader (UIView) has multiple buttons which should, if clicked, take you to from the page/controller you're currently on to another.
From the AppHeader class I do not have access to use the present method to show another controller as its not within scope.
Here is my AppHeader.xib:
How can I resolve this?
This is very bad behaviour, you should not use a UIView as a header. You should add a Navigation View Controller as the first view controller of your app. Navigation view controller has the navigation bar where you can put the buttons you want there. From that ones, you will be able to push or present other view controllers.
Check the official documentation:
Make your AppHeader view a custom subclass of UIView if it isn't already. Wire the actions on the button to IBAction methods in the view.
Create a protocol AppHeaderDelegateProtocol. Give your AppHeader class a weak delegate property. Define methods in that protocol that let the AppHeader notify it's owning view controller about button presses.
Implement your AppHeaderDelegateProtocol in view controllers that will contain instances of AppHeader.
Connect the delegate property to each instance of AppHeader's owning view controller.
That should do it.
You can create a protocol - call it AppHeaderDelegate or something - and set up your other viewControllers to adopt that protocol. You could define functions to let your delegate know that a certain button was pressed, and your delegate viewController can react to that by presenting the correct view controller.
Apple's docs on protocols here.
Alternatively, you can use NotificationCenter to broadcast notifications to let subscribers know that a certain button was pressed, and have your viewControllers listening for these notifications and reacting to them accordingly. You have to manage when classes start/stop listening, though, as you may have several objects trying to react to a single notification.

How can I pass a data from UIViewController to a UITableViewController that is embedded in a container placed on that UIViewController?

I have an ios app written in swift and there I have a UIViewController with a container on half of the screen. This container has embedded UITableViewController and I want to display there some data that I'm fetching from my webservice. The problem is that to fetch the data from web service I need an unique id number that I store in the UIViewController. So how can I pass that data from one controller to another?
I have a project on github (written in Objective-C) that does exactly what you want. It has the horribly unoriginal name "test".
It has a master view controller with 2 child view controllers, each of which is a subclass of UITableViewController set up to manage static table views. (That detail doesn't really matter. It's the method of setting up connections between parent and child view controllers that addresses your question.)
The idea is that you set up your child view controller in a container view and link it in with an embed segue.
When you use an embed segue then prepareForSegue fires when the views are loaded. In your prepareForSegue you save a reference to your child view controller(s) if you need to call it/them, and make yourself each child's delegate if you need it to call you.
The code would be different in Swift but the concept is identical.

Send the value in Class of ViewController to Class of View

Is there any way that could send the value in Class of ViewController to Class of View?
Because I want to make a drawing board and I made a modal scene to set values about color, width .
I know how to send the value in modal scene to my ViewController , but now I need use those value in Class of View , or not Class of ViewController.
Sounds like you need to devise a protocol to open a delegation channel between the two classes. Then when the modal VC wants to send data to its delegate (its presenter, in this case), it can of its own volition.
The View Controller can have a reference to the View, therefore the View Controller can simply pass the values to View by calling a View's method or updating View's properties. This is a common pattern: View defines a Protocol and data/requests from View to ViewController go through this Protocol (the ViewController acts as delegate of View); and ViewController owns the View.
For inspiration on how to implement a farily decoupled design applying this pattern, you can have a look at documentation on UICollectionView and UICollectionViewController.
Other options, depending on what design you need, are Key-Value Observing or Notifications.

passing data to a childViewController from the view controller that holds the container view controller

In my application I created a container view(called ContainerViewController) on the top of an another view(called GameViewController,where I keep the game logic and api callbacks).I also have other views and an api class.My container view contains 3 views and I am trying to pass some objects to one of my container view(VC1). Since GameViewController is only connected to ContainerViewController(meaning there is no segue directly, so I can't use prepareforsegue and I can't use presentViewController, since they childViewControllers), I can't pass data.
I also tried just getting the values from my deserializer class(inside vc1). The problem with that was the VC1 gets called before.
my question is, how can I set values of VC1 from my callback inside the GameViewController?
This is what my storyboard looks like:
Thank you.
You can do it many ways:
1st way : You can pass the data using Notification.
2nd way : You can create a separate singleton data model class to store your game data. Then you can access the object of that class among your view controllers to set the properties in view controllers.

Data sent back to Uitableview

I have a UITableviewController and I push another UIViewController in 'didSelectRow..' method.
I have user input controls (combobox, stepper) in this viewController, that when the UIViewController is popped , I would like to receive the newly entered data in the UITableviewController (and update the tableview accordingly).
I saw some questions/answers, and some said to use "Delegation/Protocol" approach, but did not find any specific example how to achieve this.
Can someone help?
Create a new file for your project and choose the Protocol file type. (We'll call it CallBackProtocol.) In the view controller that you push, create a property that has a type of id<CallBackProtocol> delegate;. Have your table controller adopt the protocol and, when it creates the view controller, set controller.delegate = self;.
Define a method in the protocol that lets you pass whatever data you need back to the caller. Implement that method in the table controller and call it from the second view controller just before popping it.
(Or use a NSNotification.)
