Remove an iOS app localization - ios

In Bombr 1.2 I added a half-assed French localization, over time adding more strings to localize I've decided to drop the French localization. In Bombr 1.2.1 I removed the reference to fr.lproj/Localizable.strings from the Xcode project but the file still exists. Now that 1.2.1 is on the app store it still says that French is a supported language.
Will removing the fr.lproj folder and resubmitting correctly display the supported languages (this is my hunch), or is it possibly that iTunes Connect will not allow you to drop support for a language?
(I took a year of French in high school for fun, but not enough to translate my own app.)

Building on the answer given by #vanya, select your project from the list and delete the language under in the "localization" section.

If you want to remove app metadata localization, there's a delete menu on iTunesConnect

try to look at the info.plist which defines localizations and I guess some work in iTunesConnect should be done as well, but before approving an app

To remove the localization from Xcode (I'm using 4.2 on Snow Leopard) click on the file/folder in the sidebar, "Localizable.strings" and open the File Inspector (keyboard shortcut cmd-opt-1 or View > Utilities > Show File Inspector in the menu bar). You'll see a Localization pane with your localizations listed. Select the one you want to remove and click the minus sign to delete it.

So I landed on this question, but with some specific criteria:
I want to remove the base development language (English)
I want to keep the localized language (French)
None of the above answers worked and I couldn't find anything better on Stack Overflow. Eventually I found this gem: XCode: Remove localizations on build.
I develop in English, so the entire base of the app is in the English localisation. I then translated it into Finnish for the first release, but the intention was to only release the Finnish content and not the English.
Setting up a small script during a final Build phase works wonders to strip unwanted localisations:
#Remove english
rm -r "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/en.lproj"
# Remove base (iOS 9)
rm -r "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/Base.lproj"
Then I had some runtime errors because some Storyboard files were localized and located in the Base.lproj folder. I worked around this by doing the following:
Un-localized those Storyboards (unchecked all languages) and then "Moved to trash"
Dragged the Storyboards from the trash back into the project. (Basically moving the Storyboards from Base.lproj folder – which the script would delete – to the project folder.)
Note: none of these Storyboards were actually localized (the .strings files were all empty). All the translations were properly set in code using NSLocalizedString.


Is there a way to turn off specific localized languages in Xcode for my iOS app without removing any translated files?

I have an iOS app that has 16 localized languages in it. I'd like to turn off a few localized languages (German, for example) in Xcode so that the app in German will default back to English for now until I fix some of the translations in my strings files in a future update.
What I don't want to do is completely remove my strings files from my Xcode project though, because they are mostly translated properly. I want everything to stay the same, just with specific languages turned off.
Can anyone explain how to do this?
I've noticed that when I remove languages from the Project > Localizations section, it removes the localizations for my xib files, and when I add the language back all my previous translations are gone.
This has worked for me. For some reason I can't remove base language in iOS16 but it worked previously.
In your build phases create a build script and add the following:
# Remove German
rm -r "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/de.lproj"
# Remove base (iOS 9)
rm -r "${TARGET_BUILD_DIR}/${PRODUCT_NAME}.app/Base.lproj"

Xcode 10 - Unable to Localize UINavigation Controller Title

I have an app that I want to translate to Spanish. The app is very simple and uses a basic UINavigation Controller. The title is set in the main story board:
To add Spanish I did the followings:
Added Spanish in the project Localizations
My first question to you all is why is showing 4 files in English and 3 Files in Spanish, when I actually have 2 files for English and 2 Files for Spanish
I enabled location to the view controller
I added string file to the project as well. This is for labels and dynamic text within the views, and this is working as expected.
Edited the Main.strings (Spanish)
When running the app, I edited the scheme, and set the application Language to Spanish.
When the app launched and got to the main screen, I still see Welcome instead of "Bienvenidos" What am I missing?
Other things you should know, when adding localization I enabled and disabled this feature a few times for the storyboard trying different options. Also, when testing the app, I change the settings language to Spanish, I deleted and installed the app multiple times as well.
I'm using Xcode 10.1, Project Format is Xcode 9.3-compatible, iOS deployment target is 12.1
Hope someone can help.
Hope this helps someone else. With Xcode 10 the recommended way to do any localization is by selecting your project and perform an export for localization, just go to Editor > Export For Localization
Once you exported the project, make any changes to the .xliff files, images, etc.
In the .xliff file, each translation should have a <source>, <target> and <note> tag. In my case, many tags are missing. I manually added them, did the translation and import the translation into my project.
To import the localization just select your project and go to Editor > Import Localizations. Now everything should work as expected.
This video from WWDC helped me resolve my issue
Hope this helps
For your first question, you probably have also localized your LaunchScreen.storyboard file. So you should have 3 localized files in total, except that for your Main.storyboard you have checked all three checkboxes (Base, English and Spanish) and since English is your development language, it counts for two.
As for your second question, if you're running in the simulator, just editing the scheme should be fine. Since you told that you enabled and disabled localization for your project something might have broken with Xcode. I've been there as well when I tried to remove a localization. Try to clean you project (Product -> Clean Build Folder) before running the app or even start the project from the scratch (if possible) without this adding/removing flow. Hope this helps.

Disable English localization with Xcode 5

I have searched related questions and tried many suggested methods but none seems to work.
I have a japanese-only App that when run on an english device gets UI items such as back buttons translated ("Back").
To achieve this I have:
Deleted the English from "Localizations" from my project and chose to delete localized files (was a single *.strings file).
Changed CFBundleDevelopmentRegion in my Info.plist from jp_JPto jp as I read it should match the name of the *.lproj folder.
Cleaned, deleted, closed Xcode, etc. But default UI items are still getting translated to english.
Also I get some weird behavior in Xcode 5 now:
Checking the "Use Base Internationalization" checkbook presents an empty "Choose files and reference language to create Base localization". Choosing either Cancel or Finish has no effect and nothing happens.
Clicking on the "+" button to add the Other > "Base (Base)" localization does nothing.
I thing that my problem seems to be that my Base localization is still somehow english but I can't find a way to change that. Any ideas?
I found that to truly remove English support I have to properly set the CFBundleDevelopmentRegion into a full valid region (e.g. ja_JP) and not just a language (just ja still resulted in English showing up).
When you have a valid region Xcode will show you the name of your country instead of the raw value in the Plist editor.
Seems like some modules, such as MFMailComposeViewController, get localized to English no matter what (tested on iOS 6 and 7).
I encountered the same issue. Here are the steps I did to get past them.
Localize your storyboard file.
Select your Storyboard file in Xcode.
In the “File Inspector”, under the “Localization” sub header, press the “Localize…” button.
A dialog appears that says “Do you want to localize this file? The file will be moved into the lproj folder for the following language.” It lists a language. For me it was “English” and I chose that. For you, I suspect it will be “Japanese”.
Press the “Localize” button.
If it warns you that your storyboard file has changed outside of the project, choose “Save anyway”. If you don't it deletes the storyboard from your project. This happened to me with a source controlled project, but not with a new empty project.
Go back to your project and check the “Use Base Internationalization” checkbox. Your storyboard should show up in the "Choose files and reference language to create Base localization" sheet.
If you go back to your storyboard, you will see “Base” as the checked localization. I had my language (English) show up as an option. When I checked it, a storyboard.strings file was created. Since my base was already in my preferred language, I didn’t need a strings file so I removed it. I presume that if I had another language, I could select that and get a storyboard.strings file for that language.

Xcode 4.4 changes to localization - how do I NOT localize main storyboard?

I'm localizing an app for the first time, and only need to localize my "Localizable.strings" file. To set that up I created the file, then selected it and pressed the "Make localized..." button and it let me add an English localization (I haven't added any other languages yet).
To my surprise, with Xcode 4.4, doing that also automatically localized these files, moving them into the "en.lproj" folder:
I don't need or want to localize the storyboard file, as there's nothing in it that's language based... and as far as I know, I don't need to localize InfoPlist.strings either (unless I decide to localize the app name?).
So, how do I unlocalize a file?
I see there's an option for "Use base internationalization" which from my understanding would use a base main storyboard rather than localizing it. That sounds like what I need, but according to the Xcode 4.4 release notes that won't work on iOS projects:
The Use Base Internationalization setting in the project editor works
only on Mac products for deployment on OS X v.10.8 and later. Xcode
must also be running on OS X v.10.8 or later. This setting is not
supported on iOS projects. 11712855
Thanks for any help.
If you select a file and look at the info for that file. Under the "General" tap there is a section for localization with a +/- for the various languages. Just remove all the languages from there and it will no longer be localized.

no language (tuk) support in localization tab, drop-down list of xcode 4

I want to localize my app in 3 languages: english, russian and the one that is not in the xcode localization drop-down list. So, what can i do to add the localization of the language that is not in the xcode list?
I know it's too late, but thought it would help somebody.
I just created a folder by myself in the project folder, called it tk.lproj. After that, i found that tk (turkmen) language in the drop-down list. Seems like Xcode automatically detects available localizations by scanning the project folder. But i wonder why it hides them out until you create a localization directory for it.
