I'm really struggling trying to learn rspec :( So I hope you can give me a little bit of help with a really simple create-action in the controller. I would like to use Rspec::mocks for this, as I think that is the way to do it? Instead of having to hit the database when testing.
I'm having a before_filter:
def find_project
#project= Project.find_by_id(params[:project_id])
The create action looks like this:
def create
#batch = Batch.new(params[:batch])
#batch.project = #project
if params[:tasks]
params[:tasks][:task_ids].each do |task_id|
#batch.tasks << Task.find(task_id)
if #batch.save
flash[:notice] = "Batch created successfully"
redirect_to project_batch_url(#project, #batch)
render :new
I'm really in doubt when it comes to #batch.project = #project how do I define #project? And also the whole params[:tasks][:task_ids].each part.. Ya.. pretty much the whole thing :(
Sorry for this newbie question - Hope you guys can help or atleast point me in the right direction :)
The idea of a controller spec is to check whether the actions are setting instance variables, and redirecting/rendering as needed. To set up the spec, you would normally create an object or a mock, set attributes/stubs, and then call the action, passing a params hash if necessary.
So for example (air code):
describe MyController do
before(:each) do
#project = mock_model(Project)
Project.stub(:find_by_id) {#project}
#batch = mock_model(Batch)
Batch.stub(:new) {#batch}
it "should redirect to project_batch_url on success" do
#batch.stub(:save) {true)
post :create, :batch => { :some_key => :some_value }, :tasks => { :task_ids => [1,2,3] }
response.should redirect_to(project_batch_url(#project,#batch))
it "should render :new on failure" do
#batch.stub(:save) {false)
post :create, :batch => { :some_key => :some_value }, :tasks => { :task_ids => [1,2,3] }
response.should render_template("new")
You can find lots more information about this in the RSpec Rails docs.
Using BDD helps you define your interfaces. So if your controller wants the project to create a batch and add some task id's, then "write the code you wish you had." In practice for controllers, this means trying to push logic out of the controller and into your models. Testing models tends to be more intuitive and are definitely faster than testing controllers.
Here are some possible specs (untested) from the "mockist" point of view:
# controller spec
describe BatchesController do
def mock_project(stubs={})
#mock_project ||= mock_model(Project, stubs)
def mock_batch(stubs={})
#mock_batch ||= mock_model(Batch, stubs)
context "POST create"
it "calls #create_batch_and_add_tasks on the project"
:batch => { :name => 'FooBatch' },
:task_ids => [1,2,3,4]
post :create, :batch => { :name => 'FooBatch' }, :tasks => { :task_ids => [1,2,3,4] }
# consider changing your params to :batch => { :name => 'FooBatch', :task_ids => [1,2,3,4] }
it "redirects to the project_batch_url on success" do
mock_project(:create_batch_and_add_tasks => mock_batch(:save => true))
Project.stub(:find) { mock_project }
post :create, :these_params => "don't matter because you've stubbed out the methods"
# controller
def create
#batch = #project.create_batch_and_add_tasks(
:batch => params[:batch],
:task_ids => params[:tasks].try([:tasks_ids])
if #batch.save
I want to change the name of the attribute in strong parameter so it does not have "_attributes" in the end.
I have:
:special_settings_attributes => [:orientation])
I am testing it with :
describe "Settings Creation" do
context 'new setting success' do
before do
a = post :create, format: :json, :setting => {
:recording => "recorded",
:special_settings_attributes => [:orientation => "left"]
it 'creates a new setting' do
expect(Setting.last.special_settings.last.orientation).to eq("left")
I want
:special_settings => [:orientation])
I tried renaming of course, but then the SpecialSetting model is no created..
Just alter your params before it's called/used by any of your actions:
before_action do
params[:special_settings_attributes] ||= params.delete :special_settings
Given a controller like this where it creates several instance variables for use by the view, would you generally test that each of those get set properly? It seems like you would want to, but it also seems a little it could be a bit tricky. What's the right approach?
class StaffsController < ApplicationController
def index
#all_staff = Staff.find_staff_for_business_all_inclusive(current_business_id)
respond_to do |format|
format.html { render :action => "index", :locals => { :all_staff => #all_staff, :all_services => #all_services, :new_vacation => #new_vacation } }
def set_index_vars
#days_of_week = days_of_week
#first_day_of_week = DefaultsConfig.first_day_of_week
#all_services = Service.services_for_business(current_business_id)
#new_vacation = StaffVacation.new
#has_hit_staff_limit = current_user_plan.has_hit_staff_limit?
The code is also posted at https://gist.github.com/1018190
If you're going to write a controller spec, then yes, by all means test that the instance variables are assigned. Much of the 'trickiness' can come from dependencies on other models/libraries, so stub out those method calls:
# air code
Staff.stub(:find_staff_for_business_all_inclusive) {array_of_staff}
controller.stub(:days_of_week) {['Monday','Tuesday',....etc...]}
DefaultsConfig.stub(:first_day_of_week) {"Monday"}
StaffVacation.stub(:new) {something_meaningful}
controller.stub_chain(:current_user_plan,:has_hit_staff_limit?) {false}
get :index
assigns(:days_of_week).should == ['Monday','Tuesday',....etc...]
# ...etc...
I would split it up as follows: test that the index calls the correct method. Then test whether the method works.
So something like
describe StaffsController do
describe "GET #index" do
it "calls set_index_vars" do
get :index
# and your usual tests ...
describe "#set_index_vars" do
before(:each) do
# stub out the code not from this controller
controller.stub_chain(:current_user_plan, :has_hit_staff_limit?).and_return(false)
.. etc ..
it { assigns(:days_of_week).should == controller.days_of_week }
it { assigns(:has_hit_staff_limit).should be_false
# etc ..
Hope this helps.
So long as you have good coverage around your method, you can test that your method is being called at the right times, with the right values etc. Something like:
describe StaffsController do
describe "GET #index" do
it "should call set_index_vars" do
get :index
describe "#set_index_vars" do
it "should assign instance variables with correct values" do
# or wtv this is supposed to do
get :index
assigns(:days_of_week).should == controller.days_of_week
# etc ..
I have a fairly typical require_no_user as a before_filter in one of my controllers. I need to test that a logged in user is redirected by this filter if they try to access any of the controller's actions.
Is there a sensible way to do this without enumerating all of the controller's actions in my test case?
I'm trying to avoid:
context 'An authenticated user' do
setup do
#user = Factory(:user)
should 'not be allowed to GET :new' do
get :new
should 'not be allowed to POST :create' do
# same as above
# Repeat for every controller action
Not that I'm aware of... though you could make it a bit shorter by packing all the methods and actions into a hash:
should "be redirected" do
:get => :new,
:post => :create,
}.each do |method, action|
send(method, action)
Edit: so yeah, this is probably overkill, but here's another way:
should "be redirected" do
ActionController::Routing::Routes.named_routes.routes.each do |name, route|
if route.requirements[:controller] == #controller.controller_name
send(route.conditions[:method], route.requirements[:action])
Seems though that if you define multiple :methods in custom routes that it still only "finds" the first, e.g.
map.resources :foo, :collection => {
:bar => [:get, :post]
The above route will only be attempted with the GET verb.
Also if there are other requirements in the URL, such as presence of a record ID, my naive example ignores that requirement. I leave that up to you to hack out :)
Trying to test a controller in Rspec. (Rails 2.3.8, Ruby 1.8.7, Rspec 1.3.1, Rspec-Rails 1.3.3)
I'm trying to post a create but I get this error message:
ActiveRecord::AssociationTypeMismatch in 'ProjectsController with appropriate parameters while logged in: should create project'
User(#2171994580) expected, got TrueClass(#2148251900)
My test code is as follows:
def mock_user(stubs = {})
#user = mock_model(User, stubs)
def mock_project(stubs = {})
#project = mock_model(Project, stubs)
def mock_lifecycletype(stubs = {})
#lifecycletype = mock_model(Lifecycletype, stubs)
it "should create project" do
post :create, :project => { :name => "Mock Project",
:description => "Mock Description",
:owner => #user,
:lifecycletype => mock_lifecycletype({ :name => "Mock Lifecycle" }) }
assigns[:project].should == mock_project({ :name => "Mock Project",
:description => "Mock Description",
:owner => mock_user,
:lifecycletype => mock_lifecycletype({ :name => "Mock Lifecycle" })})
flash[:notice].should == "Project was successfully created."
The trouble comes when I try to do :owner => #user in the code above. For some reason, it thinks that my #user is TrueClass instead of a User class object. Funny thing is, if I comment out the post :create code, and I do a simple #user.class.should == User, it works, meaning that #user is indeed a User class object.
I've also tried
:owner => mock_user
:owner => mock_user({ :name => "User",
:email => "user#email.com",
:password => "password",
:password_confirmation => "password })
:owner => #current_user
Note #current_user is also mocked out as a user, which I tested (the same way, #current_user.class.should == User) and also returns a TrueClass when I try to set :owner.
Anybody have any clue why this is happening?
Thank you!
From what I can see, you are not creating your instance variable, #user before referencing it in the post statement. You would do well to create the instance variables prior to the post so the preconditions are immediately obvious. That way you could know whether #user had been set.
I know some people prefer the one-line-of-code-is-better-because-i'm-smart method of writing stuff like this, but I've found being explicit and even repetitive is a really good idea, particularly in tests.
I'm adding the following code that I believe may express your intent better that what you have. In my code, I use mock expectations to "expect" a Project is created with a particular set of parameters. I believe your code assumes that you can do an equality comparison between a newly-created mock Project and a different one created during execution of your controller. That may not be true because they are distinctly different objects.
In my code, if you have a problem with something evaluating to TrueClass or the like, you can use a line of code like user.should be_a(User) to the example to make sure stuff is wired up correctly.
def mock_user(stubs = {})
mock_model(User, stubs)
def mock_project(stubs = {})
mock_model(Project, stubs)
def mock_lifecycletype(stubs = {})
mock_model(Lifecycletype, stubs)
it "should create project" do
user = mock_user
owner = user
lifecycletype = mock_lifecycletype({ :name => "Mock Lifecycle" })
# Not certain what your params to create are, but the argument to with
# is what the params are expected to be
Project.should_receive(:create).once.with({:user => user, :owner => owner, :lifecycletype => lifecycletype})
post :create, :project => { :name => "Mock Project",
:description => "Mock Description",
:owner => #user,
:lifecycletype => lifecycletype }
flash[:notice].should == "Project was successfully created."
Below I listed some code from simple Rails application. The test listed below fails in last line, because the updated_at field of the post is not changed within the update action of PostController in this test. Why?
This behaviour seems to me a little strange, because standard timestamps are included in Post model, live testing on local server shows that this field is actually updated after returning from update action and first assertion is fulfilled thus it shows the update action went ok.
How can I make fixtures updateable in above meaning?
# app/controllers/post_controller.rb
def update
#post = Post.find(params[:id])
if #post.update_attributes(params[:post])
redirect_to #post # Update went ok!
render :action => "edit"
# test/functional/post_controller_test.rb
test "should update post" do
before = Time.now
put :update, :id => posts(:one).id, :post => { :content => "anothercontent" }
after = Time.now
assert_redirected_to post_path(posts(:one).id) # ok
assert posts(:one).updated_at.between?(before, after), "Not updated!?" # failed
# test/fixtures/posts.yml
content: First post
That means "fetch the fixture named ":one" in posts.yml. That's never going to change during a test, barring some extremely weird and destructive code that has no place in sane tests.
What you want to do is check the object that the controller is assigning.
post = assigns(:post)
assert post.updated_at.between?(before, after)
On a side note if you were using shoulda (http://www.thoughtbot.com/projects/shoulda/) it would look like this:
context "on PUT to :update" do
setup do
#start_time = Time.now
#post = posts(:one)
put :update, :id => #post.id, :post => { :content => "anothercontent" }
should_assign_to :post
should "update the time" do
#post.updated_at.between?(#start_time, Time.now)
Shoulda is awesome.