Problem Sending Value to New Action in Rails 3 - ruby-on-rails

I am currently trying to define my first new action in Rails 3, despite various problems I think things are almost done now. However, I as a final hurdle I am struggling to send the correct parameter value to my function...
My function is defined in items_controller:
def clickcountplusone
clickeditem = Item.find(params[:id])
redirect_to clickeditem.externalurl if clickeditem.update_attribute(:click_count, clickeditem.click_count + 1)
routes.rb contains:
match '/items/clickcountplusone', :to => 'items#clickcountplusone'
and the view contains:
<%= link_to image_tag( item.picture.to_s + ".gif", send("items_clickcountplusone_path", item.item_name)%>
The view page itself loads correctly (the one with the link on it), but when I click on the link I get an error:
Couldn't find Item with ID=clickcountplusone
"format"=>"whatever the name is"}
and rather than going to the external page, my browser tries to load:
http://localhost:3000/items/clickcountplusone.whatever the name is
Can anyone tell me how I should be calling the function so that the ID is the item_name and the external URL is visited rather than an incorrect one on my site?
Thanks in advance

It seems like this would be a normal route, instead of a RESTful route (this is fine). There are some places you have to change.
First, in your controller's action, you used params[:id] which is not set actually.
In this particular case, I would suggest you use params[:item_name] instead of id because you are really sending the item_name.
def clickcountplusone
clickeditem = Item.find_by_item_name(params[:item_name])
redirect_to clickeditem.externalurl if clickeditem.update_attribute(:click_count, clickeditem.click_count + 1)
Item.find could only be used if the parameter is one of the actual id / :all / :first / :last.
You are finding by the item_name, so you should use Item.find_by_item_name instead.
Second, you have to update you route too (or else you would need something like /you_path..?item_name=blahblahblah which is fine too if you don't mind)
get 'items/:item_name' => 'items#clickcountplusone', :as => :items_clickcountplusone
Third, you view. IMO, most of the time if you are using send but not writing library / really back end code, you probably misusing it.
<%= link_to image_tag("#{item.picture.to_s}.gif"), items_clickcountplusone_path(:item_name => item.item_name) %>

You don't have any variable in your match statement. Try something like
match '/items/clickcountplusone/:id', :to => 'items#clickcountplusone'
<%= link_to image_tag(item.picture.to_s + ".gif", items_clickcountplusone_path(:id => item.item_name))%>


link_to custom action but wrong method?

all, I'm trying to get a custom action to work with a put method: in the
in _post.html.erb i have a link_to statement:
<%= link_to 'End now', post, :method => :put, :action => endnow %>
routes.rb contains:
resources :posts do
member do
put :endnow
and posts_controller.rb looks like:
class PostsController < ApplicationController
helper_method :endnow
[.. code for create, edit, destroy, etc ..]
def endnow
puts params
rake routes's relevant line looks like:
endnow_post PUT /posts/:id/endnow(.:format) posts#endnow
However, the action endnow helper doesn't run when clicking on this link.
Strangely, it does run with an index action (which i can tell from the puts command.
Of course, eventually the code for endnow will update #post, but for now, it just doesn't run properly.
Maybe i'm going about this the wrong way - all I'm trying to achieve is to update #post upon clicking the link to that post, and before showing it.
Any ideas / Alternatives?
Why not use the route helper method provided to you? Change your link to
<%= link_to 'End now', endnow_post_path(#post), method: :put %>
Things you're doing wrong:
If you want to specify the :action, use the Symbol for the action (you're missing a colon). :action => endnow should be action: :endnow
I will assume you have a #post instance variable you're passing from your controller to your action. You should be using that instead of post (unless you do in fact have a local post variable you're omitting from your code)
You are using endnow as an action; you should remove the helper_method :endnow line in your controller because it's not something you want to/should be accessing from your view.
This can all be avoided by using the route helper (for endnow_post you'd append _path to get the local route path: endnow_post_path), and pass in your #post as an argument.
Because you're trying to do a PUT request, you must make sure you have something like jquery-ujs included in your asset pipeline to convert these links to form submissions behind the scenes; browsers don't support PUT via the click of a link on their own.
As for why you're getting the template error when you get your link_to working, Rails is telling you that you need to create a app/views/posts/endnow.html.erb file. Your action has only puts params which does not terminate execution, leaving Rails to assume you still are trying to render some endnow.html.erb template.
Are there other ways to do what you're trying to do (change a single attribute of a specific model)? Sure. Are there better ways? That's pretty subjective; it may not be the most RESTful way, but it's arguably easier to deal with (if for example there are very specific authorization rules to check before updating the attribute you are modifying in endnow. Does the way you've started fleshing out work? Absolutely.
Finally, as a bump in the right direction, after you fix your link_to and remove the the helper_method as I have described above, your endnow action might look like this:
def endnow
post = Post.find!(params[:id])
post.some_attribute_here = some_new_value_here
redirect_to :root and return # <- this line sets a redirect back to your homepage and terminates execution, telling rails to do the redirect and **not** to render some endnow.html.erb file

Using Redirection in New Action in Rails 3

I am trying to construct my first new action in rails, thanks to the help of people here I have now got the vast majority working, but due to my mis-understanding of exactly how things work the action is not performing the desired action.
I have a database called Items, which contains :id, :external_url and :click_count
My goal is to have a link which when clicked on, the user is directed to the external url and :click_count is incremented by 1.
As it stands, I have the following:
<%= link_to image_tag( item.picture.to_s + ".gif"), items_clickcountplusone_path(:id =>>
def clickcountplusone
clickeditem = Item.find(params[:id])
redirect_to clickeditem.external_url if clickeditem.update_attribute(:click_count, clickeditem.click_count + 1)
get 'items/:id' => 'items#clickcountplusone', :as => :items_clickcountplusone
Using this code, the page itself loads with all the links visible.
However, when I click on a link I get directed to items/whateveridiclickedon NOT the external URL and furthermore the :click_count value does not increase from its initial value.
Am I doing this correctly? In particular is the routes line ok, it currently appears as though i am instructing it to be directed to a specific page on my site for the item, which was not my intention... Also, what is wrong with the if statement meaning the count doesn't increase?
Many thanks for your patience
The mapped route "items/:id" is already associated with the show action and have precedence.
Try associating it with another URL.
get 'items/:id/visit' => 'items#visit', :as => :items_visit

how to pass instance variable to another view in rails

Hey. I think I am in a mind trap here. I am using Rails 2. In the index view of my controller I set up something like
def index
#posts = Post.all
so that I can use #posts in my index, e.g. each-do. Id like to pass #posts to a custom made view, in where I can use the same variable again. This I want to do over a link from the index view. Something like that:
link_to "newpage", {:controller => 'posts', :action => 'newmethod', :param => #posts}
What I have created so far is a new method in my Post controller. A new view. And and a new route to that site. Any suggestions? thx for your time
You're going to have to collapse those values into something that will fit in a URL, then decode them later. For instance:
# Put this in your helper method module PostsHelper
def post_ids
Your adjusted link would be:
link_to "newpage", {:controller => 'posts', :action => 'newmethod', :param => post_ids }
When you fetch the next page you'll need to decode these by retrieving them again:
#posts = Posts.find(params[:param].split(/,/))
There's no way to pass an instance variable between requests because they are explicitly cleared out.
As a note, try and use the generated route methods instead of the hash-style declaration. You would probably have a route already listed in rake routes:
# Instead of { :controller => 'posts', :action => 'new', :param => post_ids }
new_post_path(:param => post_ids)
These generated methods are much more readable in practice and have the advantage of being configurable later if you want to re-interpret what they mean by adjusting your routing table.
Another note is that if the list of IDs gets very large, you may not be able to encode them into a URL as the limit is about 1500 bytes. You may instead have to serialize the conditions used to generate the list in the first place and then re-run those again later. So long as you're dealing with tens of items and not hundreds you should be okay, though.
In your controller
def newmethod
#posts = Post.all
You can't pass all your models in a link ! The #posts var in the index action disappears after the request
I know that store arbitrary data in session is not a best practice, but in some cases this approach is simple and easy.
In your controller:
def balabala
session[:your_var] = "this is the var used in another view&action!"
# ...
In any other pages:
<%= session[:your_var] %>
That's it. ugly, not MVC at all. :) Only recommended for very rare cases. :)

Ruby On Rails: using arrays with link_to

I was curious on how to use arrays in the link_to method in ruby on rails for example:
def index
#test = [1,2,3]
<%= link_to "test", {:action => 'index'}, :test => #test %>
When looking at the source then, I end up with something to the effect of:
My guess is that the array's to_string or something similar is getting called to set the value of test in the html.
My goal is to be able to have a form in which people can submit data on the page, and then once they've submitted the data and return to the page, if they click on the link the data will persist through clicking on the link.
*Ideally I would like to do this without having to pass the parameters in the url.
Thank you.
If you want to keep data you should probably use cookies. They are very easy to use, just assign a value with the following in the action:
cookies[:some_key] = "some value"
and retrieve it with this:
cookies[:some_key] # returns "some value"
However, just to clarify what link_to is doing in your example:
<%= link_to "test", {:action => 'index'}, :test => #test %>
When looking at the source then, I end up with something to the effect of:
The reason is that you are passing #test to the third argument in link_to, which is a hash of html attributes, hence why it's turned into one. To have it become an parameter on the link, you need to pass it with the second, eg, {:action => 'index', :text => #test}. As noted above, however, this is not necessarily the best way to tackle this and, in addition, it's usually best to also pass the controller name to link_to or, better yet, use a named route.
If I understand well, you want to keep the datas submitted by the user after they validate the form ?
Well Rails is able to do that without any of your code line needed.
Based on the supposition that you have a route resource "objects"
In your controller :
def edit
#object = Object.find_by_id params[:id]
def update
#object = Object.find_by_id params[:id]
if #object.update_attributes params[:object]
# The datas have been successfully saved. You redirect wherever you want to.
render :action => 'edit'
and in your view :
<% form_for #object do |f| %>
<%= text_field :name %>
<% end %>
When the form fails to validate, the "name" text field automatically gets the previous entered data.
If after that you still need to reload your datas, you don't need to add them as a parameter in a link tag.
You get the object in your controller and passes it's datas to the view where you display it.
I would just write a view helper that formats it into a string with good separators, like commas.
That isn't a good way to be passing along information though. Try session variables, cookies, or url-encoded variables instead.
The best match to what you are doing would be url-encoded variables, which will show up in a form similar to this:
My guess is that it is using Array#join.
You could try something like
:test => #test.join( ',' )
and then parse the string in your controller. But it is somewhat error prone if the user enters the same character you chose as delimiter.
But, assuming the linked page is also served by Rails, I think the best solution would be to use the flash area to store the results on the server
flash[ :submitted_params ] = params;
and in the controller for the linked page
old_params = flash[ :submitted_params ] || {}

Ruby on Rails passing of parameters between views from link_to tag instead of submit_tags (having both on page)

I'm creating in my index page of my ruby on rails program, a list of the most commonly searched for terms in my database and hence each time a user selects a specific category this is written to another database.
What i would like it to create a hyperlink and pass a certain amount of parameters to a form like is usually done with a select_tag but instead with just a hyperlink, i would like to pass a set of hidden fields that i have on the page as well as what the user has selected.
To give you a better idea, basically i have the following structure in my program:
User inputs a search on (index.html.erb), user clicks on submit tag
action, user is taken to search.html.erb page and is displayed a set of refined categories + some fields, submit button,
user is taken to closest.html.erb (which uses parameters from the previous form by invoking the params[:searchSelected] and a few other params. )
I would also like to add this functionality:
Mimick this same operation, but instead of going in the search.html.erb, i would click on an already refined search category on the index.html.erb page (from a link_to , transmit as parameters which link_to the user has chosen + the hidden fields.
i Currently have this code
#stats.each do
<%= link_to scr.category, :action => 'closest', :id => scr.category%>
I'm not sure if this is relevant, but i currently have the following routes in my routes.rb file
map.resources :stores, :collection => { :search => :get }
map.connect ':controller/:action/:id'
map.connect ':controller/:action/:id.:format'
would anyone please assist me please? this is my first ruby on rails project and i would really like to find a way around this please
I am not sure if this is what you were thinking, but you can add additional parameters to the link_to tag. They are then available in your controller. So:
<%= link_to scr.category, :action => 'closest', :id => scr.category, :other_param => "test" %>
Will be available in your controller.
def closest
params[:other_param] == "test" #this will be true
i managed to resolve this by taking the params[:id] and then according to the value either set my own values (instead of the hidden ones in the index.erb which i had set manually anyway) and otherwise, continue as usual had i placed a regular search
<%= link_to obj.ptc_devicename ,"/wiuconfig/hd?idval=#{}&val=#{#devicetype}",:value => obj.ptc_devicename,:id => %><br/>
#Heading= params[:val]
value will be id is 2 and val is #devicetype
