UITableVIew multiple section and single row selection in each section - uitableview

I have table view which contain 7 sections and each section has different number of rows. The problem is when I select a row in section and check mark. Others sections rows are also checked mark and when I scroll the table. then unwanted check marks are appeared. It show very goofy behavior.
If you have any tutorial or sample code, please share it with me.


How can I re-order the sections of a UITableView using drag-and-drop?

I have a UITableView with multiple sections that looks more or less like this.
I'm "faking" section headers with rows because I'd like the users to be able to re-order the sections. There seems to be no facility to do so through proper section headers and drag-and-drop.
The way I picture this going is: the user would start dragging the section header using the re-order mark on the right (the three lines), the sub-cat rows would momentarily disappear, only the "headers" remain. The user picks the final position and drops the "header". Business magic is executed to sort the underlying data structure, and the sub-cat rows reappear in the correct position.
I can't find in the docs anything like a willStartDraggingRowAtIndex or similar. Is this not doable? Should I revert to using proper section header custom views showing dumb up and down buttons, or some other trickery like a separate screen to re-order categories only?

How to use collapse option to display list of users

How to design and code this in swift(IOS) AND Xcode.If we tap on down button it should display items and vice-versa like this:
You need a Collapsable TableView. In order to achieve that, in your TableView you must keep track of which sections are collapsed (contracted) and which of them are expanded. For this you need to maintain a set of indices of sections that are expanded, or a boolean array where the value of each index indicates if the corresponding section is expanded or not. Check for the values at the specific index while assigning height to a certain row. Check this link for more help.
Refer ans by #Cristik.Refer my previous ans for more info.
You need expandable table view. Basically, you need to control the open and close of sections of your table view.
Here is an good example with working code & animation written in swift 3.0

What's the difference in rows and sections in NSIndexPath in Swift?

I can't seem to see what exactly a section is. I know what a row is in UITableViewController, but what is a section. Is it a separate piece of information? I'm a beginner and couldn't find a clear answer anywhere else on the web.
A section is a group of rows. For example, in the settings app, different rows are grouped into sections.
Sections can have titles and allow for information to be broken apart.

How can I deploy content below a row in a UITableView?

Can somebody help me to do the following in Swift:
I have two elements called Topic 1 and Topic 2.
I need to click on the Topic 1 (in the down arrow image), then deploy some content just under my Topic 1 section.
I use a UITableView to display the data (topic 1 & topic 2 rows), but I don't know if displaying content below each row like the following image is possible with an UITableView.
Anyone know a way to resolve this?
Two high level options:
Display topics as section headers instead of rows. Detect tap of
section header and track the "active" section in your table view
data source. Only return a row count greater than 0 for the "active"
section. When the "active" section changes, reload the old section
and the new section.
Create a cell that displays both the "Topic" and any details. Implement the table view's delegate and return a height that shows the details only for the "active" topic. For all other rows, return a height that will only show the header. When the selection changes, reload the old and new rows to animate the height changes.
Don't try to "deploy the content" below the cell. Add it to the cell. In other words, you modify the cell or replace it with another cell built exactly to accommodate this extra material.

iOS table view show prototype cell after deleting all section and row

I have implemented tableView to show records. The section is the month of several records, and row is the record. I used prototype cell. But when I am deleting the last row in last section of the tableview, it shows strange behavior. The tableview shows an empty section header and a prototype cell itself.
Please ensure once all rows are deleted you are also setting number of sections to 0
