Delphi, can't use a function in an external .pas file - delphi

I am using functions from an external .pas file. I can use some of the functions, but not others. As far as i can see the functions are declared the same way, I would like to post some of the file, but don't know ho to post large amounts of code.

You can use the functions that are declared in the interface section, that is the section of code before the implementation section.
You are probably trying to call functions that are defined only in the implementation section, that is that code that appears after the implementation keyword.
These different sections are how Delphi implements public and private visibility at the unit level.
Usually, in well written units, there will be a reason for functions being made private to the unit. But if you feel it reasonable to override the author's decision then you need to redeclare the function in the interface section. This will make it available to your code which uses the 3rd party unit.

The file is not properly linked and/or not included in your projects search path and/or shadowed by some other file with same function names and/or odd functions are within $IFDEF clauses.
Check spelling, uses clauses, working function location (Ctrl+click on function name in your code), $IFDEF clauses.
The file is not properly linked in Delphi environment options
The file could be located outside of project search path. Hence it's not linked.
The file path is typed wrongly in project (DPR file). E.g. you are referring to older path with olde version of a file.
In each of these cases some functions could be taken from other files if name fits. E.g. function gluUnproject can be taken both from OpenGL.pas and dglOpenGL.pas, if first unit is not linked properly I would get the same problem as you are having now - some functions work and some are missing. In any of the cases you should compile your project, Ctrl+Click on a working function name and see where it brings you, check file version location.
The functions could be inside of $IFDEF clauses. These are compiler directives and code within such clause will be invisible to compiler if certain condition is not met. E.g. {$IFDEF MSWindows} Func {$ENDIF} won't be accessible on Linux.


Implement Global interfaces

I'm currently struggling with the following:
I need to create two different DLL's, which do exactly the same but are looking to a different DB. The two DB's are nothing alike.
My dll's should be handling the communication with those different DB's.
So that the main program chooses which dll he wants to use.
I want to be sure each dll has exactly the same procudes/functions/...
I was thinking of using interfaces.
But I can't figure out how to create global interfaces. the dll's belong to the same projectgroup.
I do believe you're making a "mountain out of a molehill" thinking you need 2 different DLLs. But if you choose the last of my suggested options, you should find it fairly easy to switch between a 2 DLL solution and 1 DLL solution.
Option 1
This is the most straightforward:
Create a new unit.
Add your DLL interface (the exports).
Include the unit in both projects.
unit DllExportIntf;
exports DoX;
Note that this unit uses DllExportImpl which will also have to be included in both projects. However, you'll need 2 different files with the same name in 2 different locations in your file system. So each DLL project will have different implementations.
Now whenever you make a change to your interface, your projects won't compile until you've updated each of the DllExportImpl units.
What I don't particularly like about this solution is the need for units with the same name but different behaviour. Since you intend having both DLLs in the same project group: I should warn you that I've experienced the IDE getting confused by duplicate unit names.
Option 2
Place the exports into a shared include file.
library DllSharedExportsImpl1;
DllExportImpl1 in 'DllExportImpl1.pas';
{$I ..\Common\}
The file will only include your exports clauses. E.g.
exports DoX;
This has the advantage that now each DLL can use different unit names for the different implementations. And if you change your include file, neither project will compile until you've updated its implementation unit to accommodate the change.
Note that this does come with its own set of problems. The way includes work: the compiler effectively shoves the contents of the include file into the unit at compile time. So what looks like line 7 to the IDE is entirely different to the compiler. Also editing include files can be a bit of a nuisance because context can only be determined where the file is included making editor support quite impractical.
Option 3
This option is a little more work, but provides much better long-term maintainability.
You do this by implementing your interface via polymorphic objects. In this way, both DllProjects will also share the routines that are actually exported. When each DLL initialises, it sets the concrete implementation to be used.
Your DLL interface could look something like this.
unit DllExportIntf;
TAbstractImpl = class(TObject)
procedure DoX; virtual; abstract;
procedure AssignDllImpl(const ADllImpl: TAbstractImpl);
procedure DoX;
exports DoX;
GDllImpl: TAbstractImpl;
procedure AssignDllImpl(const ADllImpl: TAbstractImpl);
if Assigned(GDllImpl) then
GDllImpl := ADllImpl;
procedure DoX;
When you initialise your DLL, you can call:
A clear advantage of this approach is that if there is any common code between your 2 DLLs, it can be included in your base implementation. Also, if you can change an existing method DLL in such a way that it does not require a change to TAbstractImpl, you possibly will only need to recompile your DLLs.
Furthermore, if you need to change existing virtual abstract methods, you will have to update the overrides in your concrete implementations accordingly.
WARNING If you add a new virtual abstract method, your projects will still compile with warnings that you are creating objects with abstract methods. However, you should always treat warnings as errors. If you do, this caveat won't be a problem.
NOTE: As mentioned earlier, using this approach you should be able to fairly easily switch between single DLL and 2 DLL solutions. The difference basically boils down to which units are included in the project, and how you initialise the global.
It may also be worthwhile mentioning that you could even eliminate the global altogether by implementing a Handle to use with each of your DLL routines. (Similar to Windows.) Bear in mind that there are technical issues when trying to pass objects between DLL and application code. This is why instead of passing objects, you use a "handles" to objects and encapsulate the actual object instances internally.
Considering all that was said, I believe that you would be more successful if you design your solution with packages, not DLLs. A package is a DLL, but rich in symbols, so Delphi can be a better use of it. Particularly, the symbols declared inside the package will more easily be loaded by your application, with a much higher level of abstraction. It´s what the Delphi IDE uses to load components.
So, following this design, this is what you have to do:
Declare your interfaces in units existing in a package named (for instance) DBServices.dpk. Here is an example of such an unit:
unit DBService1;
IService1 = interface
[....] // here goes the GUID
procedure ServiceMethod1;
procedure ServiceMethod2;
// and so on...
So, above you created an unit that declares an interface. Your aplication can use that interface anywhere, just reference the package in your application and use it in other units and you will have the access to the symbols declared.
Declare the implementation class for that very same interface in another unit of another package, for instance, dedicated to SQLServer (SQLServerServices.dpk):
unit SQLServerService1;
DBService1, ....;
TSQLServerService1 = class(TInterfacedObject, IService1)
protected // IService1
procedure ServiceMethod1;
procedure ServiceMethod2;
// and so on...
procedure TSQLServerService.ServiceMethod1;
// Specific code for SQL Server
procedure TSQLServerService.ServiceMethod2;
// Specific code for SQL Server
Above you declared an implementing class for the interface IService1. Now you have two packages, one declaring the interfaces and other implementing those interfaces. Both will be consumed by your application. If you have more implementations for the same interfaces, add other packages dedicated to them.
One important thing is: you have to have a factory system. A factory system is a procedure ou class that will create and return the implementations for your application from each package.
So, in terms of code, in each service package (the ones that implement the interfaces) add a unit named, for instance, xxxServiceFactories, like this:
unit SQLServerServiceFactories;
function NewService1: IService1;
function NewService1: IService1;
Result := TSQLServerService1.Create;
The code above declares a function that creates the SQL Server implementation and returns it as an interface. Now, if you call a method from the interface returned, you will be actually calling the specific implementation of it for SQL Server.
After loading the package, you will have to link to that function in the very same way you would do if working if a DLL. After you have the pointer for the function, you can call it and you will have the interface in your application's code:
service1: IService1;
service1 := NewService1;
service1.ServiceMethod1; // here, calling your method!
The model I described in this answer is the one I used in a similar scenario I had to deal with in the past. I presented general ideas that work, but you have to understand the fundamentals of packages and interfaces to really master the technique.
A comprehensive explanation on those matters would be very long for an answer here, but I guess it will be a good starting point for you!
What you want to do is create a COM component project. Define your methods on that & implementations for one DB. Then create a second COM component that uses the same interface.
On the off-chance that your question is more about the fundamentals of Delphi, I've added another answer which may be more helpful to you than the first one. My first answer focused on getting 2 DLLs to expose the same methods (as per the main body of your question). This one focuses on the last 2 sentences of your question:
But I can't figure out how to create global interfaces. The dll's belong to the same project group.
Based on this, it sounds like you're looking for an option to "mark an interface as global so that projects in the same group can use them". Delphi doesn't need a special feature to do this because it's trivially available if you understand certain fundamental principles.
When you create a new unit, it is by default added to the current project. However if you want to share the unit between multiple projects, it's a good idea to save it to a different folder so it's easy to see that it's shared. Your first DLLs project file should look something like this.
library Dll1;
DllSharedIntf in '..\Common\DllSharedIntf.pas';
You can define your "global" interface in the DllSharedIntf unit. E.g.
unit DllSharedIntf;
IDllIntf = interface
procedure DoX;
NOTE: Because the interface type is declared in the interface section of the unit, it is considered "global" because other units are able to use it. But this doesn't automatically make it available to other projects.
You now have to add the shared unit to your other project so it becomes available for use by other units in that project. To do this:
Activate Dll2
Select Project and Add to Project...
Find DllSharedIntf and add it.
Delphi will automatically update your project source file to include the unit.
library Dll2;
DllSharedIntf in '..\Common\DllSharedIntf.pas';
Now in each DLL project you can add a separate implementation unit. E.g. For Dll1:
unit DllImpl1;
//It's very important to indicate that this unit uses the shared unit.
//Otherwise you won't be able to access the "global types" declared
//in the interface-section of that unit.
TDllImpl1 = class(TInterfacedObject,
//Any types defined in the interface-section of any units that
//this unit **uses**, can be accessed as if they were declared
//in this unit.
//The fact that this class is marked as implementing the IDllIntf
//means that the compiler will insist on you implementing all
//methods defined in that interface-type.
procedure DoX;
NOTE This answer only covers sharing an interface between projects. You'll still need to expose the functionality of the DLLs via appropriate exports. You'll need an approach similar to option 3 of my other answer.
We don't usually talk about "global interfaces" in Delphi. It's generally understood that anything declared in the interface section of a unit is globally accessible. (We do make more of an issue about global variables due to their dangers though; but that's an entirely different topic.)
In Delphi:
Whenever you want one unit (A) to make use of functionality defined in another unit (B), you need to add unit B to the uses clause of unit A.
Whenever you want a project to use a unit created in another project, you need to add the unit to the project. (TIP: It's a good idea to put such units in a separate folder.)
NOTE: When sharing units between projects, the project group is actually irrelevant. Projects don't need to be in the same group to share units. All you need to do is ensure the project can access the unit so that other units in your project can uses it.

how to get a component class in DLL

I'm making a mdi application with many child forms, one of which is the form to display the report.
on the report form I use dll files to display all the components on the form and look for value
in each component, I use the following code to do that.
// this code i write in dll or bpl file
procedure getReportParams(Form : Tform); stdcall;
i : integer;
str, cbstr : string;
b : boolean;
for i:=0 to Form.ComponentCount-1 do
str:=str+Form.Components[i].Name+' - '+Form.Components[i].ClassName+', ';
if (Form.Components[i] is TcxLookupComboBox) then
showmessage('test 1');
// if i uncomment the code below, the program get error Einvalidcast
// cbstr:=(Form.Components[i] as TcxDBLookupComboBox).Text;
// if (Form.Components[i] as TcxDBLookUpCombobox).Parent=Form.FindComponent('pnledit') then
// showmessage((Form.Components[i] as TcxDBLookUpCombobox).Name);
// this showmessage work well in dll, bpl, or other unit
if b then
showmessage(cbstr+' true') else showmessage(cbstr+' false');
simple question is how to write code cbstr:=(Form.Components[i] as TcxDBLookupComboBox).Text; with corecly without get EInvalidCast error?
Btw if i write this code in other unit, dll and bpl program get error but if i write that code in same unit (unit report) the code work well. thank for advance.
Your problem is that the classes in your DLL are different from the classes in your executable. You have two instances of these classes, even thought they are compiled from the same code. The compiler is accurate when it says that the object is not the class that you cast it to. You simply cannot share Delphi classes using DLLs.
The solution is either:
Compile all your code into a single executable.
Use runtime packages to share classes.
In your scenario it's not enough that you put your code in a package. The problem are the devexpresses classes. You need to link to those using runtime packages. Because you are not doing so you have multiple different versions of those classes.
You note that the results of the is operator appear to be at odds with the ClassName function. Well, that's because all the different versions of the class have the same name.
I also note that the issue you are encountering is the same as in your earlier question: How can I pass TForm to a DLL as parameter? The explanation and advice from the answer you accepted there apply equally here.
If you already used a (Foo is TSomething) type check, then you know that foo is a TSomething and you can use a static cast: TSomething(Foo)
If you are trying to link this code in another Executable or dll, you probably have not included the correct units IF IT FAILS TO COMPILE, AND IF it fails at runtime, you didn't turn the BPL link option on (Use Runtime PACKAGES, and make sure the list of package names is complete). Remember that checking "something is TSomething" you are comparing a class declaration with another live object's class. A class is not defined by the string name. It's actually type information linked into your application.
When you link a DLL (without runtime packages) you actually may have linked TSomething into your main EXE and into your DLL, and they are TWO DIFFERENT copies of the class with the same name and the name matters not one bit. When you compare for identity, there's no way to know at runtime that they were the same thing. SO they aren't.
You think about code the way you see it written on the screen. When it runs, it's been compiled into code, and the types are simply data in the exe or DLL. So TSomething-in-myexe.exe is not the same class as TSomething-in-mydll.dll.
If you want them to be the same, turn on Use Runtime Packages (BPLs) for all places where you want to compare type information between different compiled parts. In particular passing pointers or references to VCL types between non-bpl-enabled linked targets is not going to work the way you thought it would.
You should also make sure that the list of runtime packages contains the package that defines that class you're using. (TcxSomething is probably a developer express component, go find what package BPL it is defined in.)

How can I get a list of classes defined in my project at run time?

I want to load all classes from a current project in a TList. If I read the dpr file like a normal file it will return me only strings. I want to get all the classes defined in the dpr file and their names. Does someone know how to do that?
In the Delphi IDE, all classes are available in the .dcu files, corresponding to each .pas files. Those .dcu files have a proprietary binary evolving format, so can not be used outside the IDE.
At program execution, and within the exe file, there is no list of all existing classes. You can retrieve information about a known class using the RTTI functions (see TypInfo.pas and relatives as stated by the Embarcadero documentation). So at runtime, you just can retrieve information from a given class: you can use e.g. anObject.ClassName or anObject.ClassType methods.
But I suspect you want to retrieve all classes defined in a project, from its source code. For this, you will need a source code parser, which will extract the logic from the .pas files. In short, the parser will read the .dpr then all necessary .pas files source code, interpret the object pascal type definitions, and create a list of units, classes, methods and properties. There are several parsers around: see for instance PasDoc or the version we embedded in SynProject.
Additional note - for an exhaustive list: If you generate a .map file during the compilation, this text file will contain all symbol names of the executable, including the classes. You'll have to parse it, but won't have much information to deal with, since there is no easy way of guessing if each symbol is a class or a record, for instance, or about classes inheritances or properties... This .map is intended about execution debugging, not RTTI.

Getting a DLL class procedure address in Delphi

I have a DLL file from which I need the memory address of a class procedure. I am getting the handle to the DLL file, but when I use GetProcAddress, I can't get the address of the procedure. I have tried the following strings for the process name parameter:
In none of the cases have I gotten the memory address of the procedure. I am mostly certain that the procedure is public.
What is the string format for doing this? Would it be easier to declare a function pointing to the external procedure and get the address later? Like this:
procedure ProcName(); stdcall; far; external 'Example.DLL';
ProcPointer := #ProcName;
GetProcAddress only gives you the address for exported functions. Your DLL surely doesn't export the methods of a class!
Use an PE explorer to look for the exported names. For example, use the PE explorer available in GExperts. I've got a "PE Information" menu entry under the GExperts menu.
You are into reverse engineering territory here.
I think that if I were you I would just step through in the CPU view of the debugger, following a call to the method of interest, and find the entry point address. I'd subtract it from the base address of the DLL and that would be the offset. Then to calculate the address at runtime you just add the offset it to the base address of the DLL in memory at that time. You can find out the base address with calls to LoadLibrary or GetModuleHandle.
Why hard code the offset? Well, since you can't modify your DLL it doesn't seem to be too limiting. If hard coding the offset is not viable then there are other means of locating entry points, but I must admit I'm not the world's greatest expert on that.
Finally, when you implement the replacement method, you will need to replace it with a global function/procedure with an extra parameter, the first parameter, which takes the place of Self.
I might be reading this wrong. But it seems to me you wrote the DLL.
You should write a function that is NOT a member of any class, and export it from your DLL. Inside that function, call your class method.
If you didn't write the DLL, you still need to find out what functions it exports, and it is very unlikely any of them were class methods, at least not in Pascal.
If someone wrote a dll in C++ and exported its methods, then you would have to investigate C++ name mangling rules.

What is the difference between types defined in the implementation as compared to the interface section of a unit?

Almost all of the Delphi code I have read has all the class type definitions in the units interface section, but I have seen occasional use of type definitions within the implementation section.
What exactly is the difference between these, and why would I use this?
It's pretty simple: types defined in implementation only are only visible within the implementation, so they cannot be used as types of arguments or return values in the interface. So, position your type definitions (like anything else;-) based on whether those types are only an implementation detail, or something you want to make visible externally, i.e., through the interface!
Scope. Interface declarations are public and availabe to other units when that unit is include in the Uses clause. Implementation declarations are private and only available within that specific Unit.
There is a general difference between code changes in interface and the code changes implementation during compilation. If you add a class to or change an existing class in the interface section then every unit that references the changed unit will need to be recompiled. However a change in the implementation section (a new subclass or code changes) will only required the recompilation of that unit and the IDE will link the previously compiled DCU plus the new one together to create the EXE file.
Overall the major benefit, is that it allows you to design you code to hide implementation details - define the parent class in the interface and any subclasses in the implementation. Or define classes in the implementation if they are solely needed to implement the behavious of a class/method available in the interface section.
