How to dynamically generate urls used by grails.plugins.springsecurity? - grails

This is not one of the simple questions.. So let me explain it in detail...
The background:
In my grails application I have this mapping:
class UrlMappings {
static mappings = {
This means that all url's my application will process has preceding url parameter "storeId". All controllers will use this parameter to render content and perform other actions...
Also I have controller with annotation
class SomeController {
def index = {
// ...
Let's say user is trying to access this page:
If this is unauthenticated user, security-plugin will redirect him to the
The issue is:
When spring-security will redirect to this page, user will see 404. This happens because login controller will handle only urls like
The question is:
What should I do to dynamically build this url?
It turns out that:
There is config param for
spring-security, called
"auth.loginFormUrl". But this is just
static text. And I need to build this
url based on what url influenced this
The redirection is done (I'm not 100%
sure) in
But how to override it?

Typically that's a static value, but it's called from LoginUrlAuthenticationEntryPoint.getLoginFormUrl(), so you could subclass that and do a dynamic calculation of the url in an overridden method. The plugin already subclasses it with org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.springsecurity.AjaxAwareAuthenticationEntryPoint so you should extend that.
To register your implementation instead of the plugins, add a bean override in grails-app/conf/spring/resources.groovy:
import com.yourcompany.yourapp.YourAuthenticationEntryPoint
beans = {
authenticationEntryPoint(YourAuthenticationEntryPoint) {
loginFormUrl = '/login/auth' // has to be specified even though it's ignored
ajaxLoginFormUrl = '/login/authAjax'
portMapper = ref('portMapper')
portResolver = ref('portResolver')
You don't have direct access to the request in this method, but it's available in a thread-local - call org.codehaus.groovy.grails.plugins.springsecurity.SecurityRequestHolder.getRequest().


Applying a Grails filter to login URL

In my Grails 2.5.X app I'm using the Spring Security REST plugin and have configured the login URL like so in Config.groovy = '/internal/login'
I need to apply a filter to this URL and am attempting to do this with
class GrailsFilters {
def filters = {
login(uri: '/internal/login') {
before = {
// implementation omitted
after = { Map model ->
// implementation omitted
But for some odd reason the filter never gets called. Is there something special about the login endpoint which means it can't be filtered?
Yes, there is something special about it. It uses a servlet filter (chain there of) which have a higher priority than the Grails filter you are trying to use.
If you need to intercept the call you'll need to create your own filter in the Spring Security filter chain. The documentation has an entire section that goes into the details.

Override Grails redirect method

I'm carrying the locale of my Grails application in the URL, such as
Therefore, I adjusted the URLMappings.groovy with the language attribute. Since I would like to save work and don't apply the lang parameter at every link, I have overridden the g:link taglib with the language from params.lang. This works pretty good.
When I do a redirect from a controller, such as
redirect(action: "logout")
I'd like to append the params.lang automatically instead of writing every time
redirect(action: "logout", params: [lang: params.lang])
I found the thread grails override redirect controller method, but I'm unsure how to proceed. Where does this code take part?
How can I override the redirect() method and add the params.lang-attribute?
Please advice, thank you very much.
The easiest way to do this in your application would be to use a bit of meta programming and the BootStrap.groovy for your Grails application. The following is just a simple example of what that might look like:
import org.codehaus.groovy.grails.web.servlet.GrailsApplicationAttributes
class BootStrap {
def init = { servletContext ->
def ctx = servletContext.getAttribute(GrailsApplicationAttributes.APPLICATION_CONTEXT)
def app = ctx.getBean("grailsApplication")
app.controllerClasses.each() { controllerClass ->
def oldRedirect = controllerClass.metaClass.pickMethod("redirect", [Map] as Class[])
controllerClass.metaClass.redirect = { Map args ->
// new pre-redirect logic
if (!args['params']) args['params'] = [:] // just in case redirect was called without any parameters
args['params']['whatever'] = 'something' // add something into the parameters map
oldRedirect.invoke delegate, args
// new post-redirect logic
def destroy = {
The above example just wraps the implementation for redirect on all controllers within your Grails application and injects a new parameter called whatever with the value of something.
The above was tested (quickly) using Grails 2.4.2.

Hide the ID in the URL

In Grails the URL like this
is there a way to hide or to encrypt the id part
i need to do this to prevent users to access others data , for instance my ID is 3 , i could access other user's data by typing
You can encode the url. If you replace the 2 with %32, the browser will still interpret it as the character 2. Here is a complete list of characters.
You can send POST request instead of GET - this is an easy way of hiding such a request parameters f.e. in server log files.
Or you can play with GRAILS codecs.
I would not hide the ID from the url. Why? because this would only mask the problem.
Consider having a class defined as :
class Post {
String title
String content
User user //you need this to keep track of the posts owner
//You could use your own custom class or the one used in spring security
If you use Spring Security Core, you would use a fucntion similar to:
def springSecurityService
def myFunction(Long id){
def postInstance =
if ( ==(long){
// springSecurityService?.principal?.id retrieves the id of the user in session
//... redirect to details of whatever you need
//... redirect because it is not the owner of the post
//... Redirect or something
If you are using a simple session you would need to have a function like
def myFunction(Long id){
def postInstance =
long userId = session["user_id"]
if(postInstance && userId > 0){
if ( ==userId){
//... redirect to details of whatever you need
//... redirect because it is not the owner of the post
//... Redirect or something
The logic is very similar. Still in my humble opinion you should use the spring Security plugin.

Grails Spring Security: Logging in with a target URL skips post authentication workflow

In my grails app I have customized the post authorization workflow by writing a custom auth success handler (in resources.groovy) as shown below.
authenticationSuccessHandler (MyAuthSuccessHandler) {
def conf = SpringSecurityUtils.securityConfig
requestCache = ref('requestCache')
defaultTargetUrl = conf.successHandler.defaultTargetUrl
alwaysUseDefaultTargetUrl = conf.successHandler.alwaysUseDefault
targetUrlParameter = conf.successHandler.targetUrlParameter
useReferer = conf.successHandler.useReferer
redirectStrategy = ref('redirectStrategy')
superAdminUrl = "/admin/processSuperAdminLogin"
adminUrl = "/admin/processAdminLogin"
userUrl = "/admin/processUserLogin"
As you can from the last three lines in the closure above, depending on the Role granted to the logging in User I am redirecting her to separate actions within the AdminController where a custom UserSessionBean is created and stored in the session.
It works fine for a regular login case which in my app is like so:
User comes to the app via either http://localhost:8080/my-app/ OR http://localhost:8080/my-app/login/auth
She enters her valid login id and password and proceeds.
The app internally accesses MyAuthSuccessHandler which redirects to AdminController considering the Role granted to this User.
The UserSessionBean is created and stored it in the session
User is taken to the app home page
I have also written a custom MyUserDetailsService by extending GormUserDetailsService which is correctly accessed in the above flow.
Consider a user directly accessing a protected resource (in this case the controller is secured with #Secured annotation) within the app.
User clicks http://localhost:8080/my-app/inbox/index
App redirects her to http://localhost:8080/my-app/login/auth
User enters her valid login id and password
User is taken to http://localhost:8080/my-app/inbox/index
The MyAuthSuccessHandler is skipped entirely in this process and hence my UserSessionBean is not created leading to errors upon further use in places where the UserSessionBean is accessed.
In the problem scenario, does the app skip the MyAuthSuccessHandler because there is a target URL for it to redirect to upon login?
Can we force the process to always pass through MyAuthSuccessHandler even with the target URL present?
If the answer to 2 is no, is there an alternative as to how and where the UserSessionBean can still be created?
You can implement a customized eventListener to handle the post-login process, without disrupting the original user requested url.
In config.groovy, insert a config item:
grails.plugins.springsecurity.useSecurityEventListener = true
In you resources.groovy, add a bean like this:
import com.yourapp.auth.LoginEventListener
beans = {
And create a eventListener in src/groovy like this:
package com.yourapp.auth
import org.springframework.context.ApplicationListener;
import org.springframework.web.context.request.RequestContextHolder as RCH
class LoginEventListener implements
ApplicationListener<InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent> {
//deal with successful login
void onApplicationEvent(InteractiveAuthenticationSuccessEvent event) {
User.withTransaction {
def user = User.findByUsername(event.authentication.principal.username)
def adminRole = Role.findByAuthority('ROLE_ADMIN')
def userRole = Role.findByAuthority('ROLE_USER')
def session = RCH.currentRequestAttributes().session //get httpSession
session.user = user
else if(user.authorities.contains(userRole)){
private void processAdminLogin(){ //move admin/processAdminLogin here
private void processUserLogin(){ //move admin/processUserLogin here
1) Yes, because it is an "on-demand" log in.
2) Yes, you can set it to always use default. The spring security plugin has a setting for it "successHandler.alwaysUseDefault" change that to true it defaults to false.
Also if you need more details check out the spring docs look for the Setting a Default Post-Login Destination section.
3) If you want to still create the user session bean and then redirect to the original URL you have two options create the bean in an earlier filter or expose the needed data via a custom UserDetailsService. Personally I would go the route of a custom details service.

dependency inject Grails Webflow

Is it possible to inject a Spring bean into a Grails webflow? I tried the following
class CheckoutController {
ShoppingService shoppingService
def checkoutFlow = {
start {
action {
// This attempt to access the service doesn't work
flow.addresses = shoppingService.getOrder()
I can access shoppingService from a regular controller action, but I can't access it from an action of the webflow (see above).
add the following to your controller:
def transient shoppingService
There are issues with dependency injection with webflows in controllers that contain traditional actions plus webflows. It worked for me if the traditional action executed first.
Webflows also break notions of defaultAction in mixed controllers. I have found the first webflow wins and becomes the default action.
separately using transient keeps your service from be serialized between flow states. (e.g. don't have to implement serializable)
At first I thought what you listed was pseudocode but I made a sample app using your example and got the NPE as well. I think it may be your flow structure that is the problem. action blocks should go within a flow state. Your flow definition should look something like:
class CheckoutController {
ShoppingService shoppingService
def checkoutFlow = {
start {
action {
flow.addresses = shoppingService.getOrder()
if(flow.addresses) {
else {
on("showForm").to "showForm"
on("showError").to "showError"
showError {
You can definitely use injected services in your web flows. I am guessing that the problem lies in your flow structure.
