Common Lisp struggle with read-byte/write-byte - stream

I want to be able to write bytes and read them from standard input/output but when I try this in SBCL I get the error "The stream has no suitable method[...]", why is this and how would I go about to make my own stream which can handle bytes?

This seems to be because the standard input and output streams are streams with element type character, not (unsigned-byte 8). The element type of a stream is usually configured, when the stream is opened, which, in the case of standard input/output, is done automatically when the interpreter starts.
However, SBCL has the notion of bivalent streams, which can support both, character and byte-oriented I/O. As it happens, on my machine,
* (read-byte *standard-input* nil)
* (read-char *standard-input* nil)
works fine. So, which version of SBCL are you using? Mine is SBCL 1.0.49.


OCaml Marshal very large data structure

I would like to send a very large (~8GB) datastructure through the network, so I use the Marshal module to transform it into Bytes.
My problem is that the memory doubles, because we need to store both representations (initial data and Marshaled data).
Is there a simple way to Marshal into a Stream instead ? This would avoid to have the full Marshalled representation of the initial datastructure.
I thought of Marshaling to an out_channel in which I opened a pipe with a second thread and reading from the pipe in the main thread into s Stream, but I guess there might be a simpler solution.
Thanks !
Edit: Answer to a comment:
In the toplevel :
let a = Array.make (1024*1024*1024) 0. ;; (* Takes 8GB of RAM *)
let data = Marshal.to_bytes a [Marshal.Closures] ;; (* Takes an extra 8GB *)
It's not possible. You would have to modify the Marshal module to stream the data as it marshals something and to reconstruct the data in place without buffering it all first.
In the short run it might be simpler to implement your own specialized marshal function specific to your data. For an 8GiB array you might want to switch to using BigArray so you can send/recv the data without having to copy it.
Note: A 8GiB array will use 16GiB if the GC ever copies it, at least temporary.
From what I understand, MPI only allows to send data packets with a known size, not a stream of data. You could implement a custom stream type that split an incoming flow of data to packets of constant, small size (on close, you flush whatever remains in the buffer).
Also, you only can marshall arbitrary long data to a channel, because otherwise you take up too many space.
And then, you need to have a way to connect the channel to the stream, which AFAIK is not easily possible. Maybe you could start antoer ocaml process: the process would convert the flow of bytes (you can wrap a custom stream over Stream.of_channel) and send it through MPI. The main process would marshall data to the process's input channel.

How to convert hexadecimal data (stored in a string variable) to an integer value

Edit (abstract)
I tried to interpret Char/String data as Byte, 4 bytes at a time. This was because I could only get TComport/TDatapacket to interpret streamed data as String, not as any other data type. I still don't know how to get the Read method and OnRxBuf event handler to work with TComport.
Problem Summary
I'm trying to get data from a mass spectrometer (MS) using some Delphi code. The instrument is connected with a serial cable and follows the RS232 protocol. I am able to send commands and process the text-based outputs from the MS without problems, but I am having trouble with interpreting the data buffer.
From the user manual of this instrument:
"With the exception of the ion current values, the output of the RGA are ASCII character strings terminated by a linefeed + carriage return terminator. Ion signals are represented as integers in units of 10^-16 Amps, and transmitted directly in hex format (four byte integers, 2's complement format, Least Significant Byte first) for maximum data throughput."
I'm not sure whether (1) hex data can be stored properly in a string variable. I'm also not sure how to (2) implement 2's complement in Delphi and (3) the Least Significant Byte first.
Following #David Heffernan 's advice, I went and revised my data types. Attempting to harvest binary data from characters doesn't work, because not all values from 0-255 can be properly represented. You lose data along the way, basically. Especially it your data is represented 4 bytes at a time.
The solution for me was to use the Async Professional component instead of Denjan's Comport lib. It handles datastreams better and has a built-in log that I could use to figure out how to interpret streamed resposes from the instrument. It's also better documented. So, if you're new to serial communications (like I am), rather give that a go.

GNURADIO 3.7.8: identify a part of a byte stream

I am feeling Stream Tags, Message Passing, Packet Data Transmission are a bit of overkill, and I have hard time to understand.
I have a simple wish: starting from a stream of bytes I would like to "extract" only a fixed number of bytes) starting from a known pattern. For example from a stream like this: ...01h 55h XXh YYh ZZh..., it should extract XXh YYh ZZh.
I utilized Correlate Access Code Tag block -- Tagged Stream Align -- Pack K Bits to convert a bit stream into a byte stream and synch to the desired Access Code (01h 55h), but how do I tell gnuradio to only process 3 bytes after every time the code is found? Likely OOT block would solve, but is it there some combinatino of standard GRC block to do this?
I think with correllate_access_code_tag_bb you can actually build this, with a bit of brain-twisting, from existing blocks alone. (Note: this does rely on stream tags, because those are the right tool to mark special points in a sample flow.)
However, your simple case might really not be worth it. Simply follow the guided tutorials up to the point where you can write your own python block.
Use self.set_history(len(preamble)+len_payload) in the constructor of your new block to make sure you always see the last samples of the previous iteration in your current call to work, and simply search for the preamble in your sample stream, outputting only the len_payload following bytes when you find it, not producing anything if you don't find it.

Using PARSE on a PORT! value

I tried using PARSE on a PORT! and it does not work:
>> parse open %test-data.r [to end]
** Script error: parse does not allow port! for its input argument
Of course, it works if you read the data in:
>> parse read open %test-data.r [to end]
== true
...but it seems it would be useful to be able to use PARSE on large files without first loading them into memory.
Is there a reason why PARSE couldn't work on a PORT! ... or is it merely not implemented yet?
the easy answer is no we can't...
The way parse works, it may need to roll-back to a prior part of the input string, which might in fact be the head of the complete input, when it meets the last character of the stream.
ports copy their data to a string buffer as they get their input from a port, so in fact, there is never any "prior" string for parse to roll-back to. its like quantum physics... just looking at it, its not there anymore.
But as you know in rebol... no isn't an answer. ;-)
This being said, there is a way to parse data from a port as its being grabbed, but its a bit more work.
what you do is use a buffer, and
APPEND buffer COPY/part connection amount
Depending on your data, amount could be 1 byte or 1kb, use what makes sense.
Once the new input is added to your buffer, parse it and add logic to know if you matched part of that buffer.
If something positively matched, you remove/part what matched from the buffer, and continue parsing until nothing parses.
you then repeat above until you reach the end of input.
I've used this in a real-time EDI tcp server which has an "always on" tcp port in order to break up a (potentially) continuous stream of input data, which actually piggy-backs messages end to end.
The best way to setup this system is to use /no-wait and loop until the port closes (you receive none instead of "").
Also make sure you have a way of checking for data integrity problems (like a skipped byte, or erroneous message) when you are parsing, otherwise, you will never reach the end.
In my system, when the buffer was beyond a specific size, I tried an alternate rule which skipped bytes until a pattern might be found further down the stream. If one was found, an error was logged, the partial message stored and a alert raised for sysadmin to sort out the message.
I think that Maxim's answer is good enough. At this moment the parse on port is not implemented. I don't think it's impossible to implement it later, but we must solve other issues first.
Also as Maxim says, you can do it even now, but it very depends what exactly you want to do.
You can parse large files without need to read them completely to the memory, for sure. It's always good to know, what you expect to parse. For example all large files, like files for music and video, are divided into chunks, so you can just use copy|seek to get these chunks and parse them.
Or if you want to get just titles of multiple web pages, you can just read, let's say, first 1024 bytes and look for the title tag here, if it fails, read more bytes and try it again...
That's exactly what must be done to allow parse on port natively anyway.
And feel free to add a WISH in the CureCode database:

Is stdout line buffered, unbuffered or indeterminate by default?

Section 7.19.3/7 of c99 states that:
At program start-up, three text streams are predefined and need not be opened explicitly - standard input (for reading conventional input), standard output (for writing conventional output), and standard error (for writing diagnostic output).
As initially opened, the standard error stream is not fully buffered; the standard input and standard output streams are fully buffered if and only if the stream can be determined not to refer to an interactive device.
So that makes sense. If you're pushing your standard output to a file, you want it fully buffered for efficiency.
But I can find no mention in the standard as to whether the output is line buffered or unbuffered when you can't determine the device is non-interactive (ie, normal output to a terminal).
The reason I ask was a comment to my answer here that I should insert an fflush(stdout); between the two statements:
printf ("Enter number> ");
// fflush (stdout); needed ?
if (fgets (buff, sizeof(buff), stdin) == NULL) { ... }
because I wasn't terminating the printf with a newline. Can anyone clear this up?
The C99 standard does not specify if the three standard streams are unbuffered or line buffered: It is up to the implementation. All UNIX implementations I know have a line buffered stdin. On Linux, stdout in line buffered and stderr unbuffered.
As far as I know, POSIX does not impose additional restrictions. POSIX's fflush page does note in the EXAMPLES section:
[...] The fflush() function is used because standard output is usually buffered and the prompt may not immediately be printed on the output or terminal.
So the remark that you add fflush(stdout); is correct.
An alternative could be to make stdout unbuffered:
setbuf(stdout, NULL);
/* or */
setvbuf(stdout, NULL, _IONBF, 0);
But as R. notes you can only do this once, and it must be before you write to stdout or perform any other operantion on it. (C99 2)
I just read a recent thread on comp.lang.c about the same thing. One of the remarks:
Unix convention is that stdin and stdout are line-buffered when associated with a terminal, and fully-buffered (aka block-buffered) otherwise. stderr is always unbuffered.
