how publish and view mvc website basic steps -

First time I am trying to publish an mvc website. So far I have published it to a local folder and using IIS I have made the folder a virtual folder. How do I run the website from my browser and how to start it with Account/LogOn?

Here is the link of Video tutorial release by ScottGu regarding MVC deployment and study hope this will help you

There are many articles and tutorials out there about deploying ASP.NET MVC applications. Once IIS is configured you simply point your browser to http://localhost/NameOfTheApp/Home/Index and you should be ready to go.

First which version is there on remote server. For your account logon i am assuming that you are using default membership provider. I normally include membership provider table in my database. If you are running on IIS 6.0 then you have to made some changes as mentioned by Haacked on his blog. While publishing make sure that mvc dll in made copy local and is there on your bin folder on remote site. First publish the site on local and if it is running properly upload it on remote server set the connectionstring as told by your hosting provider


How to deploy MVC 5 web application in IIS 8 server in Windows 8.1?

I have developed MVC 5 web application in VS 2013 and I want to deploy that application in IIS 8 but its give me error as per given image.
Make sure you've given IIS_IUSRS group READ permission to the wwwroot directory. (if it requires additional permissions, Read & Execute might be necessary).
There's also a IUSR that may need READ permission as well.
If you're deploying to the default web site in IIS you can safely publish to the default website's directory and be up and running.
However, if you're deploying an ASP.NET MVC site to a subdirectory of the default site, or to a new directory on the server, you will need to create a new web site, or convert the subdirectory (when publishing under the default site) to an application.
If this is your first time setting up a site on IIS, Microsoft has documentation on the steps to follow in the learn section of ASP.NET.

How do you publish an MVC application from Visual Studio 2013 to your local network?

I made a simple MVC web application in Visual Studio 2013, and I want to deploy it so it can be accessed from the browser on other computers on my local network. I have tried right-clicking my project > Publish (not sure what settings to use, Web Deploy, Web deploy package, File system,
I published the website to my inetpub/wwwroot folder.
I managed to get IIS up an running, I've tried adding an application in the manager and editing the permissions to Everyone. I tried navigating to localhost/application_name but I was getting errors about not being configured to list the directory. I enabled directory browsing, but that just means it now shows a list of the files. How do I get it to actually run the app when I navigate to it in the browser?
Am I close?
Edit: currently trying this (although this I think is a step or two ahead of where I am)
Also tried this: no luck so far
You can use IIS Express which comes with visual studio 2013. I've used this method to allow other members of the staff to access the website that is in my computer. Scott Hanselman has done a great post which I use every time when I want to expose a website hosted in local iis express to others in the same network.
If you have any queries, let me know. Hope this helps
When I want to use IIS Express within Visual Studio for development, but allow local network users to see a version of my site, I tend to create a publish profile in VS that publishes to the local file system (e.g. C:\Publish\<yourwebsite>). Then from IIS Manager create a new website pointed to that same folder and it should be accessible to you via http://localhost and to network users via http://<your-pc-name> or http://<your-local-ip>.
You will need to add an exception to Windows Firewall to permit HTTP requests (i.e. port 80) through to your local machine, but if you have configured IIS correctly they should see the website.
It is possible to make IIS Express available to remote clients but that's not what it's designed for so really you're better off going down the IIS route since this will allow you to test the configuration as it would be on a live/production setting at the same time.
Check this, and old version of the same question. I'd bet you need to install IIS locally
Use Visual Studio web server in local network
You need to enable IIS on the host as IIS Express is not built with that in mind. Its for debugging purposes.
You've also not mentioned your binding configurations or your app pool settings.
Here is a comprehensive tutorial on how to publish your application using IIS IIS Video tutorial
You will need to ensure the binding that you specify is available across the network and that the connecting clients have permissions.
The issue was that was not registered with IIS
Opened command prompt as administrator
Navigated to C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework64\v4.0.30319
Ran aspnet_regiis -iru
Now web app runs in IIS

Deploying ASP.NET Web API App to IIS 7 On Different Server

I have been literally stuck for hours trying to deploy a Web API app to IIS. I can not believe there are no useful tutorials online anywhere that I can find. Here is my situation.
I have a VERY basic Web API app. It is using .NET Framework 4.0. It doesn't do anything I just want to see the home page at this point.
I am developing it in Visual Studio 2012 on my local machine. I can hit my localhost and see the home page, even post some data through Fiddler works great.
I publish the solution using Build->Publish to my local file system.
I then copy and paste everything in that directory to my web server (actually using a repository but for simplicity sake)
I created a brand new application pool in IIS. .NET 4.0 Integrated.
I placed the folder that contains my published code inside of the directory of my main website. The folder name is WebAPI.
I created a new website in IIS, attached to that new app pool I created.
I start the website, browse it on localhost and everything works perfectly.
I try to go to the website externally "" and get a
403.14 - Forbidden The Web server is configured to not list the contents of this directory.
I'm sure I'm doing something wrong, I've never deployed an MVC app to IIS on another server. I'm able to deploy it just fine on my local machine through IIS too. What am I missing? Thanks!
Edit: Yes, my server has other .NET 4.0 apps running just fine.
Is this correct?
If so, looks like it could be a path problem.

How to edit the user details stored in aspnetdb without web administration tool?

I have MVC application which uses membership. I configured the user details from local system using Asp.Net web site administration tool. Now I have deployed the site in server and I need to change the password. Now I have the ASPNETDB.MDF file in the App_Data folder.
How to edit the details?
Adding ASP.Net MVC Membership Starter Kit to your project is a great place to start, if you see ongoing edits being required.
You could do one of a couple of things. You can copy the MDF from the site to the local machine, and then change the details there, then copy the MDF back over, or you can implement a web page that changes the password using the SqlMembershipProvider.ChangePassword method.
You must call the method MembershipProvider.ChangePassword. See

Any tutorials about how to create an ASP.NET MVC 2 website and run it against Local IIS Web Server (not use Cassini)

does anyone have any good links/tutorials about how to create a simple ASP.NET MVC website, and have it run against a Local IIS7 Web Server, instead of the default Visual Studio Development Server (aka Cassini).
Yes, i tried google, but i fail at getting some good keywords, etc.
Cheers :)
Here are my steps:
In IIS, Sites -> Add Web Site...
Fill in the name, whatever you want.
Set the physical path where your app is located.
In the Host Name option, type for example
Hit OK
Then I update the hosts file located in $windir$\System32\drivers\etc
Adding the line
Don´t forget changing in the application pool of the created website the framework version.
I´m sure there must be other ways, I just follow this steps every time I want to create a new site in my local IIS and it works.
Good luck!
