What is the equivalent of g_param_spec_boxed() in Vala?
These functions are not bound. It wouldn't be a big deal to bind them, so you can request them by reporting a bug.
Anyway, unless you're doing something at run-time, you should use Vala properties such as:
public class Foo {
public YourStruct your_struct { get; set; }
Which will create a property named your_struct for the boxed type YourStruct.
Using EF Core 1.1 and Asp Core 1.1 on Mac
With a model like
public class Model {
public int? Id { get; set; }
public string OtherProp { get; set; }
And an action
public class ModelController
public Model Get(int? id)
Accessing the url /model/10 fails with a message The key value at position 0 of the call to 'DbSet<Model>.Find' was of type 'int', which does not match the property type of 'Nullable<int>'
The error message is clear but my question is if there is a way to make this work, it seems like a very common use case and one that used to work in previous versions.
I tried casting id to int? but it didn't work. Any ideas?
Also, in case it's useful this is the line that's breaking in EF
Looking at the code you've already linked: this cannot work, since the CLR gives you always the underlying type for a null-able instance. (Don't know why, had similar issues before...)
In code: typeof(int?) != ((int?)1).GetType().
Thus, comparing the type of the property (int?) and the type of the argument will always fail. You have to ask the EF Core team to add support for null-able types for that.
Related: Nullable type is not a nullable type?
public int val { get; set construct; }
public int val { get; set; }
Both can be 'publicly' read, 'publicly' written, and written in constructor... Are the two equal?
This has something to do with GObject style construction.
The parameter is installed using the G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT ParamFlag when construct is specified.
I haven't looked deeper into properties yet, but as I understand it so far it means that the property is set early in the construction process when this flag is set.
There is also a G_PARAM_CONSTRUCT_ONLY flag that allows the property to be set only at construction time. I don't know if Vala has support for this though.
It's mentioned in the Object Construction topic of the GObject manual.
This has been driving me nuts for a week now.
I have a class that looks like this:
public class SuggestionVote
public virtual int ID { get; set; }
public virtual Suggestion Suggestion { get; set; }
public virtual User User { get; set; }
public virtual VoteTypeWrapper VoteType { get; set; }
public virtual DateTime DateVoted { get; set; }
// Equality overrides omitted
VoteTypeWrapper is actually an enum wrapper based on an article on how to fake enums in Entity Framework 4 and looks like this:
public class VoteTypeWrapper
private VoteType _type;
public int Value
get { return (int)_type; }
set { _type = (VoteType)value; }
public VoteType EnumValue
get { return _type; }
set { _type = value; }
public static implicit operator VoteTypeWrapper(VoteType voteType)
return new VoteTypeWrapper { EnumValue = voteType };
public static implicit operator VoteType(VoteTypeWrapper voteTypeWrapper)
return voteTypeWrapper == null ? VoteType.NotVoted : voteTypeWrapper.EnumValue;
with the VoteType enumeration being:
public enum VoteType
I've also defined a ComplexType in the model designer:
<ComplexType Name="VoteTypeWrapper" >
<Property Type="Int32" Name="Value" Nullable="false" />
The voting system I'm implementing works somewhat like StackOverflow's voting system: The user can vote up or down; voting a second time undoes the previous vote, and voting in the opposite direction (i.e., down when previously voted up) undoes the vote as well.
Now for the problem. Voting once works like a charm and all the values are correctly saved to the database. Undoing a vote, however, refuses to work. To undo a vote I basically mark the vote to undo for deletion and then call SaveChanges on the context.
As soon as I do that an InvalidOperationException occurs giving me the following message:
The entity of type 'System.Data.Entity.DynamicProxies.SuggestionVote_4A3949F5B95E9A51567509467230FD7CEA0FB7761C3AC9C8C2BBC62BCAA033AF'
references the same complex object of type 'Web.Model.VoteTypeWrapper' more than once.
Complex objects cannot be referenced multiple times by the same entity.
I just don't get it. Down anyone know what I could be doing wrong? I've been Googleing for day but to no avail
Well, I've finally decided to work around it but simply mapping an int property instead of a ComplexType. I have also added a (non-mapped) helper property to avoid having to cast constantly from int to VoteType.
I would still love to get an answer for my problem so if you can help it I would appreciate it. I'll give it a couple of days before I mark my own answer as correct.
EDIT: Since I've gotten no answer whatsoever to this, m marking my own answer as good.
I've just encountered the same problem. I have a class that contains a complex type that contains another complex type. Let's call them Class1, Complex1 and ChildComplex. My scenario is the following (I don't know if it matches yours, but the error message is exactly the same).
I retrieve from the context an instance of Class1 and perform a change in a property of Complex1. I then call SaveChanges to the context and get the same exception :
The entity of type '<Class1>' references the same complex object of type '<Complex2>' more than once.
Complex objects cannot be referenced multiple times by the same entity.
I have not found a decent workaround other than cloning the Complex1 instance, replacing the cloned version in the Class1 instance and then making the change. That way EF does not complain that it's the same complex object.
This is a really strange behaviour. If I have time (around 2038) I'll try to isolate it and report it to MS, smells like a bug...
I've just been searching for this same issue, but I've just realized I was misreading the error. Its not complaining that your entity has two properties of the same type, its complaining that your storing the 'exact' same object of that type in both properties.
In my case I was doing a lookup on an table to get my complex type, and I now realize that if the lookup returned the same value it would be the same object.
I fixed this by creating a new object of my complex type and setting its values to the same as the lookup.
Using interfaces is a very easy way to remove dependencies, but what happens when one of your classes needs a method not defined by the interface? If you're using constructor injection or a factory, how do you access that extra method without casting? Is this possible?
Here is an example of a factory with this problem. Am I trying to do something impossible? Thanks for your help.
interface IFoo {
int X { get; set; }
int Y { get; set; }
public class A : IFoo {
int X { get; set; }
int Y { get; set; }
public class B : IFoo {
int X { get; set; }
int Y { get; set; }
int Z { get; set; }
public static class FooFactory {
public static IFoo GetFoo(string AorB) {
IFoo result = null;
switch (AorB) {
case "A":
result = new A();
case "B":
result = new B();
return result;
public class FooContainer {
private IFoo foo;
public FooContainer(IFoo foo) {
this.foo = foo;
/* What methods would you define here. I'm new to IoC. */
public class Main(...) {
int x,y,z;
IFoo fooA = FooFactory.GetFoo("A");
x = foo.X;
y = foo.Y;
IFoo fooB = FooFactory.GetFoo("B");
x = foo.X;
y = foo.Y;
z = foo.Z; /* Does not compile */
z = ((B)foo).Z; /* Compiles, but adds unwanted dependency */
You do indeed need to cast. This is normal, and sometimes necessary. It is usually a sign that something is wrong though.
The ideal is that if a method/routine takes/returns an interface, then your logic only cares about the members exposed by that interface. If inside that method you find yourself checking the exact type so that you can cast to that type and call different members depending on the type, then something probably be wrong.
Let's say you have an IContact interface, and some of your entities that implement this are your classes Customer, Purchaser, and Contractor. If you have a SendChristmasCard method that takes IContact, it should only care about the IContact members. If you have logic inside this method that is doing a select Case on the obj.GetType().ToString to find out if it's a Customer or not, then:
That functionality should probably be over in the Customer-centric side of your code base, taking a Customer object as a parameter. (In your example, there would be separate logic for acting upon class A and class B.)
IContact should define common members that your SendChristmasCard method would call, and be completely ignorant of the logic that goes on inside the particular object. Each class that implements IContact would implement these member differently. (In your example, class A would also implement property B, but it wouldn't do anything with it.)
In the case where a method returns an interface and you use the object, the above still applies but in my experience it can, now and then, be best to put up with the casting. The complication you add by "fixing" the situation might make it more complicated. I would say that the further up and non-standard the logic is, just take the simple way out. SendChristmasCard is obviously not core functionality; and if an IContact factory method is only handy method that gives you All the contacts, then maybe just use that, pass it to SendChristmassCard(IContact Contact), and inside there check for the type to say "it was great buying from you this year" or "it was great selling to you this year" etc. But if this is core logic in your system, you really need to look for a better way.
Check out the Decorator Pattern though, which can help in situations like this.
When you encounter the need to downcast an object, it is usually a sign that the API could be better.
Downcasting an abstract type is a violation of the Liskov Substitution Principle. It can usually best be addressed by changing the style of the interface in question. Instead of exposing a lot of properties and queries (in CQS terminology), reverse the focus towards a more command-oriented approach. This is the Hollywood Principle.
Instead of having IFoo expose the X and Y properties, you may be able to redefine its behavior towards a set of commands:
public interface IFoo
void DoStuff();
void DoSomethingElse(string bar);
void DoIt(DateTime now);
Concrete implementations can then encapsulate whatever data they would like (such as X, Y or Z properties) without the consumer needing to know about them.
When the interface grows to become too big, it's time to apply the Interface Segregation Principle or the Single Responsibility Principle.
If you're trying to access a method that isn't available to the interface, then don't use the Factory. You're obviously hard coding a dependency...so just go with it (but only if it's really necessary).
No need to over-complicate things.
Trying to cast back to an Object type rather than the interface is going to introduce a dependency...but it's going to hide it rather than obviously expose the dependency. If somebody changes the Factory in the future and your call returns a different Object type, your code is now going to break in a non-obvious way.
I have a custom viewmodel which serialized using a JsonResult. The ViewModel has some properties which have to be public, but at the same time these properties should not be visible in the resulting Json output.
I've already tried using the [NonSerialized] attribute, but that did not seem to have any effect.
Is there any simple way to do this? Or would I have to code my own result type (in which case I probably won't bother)?
You can put a [ScriptIgnore] attribute on the members that shouldn't be serialized. See ScriptIgnoreAttribute Class in MSDN for an example.
Just create an interface to return instead of a class.
public interface IMyViewModel {
string MyPublicProperty { get; set; }
Then create a class that inherits the interface
public class MyViewModel : IMyViewModel {
public string MyPublicProperty { get; set; }
public string MyNotSoPublicProperty { get; set; }
And return the interface, not the class, in the Controller Action
public JsonResult MyJson(){
IMyViewModel model = new MyViewModel();
return Json(model);
And the resulting JSON will be
'MyPublicProperty': ''
One of the challenges in client-side scripting is, that if you're changing your classes, you have no idea whether you're destroying the client-side implementation or not. If you use interface types in your JSON, you understand that if you change the interface, you're doing something that potentially may be killing the client side implementation. And it also saves you from double-checking the client side in vain if you're changing something that is NOT in the inteface (thus not being serialized).
Also, many times, your ViewModels might have large collections or complex types in them that you don't necessarily want to output to the client. These might take a long time to serialize or expose information that simply does not belong into the client code. Using interfaces will make it more transparent to know what is being in the output.
Also, using attributes such as [ScriptIgnore] on a property only applies to a specific scenario (JavaScript Serialization) forcing you to face the exact same problem if you're later serializing to XML for example. This would unnecessarily litter your viewmodels with tons of attributes. How many of them you really want in there? Using intefaces applies anywhere and no viewmodel needs to be littered with extra attributes.
Have a look at JSON.NET from James Newton-King. It'll do what you're looking for.
Extend the JavaScriptConverter class to not include properties with the NonSerializedAttribute. Then you can create a custom ActionResult that uses your JavaScriptConverter to serialize the object.
This creates a solid and testable class without having to (re)generate wrapper classes or using anonymous objects.
You can create a wrapper class that exposes only those properties that you want in the JsonResult. In the example below, Cow has 2 properties - "Leg" and "Moo". Suppose you want to only expose "Leg" as a property. Then
Dim cw as CowWrapper = New CowWrapper(c)
will return a wrapper class that only exposes "Leg". This is also useful for things like DataGridView if you only want to display some subset of the properties.
Public Class Cow
Public ReadOnly Property Leg() as String
return "leg"
end get
end Property
Public ReadOnly Property Moo() as String
return "moo"
end get
end Property
end class
Public Class CowWrapper
Private m_cow as Cow = Nothing
Public Sub New(ByVal cow as Cow)
m_cow = cow
end Sub
m_cow = cow
Public ReadOnly Property Leg() as String
return m_cow.Leg()
end get
end Property
end Class
Not exactly the answer you're looking for, but you can cheat Json() using the following code and anonymous classes:
MyModel model = ...;
return Json(new MyModel {model.Prop1, model.Prop2});
I needed the answer to this for ASP.NET Core 6.x and couldn't find it.
I finally found the answer and it is :
Here's an example in a class
class Sample{
// Item will not be serialized
String Item{get;set;}
// Count will be serialized
int Count{get;set;}