With firebug stop loading so can see requests - post

I am trying to analyze a POST request using firebug. Using the net panel I can see the request, however when the POST has success the page then reloads and I only have a couple of seconds to actually look at the request and see what is going on. Is there a way I can pause it much like when analyzing scripts using this tool?

There is a "Persist" button on some of the tabs in Firebug. Just make sure to click it before doing your post.
[edit] Second row, third button from the left, on the Console and Net tabs.

Even better, if you're on Windows you can use Fiddler - an amazing and free HTTP debugger developed by some important guy on the Microsoft IE team.
With it you can conditionally intercept GET or POST requests, inspect and change parameters, break on responses, change responses (headers or body), reissue old requests and generally screw with your application during development.
Simply one of the most useful web development tools. Ever.
May require a little tweaking for localhost - see here

One solution would be to remove the refresh of the page from your code.
Then run your code to see the results.

You can use web developer tools plugin for Mozilla firefox, and disable meta redirects


Page form data missing in developer tools

I using the "Network" tab of the developer tools to view the submitted form data in my application.
I've tested using Chrome, FireFox quantum, and Edge. I can only view them in the Chrome browser.
Can anyone tell me why?
Note that the application works well with all browsers.
Here is the screenshot
In Edge (Microsoft Edge 44.18362.449.0)
Press F12
Under Network. Select your POSTed page.
Select the Body tab and click Request Body.
(There are two links under the Body tab: Response body and Request body.)
One thing I've noticed (and this might be your problem) is that you
should have the debug screen up first (press F12). Do this before you
Page will look something like this:
In Edge, Body > Request Body have the data that you are looking for. Please refer Edge Help
And for Firefox, please refer MDN webdocs
I was trying to login to a website using a Python script for which I needed to find the form-data header but couldn't find that for long until I came across this YouTube vid: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SvUqk683mSA where they say that you need to make sure to check Preserve log on the Network tab of the developer console because apparently the Network tab clears requests activity on every page refresh and therefore the user-login POST request would never be visible.
And once you do get the login request you were looking for, in order to get the username and password or any other form data, head to the Payload tab and you'll find your "form-data" under Request Payload. Hope this helps!

VS2013 RTM making once per second Signal R requests when I check with fiddler

When I check with Fiddler I see my new install of VS2013 is giving Continuous Signal R requests. I don't use anything to do with this in my application. How can I stop these requests which I assume are part of VS2013 trying to sync up something?
It's probably due to the BrowserLink feature mentioned here. BrowserLink uses SignalR to communicate between VS and your browsers.
Maybe log out of VisualStudio? It might also help if you tell us where VS is communicating to...
There seem to be two additional calls made by the browser-link:
a one off call made on a page render, on the same port as the site exchanging information about the mapping between Razor views and the elements. This call has __browserlink at the start of the URL.
a periodic call as part of the SignalR synchronisation. This has SignalR about 30 characters into the URL.
The former, a single call, I can live with. The other fills up my capture history.
To avoid this, in fiddler I've used the 'Hide the following Hosts' option in the Filter Tab and put something like localhost:62533 in the text box. Note that port number seems to change with each restart of VS2013.
As long as the 'Use Filters' is checked, I still see the traffic I want to (plus a one-off call for __browserlink).

Can we manage the silent print always by PHP or Jquery

print.print_always_silent use to print the page without print dialog box. My question is, can we do this my PHP / JQUERY code?. Please Help me how know well abt this.
I hope not. That would mean any website could print any document from my printer when they want. Would be a huge security hole imho
This is certainly not possible through the browser with PHP, which runs on the server. It's also not possible with javascript: browser security ensures that. Imagine what might happen if any web site could print whenever it wanted to.
There are (or were) ActiveX controls available for IE that enabled this. It might be possible with a browser extension for Chrome or Firefox if you want to explore that.
One other possibility is setting up a printer on Google Cloud Print and having your PHP server print directly to that, bypassing the browser altogether. Handling the authentication behind such a scheme could be tricky, but the API is documented on Google's site.

IOS6 Safari Ajax Spinner

I can make a CORS Ajax post work fine on IOS6, but there are some very weird behaviours in regards to the little spinner that indicates that the browser is loading something despite the request completing.
I have provided a live page that demonstrates this behaviour here
And the source for the node.js + express server is available here
Note this only occurs on IOS6, in addition it behaves inconsistently between tabs, for example you can navigate to another page on same tab and it will continue to spin, but open a second tab, load the page, then close the first tab and it goes away.
Also if you run the test page, then go to a different site using the same browser tab, the spinner will continue to spin on the new site.
So what I'm looking for is some hack that might make this behave in a sensible way, I'm not interested in not using Ajax, CORS or POST.
Thanks for taking the time and having a look.
Update: Apple have confirmed the issue but nothing more, so will just wait and see if next release fixes it. I am going to stop the test server but leave the files available.
I just came across this issue independently today too. I reduced my test case and found that this only happens on CORS request that trigger preflight requests. So it leads me to believe that it's related to two requests firing off in succession. OPTIONS and then whatever method your request is.
It also doesn't matter at what stage you firing off the request as soon as a preflight CORS request is triggered the spinner never goes away.
UPDATE: Just tried the iOS7 beta and this bug is still present.
Put this in your code.
function getUpdates() {
$.post("status.jsp", {}, function(status){
// do client-side rendering here
setTimeout(getUpdates, 5000);
}, "json");
Go to this site for more info.

issue with firefox tamper data plugin

I am facing this problem while debugging a website.
Plugin used: tamper data for fire fox;
Possibilities: its a ajax request.
as you see in the image the tamper dialog dose not show anything for this request. for other request it shows the general options.
any known issue with this.
And I also want to know if any other better tool available for analyzing websites(live or remote, not on localhost)
Tamperdata is the buggiest thing ever made, even the UI takes 50 clicks to do anything. Look for another tool. I personally use HackBar to send simple POST/GET requests (there's a version that can modify cookies per request too I think), and Wireshark or livehttpheaders (although livehttpheaders is also buggy) when I need to analyze traffic.
