Criteria building in GORM - grails

if (params.filters) {
def o = JSON.parse(params.filters);
def groupOp = o.groupOp
def fields = o.rules.field
def values =
def op = o.rules.op
println fields
println values
if(groupOp == "AND") {
fields.eachWithIndex {a, i ->
println op[i]
if(op[i].equals( "eq")) {
and{ eq(fields[i], values[i])}
if(op[i].equals("ne")) {
and{ ne(fields[i], values[i])}
if(op[i].equals("ge")) {
def valu = Double.valueOf( values[i]);
and{ ge(fields[i], valu)}
if(groupOp == "OR") {
fields.eachWithIndex {a, i ->
println op[i]
if(op[i].equals( "eq")) {
println 'eq';
or{ eq(fields[i], values[i])}
if(op[i].equals("ne")) {
println 'ne';
or{ ne(fields[i], values[i])}
if(op[i].equals("ge")) {
def valu = Double.valueOf( values[i]);
or{ ge(fields[i], valu)}
where params.filters is following JSON text.
This data is coming from JQuery data grid.
Is there a better way of doing this?
In the code I have just listed only 3 operators, but in real I have 14 operations.

You can use String as Criteria operation, like:
A.withCriteria {
'eq' (id, 1)
so you might come to something like
A.withCriteria {
(groupOp) {
for (???) {
(op[i]) (fields[i], parsedVals[i])
Anyway you'll need to sanitize the web-submitted query for only allowed subset of operations. You don't want to receive end execute arbitrary sqlRestriction, right? :D So the code is going to be more complex then this anyway.
Note: wrapping and{} or or {} around single statement has no point, you need to put it around whole block of if-s.

I suggest that you have a look at the source code of the FilterPane plugin. Its service does essentially what you are doing and may give you some ideas for enhancements.


How to make sure a string of pure whitespace is invalid with a succinct code in Swift

I am making a section with TextFields and Button("Continue") and then use .disable(isValidAddress) modifier to a whole section to disable the button. The code works well, but I am seeking any solution to make it more succinct with no need to write .hasPrefix() or .hasSuffix() to all parameters one by one.
var isValidAddress: Bool {
if name.hasPrefix(" ") || street.hasPrefix(" ") || city.hasPrefix(" ") || country.hasPrefix(" ") {
return false
} else if name.hasSuffix(" ") || street.hasSuffix(" ") || city.hasSuffix(" ") || country.hasSuffix(" ") {
return false
return true
var isValidAddress: Bool {
[street, name, city, etc..].reduce(true, { result, text in
if text.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespacesAndNewlines).isEmpty {
return false
} else {
return result
You can add them to an array and trim white space and check if empty in a loop
func isValidAddress() -> Bool {
for field in [name, street, city, country] {
if field.trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty { return false }
return true
I used a function here but a computed property works just as well.
If you don't mind moving some complexity into extensions, you can tidy up the call site. This makes it more readable, and less error prone - you can easily add in another field without mistakes for example.
extension String {
func hasPrefixOrSuffix(_ s: String) -> Bool {
hasPrefix(s) || hasSuffix(s)
var noSpacesAtEnds: Bool {
!hasPrefixOrSuffix(" ")
let isValid = [name, street, city, country]
If you do mean none of them are "all whitespace strings" then:
extension String {
var isNotAllWhitespace: Bool {
!trimmingCharacters(in: .whitespaces).isEmpty
let isValid = [name, street, city, country]
One benefit of having named functions for these things is you can test the pieces, so you can write a test to ensure that isNotAllWhitespace works the way you expect. You couldn't if the logic like name.hasPrefix(" ") || street.hasPrefix(" ") is mixed in with your isValidAddress function.

grails object references an unsaved transient instance - save the transient instance before flushing

I know that this question has many questions around in Stackoverflow but even though it has many answers about it, thoses answers couldn't help me at all and either figured it out yet.
In my WebAPP it works normal, but when I transform it to an API it fails(topic title error)... I have tried following:
save first Test(flush:true) // error the C must be NOT NULL
save testInstance.addToAs(a).save() //b and c
Why I can't save the whole object?
Domain Water
static hasMany = [personWaters : Person,
equipmentWaters: Equipment,
sampleWaters : WaterSample]
Domain WaterSample
static belongsTo = [water: Water]
Controller refactored some parts
def save() {
def waterParams = request.JSON
def sampleList = [] as Set
def equipmentList = [] as Set
def personList = [] as Set
waterAPIService.personPopulate(waterParams.personWaters, personList)
waterAPIService.equipmentPopulate(waterParams.equipmentWaters, equipmentList)
waterAPIService.samplePopulate(waterParams.sampleWaters, sampleList)
Date validity = Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", waterParams.validity)
Date sample = Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'", waterParams.sampleDate)
waterParams.put('personWaters', personList)
waterParams.put('equipmentWaters', equipmentList)
waterParams.put('sampleWaters', sampleList)
waterParams.put('validity', validity)
waterParams.put('sampleDate', sample)
def waterInstance = new Water(waterParams)
//def test = waterAPIService.sampleValidated(sampleList ? sampleList.size() : 0, sampleList)
def test = 99
if (test == 99) {
if (saveTest(waterInstance)) {
render([message: ['ok']] as JSON)
} else {
def errors = []
errors.add('Erro ao salvar')
errors = waterInstance.errors.allErrors.collect { g.message([error: it]) }
render([message: errors] as JSON)
} else {
render render([message: ["Critério de estabilização não atendido para o parâmetro " + waterAPIService.messageSampleValidated(test)]] as JSON)
def saveTest(Water waterInstance) {
try {
println waterInstance.validate()
if (!waterInstance.hasErrors() && && waterInstance.validate()) {
return true
} else {"error", waterInstance.errors)
return false
} catch (e) {"exception error", e)
def personPopulate(personWaters, personList) {
personWaters.each {
personList << Person.get(
return personList
def equipmentPopulate(equipmentWaters, equipmentList) {
equipmentWaters.each {
equipmentList << Equipment.get(
return equipmentList
def samplePopulate(sampleWaters, sampleList) {
sampleWaters.each {
def sample = new WaterSample()
sample.dateTime = Date.parse("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss", it.dateTime)
sample.levelWater = it.levelWater
sample.conductivity = it.conductivity
sample.dissolvedOxygen = it.dissolvedOxygen
sample.redoxPotential = it.redoxPotential =
sample.temperature = it.temperature
sampleList << sample
return sampleList
waterParam JSON
Ok, this was a headache to find one of the solution:
If you trying to save an object, debug your it and inspect any of nested objects, for example: I'm sending null, the object will give me below:
Which is trying to add a user with id null, whick wont find and wont save. So remove it from your json request.

How to get the value from sum() in a Grails criteria

I can't use the + operator with resultado[0] + obj.nopersonas, nopersonas is an Integer.
fhinicio(blank:false, validator : { val, obj ->
def diff = groovy.time.TimeCategory.minus(obj.fhfinal, val)
def total = diff.hours*60 + diff.minutes
if (total < 15){
return "reserva.fhfinal.tiempo.min.label"
} else {
if (total > 60) {
return "reserva.fhfinal.tiempo.max.label"
} else {
def reserva = Reserva.createCriteria()
def resultado = reserva.list() {
or {
and {
ge('fhinicio', val)
le('fhinicio', obj.fhfinal)
and {
ge('fhfinal', val)
le('fhfinal', obj.fhfinal)
projections {
//this is not working
def aff = resultado[0] + obj.nopersonas
Cannot execute null+null. Stacktrace follows: Message: Cannot execute null+null
You've got a couple of problems to resolve:
The criteria query is returning null
obj.nopersonas is null
The criteria query
To fix the criteria query, start without the projection:
def reserva = Reserva.createCriteria()
def resultado = reserva.list {
or {
and {
ge('fhinicio', val)
le('fhinicio', obj.fhfinal)
and {
ge('fhfinal', val)
le('fhfinal', obj.fhfinal)
Make sure you're getting the appropriate instances of Reserva. Then, add the projection and since you're expecting a single value, use the get() method instead of list().
def reserva = Reserva.createCriteria()
def resultado = reserva.get {
or {
and {
ge('fhinicio', val)
le('fhinicio', obj.fhfinal)
and {
ge('fhfinal', val)
le('fhfinal', obj.fhfinal)
projections {
def aff = resultado + obj.nopersonas
Since obj.nopersonas is null, I'm assuming the property is nullable. If the property is supposed to be nullable, then you'll need to account for that in your validator.
It is working.
Integer variable_name = Integer.valueOf(resultado[0].toString())
You can simply handle the null condition:
def aff = (resultado[0] ?: 0) + (obj.nopersonas ?: 0)

Throw error in Mongoid

Lets say i have this code:
map = %Q{
function() {
emit(, { likes: this.likes });
reduce = %Q{
function(key, values) {
var result = { likes: 0 };
values.forEach(function(value) {
if(value.likes < 0){
#{Rails.logger.error "likes are negativ" }
result.likes += value.likes;
return result;
Band.where( => 100).map_reduce(map, reduce).out(inline: true)
As you can see I want to record an error if the value.likes are negativ:
#{Rails.logger.error "likes are negativ" }
But this Code is executed each time I run the aggregate and not when the likes are negativ.
What can I do to throw an error in the aggregate statement?
Lets just analyze the code. Firstly:
map = %Q{
function() {
emit(, { likes: this.likes });
Here a string is assigned to a variable map. Please not the %Q{} is just another way of writing "". Former is another syntax to easily define strings which have a double quote. e.g.
# pretty
%Q{He said "You are awesome"}
# not so pretty
"He said \"You are awesome\""
Next there is:
reduce = %Q{
function(key, values) {
var result = { likes: 0 };
values.forEach(function(value) {
if(value.likes < 0){
#{Rails.logger.error "likes are negative" }
result.likes += value.likes;
return result;
Here another string is assigned to a variable reduce. #{Rails.logger.error "likes are negative" } is just a regular string interpolation logging an error and returning true. So above code is equivalent to:
Rails.logger.error "likes are negative"
reduce = %Q{
function(key, values) {
var result = { likes: 0 };
values.forEach(function(value) {
if(value.likes < 0){
result.likes += value.likes;
return result;
You see why the logging statement is executed every time.
Next there is:
Band.where( => 100).map_reduce(map, reduce).out(inline: true)
This is just a simple statement using mongoid to execute a map-reduce command on the mongo server, passing map and reduce functions constructed earlier.
Note that in above code, intention is to execute ruby code in a javascript reduce function. However that is not possible, as reduce function is being executed on mongodb server and cannot execute the logging statement.
One way to handle the situation could be to reduce to a hash like {likes: 0, negative_likes: 0}, incrementing negative_likes conditionally and logging error on receiving result.
PS: it might be a better idea to use aggregation framework instead of map-reduce.

Why does authenticate directive lead to "Error: type mismatch"?

I'm getting this error in my spray project.
Error:(41, 28) type mismatch;
found : spray.routing.authentication.ContextAuthenticator[co.s4n.authentication.entities.Usuario]
(which expands to) spray.routing.RequestContext => scala.concurrent.Future[scala.util.Either[spray.routing.Rejection,co.s4n.authentication.entities.Usuario]]
required: spray.routing.directives.AuthMagnet[?]
authenticate(validateToken) {
This is my TokenValidator trait
trait TokenValidator {
def validateToken: ContextAuthenticator[Usuario] = {
ctx =>
val header = ctx.request.headers.find( == "Access_Token")
if (header isDefined) {
else {
Future(Left(AuthenticationFailedRejection(AuthenticationFailedRejection.CredentialsMissing, List())))
def doAuth(header: HttpHeader): Future[Authentication[Usuario]] = {
Dao.validateToken(header.value).map {
case Some(usuario) => Right(usuario)
case None => Left(AuthenticationFailedRejection(AuthenticationFailedRejection.CredentialsRejected, List()))
and this is the line where I¡m getting that error
val `users/{{email}}` =
pathPrefix(`path-prefix`) {
pathPrefix(`users-path-prefix` / Segment) {
emailRef => {
delete {
authenticate(validateToken) { **HERE!!!!**
usuario =>
Does anyone know what am I doing wrong?
Thak you all in advance!
The only thing I was missing was to have ExecutionContext in scope and import worked fine.
It's to let Futures work as they declare an implicit ExecutionContext parameter.
I know it's a long time since the actual question came, but the way to go with this for Spray is to determine the execution context with the tools that Spray provides:
implicit def executionContext = actorRefFactory.dispatcher
