Xcode Error - missing required architecture i386 in file - ios

I'm trying to compile a demo project from Unity in Xcode (it's actually a tutorial on a new Augmented Reality platform that integrates with Unity called String) and getting this error:
ignoring file libiPhone-lib.a, missing required architecture i386 in file
I've researched this a little, and it seems to be some sort of issue with what version of iOS you're deploying too, but I'm not sure. Regardless, I've tried to deploy to different versions, and they all result in this error.
Any ideas how to fix this?

I did some research and it seems Unity for iPhone doesn't deploy on simulator. It only works on device or in the Unity editor. Check out this link. Hope it helps.


I can't build dlib library on xcode

I'm trying to use dlib in ios so I can run an application using face recognition
I'm following this link to build dlib for ios then the error below shows up.
Undefined symbols for architecture arm64:
"_USER_ERROR__missing_dlib_all_source_cpp_file__OR__inconsistent_use_of_DEBUG_or_ENABLE_ASSERTS_preprocessor_directives_", referenced from:
_dlib_check_consistent_assert_usage in DlibWrapper.o
ld: symbol(s) not found for architecture arm64
clang: error: linker command failed with exit code 1 (use -v to see invocation)
My environment
Mac (OSX) Catalina 10.15.4
SwiftUI (working with)
XCode 11.4
iPhone 6S
IOS 13.4.1
I'm afraid your title is a little misleading. You're not trying to build a library - you've downloaded a precompiled library and are trying to use it in a way it wasn't meant to be used. The library in question was not built for Intel architecture, so it won't run on the simulator. You have a number of options on how to proceed:
You can look for binaries with the appropriate architecture
Find the source code to the library (perhaps in a git project) and compile the libraries yourself
or look into Apple's Machine Learning Libraries and Technologies
Check out these and other WWDC videos on machine learning and ARKit as a starter.
I recommend you download Apple's own Developer app from the App Store.
You can use it to find many videos on available resources.
There are a number of very powerful tools available. It helps if you know python, since that's where a lot of the development work is happening.
Maybe it would help if you were to look into how things are done in the iOS environment so you can better understand how it relates to other platforms.
There are many helpful articles out there, this is the first one I found:
The key is to not get discouraged! There's a lot of useful information out there and it's important to look for alternatives when you've gone down a dead end.
Good Luck! 🍀

How to fix Undefined symbol error in Xcode?

I am developing a React-Native application, which has both an Android and iOS version.
When working in Xcode, I have had several errors, which included duplicated files and Mach-O Linker errors.
Right now I'm struggling with the following error.
This is the complete log with the error.
I also append some screenshots of my configuration.
It's a bit hard to deduce the problem with the given info (I appreciate you have tried to give a lot info but even still the error is so vague, it can be caused by multitudes of things)
If I were you, I would do the following
Create a bran new react-native app (lets call it buildMyIosApp for example)
Build and run that
Observe it building for ios (building buildMyIosApp through xcode works)
Change the react and react-native versions on buildMyIosApp to be the same as your project
Re-build buildMyIosApp
Compare the project setup of buildMyIosApp to your project
Hopefully you would be able to find the issue that way.

Compiling error using llvm clang in iOS (on device,jailbreaken)

how can I fix this error?:
I got this error when compiling a simple c++ file but I don't know why
When I compile this file with iOS 6.1 sdk it works but I want it to work in iOS sdk 8.1
My iPad:ipad 3 wifi
My iOS version:8.4
It shouldn't be problem with the architecture. As far as I know Apple hasn't changed Armv7. From what I see, its a linker error, probably caused by libraries not being linked in correctly. Pretty clear when it says: ignoring nonexistent library. This type of error could occur if you import a header and fail to link it against the correct library OR if you just straight up include a header for the wrong architecture -_-.
So thats the diagnosis. I guess the rest of the hacking is up to you since no one here has any clue what you have done to the poor iPad.

Building ios corePlot with Xcode 5.0 using a Dependent project scenario

I am new to IOS and am writing an ios 7.0 app that uses coreplot (latest version 1.3). I had the "Build active architecture" set to YES - so during the development, I did not run into any linking problem (I used static linking method as described at https://code.google.com/p/core-plot/wiki/UsingCorePlotInApplications
Then I built and deployed on my device (iphone 4, ios 7). It worked fine - I dont remember if it asked to change build settings or not. Today morning, when I tried to run the same code on simulator it started giving me linker error. After doing some research, I realized I need to set the build for active architecture to No and rebuild the core plot using "dependent project install" strategy.
I am stuck at the point where I need to set the header files search path. The compilation fails to detect the header file. The coreplot is in a directory CorePlot_1.3.
The main linking error reads as
"ignoring file /Users/rmenon/Documents/Developer/MoneyTrail/MoneyTrail/libCorePlot-CocoaTouch.a, missing required architecture x86_64 in file /Users/rmenon/Documents/Developer/MoneyTrail/MoneyTrail/libCorePlot-CocoaTouch.a (3 slices)"
As part of my attempt to solve this, I tried to load the coreplot project separately, change the architecure to Stndard (armv7 nd armv7s) and tried to build it. I get two deprecation errors below. Any help in getting me compile this library for ios 7 so I can use the same setting in debug and device would be really appreciated! Thank you!
You'll need to update to a newer version of Core Plot. It has been updated to work with Xcode 5 and iOS 7, but we haven't done a release with those changes yet. You can pull the latest code with Mercurial or wait for the next release, which should be soon (within the next week or so).

Flex ANE, iOS and ARC

Good day
I have created a static library with Xcode. Then I compiled my ANE using adobe's ADT tool. Thereafter I've included the ANE in my FlashBuilder project. However, when attempting to package my project, I get the following error:
"Error occurred while packaging the application:
Undefined Symbols: "_obj_storeStrong", referenced from ...
"_obj_release", referenced from ...
My guess is that ARC is probably not supported for ANE's. I'm guessing that this is probably due to the fact that FlashBuilder is recompiling the entire AIR + the native libs into one iOS application, probably using their own compiler or something (which is why Air apps for iOS can be compiled on windows platforms as well), and this compiler is probably not 4.3 ready yet?
I have attempted adding the flag -fobjc-arc to my ios-platformoptions.xml as well (where this file is the parameter to the -platformoptions flag of adt), but still no joy. It results once again in an error when packaging. Perhaps any other flag I can try to use here?
Any corrections, suggestions, alternative ideas or comments will be most welcome. I am very new to Xcode, Objective C and ANE, so please excuse any incorrect statements or assumptions, and please correct me on these.
I would be glad if somebody can please confirm weather I am correct with my assumption that I cannot use ARC at this stage on ANE's.
Very late update, sorry.
You might be able to use ARC after all. There is a library called arc lite that I forgot to mention and it works. I created an ANE for MapKit on iOS targeting the 5.0.x SDK. When I tried to move to a device that only had 4.3.x ( could have been 4.3.3 or 4.3.5 ) the app crashed or would not compile. I found information on the arc lite library that is included in the newer sdks, followed the instructions on how to include this library and pow! A working ANE on a 4.3.x device without rewriting my code!
Hope all of this helps and half of my original comment :)
I don't think ARC is supported just yet. There isn't much to go on in terms of settings or examples of what the settings should be in Xcode. Take a look at any of the Xcode ANE projects you can get your hands on. You will see that most or all of the projects have:
Object-C Automatice Reference counting = NO
Objective-C++ Automatic Reference counting = NO
Take a look at the following:
Vibration ANE - On Adobe Devnet site
Liquid Photo - http://www.liquid-photo.com/2011/10/30/common-native-extension-issues/
Liquid Photo - http://www.liquid-photo.com/2011/10/28/native-extension-for-adobe-air-and-ios-101/
There are a lot of examples in Github but you have to find them via Google. Pull down the Xcode ANE projects and compare the settings.
Hope this helps!!!
