I'm testing Synapse and want to know how can I establish a secure connection. I noticed it supports SSL, but I'm not sure whether it suits my needs. I don't have a certificate from CA. I just want to encrypt all data between my server program and client program. Sure, I can encrypt the data myself before sending out. But if SSL can encrypt the data, maybe I can just use it. From what I know, SSL is for "encryption" and "authentication". What I need is only "encryption". Is it possible with Synapse?
Thanks for helping from daemon_x and the author of Synapse, Lukas Gebauer, I think I finally make it work. Here are what I did:
Server Side:
1) Uses ssl_openssl in your unit and put 'libeay32.dll' and 'ssleay32.dll' to the same directory of the exe file
2) After a connection is accepted, add following lines of code for the newly created socket.
Client side:
1) Uses ssl_openssl in your unit and put 'libeay32.dll' and 'ssleay32.dll' to the same directory of the exe file
2) After connected to the server, add following line.
If no error occurred, the connection is secure now. But when you run your code, as said in document of Synapse, you may notice that the SSLAcceptConnection takes some time to return. So if you want to speed things up, you better create a certificate file and private key file upfront. And add following code before SSLAcceptConnection
fclient.SSL.CertificateFile := 'bs-cert';
fclient.SSL.PrivateKeyFile := 'bs-privatekey';
If you don't have a certificate and private key, please refer to "CreateSelfSignedCert" in ssl_openssl for getting a self-signed certificate and private key. You can save, by WriteStrToStream for example, FCertificate and FPrivatekey to files and use them later.
Yes it is; you can use one of the plugins shipped with Synapse. As it's also mentioned there, the best is to use the ssl_openssl.pas. If you decide to follow this one you will need except Sysapse also the OpenSSL library. Author recommends OpenSSL 0.9.7 but as he said on our local forum it seems to works also with OpenSSL 1.0.0d.
Note if you are using D2009 up you will need a Unicode support which is not fully supported in version. Download the latest version instead.
The following sample code receives first 1024 bytes as a response to the HTTP GET method of a secured website using SSL encryption. I've used for it OpenSSL 0.9.8h with the latest version of Synapse. Note you need to put libssl32.dll and libeay32.dll from the OpenSSL package into your output directory to make it work properly. Let's have a form with a button and memo where we receive a result.
uses blcksock, synautil, synsock, ssl_openssl, ssl_openssl_lib;
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var Socket: TTCPBlockSocket;
Socket := TTCPBlockSocket.Create;
Socket.Connect('www.yousendit.com', '443'); // connect to the host
Socket.SSLDoConnect; // start SSL connection; only server has a certificate
if Socket.LastError = 0 then
Socket.SendString('GET' + CRLF); // request GET method
Memo1.Text := Socket.RecvBufferStr(1024, 1000); // receive 1024 bytes
I have a .dll written in C++/Builder of 2007, that uses GSOAP for it's connections to a webservice, It seems to require the location of a .PEM file and it's password (This file is created form a .pfx file delivered by the service organization to authenticate and encrypt). Besides gsoap, it uses openSSL version 0.9.8
Now I need to update SSL to TLS1.2, and this is not covered with openSSL 0.9.8, and updating to version 1.0.2 (the latest I could use) is impossible, because I get a bunch of errors in the OpenSSL code on compilation.
Translation to Delphi 2007 did not really help - since Indy lacks required facilities as well (SOAP1.2 is not supported, it seems) .
However, moving to Ddelphi2018 is on my TODO list so I moved the code for this process to a standalone program (for now) to Delphi. All seems well except for one thing:
in gsoap file stdsoap2.h, there is:
struct SOAP_STD_API soap
unsigned short ssl_flags;
const char *keyfile;
const char *password;
and the C++ code uses this
struct soap soap;
memset(&soap, 0, sizeof(soap));
soap.keyfile = Parms->pCERTIFICAAT; // is .pem bestand, including path
soap.password = "(Certww)"; // hardcoded in deze code....
However, In Delphi/Indy I don't see any way to add this data; searc in the internet does give examples of username and password, but seartching on keyfile doesn't show any hits...
What does this do in gsoap, and how to the same in Delphi (2018) / Indy10 ?
Indeed - 10.2 Tokyo..
We found the solution in re-importing the WSDL's into Delphi and use code we already had for accessing certificates.
I'm using Synapse LDAPSend.pas library to connect and authenticate in an Active Directory server. The code is pretty simple and direct, but the problem is that the username needs "DomainName\Username" or "Username#DomainName" format to bind command works correctly. Are there anyhow to make it work only with Username specified?
ldap: TLDAPsend;
ldap:= TLDAPsend.Create;
ldap.TargetHost := '';
ldap.UserName:= 'AD\Owner'; //here I need to specify only Owner
ldap.Password:= 'Password!';
if ldap.Login then
if ldap.Bind then
//do stuff
I was thinking maybe something like "*\Owner", or any other command from Active Directory to make it works? Or maybe a Synapse setting to make it.
If the current user is logged on to the domain there is a variety of options to retrieve the domain name. The easiest way is to read the environment variable USERDOMAIN using the function SysUtils.GetEnvironmentVariable. There are also the Windows API functions NetWkstaUserGetInfo available on Windows NT and better as well as GetUserNameEx introduced with Windows 2000 among a lot of others, which are usually harder to use.
If your version of Delphi does not contain declarations for these API functions please use the Jedi Windows API headers.
Recently I made some very small, very light app that uses two UDP client and two UDP Server components. Apart from several functions, it has basically nothing else in it.
I was stuck for a while with "Cannot bind socket. Address and port already in use", but somehow solved that with changing the ports, using rsTrue property on Reuse Socket, but somehow, several users still got that error when they try to run the connection from the app.
The server and client has to use same port and same address, as the UDPClient needs to have BoundPort the same as UDPServer's binding port. That's because the responses are being sent to the same port the request came from. This was causing the primary error, which was solved with rsTrue property.
Now I wonder, is there any chance that system overrides this settings by something, I'm not familiar with? Because on 12 computers I have tested so far, it worked fine (on one I had to kill Bonjour service as it was using the exact port that I needed, but other than that...)
What could be causing errors otherwise?
These are settings which are being called on Connect button click:
Client.Host:= DeviceIP.Text;
Client.Port:= 10023;
Client.BoundIP:= Interface.Text;
Client.BoundPort:= StrToInt(Port.Text);
LocalServer.Binding.IP:= '';
LocalServer.Binding.Port:= 10023;
LocalServer.DefaultPort:= 10023;
LocalClient.BoundIP:= '';
LocalClient.BoundPort:= 10024;
LocalClient.Host:= '';
LocalClient.Port:= 10023;
try Client.Active:=True; finally end;
try Server.Active:=True; finally end;
try LocalClient.Active:=True; finally end;
try LocalServer.Active:=True; finally end;
Where Port is the TEdit field for user to enter port, DeviceIP the device's IP, and Interface the local network interface IP that he will use.
The only hardcoded thing that doesn't really need to be hardcoded is LocalClient.BoundPort:=10024, it's just to make GUI as light as possible. But changing this doesn't help either.
The app is kind of a proxy server between the original App on PC, and the device on network.
The 10023 must be set as is, since the device only listens on that port, and the original app only sends to that port!
Any help would be appreciated.
You do not need to use separate TIdUDPClient and TIdUDPServer on the same port. You can use TIdUDPServer by itself and let it handle both sending and receiving. No need to use a separate TIdUDPClient at all.
Also, you are not using the Binding property correctly. When you read a server's Binding property for the first time, the socket is bound using the settings from the server's Bindings collection. Your assignments to Binding.IP and Binding.Port are then ignored. You need to configure the server's Bindings collection first, then use the server's Binding property only for sending (the server will handle the reading for you).
Try this:
Server.Active := False;
Server.DefaultPort := StrToInt(Port.Text);
Server.Bindings.Add.IP := Interface.Text;
Server.Active := True;
Server.Binding.Send(DeviceIP.Text, 10023, data here);
Replies will arrive in the server's OnUDPRead event.
BTW, since you are writing a proxy, have a look at the TIdMappedPortUDP component.
I'm using Delphi XE4 and i usually use Indy with IdHttp.POST to POST request to websites,
This time, whenever i try to POST the request i get Error: Your browser is not sending the correct data.
I'm very sure that I'm POSTing the right data, and i'm using the IOHandler and CookieManager.
Been dealing with this for days(literally)
Here is the code(the site in the code):
procedure TForm1.Button1Click(Sender: TObject);
var s, lge, Kf1, Kf2, Kf3, Kf4 : String;
lParam : TStringList;
S := http.Get('https://www.neobux.com/m/l/');
lParam := TStringList.Create;
memo1.Lines.Add(http.Post('https://www.neobux.com/m/l/', lParam));
(the getParamLge and GetInput function, are just simple copy and pos functions to extract value from the GET respone).
I thought maybe it needed cookies so i've added this in the beginning:
Cookie.CookieCollection.AddClientCookies('CFID=21531887; CFTOKEN=20369251; dh=20130709111845,1920x1080,{ts ''2013-07-09 06:18:58''}; __utma=90161412.436822896.1373368451.1373368451.1373368451.1; __utmb=90161412.11.10.1373368451; __utmc=90161412; __utmz=90161412.1373368451.1.1.'+'utmcsr=(direct)|utmccn=(direct)|utmcmd=(none); __asc=06ff77ad13fc32381fd1f5d6405; __auc=06ff77ad13fc32381fd1f5d6405; __atuvc=4%7C28; MS=flat');
But all in vain.
I'm very sure that I'm POSTing the right data
Since it does not work - obviously you do not (or Delphi does not - that makes no difference for server).
You should start usual debugging loop:
Observe reference working behaviour.
Observe your program behavior
Spot the difference
Eliminate the difference
Check if the program works now
If not - go to step 2.
Reference implementation would be some WWW browser working with site: Opera, Chrome, Firefox, MS IE, etc.
Observing tool would be some HTTP Sniffer like WireShark or OmniPacket or Microsoft Net Monitor or else, however this tinkers with OS work on rather deep level.
Or it can be local proxy with GUI, like Proxomitron or Membrane Monitor - but that would require special setup for both the program and the browser, to route their traffic through that local proxy.
Then you should read about HTTP, starting with shallow observation at Wikipedia and then opening related RFC documents (specifications of different part of HTTP protocol) so that you would understand what do the observed differences mean and how to fix them. For example many people use POST request when they actually should use GET request or such.
You want to debug HTTP program but for this HTTP logs, workign and borken, are required and your question lacks them. More so, most probably you can fix it your self, just bring your program's HTTP log to accordance with both RFCs theory and working browsers practice.
I'm wanting to create a CloudFlare client in the Firemonkey framework. For those who don't know, CloudFlare serves as a CDN of sorts for anyone with a website. They have an API available, and as with many web API's, they are using JSON with a token-based system. It requires both the account email address and the account token to access the API. It runs on HTTPS, and as you can imagine, attempting to access the API via HTTP/non-SSL simply produces null results.
The application i wish to create would serve as an all-in-one management tool, intending to eliminate the need for me to use a web browser to manage my CloudFlare settings. I'm having the most basic of issues; SSL POST. See, i can submit an API request via a web browser and get a list of results (e.g. https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html?a=stats&z=DOMAIN&u=EMAIL&tkn=TOKEN - Personal details removed for obvious reasons), but i'm unsure how i would go about getting these same results (or any results from the API for that matter) in Firemonkey.
I've got Overbyte ICS with SSL installed, as well as the basic bundled Indy components, but i'm struggling to get started with this. I need to post a list of parameters to https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html via HTTPS/SSL, but i've very little idea on where to start. I've seen a few various example around SO, mostly using ICS, but i've been unable to find any specific to posting with multiple parameters, how i should format it, etc.
One example i tried was using ICS TSSLHttpCli, writing my parameters as a single string (i.e. a=stats&z=DOMAIN&u=EMAIL&tkn=TOKEN), writing that to the SendStream of TSSLHttpCli, seeking to 0,0, setting the URL (i.e. https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html?), and then calling the Post method. However, this gives me Connection aborted on request. This is the code i've tried (though i've replaced personal details with generic values);
Data : AnsiString;
RcvStrm, SndStrm : TMemoryStream;
SndStrm := TMemoryStream.Create;
RcvStrm := TMemoryStream.Create;
Data := '?a=stats&z=MYDOMAIN&u=MYEMAIL&tkn=MYTOKEN';
SslHttpCli.SendStream := SndStrm;
SslHttpCli.RcvdStream := RcvStrm;
SslHttpCli.URL := 'https://www.cloudflare.com/api_json.html';
The ShowMessage procedures are simply there to provide a visual break so i can see what data is in the stream at each time. When Memo1.Lines.LoadFromStream(SndStrm); is called, i get a single question mark the contents of the Data in the memo as expected.
When i call Memo1.Lines.LoadFromStream(RcvStrm);, i expect it to add the return result from the API, and then the 5 dots underneath it. However, this does not happen, and it's apparent that the message i'm receiving is related to the issue. I'm assuming i've not set up the data correctly, but i'm simply unsure exactly how i should format it prior to attempting to post it. I've even commented out everything below Memo1.Lines.LoadFromStream(RcvStrm); to the end to see whether the Clear procedure is called on the memo, but the contents of the memo remain the same as they were when i called LoadFromStream(SndStrm). The final ShowMessage is also not called.
I initially tried using String instead of AnsiString, but this simply output the first character of Data rather than the whole string.
There could be numerous reasons why it's not working (all details for API access are correct, so it's an issue with the code), but i need someone with more experience and knowledge to point me in the right direction.
My network coding knowledge is limited, and i've only dealt with basic SQL and FTP in Delphi so far. I've still got to work with the parsed JSON once i do get past this step, but for now, can anyone assist me in this endeavor so i can get started?
I noticed you seemed to solve this with a GET request, but I noticed two immediate problems with your POST request:
as Runner Suggested, drop the '?' in your data. The '?' is only used when appending parameters to the URL in a GET request.
You never set the content type of the HTTP Request (should be application/x-www-form-urlencoded). You can do this with the following code:
SSLHttpCli.ContentTypePost := 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded';
Just a helpful thought. I checked https://www.cloudflare.com/docs/client-api.html and they mention that POST requests are accepted. It's possible the server rejects requests that have any other content type.
Just some food for thought if you ever need to contact another API via POST requests and want to use the Overbyte Components.
Hope the info is useful!
Try this;
SndStrm := TMemoryStream.Create;
RcvStrm := TMemoryStream.Create;
Data := 'a=stats&z=MYDOMAIN&u=MYEMAIL&tkn=MYTOKEN';
SndStrm.Write(Data[1], Length(Data));
SndStrm.Seek(0, 0);
SslHttpCli.SendStream := SndStrm;