phonegap server communication problem - jquery-mobile

I know that phonegap does not provide any server communication functionality, I would like to ask any open source framework can do that?If I used jquery-mobile,I won't use phonegap function. because AJAX doesn't work when using phonegap.

you can use Jquery JS file along with jquery-mobile and phonegap . this will let you make AJAX calls


Combine JQM, MVC and PhoneGap together

I have a site which uses microsoft mvc 3 on the server side, jQuery Mobile on the client side and I want to combine it with PhoneGap and produce executes for Android and iOS.
Is it possible?
Yes, it is possible.
If you must use Phonegap, there are a couple of things to do:
First, you must create a project corresponding to each platform , following these instructions. Once you do that, you basically copy all the client side code (js, html, css) to the www folder of your project. This is one of the reasons, the app could load faster, since it's reading its resources from the local filesystem, and not receiving them from an http connection each time.
Second, you must find a way to provide your server side data to your app. If you are already using REST services or RPC methods to populate your website, then that's done, but if not, you must start by building them, and then calling them from your client (through ajax calls from jQUery most likely), and then rendering them through javascript (you can use the multiple templating libraries out there or just plain javascript, I recommend the latter only if the UI updates are minimal).
As you can see, the second part requires quite a little bit more work. Especially if you haven't built web services before.
The other option ,which does not require phonega/cordova is to use an embedded webview. Then you wouldn't have to do anything. It would work similarly to a browser (Loading the remote URL of your site), with the added advantage of being inside and android/ios app, and you could add other views or communicate with the embedded webview using native code. If you are planning to load html files from the filesystem and not from your server, you would have to do the same thing you have to do with phonegap.
It happened to me, if you have a web app depending on server code I would go with a WebView based app, and not a Cordova app.
It's really simple to create those webviews apps for Android or IPhone.
Here you have an example for building a webview based app on android
Here you have an example for building a webview based app on IOS
Hope it helps.
If you want to reuse your site you'll need a webview that browses it.
Phonegap wouldn't be needed if you use this approach, but the application will not be as responsive as a native app, and the IPhone moderators may reject your app for that reason (it happened to me).
Another approach would be that you recreate your site as a pure Javascript application and only communicate with your servers to execute some REST Services. In this case Apache Cordova makes sense.

Meteor + jQuery Mobile + Phonegap

How to connect jQuery Mobile (meteor add ...)? I understand that you can connect by adding the head, but I do not want to.
I know about how to use Meteor + Phonegap, however, advise which option is better?
Outdated information:
jQuery-Mobile Meteor sample integration and/or integration guidelines
I created a new jQuery mobile (jqm) demo app at
because the "old" demo app ( wasn't working as expected.
You can create a package in your local lib folder to use jqm in meteor (see source code on bitbucket, link is on the demo page).
There's no meteorite package for this at atmosphere yet (mrt add ...). I haven't created one, because I think there are still many things that can be improved in the demo (e.g. popups are not working in the demo).
Also event binding needs to be re-checked because I added the event to the rendered function of the templates with jQuery.on(...).
Attaching the jquery mobile events to the template.[yourtemplate].events({}) handler would be better, but I don't know how to do this.
I can not say anything to phonegap at the moment. Because I haven't tested it.
But at the moment I think that jqm and meteor is a bit slow in performance. If you have a look at the fontawesome-demo inside of the jqm demo you'll notice that it takes quite long to render the >300 icons. Maybe a server side rendering would be better, but I think that's not ready in meteor.

Convert jquery mobile mvc4 web application to phonegap

I've created one Jquery mobile mvc4 web application using webapi support, which is well looking site in almost all mobile device as well. but now i want to convert this MVC application to phonegap to use mobile feature supports like camera,accelerometer,sound etc..
What is the best way to start converting it to phonegap, will i need to create SOAP based web-Service for webapi code. I've searched on web regarding that but not getting enough help,support.
am i going right way ? or need something else ?
any help is appreciable.
Okay so in order to convert it first you are going to have to know Objective-C because that is the only language that is allowed on the iPhone but assuming you know that here are the steps you can take in making a conversion like that.
*Make sure that any outside information the application retrieves is either a) In a REST api you can use the new WebApi in fact I am using it right now and it works like a charm. Or b) Any script src= tags are converted to local files on disk. So if you had script src="My awesome css" make that file a local file on the phone.
*Next take any views and decide where all of their API calling code is. Make not of that and then get ready to be moving that code.
*Once that is all recorded startup a phonegap project and get rid of any extra .index files or anything you don't need.
*Create your applications PhoneGap plugin. Have the OBjective-C plugin make any API calls that you will be needing and then make the javascript plugin match the objective-C function.
*Where you had any calls in your previous views, make those now call the cordova (PhoneGap) plugin.
This is a very brief roadmap to get started.
Once the tediousness is over it is worth it though. I moved my IOS application to Android and they transfer pretty easy.

What JavaScript framework do you use with (backbone, knockout, ember, angular)

What JavaScript framework do you use successfully with I mean client side JS app frameworks like backbone, knockout, ember, angular?
We use angular.js here but have some significant problems when using router for our app ... see details here!topic/angular/XGDRAskA8qs . and using angular.js router doesnt work together.(at least we could not get it to work)
Do you use some other JS framework you can recommend as working fine with using application router capability? (I could see similar router feature in ember or backbone for example)
Although we don't endorse one particular library, and our goal is to be compatible with them all, I normally reach for Backbone first when starting a Trigger app. It's simple, lightweight but powerful and has a bunch of nice extensions.
Apart from the issues with Angular which we aim to have fixed as part of our next major release (probably end of July '12), we've not had reports of any snags with other libraries apart from Amber Smalltalk, which should be fixed in the same release.
We have demo apps using Backbone and Sencha here and here, and our initial demo app is written using jQuery Mobile.
I'm using jQuery, Backbonejs, Handlebars, Coffeescript, LESS as my framework - they are pretty much all from my Web development effort. Didn't have to change too much.
In fact, so far, I'm finding I have to simplify a LOT of things to get it down to a level where it fits the mobile environment.
Angular JS is one of the best contenders out there as far as JavaScript Frameworks. I ran all the way through the Angular tutorial, created a new Trigger app, and dropped in the tutorial app in place of the default scaffolding.
Interestingly enough, I adapted the Angular tutorial with my own data from a server. Even works using XHR requests, and Cross Origin Resource Sharing.
In my opinion, build your app using Angular.JS + Zepto/Jquery.
Use either of those frameworks to add CSS Transitions to your app for your UI.
The reason I recommend making your own UI rather than using something like JQuery Mobile, or Sencha Touch 2 is for the past 3 days I have been doing extensive research and testing on numerouse JS Mobile UI Frameworks, and JQmobi is the only one that came close to being fast but it didnt look vary nice.
Making your own will reduce size of the app, give you full control, and keep the app running smooth..your using will never know its not native ;P

Does PhoneGap require JQM or is that a coincidence?

The PhoneGap examples that I'm seeing use jQuery Mobile, but I'm wondering if PhoneGap requires it, or if people are using JQM because they're (obviously) writing a mobile app?
In fact, does PhoneGap require jQuery at all?
Let me Google that for you:
That is for iOS but no PhoneGap does not require jQuery.
People are most likely using jQuery mobile since they are trying to target multiple devices and JQM supports that fairly well out of the box.
Phonegap does not require jQuery at all.
It's basically just an empty browser window without all the fluff. You can use whatever HTML, CSS, and Javascript tricks you want as long as they're compatible with an HTML5 capable browser.
I like for handling the javascript. Much more lightweight (although you lose a lot of the animations and stuff that JQuery has)
